Food to increase male potency: 20 top equipment for male power

Food to increase male potency: 20 top equipment for male power

This article describes the TOP-20 of the best products to increase male potency.

The beneficial products that we use daily help our health. A person who eats properly becomes more hardy and strong in all areas of his life. Harmful products, on the contrary, stimulate the regression of human forces. He feels weak and more tired.

In sexual life in men, a disease such as impotence can progress. You should not close your eyes to this. After all, the disease provokes problems not only with health, but also in human personal life. To prevent the appearance of impotence and be always ready to get a joint pleasure with his soulmate, the man must be familiar with the top 20 products that will help increase potency. Turning them on in his diet, a man will forget about problems in bed for many years.

Male strength and nuts: a natural way to increase potency

Male strength and nuts are interconnected
Male strength and nuts are interconnected

Nuts are one of the most nutritious products. They must be included in the diet, especially men. Nuts have a beneficial effect on male power with their regular consumption. All thanks to the chemical composition, which contains:

  • Vitamin E
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B.
  • Vitamin C
  • Phosphorus

All this helps to improve the overall background of health. Nuts help improve blood circulation. The phosphorus contained in them helps synthesize the hormone lecithin, which is necessary for the production of testosterone. It is also a real building material for human cells. Vitamin C helps in improving sexual attraction and raising an erection.

Advice: This is a natural way to increase potency. Just include a handful of nuts every day in the diet, and you will see positive results in a week.

Contraindications It is that such a product is not recommended to use allergies, especially peanuts. It can provoke the appearance of an allergic reaction due to the increased content of lectins in it.

Grapes: a natural remedy for increasing male potency

Grapes: a natural remedy for increasing male potency
Grapes: a natural remedy for increasing male potency

In addition to impeccable sweet taste, ripe grapes contains useful components that help prevent impotence and improve erection. The grape contains a unique substance - polyphenol. It is it that helps the body improve and establish metabolic processes.

It is worth knowing: It is recommended to eat exclusively red grapes. It will help activate sperm, thanks to the substance containing in it - resveratrol. He makes them more mobile, enhancing male potency. The berry needs to be eaten along with the peel.

This is a natural remedy for increasing male potency. Daily grape consumption will help establish blood circulation, including blood supply in the field of male dignity. This berry also has an anti -inflammatory effect. Grapes will help get rid of prostatitis, which reduces the chances of the appearance of an erection or completely excludes them.

Contraindications It is that grapes are not recommended for people with chronic gastritis and malignant formations in the gastrointestinal tract. It should also be excluded from the diet for people with type 1 diabetes.

Garlic: the best product for increasing male strength and potency

Garlic: the best product for increasing male strength and potency
Garlic: the best product for increasing male strength and potency

Garlic - This is the best natural product for improving and stabilizing male strength, health and potency. It favorably affects sexual health, thanks to the useful components that it contains:

  • Potassium and magnesium help to establish the functionality of the reproductive activity of a person.
  • Selenium is responsible for the prevention of the development of diseases of the prostate, including oncological neoplasms.
  • Calcium Increases the duration of sexual intercourse due to the obstacle to premature ejaculation.
  • Fitoncides They help strengthen the human immune system, which also positively affects sexual desire.
  • Allicine - This is a natural antioxidant that helps strengthen cells and prevents their destruction, and therefore the aging of a man.

It is worth knowing: Garlic will help not only disperse the blood, but also cleanse it of toxins and toxins.


  • The product is not recommended to use more than two cloves per day, due to aggressive components contained in it.
  • It is contraindicated in the use of people with cardiovascular diseases, as well as gastrointestinal diseases.

Young garlic (cloves and feathers) is very useful for increasing male potency. It has a lot of vitamins and trace elements.

Koumiss: a male product to increase potency

Koumiss: a male product to increase potency
Koumiss: a male product to increase potency

Koumiss - A very useful sour -milk drink that affects male strength and allows you to raise potency. It is made of mare’s milk, less often from cow, with sour -milk and alcohol fermentation. Koumiss has beneficial active components that improve male libido.

