Often a sick child: causes, methods of treatment, prevention, hardening. How to increase the immunity of often sick children?

Often a sick child: causes, methods of treatment, prevention, hardening. How to increase the immunity of often sick children?

The article will tell you why children often get sick, teach how to treat and temper a often sick child correctly.

The 21st century was marked by colossal take -off in the development of medicine, but the abbreviation " CBD»In relation to our children, it becomes the norm in pediatrics.

Especially often this medical term applies to kids when they go to kindergarten. At this time, endless runny nose, cough and elevated temperature become constant companions of the child.

The immunity of a often sick child is very weakened
The immunity of a often sick child is very weakened

The problem of often sick children

The main problem, according to the parents, is one: the child is sick of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections much more often than his one -year -old. However, you need to understand that this problem is extremely age -related: the older the child, the better the immunity.

In babies, the immune system is not developed, therefore, all the “sores” that gradually train and temper the children's body are attracted to them, like a magnet.

Important: while the child is at home, in the same microclimate, the immune system, without receiving stimuli, “falls asleep”.

As soon as the baby first crosses the threshold of kindergarten, his immunity receives such a huge stress in the form of unfamiliar viruses and infections that he will simply can’t cope with everything at once. Hence the ongoing runny nose, a long cough, which is not clear from somewhere in an allergy, chronic diseases.

Children's team - a source of disease for a often sick child
Children's team - a source of disease for a often sick child

But it should be so, because this is how immunity is formed. The task of parents is to understand and remember this law of the child’s future health.

The causes of often sick children

Despite the pattern of childhood incidence, there are certain causes that worsen the natural course of the process:

  • At the age of one to two years, the child in the body practically does not have maternal antibodies, and active immunity is still poorly formed, so it is especially vulnerable. Hence almost continuous respiratory diseases
  • The environment in which the baby is located is not the last role. If large roads or railway stations, industrial enterprises, factories or factories are located in the immediate vicinity of the house, then ordinary children's acute respiratory infections and SARS are complicated by intestinal disorders or thyroid diseases
  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules is one of the important points in the formation of children's immunity. If the child is accustomed to “from the diapers” to wash his hands after a street walk, before meals, then in the future he will be clean and less susceptible to random infections
  • Independent treatment of a child with drugs that the pediatrician did not prescribe. The phrase “Girlfriend bought my Mishenka: although it is very expensive, it was so effective, however, an allergy appeared, but it doesn’t cough”, should not be an argument. No medicine is a panacea

Important: you should engage in education and, at the same time, the formation of children's immunity by adjusting the behavior of the child.

Accommodation near industrial enterprises is one of the causes of frequent diseases in children
Accommodation near industrial enterprises is one of the causes of frequent diseases in children

There are clear rules that must be adhered to:

  1. you can't take toys in your mouth
  2. i can’t eat on the floor
  3. for a walk, nothing to poke in your mouth
  4. if someone is coughing nearby, move away or turn away

Subject to such norms, the risk of getting sick in the baby is reduced.

Why is a child often sick with colds?

Why is a child often catching a cold? Or, as the great classic A.I. Gerzen said, "Who is to blame?" The answer is simple: in most cases, parents themselves are to blame, who organize an incorrect approach to feeding, dressing, treatment, and healing the child.
If the child, according to the parents, eats poorly, and even grandmother's songs are not helped, no need to force him. When the body feels the need for nutrition, the child will come running and will ask to eat. The task of relatives in this case is to choose the right diet.

It is important to properly organize a diet of a often sick child
It is important to properly organize a diet of a often sick child

Important: baby food should be balanced, contain vegetables, fruits, meat, sour milk products and cereals.

  • Drink should be provided to the child at the first request, but, very important, not for pleasure, but to quench thirst. It can be juices, teas, not carbonated water at room temperature
  • You can not overheat the child, since sweating is more of picked up infections than hypothermia
  • The air in the room should always be fresh and cool, and toys washing

Why is a child often sick with bronchitis?

In frequently ill children, SARS can occur with complications, as a result of which the lesion of the ENT organs occurs.

If the parents did not manage to withstand infections, it falls below. At first it affects the upper respiratory tract, then the lower ones. So the child is “acquired” with bronchitis, bronchiolite or pneumonia.

Important: pathogenic flora can fall into the child’s body through toys, dust.

Frequent bronchitis in children
Frequent bronchitis - the result of complications of SARS in often sick children

Why is a child often sick in kindergarten?

Preschool institutions, despite all precautions, is a nursery of a wide variety of diseases.

And since the children spend a lot of time in a closed space (even if each group has its own microflora to which the child’s body has adapted), the infection transmitted to each other spreads instantly.

Important: in a well -heated room of kindergarten, the air is quickly drained, and ventilation leads to drafts. The result of this often becomes a massive defeat of ARZ children.

The immunity of all children is different: someone got sick earlier, later, the infection does not stop “walking” around the room and relapse in such cases-a frequent phenomenon.

