Herpes on the lips and in the nose: symptoms, causes, treatment. Is herpes dangerous, how is herpes infection?

Herpes on the lips and in the nose: symptoms, causes, treatment. Is herpes dangerous, how is herpes infection?

The article will introduce you to the causes of herpes. You will also learn how to treat the virus with traditional drugs and folk remedies.

A person who at least once in his life joined herpes knows that treating this disease is quite difficult. But perhaps the most unpleasant thing is that it will not work out completely from this disease.

Once in the body, the virus remains in it forever. There are simply periods when it behaves inactively, and when a person’s immunity is reduced, the disease manifests itself in full force.

Most often, this disease affects the lips and nose. Herpes on the lips or nose causes discomfort and spoils the mood. To put it mildly, ugly bubble rashes constantly hurt, itch and spoil the appearance of a person. Only timely treatment can help get rid of this problem.
Therefore, let's figure out why herpes arises on the lips and how to fight it correctly.

Herpes - a cold on the lips: causes, symptoms, methods of infection, photo

There are quite a lot of causes of herpes on the lips, but the most important factor is a decrease in immunity.

Usually the herpes virus will enter the body of an adult from a long -infected person. This can happen at the moment, for example,

  • kiss or
  • through small wounds on the body and mucous membranes.
  • For children, the disease is transmitted from the mother. If a pregnant woman is a carrier of the virus, then with a high probability the child will be born already infected.
  • But there are other reasons that provoke the appearance of herpes on the lips.

Factors that contribute to the infection of herpes virus:
• Frequent hypothermia of the body.
• Lack of good rest.
• Smoking, alcohol abuse and energy drinks.
• regular use of antibiotics.
• Constant stress and overwork.
• Chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
• unbalanced nutrition and fast food.
• menstruation and pregnancy.

After the virus enters the body, it moves into the central nervous system and begins to multiply there. Moreover, he does this so that a person does not even notice that he is sick with something until a certain time. When a favorable period occurs, herpes manifests itself in all its glory.

The skin of the lips, in the place where watery bubbles will soon appear, begins to itch and tingle.
The forerunners of the appearance of herpes on the lips are the following symptoms:
• Pain in the throat during swallowing.
• abundant salivation.
• swelling of the salivary glands.
• bad mood and rapid fatigue.
• increased body temperature.
• A specific smell from the oral cavity.

Herpes in the nose are causes, symptoms, photo

It is necessary to begin to treat Herpis in the nose in the first days of the appearance of symptoms. The use of antiviral mase will help to avoid complications.

Most often, herpes appears in the nose during a decrease in the body's defenses. The infection affects the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and areas of the skin, which are near the nose. In addition to reducing immunity, the appearance of herpes rash is influenced by the following reasons:

• infectious disease in severe form.
• Stress and overwork.
• polluted environment.
• draft and hypothermia.

If you are attentive to your body, then even at the initial stage you can understand that herpes will soon appear in your nose. The precursors are always the same symptoms. In a sick person, well -being worsens, temperature rises and pain in the nasal cavity appears. Without timely treatment, these symptoms will exacerbate, and a rash will appear in the nose.
Symptoms of herpes in the nose:
• Itching and burning.
• Red edema in the nasal cavity.
• Watery bubbles.
• Bugorus similar to a boil.
• Cracks on the nasal mucosa.

Remedies for the treatment of herpes medication

Using medications, you can treat herpes not only locally, but also from the inside.

Herpes on the lips and nose can be treated with both modern medications and folk. Each person himself has the right to choose which method is most suitable for him. But still, official medicine will help you get rid of unpleasant symptoms much faster and minimize the manifestation of the disease. It will be better if the medical treatment prescribes you a specialist, because only he can understand what drugs you need to treat your disease.

