Nebulizer treatment. How to make inhalations with a nebulizer for children? Recipes of solutions for inhalation nebulizer

Nebulizer treatment. How to make inhalations with a nebulizer for children? Recipes of solutions for inhalation nebulizer

Treatment of children with a nebulizer allows you to quickly eliminate any disease at home without using tablets and syrups inside.

Treatment of children with a nebulizer received recognition of many mothers. Due to the supply method, drugs that are used in a nebulizer penetrate and effectively affect the affected organs. At the same time, you can safely refuse to take medicines inside.

Young children like to be treated with a nebulizer
Young children like to be treated with a nebulizer

Nebulizer inhalation recipes for children

The most successful and effective recipes for nebulizer used to treat children:

  • With dry coughing: ACC (1 ml), saline (1 ml). Dosage for children 2 to 5 years old. Inhalations are carried out 1-2 times a day. Combining with antibacterial drugs is unacceptable
  • With suffocation arising from attacks and bronchial asthma: Ventonolin (1 Nebula) or Astalin (1 ampoule). Inhalations are carried out at the time of segment attacks
  • With unproductive cough: Tossamag (1 ml), saline (3 ml). Children 2 - 5 years old 2 to 3 times a day
  • Under SARS: Interferon (2 ml), saline (2 ml). Children 1 - 5 years old 3 times a day
  • With laryngitis, runny nose, productive coughing: Saline (4 ml) 4 times a day for children of any age
  • With viscous sputum: Lazolvan (1 ml), saline (1 ml). For children over 2 years old, the dosage is doubled by the dosage. The course of treatment does not exceed 5 days
  • With a cough: Pertussin (1 ml), saline (2ml). For children under 8 years old
  • With bacterial complications of SARS: Decassan (2 ml), saline (4 ml). For children 2 to 5 years in inhalation, 2 times a day is carried out no more than 5 days

Important: when purchasing medicines at the pharmacy, you need to warn the pharmacist that drugs are needed for use in the nebulizer.

Lazolvan inhalations help to quickly get rid of sputum
Lazolvan inhalations help to quickly get rid of sputum

Video: Inhalation of a lasolian child

How much inhalation is a nebulizer - time

The rules for using a nebulizer indicate the time of one inhalation within 5 - 10 minutes.

If inhalation is less than 5 minutes, there will be no sense from the procedure, and it makes no sense to breathe medicines for more than 10 minutes.

The minimum duration of inhalation is 5 minutes
The minimum duration of inhalation is 5 minutes

Important: if at the time of inhalation there was no clock at hand, you can navigate the amount of solution in a measured glass of a nebulizer. In 10 minutes it takes about 4 - 5 ml of the product with intense breathing.

Inhalations for coughing Nebulizer recipes

The cough happens unproductive ("Dry") and productive ("wet"). Depending on the type of cough, they choose drugs for inhalation.

With "dry" unproductive coughing is used mucolics:

  • ACC + saline - 2 ml of each. Children from 2 to 6 years old, twice a day. Children under 2 years of age are halved by the dose of drugs
  • Lazolvan for inhalation + saline - 2 ml of each. Children from 2 to 6 years three times a day. Children under 2 years old take 1 ml of each drug
  • Borjomi (in glass bottles) - 3 ml. Inhalations are carried out for children of all ages 3 to 4 times a day, if there is no allergy to Borjomi
  • Gedelix drops + saline. For children under 12 years of age, 1 ml of Gedelix is \u200b\u200bdiluted in 2 ml of saline. For children over 12 years old, 2 ml of each drug is used
  • Pertussin (1 ml) + saline (1 ml). Children under 12 years of age are carried out twice a day, over 12 - three times a day

Important: when the unproductive cough was replaced by productive, preparations for inhalation are changed.

The drug for inhalation is chosen depending on the type of cough
The drug for inhalation is chosen depending on the type of cough

With "wet" cough For the nebulizer, the most effective:

  • Retokan extract + saline. A solution of 3 ml of rotocan and 100 ml of saline is prepared in advance. For each inhalation, they take 4 ml of the finished agent. 2 to 3 procedures are carried out per day
  • Sinupret (1 ml) + saline (1 ml). Inhalations are carried out three times a day

Inhalation with a runny nose with a nebulizer recipes

You can defeat a runny nose with a nebulizer quickly and easily. The action of the nebulizer is not only softer than the action of drops and sprays from a runny nose, but also much more reliable.

