Potency drugs: name, list, brief description of properties. Effective increase in potency without side effects: tips, recommendations

Potency drugs: name, list, brief description of properties. Effective increase in potency without side effects: tips, recommendations

Problems with potency can occur at any age. There are a large number of different factors negatively affecting "male power". Such factors include frequent stress, physical and psychological injuries. Fortunately, this problem is well treated. But, it is very important to contact a specialist at an early stage of its discovery. And, often, you can return confidence in bed with the help of various medications and dietary supplements.

Preparations to increase potency: list, names, brief description of the properties

For men with potency problems, today there are quite a few drugs that improve sexual dysfunction. Their choice is based on the causes of this problem. All drugs to increase potency can be distinguished in three groups:

  • Phosphodiesterase inhibitors-5
  • Testosterone -based preparations
  • Alternative drugs and dietary supplements

Phosphodiesterase inhibitors-5

This group includes drugs to improve blood supply to the penis. This is achieved due to the blocking of phosphodesteraz-5 in the body. This group of funds includes popular: « Viagra», "Cialis", "Ziden" and "Levitra".

Sexual dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction

Testosterone -based preparations

Very often, erectile function is disrupted due to the low level of testosterone in the body. To solve this problem, gels, tablets, ointments and injections of this hormone can be used. This effect has: "Andriol", "Methyltestosterone", "Sustanol" and "Nebido".

Alternative drugs and dietary supplements

This group includes drugs that are not used in traditional medicine. However, wide advertising and a large representation in the market made drugs from this group very famous. Unfortunately, many dietary supplements do not have a therapeutic effect and work on the principle of placebo.

Instant increase in potency: Methods


Very often in life there are situations when it is necessary to increase potency as quickly as possible. To do this, you can use natural drugs or drugs. Often, funds improving potency begin to act a few minutes after taking them. Popular " Viagra»Could lead to a positive effect after 20 minutes.

You can improve potency using aphrodisiacs. There are both female and male aphrodisiacs. Many of them not only increase libido, but are also able to improve potency.

A similar effect has a mixture of walnuts and honey. It is even called the natural "Viagra". To prepare it, you need to grind walnuts and pour honey. It is desirable to take such a tool on the night before intimacy.

Instantly to achieve the desired result can only with the help of special drugs. But, this does not mean that you need to forget about natural remedies. They are also very good, even if their effectiveness does not occur so quickly.

Drops to increase potency: list, names, brief description of the properties

Drops Hammer Torah
Drops Hammer Torah

Drops for potency are very effective in the use of the product. Today you can buy such drops from various manufacturers. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of such drugs really has the right effect.

Important: the basis of such drops, as a rule, are plant components with an exciting effect. They do not cause side effects, but can increase the libido and increase the surge of strength in the intimate area.

This effect has:

  • "Tincture of ginseng". The tool helps to remove a depressive state, gives a positive result with sexual neurosis and improves the work of the penis
  • "Tincture of love". The plant component of this agent allows you to improve blood circulation in the penis and reassure the nervous system
  • "Tincture of Levzea". A strong stimulant that will help improve potency even in old age. This drug relieves physical and moral fatigue
  • "Tincture of secularines". The composition of this drug includes an alkaloid secondurin. He is able to increase male strength and has a tonic effect
  • Drops "Falloston". This tool is made of natural components: the extract of Siberian infection and the hood of the fruits of philodendron. Drops have a beneficial effect on the flow of blood to the genital organ and improve "male power"
  • Take 3-5 drops under the tongue for 5-15 days. 2 weeks after the end of the first course, the second course must be carried out
  • Drops "Hammer Torah". The drug allows you to increase the level of male hormone-testosterone. Which in turn has a positive effect on potency. Drops are accepted by a course of 3-5 drops per day for 1-2 weeks. Then you need a break of 2 weeks and a second course

Tablets to increase potency: list, names, brief description of the properties


It is necessary to use funds to restore “male power” in a tablet form only under the guidance of a doctor. He must find out the cause of dysfunction and choose the drug necessary for treatment. All tablets of this kind are divided into synthetic and plant.

