Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter B - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter B - table, treatment with affirmations

Before you start pronouncing therapeutic phrases, it is necessary to clear your thoughts from external influences and eliminate all distracting factors. Only a full concentration on healing will help to overcome the disease according to the psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases.

If the ailment is overcome, then in the fight against it all means are good. Auxiliary, and sometimes the main aspect in treatment, are affirmations and positive thinking from Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases - a list of diseases on the letter B: from infertility to kidney disease

Using this table - you can work out your psychosomatic state, until complete getting rid of the disease. The table contains information about diseases on the letter "B" and options for phrases that correct the human subconscious. If your ailment has a different name that begins on the letter A, we recommend reading the cognitive article here. Speaking, every day the necessary installations, you can significantly change the course of the disease, and also prevent complications.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases - a list of diseases on the letter B:

Disease and pathology of parts of the body and internal organs Psychosomatic causes of diseases in Louise Hay. Influence on the organs Healing phrases. Positive thinking settings
Infertility Fear of responsibility and life processes. Unwillingness to show parental instinct.

I appreciate myself and my life experience. I am not afraid to trust life. My actions are always true and timely solutions.




Feeling of fear, incredulous condition, remorse.


I am not afraid to part with the day and fall asleep. I know that the new day will bring me new positive emotions.




Suppressed feeling of hatred. The conviction of its unattractiveness.


I am the perfect creation of the universe in its best manifestation.
Restless state

Excessive suspicion, anxiety.


Life is a wonderful safe process. The universe treats me with good intentions. I trust myself and life events. Everything happens for the benefit to me.


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A hidden resentment against a life partner. Uncertainty in attractiveness for the opposite sex. Inability to influence a man.


I am the mistress of my own life and everything that is happening in it. I create situations and are a ruling side over myself. I approve of my actions. I like to be feminine.


Hips: the pathology of the upper part The main functional part of the body when moving forward. My position is stable in the legs. I am a free and joyful personality.
Burit: Thumb on the leg A dull state, little joy in life. I move in life joyfully and easily - towards wonderful events.
Hips Lack of life stimulus. Fear of novelty. Unwillingness to move towards progress. My years are not an obstacle and an obstacle to achieve success. I - purposefully go ahead.
Burit: Synovial bag Expresses anger with elements of beatings. My anger, the feeling of love for all living things wins.
White acne The desire to be, an inconspicuous person: constraint of his appearance. I like my appearance. I love myself.
Bulimia: overeating Feeling of fear and hopelessness. Intention, get rid of anger to yourself: with the help of excessive eating food. I'm not afraid to live. The world takes care of me and my well -being.
Rabies Embalked state. Desire to harm someone. Confidence that everything is decided by manifestation of aggression. In me, reigns - harmony. All that surrounds me - brings me peace and grace.
Bronchitis Finding in a society where constant quarrels and conflicts. The inability to withstand the attacks of the aggressor. Everything is going well for me. I am a calm and peaceful person.
Lateral amytrophic sclerosis Exception, own significance. Inability, rejoice at your victories. I appreciate and respect myself and my achievements. I am not scared - take responsibility for the championship. The universe, generously rewards me.
Brighton's disease A sense of own uselessness. Excessed self -criticism. I am a successful person. I carefully treat myself and trust me with decisions.
Addison's disease Aggression to oneself. Critical lack, emotional surge. I protect my emotional state. I like to take care of my body and thoughts.
Footwear on the sole of the legs Hopes for the future did not justify themselves. Sorrotion from unrealization. I trust myself, fate and accept gifts from her. I confidently step into the future.
Alzheimer's disease Inability, adapt to the realities of life. Resentment and anger. I renounce the past. I joyfully accept new events in my life.
Painful condition from intestinal gases: flatulence Stock, feeling of fear. Disappointment from loss. Forgotten plans. I am open - for the fulfillment of desires. I allow, the life stream is to go through me.
Gentington disease Resentment, initiated by the impossibility, influence events. I give the world the right to manage my life. The world protects and pleases me.
Pain The desire to feel love and intimacy. Punishment for not a forgiven sense of guilt. I treat myself with love and believe that I inspire love to others. My actions are true and exact steps.
Kushing's disease The depressed state of the psyche. The feeling of a loser player. Negative thoughts. My body and thoughts are under control. I only do what goes for the benefit of me and people.
Hodgkin's disease The desire, at all costs - prove its value and significance. The consumption of vital energy, for the sake of championship. Excessive influence of someone else's opinion, on self -esteem. I am satisfied with myself. I am free and with joy, I accept myself as I am.
The pain of the soul Punishment for not a forgiven sense of guilt. My soul is calm and joyful. I release thoughts about the past, forgive myself and others.
Parkinson's disease The need to control events. I trust the world, my life processes. I have nothing to be afraid of - I am in complete safety.
Glane diseases Return to the past. Inability, choose the right goals. I move forward. My ideas and intentions - benefit me. I choose the right goals.
Knee diseases Pride and stubbornness. Inability to forgive and adapt. Lack of flexibility in communication. I am an understanding and flexible person. I'm great. I easily find a common language with others.
Dental canal disease Inability to defend your interests and achieve their goals. Lack of willpower. Fear, make important decisions. I trust my own intuition and my decisions. My confidence is good for me.
Blood diseases: leukemia Deprivation of yourself, positive events in life. Minimum communication. They overwhelm me - vivid impressions and new ideas. I am open for pleasant dating.
Diseases of the bladder A feeling of humiliation and depression. Unwillingness, distract from negative thoughts. Anxious condition. I am not afraid - to live and rejoice, every moment. I accept, in my life - everything is new and interesting, for myself.
Liver disease Dissatisfaction with oneself and its actions. Bad, aching behavior. My heart radiates kindness and joy. I love myself and the world surrounding me.
Lymphatic system disease The signal that in life is missed control over more important factors. I control my life process - I let into it only positive and useful events.
Kidney disease Capriciousness, nervousness. Excessed self -criticism. Excessive bashfulness. I am not scared - to be myself. I am happy with my decisions. The Universe directs me in the way that I need.

Healing phrases according to psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases - It is necessary to pronounce daily, at any time of the day. But did they know what the ailments are happening from the letter AT, G, D.? If not, follow the active link for reading.


To consolidate the result of treatment, it is necessary to repeat periodically, selected affirmations. These verbal settings are well combined with meditation sessions. Applying such a healing technique, you should carefully consider the self -hypnosis technique: the performance of tasks does not tolerate fuss.

Video: Amazing facts about psychosomatics from Louise Hei

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