Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "P" - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter

In the effective treatment of the patient with some types of diseases, in addition to standard treatment methods, non -traditional medicine technologies are often used. One of these methods is psychosomatic healing with mental forms.

I developed a methodology for psychosomatics of diseases - Louise Hay: a psychologist and author of books on the study of a psychosomatic analysis of diseases. In the table provided, separate diseases are indicated for the letter "P".

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "P" - table, treatment with affirmations

Descriptions of psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases - They will help to navigate when choosing healing phrases. And also, the options for verbal therapeutic installations are given. To find out about other diseases, on the letters BUTBATGD.ANDHAndToLMN, OP Follow the active link.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases:

Diseases and disorders in the internal organs and parts of the body. Psychosomatic examination of the disease. Effect on the body. Phrases for healing. Installations for a positive adjustment of thinking.

A protracted resentment or a suffered emotional shock. The concealment of secrets, hated feelings that make a person suffer greatly from internal experiences.


I forgive myself and others - long -standing grievances, no longer possess my thoughts. My life is filled with joyful events. I allow miracles, enter my life.



A person with a lack of love. Chronic lack of attention. The reaction to resentment and waste energy.


I express my gratitude to the world, for the joy shown towards me. Any business is easily solved by me. I have huge potential - I am capable of a lot. People like to communicate with me.


Radiculitis Fear of losing material benefit. Anxieties about the future. Deception, flattery. From this moment, in my life only approving actions take place. All that I choose is filled with the energy of love and good.
Hands: brushes Symbol of capture, retention and management. Is responsible for compression or release, tenderness and blows. Actions committed in the past. I wish to treat my past with love and fun.
Wounds: injuries and cuts Accusation and anger against oneself. Unwillingness to forgive yourself. I let go of my anger and resentment. From now on in my heart, love and understanding lives.
Hand Displays the ability to save the gained experience. I keep my effort and implement the knowledge gained. I boldly perceive all worldly changes.
Wounds: minor damage in the mouth or on the lips Forcibly suppressed craving for obscene expressions. The charges, gossip. The universe forms a loving atmosphere around me. I develop extremely positive emotions.
Mouth: oral cavity diseases Tenderness. Classiness of thoughts. Inability to rebuild your thinking in a new way. I am withstanding I strive to accept the flow of fresh thoughts and teachings. I am ready to fill my thoughts with new ideas.
Wounds: on the body The unspent feeling of rage fades away. I am enthusiastic, express my intentions and express emotions. I am filled with positive sensations.
Mouth Expresses the ability to perceive fresh ideas. I easily assimilate the feeling of love and grace.
Multiple sclerosis Fear. Cruelty and rudeness. Ruthlessness, lack of compromise. Strictness and adamance, independence. Choosing positive events, I make my life - brighter and more beautiful. I concentrate only on positive thoughts. I feel bliss, from my own independence and harmlessness.
Childbirth: violations during childbirth Atonement of fateful debt. These difficulties in birth are the preference of the human soul. The child voluntarily, opted for this family. Transferred severity give the education of my personality. I am happy with my birth, in the place that God's Forces present me.
Ligaments of ligaments Report and rage. Refusal to follow on any established living road. In my soul, peace and consent rules. The universe shows me only favorable ways. I trust my life, God's providence.
Childbirth: childbirth Personifies the source of the line of human life. This child is granted the beginning of a cloudless and successful fate. Everything develops safely.
Rickets The desire to get love and guardianship. Lack of realization of the manifestation of feelings. I can calmly show and accept any expression of emotions. The world protects me and rewards with love.
Rigidity: occipital muscles Inaccuracy. Solid persistence. I easily accept a different point of view. I like to examine the opinions of the rest of the people. I approve of the freedom of others.
Vomit Renovation from new events. Fear of changes. Refusal of reality. I attract new positive events. My every day is filled with happiness and care.
Respiratory diseases: flu, cold Unwillingness and fear of passing vital streams through yourself. My life is safe. I enjoy my personal life. I'm a happy person.
Rheumatic arthritis Negative reaction to the showed pressure from the side. A feeling of excessive fatigue and concern. A sense of injustice in the distribution of responsibilities. I am the owner of a great potential of energy. My life is the center of creating favorable events. I love myself and approve of my own decisions.
The growth of adenoid An unpleasant atmosphere in the family. Children's conviction of their own uselessness. This child is a long -awaited and necessary person. Parents love and protect their child.
Exotropia Fear and fear of looking at reality. At the moment, I live with a sense of joy and harmony. I am pleased to look at what is happening around me here and now.
Retinite Shows the vision of the essence of what is happening in the past, present and future. Refuse to see some events. I only create what I want to look at with admiration. I like the events seen at all times of my existence.
Important affirmations
Important affirmations

It is necessary to repeat the healing word forms daily. Perform exercises, is required in a calm atmosphere - completely mentally immersed in the process. The effect of healing depends on the internal desire and the attitude of the patient to achieve the goal.

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