A cold in a child: the first signs, symptoms, treatment, prevention. How to quickly cure a child in a child?

A cold in a child: the first signs, symptoms, treatment, prevention. How to quickly cure a child in a child?

Tips for combating a beginnings in a child will help to avoid the disease.

A sick child is a disorder and excitement for parents. It is much easier not to give a cold to defeat the body of the baby when measures are taken in a timely manner. Therefore, you need to know to parents how to help the baby at the first symptoms of a cold.

The child begins to get sick of a cold: what to do?

As soon as you discovered the first signs of a cold in the baby - start with the simplest but necessary measures:

  • Do wet cleaning several times a day
  • Ventify the rooms
  • Moisturize the air
  • The temperature in the room should not be higher than 22 s
  • Put the plates with chopped garlic around the apartment
  • Carefully follow the child’s hygiene: wash your hands more often and do not allow their licking
Cold in the child and wet cleaning
Cold in the child and wet cleaning

After such simple measures, proceed directly to first aid - read in detail about this below.

First aid for a cold in a child

The elementary rules that parents should follow with a child of a child:

  • Frequent warm drink. When the body begins to overcome microbes, it simply needs this extent to quickly eliminate toxins. Warm fruit drinks from berries are best suited. If the child does not drink fruit drinks, then let's at least warm boiled water or tea.
  • Replenish the supply of vitamin C in the body. Do this with the help of the following products: rosehip, sea buckthorn, black currants, parsley, Brussels cabbage, garbage, kiwi, cauliflower, oranges, strawberries, strawberries, white cabbage, grapefruit, sorrel, lemon, mandarins. Products are listed from the highest vitamin to lower. You can give products fresh or in the form of juices, fruit drinks and campotes.
Help for a child with a cold
Help for a child with a cold
  • Keep your feet warm

Important: Do not overheat the child, otherwise this will provoke a rise in temperature

Drugs at the first signs of colds in a child

Drugs for washing the nose based sea \u200b\u200bwaterwho will not harm your baby and will not cause addiction:

  • Aquamaris
  • Morenazal
  • Morimer
  • Fluimarin

Sometimes you can use Mirmistin - read in detail.

A runny nose with a cold in a child
A runny nose with a cold in a child

Effective and budget drug, which can be used to wash the nose - saline Sodium chloride. It does not cause addiction, it will not harm the mucous membrane of the nose and can cope well with its task. You need to drip 1-2 drops in each nasal passage every 2 hours.

Other groups of drugs:

A child’s headache with colds: how to treat?

Headache With a cold - an explained phenomenon:

  • In view of increased body temperature
  • In view of the presence of a runny nose
  • In view of intoxication of the body
Headache in a child with colds
Headache in a child with colds

Important: first of all, take all measures to treat a cold - this will facilitate a headache

If the measures taken not helpgive to kid medicine. How to choose a suitable medicine - read in the article What to give a child from a headache? Preparations and drugs for headaches for children

Blood from the nose with a cold in a child: Help

  • With a cold, the virus overcomes the mucous membranes of the body: including the mucous membrane of the nose
Bleeding from the nose in a child
Bleeding from the nose in a child
  • After such a viral attack, the mucous membrane becomes more loose, which is why the vessels begin to bleed
  • More often there is a situation when the vessels are already distinguished by subtlety

Important: if the bleeding is frequent and strong - consult a doctor

To to avoid bleeding with colds, follow the tips:

  • Do not make the child tighten his nose strongly
  • Do not allow the child to get the snot in the nose with your fingers
How to stop blood from the nose with a cold
How to stop blood from the nose with a cold
  • I ventilate and moisturize the room to avoid the appearance of dry crusts in the nose
  • Do not overdo it with vasoconstrictor drugs

If a Blood still appeared, then take measures To her stop. Read detailed recommendations in the article Nasal bleeding in a child. How to stop blood from a child?

The child has an ear with a cold and after a cold: what to do?

If with a cold your child complains of pain in your ears, show the child to the doctor.

Important: pain in the ear with colds is a serious symptom that does not allow self -medication.

With a cold, an ear hurts
With a cold, an ear hurts

Read more about the causes of pain in your ears and possible consequences in the article Why does a child hurt? How can you treat pain in children?