The main effect that the procedures have a nebulizer on the nasal mucosa is moisturizing. To do this, use the following solutions:

  • Alcohol tincture of propolis (1 ml) + saline (20 ml) with inflammation of the nasal mucosa, allergic rhinitis, 2 times a day
  • Alcohol tincture of calendula (1 ml) + saline (40 ml) in an acute inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, twice a day
  • Tonsilgon (1 ml) + saline (2 ml) for adenoids in children, 2 times a day
  • Interferon (2 ml) + saline (2 ml) with a viral runny nose, 3 times a day
  • Alcohol tincture of chlorophyllipt (1 ml) + saline (10 ml) with staphylococcal rhinitis
Using a nebulizer, you can treat a runny nose in children
Using a nebulizer, you can treat a runny nose in children

Important: steam inhalers are used to treat a runny nose, since only they spray particles of the required size - from 8 microns.

Inhalation during pregnancy Nebulizer

Pregnant women are allowed to carry out inhalation with mineral water or saline. Any other drugs can be used for inhalations only in agreement with the doctor.

Nebulizer treatment during pregnancy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor
Nebulizer treatment during pregnancy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor

You can do inhalation with a nebulizer at temperature

If you follow the instructions of the instructions of the Nebulizer user, then inhalation at a temperature above 37.5 ° C is unacceptable. This is true in the treatment of SARS and other infectious diseases in the acute period of their course.

However, situations are possible when, in agreement with the attending physician, a nebulizer is also used at higher body temperature. For example, with obstructive bronchitis with an increase in inhalation temperature, suffering attacks help to stop.

Inhalation at temperatures are contraindicated in most cases
Inhalation at temperatures are contraindicated in most cases

Important: it is unacceptable to independently make a decision on the feasibility of using a nebulizer at elevated body temperature in a child.

Negulaera inhalations with sore throat

Inhalation treatment of angina with a nebulizer shows good results:

  • the acute phase of the disease is significantly reduced
  • you can do without taking antibacterial drugs (if used in a nebulizer)
  • sitting pain
  • reducing swelling of the throat and nose

Important: you can not use a neginizer for angina if the patient has increased body temperature, there are problems with the heart or bronchial asthma. It also makes no sense to treat purulent sore throats using inhalations.

For use in the nebulizer, medications from the following are used:

  • Comogexal - with severe swelling of the nasopharynx
  • Miramistin, Furatsilin - antiseptics
  • Tonsilgon - homeopathy, helps with any diseases of the throat
  • Alcohol tinctures: calendula, rotokan, chlorophylipte, eucalyptus - eliminate swelling and relieve pain
  • Saline - softens, moisturizes the mucous membrane, relieves swelling
Inhalations with rotokan help reduce sore throat with sore throat
Inhalations with rotokan help reduce sore throat with sore throat

Important: the dosage of funds is prescribed by the doctor depending on the type of tonsillitis and the severity of the course of the disease

Inhalation with bronchitis Nebulizer

Treatment with a nebulizer of bronchitis is very effective. The patient is quickly recovering due to inhalation therapy. After the first few procedures, the bronchi expand, sputum lures and begins to freely leave. Swelling and inflammation are removed.

In bronchitis, they use:

  • to liquefy sputum and its excretion - Lazolvan (Ambroben, Ambroxol).
  • for the rapid discharge of sputum - ACC
  • to moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract - Saline
  • to remove or reduce inflammation - Rotokan

With obstructive bronchitis:

  • to relieve spasms and prevent suffocation attacks - Berodual
  • to stop sharp attacks of suffocation - Borotek, Salbutamol, Salgim, Ventolin
  • with a mild form of obstruction - ATRECTION
Nebulizer inhalations help relieve spasms with bronchitis
Nebulizer inhalations help relieve spasms with bronchitis

Important: after inhalation, the patient needs to be at rest for about half an hour. At this time, sharp movements and temperature changes in the room are unacceptable.

Video: Nebulizer inhalation for bronchitis

Inhalations for sinusitis Nebulizer

With the help of a nebulizer, you can successfully cure an unfinished sinusitis. The principle of its work guarantees the rapid receipt of drugs directly to the sinus sinus. There are no side effects with such a treatment.