The child often gets sick in kindergarten
The child often gets sick in kindergarten

Often sick children at school

Usually, by the time the child from the category of CBD goes to school, its immunity is relatively developed. But infusion into the team with a new microflora cannot pass imperceptibly. While antibodies are developing, the student can sneeze and cough regularly.

Important: this process will gradually slow down and soon the adaptation will successfully end.

If, when visiting a school, the child suffers as often as in kindergarten, while the ENT organs often become inflamed, hearing worsens during diseases, otitis media occurs from time to time-everything can be excessively guilty overgrown adenoids.

The cause of frequent diseases of schoolchildren may be adenoids
The cause of frequent diseases of schoolchildren may be adenoids

In this case, the child must be shown to the children's otolaryngologist to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

What to do if the doctor has made a diagnosis of "adenoids" read in the article: Adenoids in children. Modern treatment of adenoids in children. Folk remedies for adenoids in children

Treatment of often sick children

The most important thing in therapy is the correct diagnosis, since for the treatment ARI, SARS or flu Different drugs are used.

The treatment of often sick children depends on the nature of the disease
The treatment of often sick children depends on the nature of the disease

Important: the results of a general blood analysis of the child will not be mistaken for a diagnosis.

  • If the child heat (above 38.5), use antipyretic drugs. Preparations are very popular " Nurofen "," Ibufen "(active substance ibuprofen), " Panadol "(active substance paracetamol). They are not only antipyretic, but also have anti -inflammatory properties and have a sedative (soothing) effect

Important: you can take such drugs up to 4 times during the day no more than 30 mg per 1 kg of baby weight.

  • Make a child's temperature for a long time Candles will help "Tsokonon" or "Analm"

The once popular highly effective antipyretic remedy "Nise"based on Nimesulide, it is now forbidden to use for children. It contains dangerous chemical compounds that cause allergies that affect the liver, kidneys and other organs and systems of the child.

Important: you can quickly knock down a high temperature in a child, using simultaneously two antipyretic drugs of various actions and a method of use, for example: give a sex of dose of syrup "Nurofen" (active substance ibuprofen) and put the floor of the candle "Tsucon" (active substance paracetamol).

  • At the initial stage of the disease You can help the children's body quickly cope with viruses and support immunity with the help of drugs: "Aflubin", "Influucide", "Immunoflazide", "Flavosid", "Anti -Flazide"
  • It is possible to use interferons, such as “Viferon”, “Anaferon”, “Laferobion”, “Gippferon”, “Nazoferon”.“Viferon”, “Hippferon” and “Laferobirn” are produced in the form of rectal candles, “Anaferon” - in the form of tablets, “nasopheron” - drops or nasal spray. But not all parents consider them acceptable, fearing the consequences of interference in the natural processes of the body
  • For flu treatment In children, it used to be most often used " Arbidol ". But since viruses are mutated over time, pediatricians recommend using children from 7 years old " Remantadine "or to him similar in composition, and young children - "Tamiflu"
  • When the child appears in the body bacteria (what a blood test will tell), the use of antibacterial drugs is necessary. Very effective, depending on the diagnosis, both pediatricians and parents of babies consider "Amoxiclav", "Flemoxin", "Tsomfs"
  • Medicine From the laid nose you need to choose depending on the color of the discharge from it

Important: immediately the nose should definitely be washed with the help of ordinary saline: To drip and after a couple of minutes help the child to bury or clean the nasal passages using an aspirator.

  • If the discharge are purulent clots of green, then you need to apply an antibacterial local remedy, for example "Biaparox" or " Isofra "
  • If the discharge is transparent and at the same time it is difficult for the child to breathe with his nose, you can use children's vasoconstrictor drops: "Nazivin", "Rinazolin", "Otrivin", "Pinosol"
  • Pain in the throat children from three years can facilitate various sprays ( Ingalipt, Cameton, Orasept, Anglex), and kids up to three years Pediatricians recommend giving decoctions of chamomile flowers or series
  • To facilitate the removal of sputum from lungs and bronchi You need to use different ones mucolytic Means (plant) and bronodelitors (synthetic). The first belongs breast fees, the roots of Altea and licorice, mucaltin, to the second - "ACC", "Amboben", "Ambroxol"
The drug for the treatment of influenza in often sick children
The drug for the treatment of influenza in often sick children

Often a sick child: how to increase immunity?

The child recovered, he again is awake and cheerful, then it was time to engage in strengthening the immune system. For this you need:

  • observe the regime of the day - full sleep at night and compulsory rest in the afternoon in a ventilated room
  • rational diet
  • mandatory morning exercise and daily walks in the fresh air
  • general massage chest 2-4 times a year
  • take vitaminsrecommended by the pediatrician
Reception of vitamins is one of the ways to increase immunity in a often sick child
Reception of vitamins is one of the ways to increase immunity in a often sick child

Important: in order to increase children's immunity, large material costs or extreme physical exertion is not required at all. Even daily performing ordinary morning charging in a well -ventilated room can significantly improve the health of the child.