The child has a cold on the lip, on the face, on the nose: what to treat?

A cold on the lips, face, nose is called, like in adults, herpes virus.

If you detect first symptoms herpes follows:

  • Carefully monitor the hygiene of the child: wash your hands more often than usual
  • Do not let your child touch herpes hands
  • Provide a child with plentiful drink
  • Apply antiviral drugs from this virus - acyclovir. The dosage and method of use carefully study in the instructions for the drug. Can be in the form of injections or tablets
  • Outwardly use ointment acyclovir
  • Apply immunostimulating drugs to help the body start a struggle faster: immunal, Grodino, Arpepol
  • Drugs from the interferons group: in tablets or candles
Herpes in a child
herpes in a child

Important: take measures immediately. Herpes can multiply very quickly in the child's body

With a cold, the baby's legs hurt

In children, unlike adults, pain in the legs with colds occurs more often.

This is due to the fact that the growth of bones is not yet completed, respectively, the body needs many trace elements for proper development. And with a cold, the body spends its trace elements on the fight against a microbe, virus, infection.

Important: your task is to replenish the forces spent by the body. Vitamins and healthy nutrition need the body both during and after the disease

In addition to nutrition, make sure that the child rests with a cold. You can not tolerate the cold "on the legs." This gives complications even in adults.

Rest with a cold in a child
Rest with a cold in a child

Complication to the legs after a cold in a child

Reasons to consult a doctor (orthopedist, neurologist, rheumatologist):

  • The child after a cold is lame
  • After a cold, the child complains of pain in the legs
  • A child after a cold cannot stand on his feet
  • The child has a seizure in the legs

Important: such symptoms require a proper examination of the child by a specialist.

Cold complication with a cold
Cold complication with a cold

Often after an infectious disease, a diagnosis is made reactive coke.

Important: such a diagnosis should not cause you panic, but you must follow the doctor’s recommendations.

With proper treatment, the complication goes after 7 days.

The stomach and diarrhea hurts with a cold in a child: how to treat?

Abdominal pain and diarrhea with a cold in a child is a reaction of the child's body to the disease.

Important: often abdominal pain and diarrhea are associated with taking prescribed drugs.

  • Antibiotics and antiviral drugs disrupt the intestinal microflora, which leads to malfunctions in its work.
The stomach hurts with a cold in a child
The stomach hurts with a cold in a child

In this case, parents are worth:

  • Contact the doctor with the question of the advisability of replacing the medicine with another drug. However, such a replacement is not always possible
  • Do not load the child with difficult to digest products or products with a laxative effect. Food should consist mainly of proteins. Limit carbohydrates in the child's diet
  • After taking drugs provoking diarrhea, take a course of treatment with useful bacteria that restore the microflora. These may include: enterodermin, Linex, Normobakt.

IMPORTANT: Assigning drugs restoring the microflora trust your doctor

Diarrhea for a cold in a child
Diarrhea for a cold in a child

Important: your main task is to prevent dehydration already weakened by the body of the body. Read useful recommendations in the article What to do if a child has dehydration during vomiting, temperature and diarrhea?

Vomiting with a cold in a child: what to do?

Vomiting with colds it may speak about:

  • Body reactions to the disease
  • The presence of a viral infection
  • The presence of a more serious disease

When it is necessary to call doctor:

Vomiting with a cold in a child
Vomiting with a cold in a child

Help for a child:

  • Constant drink in small sips: boiled water, compote from one component such as apple, green tea, infusions of mint and chamomile. Do not allow drinking at once a large volume of liquid. This will only provoke a gag reflex.
  • A few hours after vomiting, you can give a cracker. If everything is fine within an hour - try to give light protein food. Do not load the body with carbohydrates and complex products.
  • A good assistant to the body will be a rice decoction
  • After passing vomiting for several days, keep a diet, excluding fresh vegetables and fruits. Food should be steamed or boiled.
  • After passing vomiting, you can help the body, giving the child a smecta according to the instructions.
Smecta with a cold
Smecta with a cold

Red eyes and fester in a child with a cold: how to treat?

