Conjunctivitis in children: types, causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention. How to cure conjunctivitis in children at home? Drops and ointments from conjunctivitis for children: List

Conjunctivitis in children: types, causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention. How to cure conjunctivitis in children at home? Drops and ointments from conjunctivitis for children: List

Types of children's conjunctivitis. Methods of treatment.

Why does conjunctivitis occur in children? Symptoms of the disease and the features of the course of the disease in children. How to cure children's conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is a disease of the mucous membrane of the eye. In children's practice, it is quite common. Symptoms and signs of the disease proceed in different ways: with obvious characteristics and hidden manifestations. In any case: at the slightest suspicion of conjunctivitis, you should consult a doctor and begin treatment of the disease.

Conjunctivitis A common disease in children
Conjunctivitis A common disease in children

Children's conjunctivitis in children bacterial, viral, purulent: causes

Types of conjunctivitis

Medicine shares three types of conjunctivitis depending on the source of the disease:

  • viral conjunctivitis
  • bacterial conjunctivitis
  • allergic conjunctivitis
Types of conjunctivitis
Types of conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis occurs with damage to the mucous membrane of the eye with viruses. The disease can appear suddenly with obvious symptoms: swelling and redness of the eyes, itching and burning of the eyelids. The release of pus is observed.

Important: viral conjunctivitis passes independently when the immunity is developed to this pathogen. The formation of a protective reaction, as a rule, occurs on 5-7 days of the disease.

Typically, viral conjunctivitis does not have a specific treatment, but only needs symptomatic care.

  • Regular hygiene will help alleviate the condition of the child: reduce itching and inflammation. The eyes should be washed with a physiological solution of sodium chloride, a decoction of chamomile, freshly brewed infusion of tea. For each eye, different cotton swabs or gauze napkins are used
  • If the condition of the baby does not improve with the right toilet of the eyes, and a bacterial one is connected to a viral infection, the doctor can prescribe antibacterial eye drops
  • With complaints about dryness and burning in the eyes, the doctor can prescribe moisturizing drops

Consider the varieties of viral conjunctivitis, requiring compulsory medical intervention and special treatment.

Adenovirus conjunctivitis

  • The disease causes adenovirus, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. In the baby, the temperature rises sharply to 39 degrees, chills appear, headache and the throat is inflamed. A noticeable increase in submandibular lymph nodes
  • Usually one eye is usually affected first, after three diseases it passes into the second eye. Eyes swell, the mucous membrane of the eyelid blushes. Minor secretions of a grayish shade appear. Sometimes small hemorrhages occur inside the conjunctiva. The child is afraid of light, he is watery eyes
  • A characteristic sign of adenovirus conjunctivitis is the presence of small films that are separated and small bubbles on the internal mucous membrane of the century
Itching of the eyes is a characteristic symptom of conjunctivitis
Itching of the eyes is a characteristic symptom of conjunctivitis

Herpetic conjunctivitis

  • The causative agent-the herpes simplex virus penetrates into the child’s body with an airborne droplets or in a contact method from a sick person. With weakened immunity, the virus can show activity and cause damage to the mucous membranes of the baby’s organs, including the conjunctiva of the eye
  • The child begins to behave uneasily: itching, fear of light, lacrimation, swelling and redness of the century appear. Watery herpes bubbles are spilled on the mucosa. In some cases, the temperature rises, the child weakens and caprices

Important: herpetic conjunctivitis requires mandatory treatment with antivirus drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Video: children's viral conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis

Different microorganisms can cause bacterial conjunctivitis in children. Consider some types of clinical manifestations of this type of disease by different pathogens.

Acute bacterial conjunctivitis

  • The disease is caused by damage to the conjunctival eye bag by a group of pathogens: streptococci and staphylococci
  • First of all, children with a weak immune system and chronic diseases are sick
  • Infections are affected by kids of children's institutions: schools, kindergartens. The disease is transferred by airborne droplets or in contact with sick children
  • The disease occurs suddenly and begins with inflammation of one eye. Then the second eye is affected
  • At first, the child experiences discomfort and itching of the eyelids, then swells and blushes the conjunctiva. The surface of the mucosa acquires unevenness, even individual hemorrhages of the sclera are possible. A pus stands out, which is drying and gluing eyelashes by morning
Bacterial infection of the eye
Bacterial infection of the eye

Bllennaya conjunctivitis

The disease is caused by microorganisms - gonococci. A newborn baby can catch an infection at birth from a sick woman in labor. Cases of intrauterine infection of a child from an infected mother are known. There is a contact transmission of the disease through contaminated hands of the patient when caring for a child

The eyes of the crumbs are infected for 2-3 days after the birth. The eyelids swiftly swell and are stained in a crimson-red color. First, plentiful bloody discharge appears. Around the third day of the disease, the release of yellow-green pus is observed. These discharge is very dangerous for the baby. The infection can switch to the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye and further influence the child's vision

Important: in maternity hospitals, all newborns are instilled with sodium sulfacil for the prevention of gonoblanic regulations.