  • This drink is rightfully called a male product to increase potency.
  • It allows you to establish blood circulation and improve blood circulation.
  • It is often recommended for use with anemia, which often in men leads to early impotence.
  • Koumiss, thanks to the minerals contained in it, improves regeneration processes, and increases human immunity.

Healing properties this drink:

  • Help prevent the appearance of tumors and malignant formations.
  • In addition, it helps to slow down the natural process of aging, which has a beneficial effect on an erection.


  • Koumiss is not recommended for people with lactose intolerance, gastritis (with high acidity).
  • It is worth abandoning its use in renal diseases of the acute form.

Due to the content of alcohol in a drink, it is also contraindicated in diabetics.

Beans: increasing male potency at home

Beans: increasing male potency at home
Beans: increasing male potency at home

Beans - These are plant proteins necessary for all vital processes occurring in the body. Red beans contain beneficial trace elements, which are well affected not only on male potency, but on the whole body as a whole.

  • Thiamine or vitamin B1 - a biologically active microcomponent that helps improve brain function, increasing its activity.
  • Manganese - It is a resource of energy and strength for humans. He supports the human body in good shape.

If a man observes problems with potency, then this can be associated with constant stress. The beans are known for its soothing properties that will help you feel peace and relaxed atmosphere. This is an excellent tool for increasing male potency at home. There are such beans in almost every house. Therefore, cook delicious soups from red and white beans, make salads And second dishes.


  • Beans should not be used in the diet for people with gastritis, ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases.
  • It is also recommended to be excluded with cholecystitis and gout.

In other cases, this is a useful product that should be in the diet for each person at least once a week.

Honey: an effective folk remedy for increasing male potency

Honey: effective folk remedy for potency
Honey: effective folk remedy for potency

Beeswill to this day is used from hundreds of diseases. Thanks to its truly healing properties, honey will help with signs of sexual weakness. It can be consumed for breakfast, combining with other useful products (cereals, drinks, fruit desserts). The regular practice of such breakfast will help restore the erectile functions of a man and diversify the sex life. This is an effective folk remedy for increasing male potency.

  • Total 1 teaspoon Honey in the morning (or evening before bedtime) will add strength to the body, enrich vitamins and useful trace elements.

In addition to the restoration of male potency, honey improves the overall healthy background. Thanks to the anti -inflammatory properties, it will help eliminate the possibility of pelvic diseases, including prostatitis. Honey will become an additional source of strength and male energy, which is one of the important factors of success in bed.

Contraindications It is that honey is not recommended for people with diabetes patients. It is excluded from the diet for obesity and pronounced problems with the digestive tract.

Pomegranate: natural effective folk remedy for increasing male potency

Pomegranate: natural effective folk remedy for increasing male potency
Pomegranate: natural effective folk remedy for increasing male potency

Another effective folk remedy for increasing male potency. This red fruit brings undeniable benefits for the body. In order to increase male potency, it is necessary to solve a number of problems that have an adverse effect on it. Pomegranate is a real storehouse of natural phyto elements and minerals.

With regular use of a grenade, a person receives:

  • Blood cleansing and improving its formula
  • Stabilization of the hormonal background
  • Normalization of blood pressure
  • Improving the quality of sleep
  • Increasing potency
  • Getting rid of anemia

Sexual weakness can be removed with regular grenade consumption. It can be consumed in any convenient form, preferably with bones. They contain more vitamin e. Useful also pomegranate juice.


  • Pomegranate is not recommended for people with hemorrhoids, ulcerative diseases, as well as gastritis (with high acidity).

Such a product is contraindicated in people prone to constipation.

Cinnamon: the best means to increase potency in men

Cinnamon: the best means to increase potency in men
Cinnamon: the best means to increase potency in men

Cinnamon It is used not in the form of the main product, but as a food additive to dishes. Nevertheless, it has active components that will help a man to success and gain male power. This is the best means to increase potency in men. The chemical composition of cinnamon looks as follows:

  • Squirrels, fats and carbohydrates
  • Alimentary fiber
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins E, B, C, A, K
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium

Cinnamon will help not only save a person from impotence, but also restore the healthy body of the body. It will improve the gastric microflora, excluding the pathogenic environment. The cinnamon also prevents the increase in the level of insulin in the blood and stabilizes its markers. It contains a high level of antioxidants that prevent natural aging.