The first group includes medications. Such as:

  • « Viagra». The most popular pills for male dysfunction. The components of this tool increase the blood supply to the vessels of the penis. The effect of the drug begins 20 minutes after taking and ends after 4 hours.
  • "Levitra". One of the safest tablets aimed at improving potency. This product includes vardenafil. This substance improves the reproductive function and increases the amount of sperm. The action of the tablet begins 30 minutes after admission and ends after 10 hours.
  • "Impaz". Tablets that can be taken even to men, with diseases of the heart and prostate. Do not require drinking. It is enough just to dissolve a pill in the mouth. This drug helps to restore vascular obstruction and enhances sexual desire.
  • "Ziden". Tablets of a new generation that can be combined even with small doses of alcohol. The composition of this medicine includes an elongation. This substance quickly enters the bloodstream and increases sexual desire.
  • "Dynamic". Based tablets sildenafil. The peculiarity of this substance is that an erection occurs only if necessary. This drug cannot be used for diseases of the cardiovascular system and eyes.
  • "Viatail" Also a drug based on sildenafil.

Krakatao to increase potency: properties, application


A relatively new remedy in the domestic market is the drug Krakatao. It is absolutely safe for the body. The composition of the capsules includes plant components (long -faced eurecoma extract, yochimbe corte, ginseng and chastelia extract), minerals (zinc and selenium) and vitamins.

Krakatao can be combined with alcohol. In addition to the main action - increasing potency, this drug improves the work of the whole organism, promotes its rejuvenation and increases physical endurance. Effective after the first trick.

Ointment to increase potency: list, names, brief description of the properties

In addition to drops and tablets, other means are used to improve potency. For example, special ointments. Unlike the popular Viagra tablets, such ointments do not worsen the sensitivity of the penis. And on the contrary, it improves sensations after use.

Not so long ago, Australian experts were able to make ointment based on glycerythritis to increase potency. This tool must be applied to the genitals. After such application, intimate lubricant is not necessary.

Cream for increasing potency: list, names, brief description of the properties

Power Life cream
Power Life cream

Unlike ointments to increase potency, cream have such an effect for a long time to solve this delicate problem. They have an instant effect and can not only increase potency, but also increase sexual intercourse.

Such funds are “working” on the principle similar to the “Viagra”. They have vasodilating properties and increase blood flow in the genital organ. Most creams for potency include vegetable oils that have an exciting effect.

  • "Persian shah". The cream, which includes plant components of ginseng, horse chestnut, ginko biloba and ginger. In addition to increasing potency, it has such a “side” effect as an increase in the penis
  • "Power Life". A popular remedy for improving potency and increasing the penis. It includes such plant components as ginseng root, horse chestnut and Muira Pum
  • "Maksoderm". The cream contains vitamins, extract of green tea leaves, white nettles, Masa root, rosemary and other useful components of plant origin. Recommended for the prevention of potency disorders and its increase

Gel to increase potency: list, names, brief description of the properties

Kamagra Gel
Kamagra Gel

There are two types of gels to increase potency. Some of them are used for oral administration (jelly), while others for rubbing into the skin of the penis.

  • "Kamagra Gel". The drug for orally based on the generic of the famous Viagra. Thanks to the gel form, the product begins to instantly be absorbed into the gastric mucosa and transmitted through the bloodstream. Produced with several taste shades
  • "Viagra Gel". The drug is identical in composition and pharmaceutical action of the famous “blue” pill. Produced in the form of jelly with a pleasant smell and taste
  • "Cialis Gel". The composition of this tool includes the active substance Tadalafil. The daily dosage of the drug is 20 mg. After admission, it is valid for 36 hours. The maximum effect can be achieved 30 minutes after taking
  • Eromax ". Gel that is used externally. After rubbing the skin of the penis, the active substances of this gel expand the vessels and increase the blood flow. This tool needs to be used 30 minutes before intercourse

Chinese drugs to increase potency: list, names, brief description of the properties

Golden Dragon
Golden Dragon

Preparations for improving potency from the Middle Kingdom are very popular today. They are made from natural components according to recipes for traditional Chinese medicine. In addition to their effectiveness, such funds have another positive effect - a relatively low cost.