Hygienic procedures and instillation of sodium sulfacil - mandatory prevention
Hygienic procedures and instillation of sodium sulfacil - mandatory prevention

Pneumococcal conjunctivitis

  • Breasts are a category of children, most susceptible to this type of conjunctivitis. Infection occurs in an airborne droplets and through contact through infected hands, toys, various objects. Pneumococci - microbes that cause the disease
  • Signs of manifestation of the disease are similar with other types of bacterial conjunctivitis. This is: tearfulness, swelling and redness of the eyes, the release of pus and mucus

Important: a characteristic feature of pneumococcal conjunctivitis is considered the appearance of numerous films. They easily exfoliate from the conjunctiva of the eye.


Diphtheria conjunctivitis

  • The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets in a short period of time. Children up to a year are most often sick
  • During illness, an increase in temperature is possible to 38-39 degrees. The child becomes sluggish, moody. In the baby, submandibular lymph nodes increase, swelling and redness of the eyes appear. Later, muddy spotting occurs. The mucous membrane closes with tight films that are difficult to remove
  • Diphtheria conjunctivitis is a dangerous disease. If the baby is suspected, the infectious department of the medical institution is isolated in the special boxing department. Diphtheria conjunctivitis is contagious and requires compulsory therapy
  • In advanced cases, the disease can affect the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye and cause a complication associated with clouding the lens and loss of vision

Chlamydial conjunctivitis

  • The disease is spread by parasitic bacteria. If the expectant mother has chlamydia, then after birth, the child is obligatory preventive assistance in the form of eye ointments with antibiotics
  • Kids can catch chlamydial conjunctivitis through water, bathing in infected reservoirs and pools
  • The disease most often affects both eyes
  • The disease is characterized by redness and edema of the century, purulent discharge. From the infected eye, an increase in the per capita lymph node is possible
  • When diagnosing chlamydial conjunctivitis, a child needs consultations of other children's doctors, since infection of other bodies of the baby is possible
Allergic inflammation of the eyes
Allergic inflammation of the eyes

Allergic conjunctivitis

The presence of a certain group of allergens can cause allergic conjunctivitis. The disease is characterized by swelling and redness of the eyelids, in the eyes there is a severe itching and exorbitant burning, abundant lacrimation appears.

Important: identification allergen And its elimination is a primary task in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis.

The treatment of allergic conjunctivitis is reduced to the use of hormonal and antihistamines that the attending physician prescribes.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in children

All varieties of inflammation of conjunctiva have similar symptoms. Parents should suspect the onset of the disease in the following symptoms:

  • an eye acidification
  • the swelling of the century
  • redness of the eye
  • swelling
  • increased tear separation
  • itching of the eyes
  • distance of pus
  • sticking eyelashes after awakening

At the beginning of the disease, the baby is intensely rubbing the eyelids. It is annoyed by bright lighting: the baby has a fear of light and the eyelids begin to contract involuntarily (blepharospasm).

Important: in severe manifestations of conjunctivitis, the child should be shown to the pediatrician. Proper treatment of the disease will reduce the risk of inflammation of other parts of the eye and visual impairment.

The malaise of the child
The malaise of the child

What to do if the temperature for conjunctivitis in children?

  • Quite often, the appearance of conjunctivitis is a warning about the development of an infectious disease. Carefully relate to the complaints of the baby.
  • It is recommended to measure body temperature, examine the throat, lymph nodes. Carefully monitor the dynamics of the course of the disease.
  • An increase in temperature may accompany infectious processes in the eyes. It should be remembered that antipyretic drugs give children only at temperatures above 38 degrees. An increase in temperature contributes to the production of interferon and the strengthening of the child’s immune mechanism.
  • It is recommended to strengthen the drinking mode and pay attention to the toilet of the eye: thoroughly rinse and remove pus crusts.

Important: the elevated temperature and initial symptoms of conjunctivitis are the reason for the compulsory medical examination of the kids up to a year.

Removing crusts for conjunctivitis
Removing crusts for conjunctivitis

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children at home

First aid for inflammation of conjunctiva in babies

The baby should help with the first symptoms of eye inflammation even before visiting the doctor.