The selection of the medicine and its dosage is carried out by the doctor, focusing on the patient's condition and the stage of sinusitis, but most often the following drugs are used:

  • antibiotic solutions (Bioparox, dioxidine, streptomycin, gentamycin) - to remove the pathogen of infection
  • vasoconstrictor (Naphthysin, xylometazoline, oxymetazolin, naphazolin) - to facilitate the breath and discharge of the contents of the maxillary sinuses
  • immunostimulating (Interferon, Derinate) - in the early days of SARS, if this disease accompanies sinusitis
  • anti -inflammatory (alcohol tinctures of calendula, eucalyptus, propolis, rotokan, chlorophylipt) - to reduce inflammation
  • combined (Polydex, tonsillus, rhinofluumitsil) - at the same time have antimicrobial, vasoconstrictor and anti -inflammatory properties
  • salt(Saline) - to moisturize the nasal mucosa
For the treatment of sinusitis, Igulation with antibacterial drugs is carried out
Inhalations with antibacterial drugs are carried out for the treatment of sinusitis

Important: inhalations for sinusitis are carried out only after preliminary cleaning of the nose.

Inhalations with laryngitis Nebulizer

Direct summing up of drugs to the laryngitis of the larynx with the help of inhalation with a nebulizer guarantees quick, effective and most safe treatment, both children and adults.

At laryngitis In the nebulizer, drugs are used:

  • for sputum discharge - Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Ambroxol
  • for the prevention of pneumonia and bronchitis - adrenaline, euphilin (dosage is prescribed only by a doctor, independent use is strictly prohibited)
  • to moisturize the nasopharynx mucosa - School
  • to eliminate bacterial infection - Antibiotic fluimucil
  • to eliminate spasms, segment attacks - dexamethasone, pulmicort, hydrocortisone or other glucocorticosteroid
Inhalations with eufeline prevent complications of laryngitis
Inhalations with eufeline prevent complications of laryngitis

Important: treatment of laryngitis in young children should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

Inhalation with mineral water nebulizer

Mineral is used in a nebulizer for the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory system. Such inhalations contribute to the removal of edema and inflammation, moisturizing the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, thinning and removing sputum, and also soften the cough.

Mineral water is suitable for inhalations (Borjomi, Narzan, Esentuki)from which gas was produced in advance and if there is no allergy to mineral water. 3 - 4 ml of water is poured into a measured glass of nebulizer and a procedure is carried out lasting at least 8 minutes. It is permissible to carry out up to 4 inhalations by miniral water per day.

Important: inhalations with mineral water with a nebulizer are absolutely harmless to the body.

Inhalations with Borjomi soften and moisturize the inflamed mucous membrane
Inhalations with Borjomi soften and moisturize the inflamed mucous membrane

Soda inhalation in Nebulizer

Soda helps to fight colds. Having breathed over the steam of soda, one can notice relief of breathing and the disappearance of pain in the nasopharynx. However, inhalation with a solution of soda in a nebulizer is unacceptable.

Important: since, in their effect, the evaporation of soda is similar to the evaporation of saline, it is it that is used for the nebulizer.

Using a solution of soda for a nebulizer is unacceptable
Using a solution of soda for a nebulizer is unacceptable

Inhalation by Berodual Nebulizer

Inhalations by Berodual Nebulizer are prescribed for diseases of the respiratory system, namely: bronchitis, asthma, suffocation attacks.

The dosage of Berodural is prescribed by a doctor for each individual case, but for all children the following scheme for calculating the drug for one inhalation is usually used: 1 drop of Berodual per 1 kg of child weight, but not more than 10 drops at a time and 30 drops per day. At the same time, they take into account that 10 drops \u003d 0.5 ml.

Berodual eliminates suffocation attacks
Berodual eliminates suffocation attacks

Important: the drug has serious side effects in the form of dizziness, nausea, spasms in the muscles, tremor of the limbs, rash and itching. Inhalations with Beroduals for pregnant women, people with heart diseases, allergic manifestations are contraindicated.

Treatment with this drug always begins with the use of the minimum dose. Berodual is diluted in 3 ml of saline and inhaled. The duration of one procedure is 5 - 7 minutes.

Usually the patient feels relief after the first procedure. The duration of the course of treatment by Berodual Nebulizer is 5-7 days 3 times a day.

After the first inhalation with Berodual, the patient will feel relief
After the first inhalation with Berodual, the patient will feel relief

Important: for a more effective treatment, the doctor can prescribe a combination of Berodual with a mucolytic (Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Ambobene). For one inhalation, 2 ml of mucolytic + 2 ml of saline + 10 drops of Berodual or alternate inhalations are used.

The price of a solution of Berodual for inhalation in pharmacies is about 350 rubles.