  • "Maca". A complex remedy for the Hong Kong company Sunshine Biotech Co. Used to prevent prostatitis, an increase in the penis and increased potency. The pill and ball of this drug must be consumed 15 minutes before intercourse. The active substances of this drug enhance blood flow in the genital organ, improve potency and sexual attraction
  • "Green Viagra". The drug based on: starsomes of long -faced, ginseng of Korean, caterpillar mushroom, epidemium, Licium of Chinese, Tibetan Safran, infection and tsistanha. After taking this tool, the body is developing testosterone. Due to which sexual desire increases and sexual intercourse increases. With the help of "green Viagra" you can treat prostatitis, stimulate seed formation and mobility of spermatozoa
  • "Golden Dragon". A unique remedy for the treatment of sexual dysfunction. The drug has a convenient one -time package. Quickly restores "male" power after orgasm. Thanks to which you can start sexual intercourse again a few minutes after the ejaculation. You need to take this tool 15-30 minutes before intimacy
  • "Strong 10 days". The famous drug from the Tibetan company Imperial Health Care Article Factory. The composition of this product includes a mulberry mushroom, juniper cones, Goryanka, a sheet of Gotu Kola, a stalk of oats, a papaya and a Korean ginseng. Has a positive effect not only on potency, but also on the general immune system of the body
  • "Golden Gun". A modern drug for multiple increase in male potency. In addition to the main action, it helps to increase the genitals and extend sexual intercourse. The composition of this product includes a kalgan, a deer penis, a shell of a turtle, a deer tendon, a walnut nucleus, an infection and a sea horse.

Side effects of drugs to increase potency

Preparations to increase potency should be taken with great caution to people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of blood, kidneys, liver, blood vessels and heart. Persons who have not reached the age of 18 need to refuse to take such drugs. In old age, there is also a risk of negative consequences when taking this tool.

When taking drugs increasing potency, it is necessary to read the instructions and choose the dosage suitable for you. In case of exceeding dosages, both in terms of the amount of the drug and the time of administration (if taken too often), side effects may appear in the form of nausea, dizziness, pain in the lower back and head.

Dietary supplements for potency: list, names, brief description of the properties

Bad Golden Horse
Bad Golden Horse
  • Biological active additives are very popular for restoration of potency. Unfortunately, not all of them can really help in such a scrupulous problem. But, there are such dietary supplements whose benefits are proven by numerous use. One of these additives is "Super Yohimbe-Plus". The composition of this drug includes plant components: Eleutherococcus root, Domiana leaves and Yochimba bark. This additive improves a rush of blood to the genital organ and stimulates potency
  • Another dietary supplement, which is very popular in men today "Golden Horse". It includes sowing leaves, ginseng root, sea skate shell and cat mustache. These natural components restore potency. Unfortunately, this tool for hypertension and atherosclerosis cannot be used
  • Also in any pharmacy you can buy such a tool as "Red root". It can have this form of release as capsules or sold in the form of tincture. This drug can be used not only to restore “male power”, but also for the prevention of prostate adenoma and other diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Widely known in solving the male problem of such dietary supplements as "Impaz". This tool is produced in the form of tablets and is shown not only to enhance potency, but also for the treatment of vegetovascular disorders

Vitamins for potency: list, names, brief description of the properties

Vitamins for male power
Vitamins for male power
  • Many vitamins affect increased potency. To improve the state of blood vessels and the general strengthening of the whole organism, it is necessary vitamin C.. It is able to stimulate blood circulation, which has a positive effect on normal. The functioning of the genitals. In large quantities, this vitamin is contained in citrus fruits, cabbage, kiwi and other vegetables and fruits.
  • You can improve blood flow to the genitals using vitamin E. In addition to this function, tocopherol is an antioxidant. That is, a substance that prevents the aging of tissues. Contained vitamin E in vegetable oils, green onions, egg yolk and other products.
  • Vitamins are of great benefit to the male body group b. They contribute to the synthesis of testosterone, restore lost energy and protect the liver. Vitamins of this group are involved in over 15 thousand biochemical processes in the body. They can be obtained from dairy products, fish, nuts.
  • Another vitamin that is necessary for the production of a male hormone is vitamin D.. Its deficiency is especially aggravated in the winter. In addition to the production of testosterone, vitamin D is able to stimulate male attraction and has other beneficial actions. Most of this vitamin in eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, fish and milk.
  • Omega-3 has a good effect on blood vessels. A large amount of omega-3 has fatty fish, linseed oil, seed, fish oil. Read more about omega-3 in the article   Omega-3-Fish oil: why is it useful, why are they taking?

Today in pharmacies you can purchase complexes for men. Such as:

  • "Alphabet for men"
  • "Duotov"
  • "Vitrum Life"
  • "Parity"
  • "Velmen"
  • "Mens Formula"

Potency drugs: tips and reviews

Eldar. I am already over 50 and the doctor forbade the use of drugs to enhance potency based on sildenafil (Viagra, Viatail, etc.). I had to choose from those on a plant basis. I tried the Chinese Golden Gun. Do not use it if fatigue has piled up. But if you feel fresh, then this drug works 100%.

Olga. Buy drops of Torah drops to your men. They really work. Moreover, they include natural components. No chemistry.

Video: How do drugs work to increase potency?