Red and purulent eyes in the child talk about the presence conjucivitis. But there may be several reasons, including the presence of a viral infection in the body.

Conjucivitis can be complication colds.

Read more Read about such a disease and methods of combating it in the article Conjunctivitis in children: causes, symptoms, treatment. How to cure conjunctivitis in children at home?

Eyes are festering with a cold
Eyes are festering with a cold

How to distinguish influenza, virus from a cold in a child

The most important difference between a cold and viruses, including influenza, is a smooth appearance of additional symptoms.

  • The cold begins with a runny nose, cough, sore throat and only then does a temperature appear, which rarely rises above 38 s
  • The viruses begin sharply and immediately from high temperatures: at one moment the child will begin to shine, a cough and high temperature will appear. With viruses, the temperature can reach 40 s

Read the detailed information about the flu and its differences from the common cold in the article Influenza and SARS. How to distinguish the flu from SARS? Prevention and treatment of folk remedies at home

How to distinguish a virus from colds
How to distinguish a virus from colds

The child has a temperature with colds: what to do, how much does it hold?

The temperature with colds is a natural reaction of the body to the disease. The temperature means that the body is fighting with a disease.

If the temperature does not rise above 38 C and the child is quite active - it is not necessary to knock it down. Let the body fight.

If the temperature rises above 38.5 s - give an antipyretic.

A drug Ibufen According to the instructions, you can give 3 times a day without waiting for the temperature.

The temperature with colds
The temperature with colds

How to help a child:

  • Improte and moisturize the room
  • Let's drink warm water, fruit drink more often
  • Try to occupy a child with calm games in order to prevent complications
  • Do not pour the child
  • Remove the diapers for the time of the disease

Important: Dr. Komarovsky recommends taking tests and see a doctor if the temperature lasts more than 4 days.

A lot of information on how to respond to a child's temperature read in articles The temperature of the child: what to do? How to knock down high and is it necessary to knock down a small temperature? and Temperature funds for children. Instructions for use

Video on the topic: cold! Treat at home or go to the doctor? - Dr. Komarovsky - Inter

Is it possible to bathe a child with a cold?

Bathe a child can, if:

  • The child does not have elevated temperature
  • The child feels good, active and does not complain of malaise
Bathing with colds
Bathing with colds

Rules bathing with colds:

  • The water temperature should be 2-3 s higher than during the usual bathing
  • After bathing the child, wrap in a towel and take it to bed
  • Do not let the child after bathing run around the cool and ventilated room

How to cure a child from a cold without antibiotics?

To cure a child without antibiotics, follow multiple tips from this article.

Important: if a bacterial infection is raging in the body, then antibiotics are necessary. The decision is made by the doctor only after the blood test is passed

How to treat a monthly and infants from a cold?

Important: you do not need to self -medicate babies of monthly age. In the event of an ailment - see a doctor immediately

You can only help your child recover according to the doctor's recommendations:

Important: the best medicine for the baby is the milk of the mother. Apply the baby more often to the chest.

A cold at the baby
A cold at the baby

How to quickly cure a child from a cold?

To quickly cure the child from a cold - follow the tips from this article.

Important: it is easier to drive a cold from the body at the very beginning of the disease. Therefore, do not wait until the first symptoms of a cold go on their own

Frequent colds in a child: reasons what to do

A child in a child is the reason for the still failed immunity.

Immunity in the human body is produced only on the virus with which a person is ill. Therefore, having met with a new virus, the child gets sick again.

But this is why some children, being in the same conditions, are sick more often than the rest - read in great detail in the article Often a sick child: causes, methods of treatment, prevention, hardening. How to increase the immunity of often sick children?

Frequent colds in a child
Frequent colds in a child

Creation prevention in a child up to a year and older

No prevention measures will give 100 % guarantees that the child will not catch a cold. However, the probability of not getting sick still increases.

In detail the preventive measures are considered in the article How not to get the flu? Prevention of influenza and SARS in children

Conspiracy for a quick cure for a cold in a child

Conspiracy from high temperature.

  • Put the child in bed
  • Read conspiracy on holy water: “I dilute the enemies, expel the disease, drive away all the troubles, relieve pain, the gentlemen of the Almighty I put protection”
  • Sleeping a child three times christen with holy water

Conspiracy on honey.

