What is a nebulizer? Which nebulizer is better? How to use a nebulizer?

What is a nebulizer? Which nebulizer is better? How to use a nebulizer?

Nebulizers for inhalation for children. Nebulizers: compressor, ultrasonic, omron - which one to choose? The best nebulizers

Nebulizer is an inhalation device. It turns particles of medicine into steam (aerosol), which facilitates its ingress in the respiratory tract. The device is simply indispensable if there are small children in the house.

Nebulizer is an inhaler

The operation of the apparatus is based on the transformation of the liquid into a fine state. This transformation can be carried out using compressed air or ultrasound ionizer. As a result, at the exit you get cold steam.

The advantages of the nebulizer:

  • The steam is not hot, but cold. Therefore, inhalations can be done at temperature and even very young children
  • The inability to burn, as with standard inhalation over pots with steam
  • The medicine falls immediately into the bronchi and lungs. Accordingly, the stomach and intestines do not participate in the process of absorption of the medicine.
  • Minimum contraindications

How to make inhalation a nebulizer?

  • Do not eat 1-1.5 hours before the procedure. Sit more comfortably, in a chair, and relax
  • Pour the solution into the device. Its amount ranges from 2-4 ml
  • If you have a larynx, put on a mask, inhale and exhale through your mouth
  • With bronchitis or pneumonia, connect the mouthpiece
  • There are models with nasal cannulas. With their help, you can treat sinusitis and sinusitis
  • Carry out the procedure until the medicine evaporates. You will hear a characteristic sound, and the guy will cease to form
  • An hour after inhalation, do not go outside. Do not eat anything and do not drink.
  • Wash the removable parts of the device, dry them

Nebulizer - Instructions for use

Detailed operating instructions are in the box with each inhaler. But the principle of using nebulizers is not much different:

  • Collect the device according to the instructions
  • Pour the medicine into the camera with a spray
  • Assume a mask or mouthpiece
  • Put on a mask or take a mouthpiece in your mouth and turn on the device
  • The time of inhalation depends on the amount of medicine. Usually enough 5-10 minutes
  • After the procedure, rinse the pipe and mask with warm water
  • Soak rubber hoses and a mask in a solution solution for 30 minutes

Which nebulizer is better?

It all depends on your family budget and purpose. The disadvantage of ultrasound inhalers is the destruction of certain antibiotics and hormonal drugs, which are often used in the obstruction of the bronchi.

Accordingly, if your child or you suffer from asthma or frequent bronchitis, then it makes sense to purchase a compressor one.

The characteristics of the nebulizer, which are worth paying attention to:

  • The ability to adjust the flow velocity
  • The ability to adjust particles
  • Presence of nasal cannulas
  • The availability of consumables in the kit
  • Power

If in your family they often suffer from sinusitis and bronchitis, then it is worth purchasing a device with nasal cannulas and the possibility of adjusting particles. The fact is that in budget models, the particle size is not regulated, it is in the range of 0.5-5 MK. In order for the medicine to settle in the nose and trachea, larger particles are needed. Standard and inexpensive inhalers are ideal for the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia, but are useless in relation to tracheitis and pharyngitis.

Pay attention to power. The more powerful the device, the louder it works and the faster you will make inhalation due to the flow rate. If you have a child, purchase models with a children's mask. It makes sense to purchase a device with a children's design in the form of a train or animal.

The nebulizer is compressed

This is a great device, an aerosol in which it turns out thanks to compressed air. The compressor itself is a block with the input and output holes. Through the input hole, air from the environment passes through the filter and enters the compressor, where it is compressed. Dry and compressed air enters the tube, combined with a camera and a spray. Passing through a sprayer, compressed air turns the liquid into an aerosol.

Disadvantages of the device:

  • Noisy. Some powerful models may frighten the baby
  • Not cheap. The price depends on the power and number of nozzles
  • Inability to use essential oils. Spray nozzles are quickly clogged

Ultrasonic Nebulizer

This is a silent device, the liquid in which turns into an aerosol using a special evaporator. The device can be used in the lying position, which cannot be done with the compressor device. The price of the device is slightly higher than the compressor.

Among the shortcomings can be distinguished:

  • Lack of the ability to adjust particles
  • The inability to use antibiotics and hormones due to splitting
  • But for children it is an ideal option, since it is silent

Omron Nebulizer

This is an affordable Nebulizer of a Japanese company. On sale there are ultrasound and compressor models. The device is high -quality and suitable for use at home.

Advantages of Nebulayers Omron:

  • Affordable price
  • A wide range of
  • All parts in the device are large, so maintenance and repair are carried out quickly. After all, some Chinese models are difficult to repair due to the lack of details
  • Possibility of acquiring different masks
  • Masks are made of silicone, which excludes an unpleasant odor.
  • The possibility of disinfection by any solutions

The best nebulizers

Now the market is a large assortment of nebulizers, sometimes it is quite difficult to choose the right one. You need to decide on the appointment. If you need a universal device, purchase with the ability to adjust particles.

The best nebulizers:

  • Microeleat. These are devices of the Swiss company. They are distinguished by a restrained design and excellent quality. The price is not the most affordable. The company produces compressor inhalers from environmentally friendly materials. The kit includes children's and adult mask. You can separately purchase nasal cannulas and mouthpiece
  • Little doctor. This is a device produced in Singapore. The range of devices is large. This is one of the few companies that produces inhalers with an interesting children's design. Among the nebulizers of this company, there are models with a set of nozzles to adjust the flow rate. They allow you to treat diseases of the larynx, nose and bronchi
  • Omron. Relatively inexpensive Japanese device. The assortment contains models for the whole family and special devices for use in hospitals. There are children's models

Nebulizer reviews

  • It is worth noting that buyers are more satisfied with compressor nebulizers. After all, after use, there is practically no medicine. Losses are up to 0.5 ml of the drug
  • Despite the lack of noise, the mothers of young children are not enthusiastic about ultrasound devices. They are expensive, despite the statements of manufacturers that inhalation can be done in any position, when the device is inclined, the medicine can pour out
  • Most buyers are satisfied with compact compressor nebulizers. These include the devices of the company Microeleat, Dr. Frey and Omron. They do not work very loudly, which allows you to use in inhalations in young children

As you can see, the assortment of nebulizers is wide. Therefore, before making a purchase, find out who will use the device and how often.

Video: Which Nebulizer to choose?

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