Hardening of often sick children

Hardening is one of the options for strengthening the immunity of a child of the ChBD category. But this must be done when the child is absolutely healthy.

Walking in the fresh air is one of the types of hardening of often sick children
Walking in the fresh air is one of the types of hardening of often sick children

You need to start carefully, without extremes, gradually changing the usual "greenhouse" lifestyle of the child:

  • gradually reduce the temperature of the water while bathing, swim in natural reservoirs in the warm season
  • permit go on the floor in summer time
  • gradually enter into the diet cooling products

The main thing is to do all this systematically, continuously, contrasting.

Hardening of often sick children
Hardening of often sick children

Often sick children: prevention

To minimize the frequency of diseases of ARI and ARVI of the child, you need:

  • strengthen the respiratory system with charging and gymnastics, which a child can deal with mom and dad daily
  • support in the children's room the optimal temperature for the child (20-22 ° C), and humidity 50-70%
  • to encourage sports, developing the respiratory tract (swimming, equestrian sport, cycling) and outdoor games in the fresh air
  • provide a balanced diet, rich in the normal development and functioning of the child's body with vitamins and trace elements
Swimming is an effective method for the prevention of SARS and influenza in frequent children
Swimming is an effective method for the prevention of SARS and influenza in often sick children

Compliance with these simple recommendations over time will necessarily affect the health of the baby.

It is important for parents to gain patience, help your child fight viruses and develop immunity and not forget the words of the famous children's doctor E.O. Komarovsky: "From frequently sick children, rarely sick adults are obtained."

Video: often sick children-school Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. I washed the child with a mucous membrane with a spray moraine. The pediatrician said this is an effective and safe tool. And we actually began to hurt less often, when compared with past years.

  2. Previously, they were often sick, so I try to give vitamins to maintain immunity. Vitamins Baby Formula Mishka Multivitamins from the company Evalar fell in love. Vitamins are delicious, with a natural composition, to the bears were vitamins in tablets, but the child did not perceive them, and in the form of marmalade goes with a bang.

  3. Yes, we also tried Margarita, good. But now we take an antibiotic, we are sick again, temperature. It is good that the pediatrician advised to accept Enterosgel parallel, it seems to me to my son even better. It is amused) He removes toxins and harmful substances, the remnants of drugs from the body, I consider this an important point.

  4. I advise you to hold at hand a spray from a line of Morenazalov. They help well with a runny nose, and are well suited for prevention.

  5. And this fall we first tried Baby a formula. Tasty children and the composition is good. We hope we will hold on and not get sick. So far, everything is OK, TTT. We also go to the pool, walk for a long time.

  6. I think that the child can still hurt because of the atmosphere in the family. It is necessary to create a calm, friendly atmosphere, he feels everything, any quarrel between his parents and everything, again snot, throat, etc. Regarding the bears of Baby, I also do not mind, gives the child, chews with pleasure, immunity has increased, and even more often walk Do not forget

  7. They wrote above about the bears of Evalarovsky, I can’t say anything to them, but the Pharmarmed Vitamins were very pleased. Immunity is now only strengthened by them, the child is delicious, and the most important thing to me is that it is useful. After the hardening was added, for half a year somewhere there is even a hint of a cold, although they used to hurt very often

  8. The son from the kindergarten (from 2.5) is often sick and immediately the cough develops into bronchitis. Now he is already 8 years old, we are sick every 3 weeks, often, often. I don’t know what to do, playing sports 3 times a week, we often walk.

  9. We, too, often and for a long time were sick as they went to the garden. And antibiotics were even prescribed. Immunity, of course, is weakened. A familiar pediatrician advised to drink a climb to increase immunity, it can be four years old for children. They drank according to the instructions, helped the child. Now we visit the kindergarten regularly and have forgotten about diseases.

  10. I envy those whose children stand steadily on the winter-autumn season, mine always begin to hurt. Although, at the age of 5 and 8 years, the immunity should be tired, respectively,. On the advice of the therapist, I give both Evalarov bears, vitamins on a plant basis, teach to harden and do other protective procedures (rinsing, inhalation, etc.). This year has not yet been sick, maybe he will carry it out at all.

  11. In our experience, the best are the vitamins of the immunity. We give them on a regular basis for children and do not know grief ... grow strong and healthy. Before that, there were a lot of things and there was no special result, frankly. In general, everything is very individual and you need to look closely at your child, of course))

  12. To my great regret, the child’s immunity is weak, very often sick. Therefore, I am familiar with many antiviral drugs, the last which was taken, the syrup of alpine. In my opinion, he has passed the most normal after the course for half a year, and the child has never been sick. There was not even a cold. When we recovered quickly with him, I also thought that an effective tool. And now, after time, I see that he is still taking care of immunity, he makes it stronger.

  13. Wow, how difficult it turns out .. I just try to provide my vitamins. I give him more different vegetables and fruits plus the alpigo in the offseason. It helps us not to get sick.

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