Important: Cinnamon helps synthesize testosterone in a pronounced form of prostatitis.


  • Cinnamon should not be consumed with renal and liver failure.

The use of the product should be avoided in the presence of individual intolerance to its components.

Eggs - chicken, quail: improving potency due to protein

Eggs - chicken, quail: improving potency due to protein
Eggs - chicken, quail: improving potency due to protein

To maintain sexual viability, a person must necessarily include eggs in the diet. Experts recommend consuming quail eggs. Doctors believe that they are much more useful than chicken. They help to increase potency and get rid of beds in bed. They include not only useful components, but also increased sterility. They have a lot of protein, which improves potency. Many people believe that there is a lot of cholesterol in this product. Read more about this in the article on our website.

The quail eggs contain:

  • Beta-carotene
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Nicotinic acid
  • Iron
  • Amino acids

Such eggs are stored longer and contain more beneficial substances in their percentage ratio than chicken. Cried eggs increase male libido, and also stimulates blood flow in the genitals. They prevent the development of prostate diseases, increase the production of androgens and saturate the prostate gland with the necessary vitamins.


  • Quail eggs are not recommended to be consumed with an increased cholesterol level.
  • It is also forbidden to eat such a product with individual intolerance to egg protein.

If there is no way to eat quail eggs, then you need to eat at least 1 time a day 1 chicken egg. If you eat in one day, for example, for breakfast, you can and 2 eggs.

Onions: the best remedy for increasing potency

Onions: the best remedy for increasing potency
Onions: the best remedy for increasing potency

Many men love onion And this is not in vain:

  • It contains almost all the components necessary for the normal life of the body.
  • It is saturated with useful trace elements, organic oils, as well as vitamins and minerals.
  • Onions helps to increase sexual desire and improve male fertility.
  • This is the best tool to increase potency.

The vitamins contained in it are responsible for this:

  • Vitamin A. It will help strengthen the immune system, as well as increase the synthesis of male sex hormones.
  • Vitamin E. Participates in the metabolic process, and also improves the functioning of the genital glands.
  • Vitamin RR. It is the main factor in the production of energy obtained from carbohydrates.
  • Zinc. Increases the synthesis of testosterone and sperm.


  • Onions are contraindicated in the use of people with ulcerative diseases, as well as gastritis with high acidity.

Try to eat this vegetable less raw. It irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Add it when preparing the first, second dishes.

Celery: male grass to increase potency

Celery: male grass
Celery: male grass

This product brings exceptional benefits for men's health. It contains many vitamins that give celery therapeutic and healing properties. Since in our body all systems and processes are interconnected in order to solve the problem of impotence and strengthen the erection, it is necessary to remove all the pathologies that are related to this. This will help celery. Such a plant has long been considered male grass to increase potency. It contains in itself:

  • Crubid fiber
  • Micro and macrocomponents
  • A nicotinic acid
  • Organic oils and acids
  • Vitamins C, E, B, and
  • Squirrels
  • Fat

The unique composition will help strengthen immunity, remove toxins and toxins from the body. Celery will cope with allergic reactions. It will strengthen sleep and provide the body with strength and energy. By improving blood flow in the genitals, celery will save a man of problems in his sex life.


  • The product is unacceptable to use people with blood coagulation, because He dilutes her.

It is also not recommended to use people with gastrointestinal tract.

Black cumin: the best medicine for potency in men

Black caraway
Black caraway

Black cumin - This is a natural remedy that allows you to improve the sex life of a man. It is also one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. Well stimulates the production of male sex hormones, which leads to an increase in potency in men. Black cumin - This is the best medicine for representatives of the stronger sex, which is used in food not only in the form of seeds, but also of vegetable oil. The daily norm of caraway seeds contains:

  • Vitamins E, and
  • Beta-carotene
  • Amino acids
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Enzymes

Polynaturated amino acids improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and strengthen the heart. Thanks to them, in the human body, metabolic processes are normalized, which also affect the presence of high -quality erection in men.