  • A thorough eye toilet by washing will help to alleviate the condition of the child and prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the eye.
  • If conjunctivitis is accompanied by an increase in temperature, chills, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, the baby should be shown to the doctor.
  • It is recommended to protect a child with conjunctivitis from visiting children's institutions and walking in cold air and windy weather.
  • Before visiting the doctor, the child should cleanse the eyes of purulent clusters and crusts.

Important: it is not recommended to instill in the baby any drops on their own without a doctor’s prescription. This can distort the picture of the true cause of conjunctivitis and makes it difficult to identify the causative agent of the infection.

Early children need medical control
Early children need medical control

Situations when the help of a doctor is needed

  1. Early children (up to a year) require mandatory consultation in the event of problems with the eyes
  2. If the signs of conjunctivitis last more than two days
  3. Photophobia - a symptom requiring an urgent seeking a doctor
  4. Pain in the eyes
  5. Vision of vision
  6. The appearance of bubbles on the eyelid. This may indicate the damage to the mucous membrane of the herpes virus

Important: only the attending physician can determine the type of conjunctivitis. Each variety of the disease corresponds to a certain treatment regimen and the choice of medicines.

Drops from conjunctivitis for children

Medicines for the treatment of conjunctivitis
Medicines for the treatment of conjunctivitis

Important: the prescription of drops for the treatment of the disease is determined by the doctor, based on the type of infection, the severity of the disease and age of the child.

Eye drops of sulfacil-sodium

Antibacterial sulfonamide. Known even under the name Albucid. It is used to treat bacterial and viral infections of the eyes with streptococci, gonococci, pneumococci, chlamydia.

Solutions of different concentrations are used: 10%, 20%and 30%. The medicine is instilled 1-2 drops into the conjunctival bag 4-6 times per day.

Sulfacil-sodium is used to mandatory prevention of Bllennaya Rless in newborns in maternity hospitals immediately after the birth of a child.

Levomycetin solution 0.25%
Levomycetin solution 0.25%

Eye drops of a gomicetin solution 0.25%

Antibiotic that has a bactericidal effect on many types of microorganisms. It is used in the form of eye drops for bacterial conjunctivitis.

The drug is instilled 1 drop in both eyes 3 times a day. The usual course of treatment is about 14 days.

Eye drops Floxal 0.3%

Bactericidal eye drops containing an antibloxacin antibiotic. The drug is prescribed by a doctor with various bacterial conjunctivitis of the eyes. It is usually prescribed 1 drop 2-4 times a day for two weeks

Eye drops Tobrex

Eye drops with active antibiotic substance - toramicin. The medicine is buried 1-2 drops every four hours. Tobrex is used for various bacterial eye infections.

Eye medicines

Eye drops of ophthalmoferon

The drug containing the active substance is interferon. Drops are prescribed by a doctor in the case of a viral etiology of conjunctivitis. Ophthalmoferon causes the death of viruses, relieves swelling, itching, has an anti -allergic effect.

The drug can be prescribed for babies from the first days of life. Typically, the doctor prescribes the medicine in the dosage :1-2 drops in the conjunctival bag 6-8 times a day.

Eye drops semi -Daily

  • The drug contains an antiviral complex complex of polyribonucleotides. The medicine is effective for suppressing herpes and adenoviruses. Perhaps simultaneous treatment with antimicrobial drugs
  • Half -Daith is diluted with water for injection according to the instructions. Diluted medicine should be stored in a cool place for up to a day
  • Eye drops are prescribed by1-2 drops 6-8 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is set by the doctor
The baby is digging their eyes
The baby is digging their eyes

How to bury eye drops correctly?

  1. Prior to the start of the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with running water using soap
  2. For instillation, it is advisable to use disposable eye pipettes or droppers for bottles
  3. During the procedure, the contact of the pipette to the surface of the eyelid should be avoided
  4. Eye drops before instillation should have room temperature. You can not bury the drug directly from the refrigerator
  5. Both eyes should be instilled, even if one is healthy. This preventive measure will prevent the penetration of infection into a healthy eye
  6. Before instillation, the lower eyelid is pulled and squeezed out of a dropper or pipette the right number of drops into the lower conjunctival bag of the eye
  7. After the procedure, give the child to flour the child for uniform distribution of the medicine

Oints from conjunctivitis for children

In the treatment of conjunctivitis, eye ointments are prescribed. Often doctors combine treatment with drops and ointments.

Important: as a rule, children do not like and poorly tolerate eye ointments. It is best to perform this procedure before bedtime.

Tetracycline eye ointment 1%
Tetracycline eye ointment 1%

Tetracycline eye ointment 1%

The ointment contains a tetracycline antibiotic. The drug is used by laying 2-3 times a day as a doctor’s appointment. The ointment is used for bacterial eye infections.