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Comments K. article

  1. Not sure that the doctor can prescribe something unofficial and not past clinical trials. I have certain problems, so I was completely examined. The doctor prescribed Sildenafil-SZ 50 mg once before sexual relations. The result is very pleased.

  2. i have no expressed problems, only for 2 and subsequent acts the desire and erection disappear, so sometimes I accept it myself, but not 50, but 25 mg sildenafil C3, then it happens at least 4-5 times.

  3. I always have 25 mg Sildenafil-SZ in my pocket after I disgraced 2 times. Now I am sure that it will no longer happen again.

  4. I have a new partner now, I got very demanding in this matter, and I feel that she is not enough for her. And you won’t go to the doctor with this, in order everything is by and large. We talked here with a friend on a sports club, he advised me to try Vildogr, these studies at least have passed, and this is important. And he doesn’t hit the pocket, even a small package does not go expensive.

  5. I, too, bought myself an inexpensive remedy for potency. Of the new products among these. Viatail is called. With the active substance, like Viagra, but several times cheaper. I transfer the tablets excellent, on average an hour is required to come with them. And everything passes with a bang - the wife jokes about the honeymoon).

  6. The spouse has a potency not to act (((what can be done? T

  7. Olga, what can you do? Your spouse himself must decide to go to the doctor. I myself signed up, because I understood that not only I suffer (since my depression did not even begin), but my wife also suffers. Now everything is normal, I accept Viatail proven by research. So now the wife is getting tired. Since I can several times during the night, and even in the morning the effect remains.

  8. I agree, only a doctor, otherwise in any way. I sailed, I know. True, I had problems due to impaired nervous function, the doctor prescribed the tiocetcide BV. And so the drug helped with a bang, the intimate problems went through, everything became, as it was, so at least now it is now ashamed of himself before his wife. And in general, he noticed that he began to feel better, vigorous increased.

  9. Nikolay, thank you for the comment. She showed him to her husband, went and bought Viatail. The price, unlike the same Viagra, is significantly different, as they are much cheaper. But in terms of effectiveness, these pills are no worse. And the husband takes pills, and no side effects.

  10. With tablets on Sildenafil, you also need to be careful.

  11. Any drugs should be determined by the doctor, and as for the drug Sildenafil (I myself take sildenafil-SZ, since the doctor prescribed), then it is the most effective. Side phenomena and contraindications are inherent in each tool.

  12. Something problem is gaining momentum, I look, not only people aged erectile dysfunction appear.

  13. the coolest drug is with an euricoma! It says about “Parity”, but there is also “Vialis”, if I remember correctly, the company is produced by the Farmakor Products. Nash Russian. I bought it in some kind of online appliance. The effect is super. It will stand after the first reception. You can have time 2-3 times per evening, in my 44 this is a record. But the most important thing is that it is not from the category “it treats, but another cripples”, everything is natural, it’s not scary to accept.

  14. According to experts, many supposedly harmless additives and capsules are not so safe, since they add sildenafil powder and “forget” to notify consumers. Therefore, these dietary supplements have an effect, and patients do not know. But what if the patient takes nitroglycerin or one hundred and more, not compatible with sildenafil? It is better to follow the instructions of the doctors and drink what is indicated to him according to the established scheme. As for the quality of many drugs, you should also think about it, because many are sold anonymously, which is unacceptable regarding drugs. It is better to buy in proven pharmacies, and it is better not to order on dubious sites, which have divorced a lot. I myself regularly buy Sildenafil C3 and is extremely satisfied. The drug is prescribed by a doctor, I take it where they indicate, I observe the dose, so that everything is fine with potency, and side effects do not reach.

  15. At one time I read about tea with ginseng, about green tea with the addition of ginger - garbage! The concentration is such that it does not help in any way, or maybe the buckets need to drink it straight .... In the end, I switched to Vialis - I drink only the second week, but I already see the effect. I have long heard that the euricome helps if there is no erection. Now I know this from my own experience.

  16. We must beat on all fronts! Is it bad? So we do the following: tea with ginseng every morning (it is a little overwhelming, so in the evening no-no), physical exercises for blood flow in the pelvis, eat more fish, seafood, celery, nuts and honey, drink Vialis (excellent medicine, at least I have a specific attitude towards Russian drugs). All this increases blood flow into a small pelvis, increases immunity and potency and voila, you no longer feel like a grandfather.

  17. As they say to each his own. I stopped at Vildera. I and my friend accept these pills so that everything works as it should. Guys will understand what I mean. My wife is delighted, I am now Alfa Mamets for her. So life is normal again.