It is worth knowing: Black caraway seeds with regular use normalizes the work of the central nervous system and allows a person to calm down, relieve himself of tension. The lack of internal anxiety is one of the important points in the formation of sexual desire.


  • Black caraway seeds is prohibited from using ischemia and postinfarct syndromes.
  • It is also recommended to refrain with individual intolerance.

This product should not include in your diet people who have undergone transplantation of internal organs.

Oysters: the best product for increasing male strength and potency

Oysters: the best product for raising male power
Oysters: the best product for raising male power

Oysters - One of those seafood that will help to diversify the diet and bring special benefits for men's health. Oysters make up for the lack of important biologically active components. They contain components such as:

  • Omega-3
  • Protein
  • Prailin
  • Glutamin acid
  • Leucin
  • Valin
  • A complex of vitamins
  • Useful micro and macroelements

Oysters have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relaxing a person. Microelements, vitamins and other beneficial substances of these mollusks carry out the full operation of the male reproductive system.


  • Oysters are not recommended for use for gout, ulcer and gastritis (with an increased level of acidity).

In general, with poor potency, men need to eat more seafood. Even at the age from 40 years and older, Doctors are prescribed to people a Mediterranean diet in which seafood and vegetables are present.

Berries: the best product for increasing male potency in spring and summer

Berries: Best product
Berries: Best product

Berries You can use both fresh and dried form. But fresh in them is a lot of vitamins and trace elements. In any case, their composition is rich in mineral-vitamine components that help increase male libido. Regular use of berry dishes will help get rid of diseases of the reproductive system, as well as inflammatory processes associated with the bladder.


  • Berries are contraindicated in individual intolerance and allergies.

With the onset of spring and summer, replace simple sugars (sweets, cookies, gingerbread cookies and other sweets and confectionery) with fresh berries.

Red wine: a healthy product to increase male potency

Red wine: a healthy product to increase male potency
Red wine: a healthy product to increase male potency

With proper use of red wine, you can achieve positive results in a human sexual life. Red wine helps to increase potency. One glass is able to normalize the content of testosterone and estrogen in the human body. This is a really useful product to increase male potency.

  • Wine will help increase the sensitivity of not only genitals, but also erogenous zones.
  • Some beneficial components contained in wine prevent the occurrence of diseases associated with the men's genitourinary system.
  • This drink also prevents the development of cancer.


  • Alcohol products, including red wine, are contraindicated for people with liver and kidney diseases.

It is forbidden to consume wine for obesity and cancer.

Meat: Male product to increase potency

Meat: Male product to increase potency
Meat: Male product to increase potency

The meat products contain a large amount of protein, which positively affect the synthesis of sperm. This is truly a male product to increase potency. In addition, this is one of the main building materials for the human body. In his diet, a man can use several types of meat:

  • Beef
  • horsemeat
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Venison
  • Rabbit

All types of meat positively affect the potency of a man. It is not necessarily in volumetric quantities, it is only enough 50 grams on the 60 kg human weight per day.


  • The meat is not recommended to be consumed with individual intolerance.
  • Fatty meat is contraindicated in obese people.

Do not use pork constantly. There is a lot of fat in this type of meat, so nothing but an increase in cholesterol will bring such a product.

Avocado: a useful product to increase potency in men

Avocado: a useful product to increase potency in men
Avocado: a useful product to increase potency in men

To solve the problem of impotence, men often use natural components included in the category of aphrodisiacs. Avocado - tropical ingredient, which can become an indispensable product in a delicious and healthy salad or another dish. Avocado replenishes male power, saturating a person with energy, which is useful in bed. This is one of the most useful products to increase potency in men.

Important: This product has a positive effect on the body, cleansing the blood and normalizing blood flow to the genital organ. This will help to achieve a powerful erection and attraction.

