How to squeeze juice from a grenade at home manually and in a juicer: methods. How to squeeze the juice from a grenade without a juicer: methods, description, video

How to squeeze juice from a grenade at home manually and in a juicer: methods. How to squeeze the juice from a grenade without a juicer: methods, description, video

This article describes the methods of obtaining pomegranate juice without a juicer.

Pomegranate contains many vitamins and trace elements. Its juice contains the maximum of the beneficial substances of the entire plant.

  • Pomegranate juice is used to restore the body after surgery, influenza and infectious diseases.
  • It is also used as antivirus, antibacterial and anti -inflammatory agents.
  • After all, it contains antioxidants, without which many health problems arise in the human body.
  • In addition, pomegranate juice is used as marinads for meat, for the preparation of sauces, drinks and desserts.
  • It is very difficult to get it, since there is little pulp, and the seeds inside the grains are large. But this will help to do this a few proven ways that will be discussed in this article.

How to squeeze the juice from a grenade without a juicer: methods, description, video

How to squeeze the juice from a grenade without a juicer: methods
How to squeeze the juice from a grenade without a juicer: methods

It is not easy to make juice from a grenade, since it has little delicious pulp, and the partitions, if they do not remove them, will give the juice bitterness. Here are several ways that will help to correctly squeeze the juice from a grenade without a juicer. Before you start cooking juice, watch the video how to clean the grenade correctly and quickly.

Advice: Be sure to remove the film and partitions, as they add juice bitterness and sour taste.

Video: How quickly and easy to clean grenades!

Method No. 1 - Supervision with a package

Prepare a knife, a rolling pin and bags with a configuration clip that are used for freezing. Stages of cooking:

  • Wash the grenade, cut in half and break into several parts.
  • Gently take out the grains and put in the bag. Fasten it tightly.
  • Now carefully press on a bag of grenade with a rocking rod, but do it carefully so that the package does not break.
  • When all the grains burst, and the juice will be in the bag, cut its lower corner, and drain the juice into the prepared glass. As a result, the bones will remain in the bag, and the juice is ready for further use.
How to squeeze the juice from a grenade without a juicer: methods, description
How to squeeze the juice from a grenade without a juicer: methods, description

Method No. 2 - Supervision inside the fetus

  • Wash the grenade. Wipe it with a napkin.
  • Then remember the fetus well in your hands. To do this, you need a lot of strength, since all the grains inside should burst, otherwise the juice will turn out little.
  • Now, in a mint grenade, make a hole with a knife anywhere and squeeze the formed juice in a glass.

Method No. 3 - pressing

  • To push this way, you will need a small manual press or a special manual juicer. Prepare a grenade - wash and wipe it with a napkin.
  • Clean the fruit from the peel. Cut it into two parts and disassemble it, separating the grains. Remove all partitions, as they give bitterness.
  • Then take gauze and fold it in 2 layers in the form of a bag.
  • Put all the grains in the gauze bag and put it in the press.
  • Twist the press of the press until you squeeze all the juice.

In the juice obtained in this way, pieces of pulp will be contained. Therefore, it will have to be filtered through a dense fabric.

The methods of obtaining pomegranate juice without a juicer were described above. Watch the video how else you can squeeze the juice from a grenade without great effort.

Video: How to squeeze a grenade without a juicer?

How to squeeze juice from a grenade in a juicer: Instructions

How to squeeze juice from a grenade in a juicer: Instructions
How to squeeze juice from a grenade in a juicer: Instructions

Many people, when reading this article, will think why squeeze the juice manually if there are juicers. Indeed, if you clean the grenades correctly, then the juice from it can be made with a juicer. This method is suitable if you need a lot of juice. How to squeeze juice from a pomegranate in a juicer? Instructions:

  • Wash the grenade and wipe it with a dry towel.
  • Drive it to separate the grains. Try to remove all the white film, otherwise the juice will be bitter.
  • Put the grains in the juicer and turn it on. Juice is ready!

Many people do not clean grenades and do not separate the grains, but put in a juicer along with all internal films and partitions. They also have beneficial substances that fall into the juice. If you are preparing juice for an adult, then he can drink it, even with the taste of bitterness. If the juice needs to be done for the child, then it is better to separate the grains from the film and squeeze the juice only from them.

Video: Pomegranate juice. Juicer - press for citrus and grenades

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