Video: Inhalation by a Berodual child

Nebulizer inhalation medicines

Medicines can be used for the preparation of solutions for nebulizer:

  • antitussive (Tussamag, lidocaine) - with a dry paroxysmal cough
  • mucolics (Fluimucil, ACC, Ambobene, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Pectusin, Sinupret) - for liquefaction and removal of sputum
  • broncholyticand (Berodual, Beatrotek, ATROCENT, VENTOLIN) - to facilitate the attacks of suffocation with obstructive diseases of the respiratory system
  • antibiotics (Dioxidine, ceftriaxone) - to eliminate bacterial infection
  • antiseptics (Miramistin, Furatsilin, Chlorophyllipt) - for the treatment of rhinitis, tonsillitis, SARS
  • immunomodulators (Derenat, interferon) - in acute colds
  • glucocorticosteroids, hormonal drugs (Dexamethasone, pulmicort, cromoxal) - to stop at a suffocation attacks
  • vasoconstrictor (Naphthyzine, oxymetazolin, naphazolin) - to eliminate the feeling of clogging in the nose
A wide variety of drugs can be used for nebulizer
A wide variety of drugs can be used for inhalations

Nebulizer inhalation preparations

For the preparation of solutions, only the drugs recommended by the doctor can be used. You can not replace drugs yourself, prescribe new ones or cancel appointments.

The nebulizers use a special form of drugs intended for inhalation. The use of oil solutions and herbal decoctions in a nebulizer is contraindicated.

Inhalation solution for nebulizer

To prepare a solution for a nebulizer, the medicine is diluted with saline (0.9% sodium chloride) in the proportions indicated in the recipe.

Important: for the preparation of solutions, you cannot use water or other substitute instead of saline.

The temperature of the solution before inhalation should be not lower than 20 ° C. To quickly heat the solution, you can just hold a container with a solution in your hands for a few minutes.

For the preparation of solutions, sodium chloride is used (saline)
For the preparation of solutions, sodium chloride is used (saline)

In nebulizers, oil solutions are not used, as well as solutions based on decoctions and tinctures of herbs.

Nebulizer treatment is very effective and convenient even for young children and seriously ill weak people. The main thing is to use the device for its intended purpose, observing the operating rules, and in no case experiment with medicinal solutions.

Video: Inhalations - what you need to know, how to do it?

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Comments K. article

  1. 4. When the child comes in a barking cough, he is ready to apply anything, if only he would feel better. It would be better if I listened to grandmothers from a bench in the yard, there tinctures with all kinds of and rinses ... than the way I led to the advice of advanced mothers. Well, without chemistry, with the help of a nebulizer and Borjomi. A harmless, they say, a method. And our baby (he is 2.5 years old) such an allergy, suffocation, whistle and then vomiting - he turned blue and almost died. He reproached with herbs incomprehensible with blackness. Then just water poured from him. Horror! This has suffered. Let me now say to me that doctors do not know a fig. They saved my child! And I just want to warn people like myself, inexperienced and trusting - inhalations with a mineral water through a nebulizer - this is like death.

  2. Mineral water or saline in a nebulizer: doctors warned about the danger

    The use of non -special medicinal liquids in nebulizers (inhalers), and, for example, ordinary mineral water or saline, is unacceptable.
    Leading doctors and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine come to this conclusion, KP writes.
    “A nebulizer is a device that delivers medicines to the lungs, for example, with bronchial asthma. Pour a saline or mineral water into a nebulizer is how to try to season the car with hay or oats. Therefore, only medicines for nebulizer therapy are suitable for use in nebulizers, ”says the famous children's pediatrician Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky
    The department answered the official media inverse -for Nebuliser therapy, only those drugs are used in the instructions to which it is the use of the use in the nebulizer. The mose also recalled the approved list of drugs used for inhalation.
    Experts note that there are special devices and special medicinal fluids intended for them and urge you not to risk their health, using the substances that are unaccounted for this.

  3. Yak Usi young mothers, I rumbled, if my Donechka was overwhelmed. Well, hto, I want a hawu "XIMI" Krikhitzi Davati?! That little won, recently RIK is being blamed. And Liki - all the fluidity. Zadoi, Sho Nebulizer will be those Treba. Borzhomi is not mocking! I was so tinted ... And if Dr. Komarovsky marveled, I pound the I Viria in the Nyoy Yak of the Khosokoprofesiye Specialist, the same roller about the rosnchuvannya mifiva about the malecan, it was hollowed, and it reached the pissing of such a thing Capital "XIMIYU", rumbles, injections). Attend the video on YouTube "Ruinivniki Mofiv. Chi can be filled with Borzhomi in a nebulizer? " - I all zrozumi without a halit.

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