Avocado contains the following useful components:

  • Squirrels, fats and carbohydrates
  • Fluorine
  • Carotinoids
  • Alimentary fiber
  • Complex of vitamins and minerals
  • Beta-Sitosterol
  • Paul -saturated amino acids


  • Avocado is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance, as well as if citrus cultures are an allergen in the body.
  • Avocado should not be consumed with frequent symptoms of diarrhea.

Do it from avocado salads, prepare the second dishes with him. This is a valuable product in taste, which will perfectly complement your diet, especially in winter and spring, when there are few fresh vegetables and fruits.

Sychuzhina: a natural product to increase potency in men

Sychuzhina: natural product
Sychuzhina: natural product

Sychuzhina They call a camel stomach. Such a natural product for increasing potency is similar in terms of properties to a drug. Its only minus is inaccessibility. But if a person manages to purchase it, then this is worth the effort.

Sychuzhina contains in itself:

  • Vitamins of groups A, E, B
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Useful microcomponents

These substances increase the quality of sperm in a man and enhance their production. He has a strong sexual desire, as well as an erection. Sychuzhina provides a man with a lot of energy.


  • Sychuzhin is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance.

It is almost impossible to buy such a product in our country. But it is available in countries where there are many camels, like we have cows or horses: Australia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, etc.

Gorky chocolate: the best product for increasing male potency

Gorky chocolate: the best product for increasing male potency
Gorky chocolate: the best product for increasing male potency

In moderate quantities real bitter chocolate It will help a man to achieve a strong erection. This is another best product to increase male potency. It contains beneficial microcomponents:

  • Beta-carotene
  • Selenium
  • Flavonoids
  • Organic oils
  • Organic acids
  • Magnesium
  • Folic acid

When choosing chocolate, you should pay attention to the content of cocoa in it. Its indicator should vary from 55% to 99%. Dark chocolate should not be consumed more than 50 grams per day. In addition, chocolate is an antidepressant. Therefore, over time, a man has not only sexual arousal, but also self -esteem increases.


  • Chocolate is contraindicated for people with poor digestion, as well as gastrointestinal diseases.
  • It is not allowed to use it to people with diabetes, and with a predisposition to stone formation in organs.

No need to eat all the tiles at once. Enough 1-2 cubes a day, and you will notice changes for the better.

Lemons: a useful product to increase male potency

Lemons: useful product
Lemons: useful product

Lemons They charge the body with a complex of vitamins and help strengthen the immune system. Citrus fruit will help improve the quality of seed fluid in a man, and increase its erectile function. This is a useful product to increase male potency.

Lemons contain such useful active components in their pulp and zest:

  • Vitamin complexes
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium

For a man, lemon is also useful for tinting the body and rejuvenates it. It also normalizes pressure and accelerates metabolic processes.


  • Lemons are contraindicated for people with allergies to citrus cultures, and with gastrointestinal diseases.

As you can see, there are many useful foods that will help restore male power. In addition, we can say that it will be good to add sport to your life, walks in the fresh air and proper nutrition. With such efforts you will achieve the best results. Good luck!

Video: food products to improve potency. Healthy diet

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Comments K. article

  1. From his own experience, I noticed that nutrition can only affect potency if you include certain foods in the diet for a long time. But sometimes the solution to the problem is required here and now. In such cases, the effect of sildenafil helps out, the doctor prescribed it to me. Direct salvation from awkward situations))

  2. Nobody canceled products, it is frivolously, at least, but for advanced forms of impotence, this is an auxiliary version of the correction of the situation. I have just this form, therefore, to achieve an erection, it is defined for taking Tadalafil-SZ.

  3. Yes, if everything is bad, then you already need to turn to traditional medicine. I myself was appointed Sildenafil-SZ. Well, much that is written in the article corresponds to common sense.

  4. FDE inhibitors, in particular, the previously indicated Tadalafil-SZ, is true, have the ability to quickly cause an erection. Especially, as noted, in advanced situations. Which does not cancel the use of products that are useful for this. On the contrary, this will increase effectiveness and accelerate the treatment process.

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