  18. My husband had a problem, he was worried directly, I am glad that he was able to persuade him to go to the doctor. It turns out that he had everything in violation of the nervous function-this reason is not uncommon, as the doctor said. The husband was appointed Tiocetacide BV. As this tool he drank, all over, sex rejoices again. And the husband says that in general, in general, health has become better, as if vigor has increased.

  19. Then they wrote Vildera’s tablets -I began to drink, I read on the Internet that not bad pills. As a result, I am satisfied, finally ceased to be afraid of shame, I can relax and have fun. Their action is prolonged, so there is enough strength and the second entry to do.

  20. it would be necessary to throw a link, otherwise with age, just some kind of ahtung

  21. He collided, it is morally not at all easy. But I realized that if you suffer, it will not become better. I purchased Vildegra tablets in the store, the cost is quite budget. I read about them on the forum, I use it, I am used. There is no more misfire, I drink an hour before sex and is sure that the partner will not resign me.

  22. There are no fundamental problems with potency, but is dissatisfied with its strength. They are enough for 1 time maximum, extremely rarely at 1.5. Periodically (consulted with a doctor, if that) I accept 25 mg of sildenafil-SZ. And then everything turns out in a completely different way: 4-5 hours pass unnoticed, we reach orgasm several times and all the time I want to repetition.

  23. I myself am taking a friend of Vildegra myself. I take one tablet an hour before sex and you can blush. Now I went to the sea, romance, dating and a remedy with myself, I knew that I would not spoil the evening.

  24. We started with natural remedies, so to speak-ginseng, shrimp, mussels ... Something my husband also does not matter with potency, so I began to climb this, study information.

  25. After 40 years, the doctor allowed the doctor to drink tablets to increase potency, in men a decrease in their hormones begins in the age, and there are problems. We stopped at Vildera because of the cost, in terms of efficiency, too, no complaints.

  26. Ksenia, what about the price? I have never seen directly cheap tablets for potency with normal quality.

  27. Katya, Vildera is still cheaper by analogues, in addition, the RA pharmacy is now a promotion on the promotional code of Vildegra30, it turns out very, very profitable.

  28. Of the cheap drugs for potency with excellent quality, I sildenafil-SZ has long been selected for myself.

  29. The struggle with impotence The thing is satisfied with the difficult, I agree with the previous comment, I did not help me until I acquired UROTRINA on the advice of a friend, he takes a long time, says it became better and many problems disappeared, my urge to the toilet went to my toilet, recovered after a week. libido, so I will take it further, a good drug

  30. I am saved only by Urotrin, I have helped me a lot at one time, now I take it for prevention, I advise all men that drug, it returns potency and removes the problems of prostatitis

  31. I accept Viatail to increase potency, the tablets are cool, they act mildly on the body, while an erection is like in youth. The price is also pleasing - surprisingly, very inexpensive.

  32. In order to save, instead of the recommended Cialis, I already accept Tadalafil SZ. The effect is like the first for 5 thousand. And the price is 10 times less. I am very glad to new.

  33. I will add Eronestil on the drugs, it works well for me personally. It establishes a hormonal background, restores an erection. I like that it is natural, it does not negatively affect other organs. In addition, you can still establish physical activity.

  34. I prefer the preparations prescribed by the doctor, officially full of people in a pharmacy. At the moment, Sildenafil-SZ. Cool helps.

  35. Bads never aroused confidence in me, despite aggressive advertising both on the Internet and on TV. I discuss any drug, at least with 2 experts, although this is not entirely correct, but my health is more expensive. The last of the drugs is Tadalafil-SZ, especially since with a low cost it helps excellently.

  36. What is useful for blood vessels and hormonal systems, it will be useful for potency. For example, mentioned in the article by Omega 3, vitamin-mineral complexes with the content of zinc, selenium, etc. But all this is good for prevention, and for the visible effect, in my opinion, they need to be taken for a long time. And the above Tadalafil-SZ, like some other pharmacy products, helps quickly, the effect is visible after 20-30 minutes.

  37. Violation of potency is often a symptom indicating any physiological or psychological problems in the body. Starting from atherosclerosis and hormonal failure, ending with depression. Therefore, you need to get rid of the root cause. Bads, regardless of this, can be considered as an addition to the main therapy. FDE inhibitors for the most part are intended to resume intimate life. Sildenafil-SZ, as a typical inhibitor, will cope with this perfectly. But still, in parallel with this, a full examination and treatment should be undergoing.

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