Drugs that help get rid of herpes on the lips

Ointments. They can be used exclusively at the initial stage of the disease. The following drugs are ideal for treatment: herpevir, herppferon, Zovirax, Kamistad.
Funds responsible for drying bubbles. For these purposes, you can use propolis, green, focurzin.
Preparations for healing wounds. The fir oil, or creams made on the basis of calendula and chamomile, will help to cope with pain.
Tablets to combat the virus. This drug must be prescribed by a doctor. They must be taken strictly according to the instructions.
Vitamins. Will increase the immunity and tone of the body.

Herpes on the lips: folk remedies for herpes, treatment at home

Restore and heal the skin will help medicinal herbs.

Folk remedies also give a good result, although the time for such treatment takes a little more. After all, what helps one person may not fit another at all. Therefore, it can be very difficult to choose the right tool the first time. But still, if you approach this issue thoroughly, then in this case you can get a positive result.

Herpes treatment methods on the lips with folk remedies

Body soda solution. Soda dissolves in warm water and using a cotton swab is applied to the affected area.
Black tea. For treatment, it is best to take high -quality non -packaged tea. Pour a couple of tablespoons of tea with boiling water and put a teaspoon into the brew. It should break through at least 5 minutes in a liquid. After time, take the spoon and attach it to the lip.
Film from the egg. Remove the film from the egg shell and attach it to the rash.
A decoction of chamomile. Brew a chamomile, add a couple of drops of propolis to the resulting broth and treat herpes bubbles.
Calendula and Vaselin. From the leaves of the calendula, squeeze the juice, mix it with a petroleum jelly and rub it with the resulting mixture into the rash.
Aloe. Carefully cut the leaf, remove all the thorns and apply it for 20-30 minutes to the affected place.

Homeopathy for the treatment of herpes

Using homeopathic drugs, you can achieve an increase in the body's defenses.

Although herpes is a disease that is difficult to treat, it can still be made so that it practically does not manifest itself. You can help you do it a homeopath. Typically, such a specialist does not heal all patients according to one template. Each person after a personal meeting and passing all the tests receives an individual purpose. Homeopath prescribes drugs depending on the symptoms and intensity of their manifestation. In the process of treatment, the drug itself and the scheme of its use may change.

Drugs that treat herpes well on the lips

Sumy is poisonous. Substances that are in this plant treat diseases associated with hypothermia, respectively, will help to get rid of herpes.
Thuja western. Preparations made on the basis of this plant are ideal for the treatment of a genital virus.
Beekeeping products. Honey, propolis, floral pollen very well increase immunity.
Graphite. It is used to treat directly herpes rash.

Herpes: reviews and tips

Of course, herpes on the lips or nose of a completely unpleasant sight. But still, how often he will manifest himself, largely depends on you. After all, if you are cheerful and healthy, then he will hardly be often disturbing you.
To avoid relapse, adhere to the following recommendations:
• Lead a healthy lifestyle.
• Eat as many vegetables as possible fruits and nuts.
• Try to harden.
• Do not overwork and avoid stressful situations.

Daria: I have almost every cold ended with herpes on my lips. As soon as I began to feel itching, my hysteria began. All these advertised ointments somehow helped me for a long time, but a solution of baking soda quickly saved me from a rash.
Catherine: My daughter has herpes. Most often, bubbles appear after high temperature. As soon as the rash is manifested, I run to the pharmacy, I buy a fursin and process the affected areas for them several times a day. After four days, herpes disappears.

Video: How to treat herpes and warn

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Comments K. article

  1. And why is the infgel not indicated? I like this ointment most of all in price and efficiency. And most importantly, it is not lubricated and does not flow, unlike other creams with antiviral effects.

  2. It is impossible to cure herpes, so with this thought you need to come to terms and think about immunity.

  3. Yes, if the immunity is not strengthened, then herpes will appear constantly, I had so before. Only passed, a week-second and again all the lips “bloom” ... Then the doctor recommended that I pierce the course of Immunomax injections, follow the power, walk more in the evenings and this whole complex helped greatly. Herpes is not more than six months, and this is a huge time for me)

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