  • Dilute May honey with water
  • Speak the mixture: “On the ocean, on the sea, on the island, a cane from the ground to the sky grew onto the shore. Who will tear out that cane? And that cane Mikhail Archangel, Peter and Pavel will tear out that cane. And I do not help, I am not awarded, the Lord God Himself anchors, Jesus Christ himself. Amen"
  • The conspired water must be drunk the patient
  • After drunk the mixture you need to go to sleep
Honey with colds
Honey with colds

A plot on a spoonful of honey.

  • Only a mother mother, godmother or grandmother can do a conspiracy
  • The child must agree to the ceremony
  • Take a spoon with honey and read the conspiracy: “The baby is small, a relative baby, Mother of God, help me cure, so that the cough does not strangle him, give him to sleep and live calmly. I conjure, persuade, ask, give the baby (name) health, strength, let everything bad sideways, and good, healthy will always be with him. Amen!"
  • Dilute the conspiracy honey in a glass of holy water
  • Let your child drink before bedtime for three days

Treatment of colds in a child with folk remedies

Important: any component of recipes below can cause allergies in a child. Do not experiment with the treatment of allergic children

With a cold, it is necessary to to drink Child:

  • Brew tea with chamomile, mint, lemon balm, nettles, rosehips, linden
  • Make fruit drinks from frozen or fresh berries: raspberries, black currants, viburnum. The benefits of sweet jam from these berries are much less
  • For children from 1 year old you can prepare berry jelly
Berries with colds
Berries with colds

Recipe No. 1.

  • Pour a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. linden flowers and let it brew
  • Strain the decoction
  • Let the child drink a little with honey

Recipe No. 2.

  • In 1 liter of water, pour 5 tsp. rosehip berries in chopped form
  • Cook in a water bath for 5 minutes
  • Wrap the decoction in a dense towel
  • Let me brew 10 hours
  • Every 3 hours give several sips to the child
  • The recipe is also suitable for the prevention of colds due to the high content of vitamin C
Morse for colds
Morse for colds

Rubii from a runny nose.

Rinse your nose:

  • Roamia infusion
  • Saline

Dry coughing products.

  • Steam inhalations with mint, lemon balm, chamomile. The child should not breathe over hot pairs of herbs. Buy a steam inhaler at the pharmacy and use it.
  • Steam inhalations can be done by just buying a child in a bath with appropriate herbs
  • Give your child warm milk with honey and aloe
  • Syrup of licorice root and breast fees purchased in a pharmacy also save from coughing
Cough syrup with colds
Cough syrup with colds

Honey for the treatment of colds.

There are a huge number of recipes with honey, as it really has healing properties.

Choose a suitable recipe for yourself in an article by honey from coughing and with colds. Treatment of coughing honey. Recipes

Treatment of colds in a child Komarovsky

A cold in a child Komarovsky
A cold in a child Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky, as always, has his own approach to the treatment of colds in a child:

  • No need to feed the child with drugs at the first snot
  • The child should be warmly dressed
  • But at the same time should be in a room with cool and wet air (temperature in a room 18-20 s, humidity-60-70 %)
  • The child should drink a lot of liquids
  • You cannot force the child to eat
  • If necessary, irrigate the nose with saline solutions

The correct behavior of parents can save the child from a beginning cold or help the body defeat the already raging cold

Video on the topic: How to treat a child in a child correctly?

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Comments K. article

  1. I do not trust only one herbs in the treatment of a child. For quick recovery, I try to create all the right conditions. I give a lot to drink, I often ventilate, do wet cleaning and let the antiviral pills dissolve. I was recently advised in the pharmacy influcide. The product is imported and very effective. Thanks to him, the last time on sick leave was less than a week.

  2. For everyone, and for children there is especially nothing more reliable than traditional medicine. That I did not give any use to the child, I did not know how this chemistry acted on the forming immunity. I decided not to play with such a dubious treatment anymore, only proven treatment methods that deserve confidence.

  3. We ourselves have recently ill. The spray of Morenazal with chamomile helped to recover faster. Even the inflammation around the nose removed.