Erythromycin eye ointment

Eye ointment of bactericidal action with the active substance erythromycin. It is widely used in ophthalmological practice in the treatment of eye infections. The ointment is laid behind the lower eyelid three times a day.

Zovirax eye ointment 3%

Antiviral eye ointment containing acyclovir. It is used in the treatment of viral eye infections, in particular herpetic conjunctivitis. The ointment is laid for the lower eyelid 5 times a day every four hours.

Tebrophenic eye ointment 0.5%

Antiviral ointment with the active substance of Tebrofen. The drug is used for viral eye diseases. The ointment is laid in the eyelid 3-4 times a day. Treatment usually lasts up to 2-4 weeks.

Eye washing
Eye washing

How to rinse conjunctivitis in children?

Eye washing and removal of purulent crusts and mucus is an important procedure in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Important: Before burying eye drops and laying the ointment beyond the eyelid, you should carefully clean and rinse your eyes.

In the presence of mucous-native secretions and crusts of the eye should be washed with solutions and infusions that can be prepared at home on your own.

  • Boiled warm water - well removes eye purulent discharge
  • Saline: In a liter of warm boiled water, a teaspoon of table salt is dissolved
  • Furatsilin solution 0.02%: In 100 ml of boiling water, one tablet of furatsilin 0.02 g is dissolved
  • Chamomile infusion: Two tablespoons of chamomile flowers steam boiling water, insisted for 40 minutes
  • Sage tea: a tablespoon of sage leaves steam with a glass of boiling water
  • Infusion of tea: a bag of tea is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 10 minutes

How to rinse your eyes correctly?

  • The inflamed eyes are washed with a warm solution with a cotton swab or disk. For each eye they take a new swab
  • A moistened swab is led from the outer edge of the eye to the inner corner
  • The eye washing procedure is carried out several times a day as necessary (6-8 times a day)

Video: conjunctivitis in a child - advises Dr. Komarovsky

Is it possible to walk with conjunctivitis in children?

Walking or sitting at home with conjunctivitis - there is no definite answer. The health of the baby, the duration of the disease, weather factors should be taken into account.

When can you walk with the baby?

  • In the absence of temperature and good health of the child
  • No acute period of illness
  • Under favorable weather conditions: the street is not dusty, there is no strong wind, the weather is worthwhile. In winter - in the absence of severe frosts

For walks, you should choose green areas: parks, closed courtyards and sites without accumulation of people. Since conjunctivitis is contagious, it is recommended to isolate a sick child from contacts with healthy children.

Conjunctivitis prevention
Conjunctivitis prevention

Prevention of conjunctivitis in children

Conjunctivitis is a disease associated with eye infection. Due to childhood, a rather weak immune system of the child, the lack of proper hygiene - the disease is often found in children. Therefore, preventive measures should be used to prevent the occurrence of children's conjunctivitis.

How to protect a child from conjunctivitis?

  • Observe the child's hygiene: wash your hands after a walk, before meals
  • With allergic conjunctivitis, eliminate an allergen that causes the disease: homemade dust, animal hair, pollen of flowering plants
  • Maintain cleanliness in the apartment: carry out wet cleaning of rooms, remove dust, ventilate the room
  • Conduct hardening and wellness measures with the baby to strengthen the immune system
Healthy baby
Healthy baby

How to treat children's conjunctivitis: tips

The inflammatory process of the mucous surface of the eye is very concerned about parents. Almost every child at least once, or even several, came across this problem. Numerous reviews on the Internet regarding conjunctivitis can be generalized and given several useful tips.

  1. Preventive measures against conjunctivitis are the most effective and help reduce the risk of disease
  2. The child should be protected from the possibility of traumatism of the conjunctiva: getting into the eyes of cosmetics, dust, chemical reagents
  3. Control the time of wrapping a child near the TV and computer. With prolonged “communication” with these information and gaming devices, the process of self -cleaning of the eye may decrease, which is a prerequisite for inflammation of the mucous membrane
  4. Proper and healthy diet, sufficient sleep and walking in the fresh air, personal hygiene and physical development - the main components of the child's health

Video: Children's conjunctivitis: Consults Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. The child is already an adult, a teenager. And the second time probably since the beginning of the year we have conjunctivitis. What is the reason that it is so often such a problem with the eyes?

  2. I also had conjunctivitis before, I was unlikely to find a reason. One of the doctors talked about a decrease in immunity, others repeated about dirty hands. Now it is much less often, but still every five to six months it happens. I already know well what is being treated, I bought a drops of Floxal, a week of treatment and with my eyes full order.

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