  4. Before giving a child some drugs I experience their adult form, I check for efficiency and safety. Unfortunately, some drugs have to be abandoned. In the cold, Ingavirin did not help me with a cold, she did not give the child, even though the pediatrician recommended him. I do not want to poison the children's body with useless chemistry. If possible, I try to use safe folk methods of treatment.

  5. the son likes the cranberries with lemon. Tasty and vitamin C is. Plus, I buy vitamins to him, now we have a baby formula of the bear immunity. Even Propolis with milk somehow induced, but does not drink in any way! And cranberries with lemon - with pleasure. Loves sour)

  6. The child’s symptoms are probably visible at once, my son immediately has snot and sneezing, was sick quite often, until I took up the strengthening of his body, I began to play sports with me and we give him immunity vitamins, the frequency of the common cold became much less, and the frequency of the cold became much less, and a small body Straightly strong)

  7. When the baby recently hurt, we got rid of the nasal congestion with aquamaster (pierced in the nose)+throat was stripped with water and salt and soda, and, of course, vitamins were additionally given. Ugh ugh, all this quickly helped her stand on her feet)

  8. As soon as my child has a runny nose, this is the first signal that we already picked up the virus somewhere. I force my son to rinse your nose, drink a lot of warm fluids and dissolve antiviral influcide. The tool was prescribed by the pediatrician last year, when we were sick with SARS and it helped us a lot. Then the symptoms have gone, we were ill without complications and easily, compared to other children from the kindergarten. Now we are being treated only by him.

  9. Когда начинается простуда у ребенка, то это целый кошмар, насморк, горло, недомагание, сонливость, и этот список ещё можно продолжать, а главное что пропускает садик, но для того, что бы избежать всяких болячек, даю ребенку своему три раза в год жевательные Baby vitamins Formula Mishka Immunity, and they really cope well with their task, and they are not expensive, took them to pharmacy.ru at a time when they were not a bad discount on them

  10. After a month, the child at the grandmother, having bought plenty in the river, came to me with snot and cough. Usually, in order for SARS to go faster, at the first symptoms I begin to drip Derinate to the child. We use it as a full antiviral agent. Well, this time I had to fight the viruses for a serious one, but Derinat did not fail, on the third day of treatment, positive results are already visible. True, in addition, all sorts of symptomatic have already gone: vasoconstrictor and sprays from the throat.

  11. I am flying a cold for a child and I don’t know problems. This is a plant drug and is suitable for children from 1 year.

  12. I have been using Morenasal for several years, I instantly puts both children on their feet+immunity strengthens a month in advance

  13. My son has a cold without complications, but the treatment is delayed for a long time. As the doctor said, the immune system sways for a long time and copes poorly with its work. To maintain it, I buy a child of a bear from Evalar, high -quality plant vitamins. The son is less likely to get sick and recover faster.

  14. My daughter was often a sick child. The first year in the garden it was hell. We were advised to go to the sanatorium and send vitamins without fail. We didn’t reach the sanatorium, I sent it to my grandmother for the whole summer, now it hangs out there)). There are healthy products, fresh air. And I must give vitamins. Now much less often everything happens.

  15. Girls, I can say one thing, I am a child, thanks to Esberitox I put on my feet in less than a week. It is generally difficult to make a daughter drink medicine, and this, surprisingly, resolves without refusals. With a beginning disease, we carry out a more intense course of administration, then 3 times a day on a tablet. I am satisfied with how Esberitox copes well and quickly with SARS.

  16. The youngest son as went to the garden, so every month the same thing is a runny nose, cough, temperature. The pediatrician said that it was better to drink something, because Fruits and vegetables will not give a quick result. The alpigo gave and the child began to get sick less often, probably there was a cold a couple of times, but without temperature, which cannot but rejoice.

  17. I already have a worked out technique that exactly acts. If I see that the child began to get sick, then the first thing I give is antiviral, I have this cytovir. The immunity of children is not yet strong, not perfect and help needs to be able to quickly cope with the viruses that have caught the body. I give tea with lemon and honey (but of course, if there is no allergy to honey), it is possible with raspberries, currants, I wash the nose with saline. This is usually enough.

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