Copper poisoning: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, antidote, treatment

Copper poisoning: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, antidote, treatment

Poisoning with copper is acute and complex. What to do in this case, read in the article.

Copper in the body plays an important role and prevents cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and various kinds of infections. But the accumulation of this substance in the body can harm. Excess element causes poisoning. Therefore, in the case of alarming symptoms, diagnostics and appropriate treatment are necessary.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What helps with nausea: the best drugs and folk remedies". You will learn what to drink from nausea with vomiting, food and alcohol poisoning, pregnancy, dizziness, diarrhea, severity in the stomach, and child.

From this article you will learn about the symptoms of copper poisoning, and also why this is happening, what diagnosis and treatment exist. Read further.

Acute poisoning with sulfate, oxide, salts, pairs, copper compounds in humans: signs and symptoms

Acute poisoning with sulfate, oxide, salts, pairs, copper compounds in humans
Acute poisoning with sulfate, oxide, salts, pairs, copper compounds in humans

The type and number of symptoms depend on the amount of accumulated copper in the body. When it slightly exceeds the norm, this is not yet poisoning. But such a state is already accompanied by such signs as pain and spasms in the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea.

Most often, the first symptoms of poisoning with sulfate, oxide, salts, compounds or pairs of copper in humans appear after 15 minutes After the substance enters the body. Excess copper also negatively affects the nervous system, since the element is deposited in neurons. With a slightly increased concentration, symptoms such as sadness, anxiety, nervousness, etc. are manifested. With a high concentration of copper, mental disorders occur in the body, including disturbances in consciousness and depression.

When the norm is significantly exceeded in the body, they speak of strong or acute copper poisoning, which is manifested by such conditions:

  • Vomiting (often bloody)
  • Lack of reaction to external stimuli
  • Dehydration
  • Significant weakening of the body
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Metal taste in the mouth
  • Hematuria
  • Degt -shaped chair
  • Hyperemia of the mucous membranes
  • Salivation

If signs of copper poisoning in its body are found, it should be remembered that damage will also occur in the brain, liver and cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, since it is in these systems and organs that the excess of this element accumulates.

The human body itself does not produce copper, but this substance acts with food and drink. It was said above that excess copper is harmful to the body and, with significant excess, causes symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea, and can also lead to copper poisoning. Such situations are rare and most often arise after drinking water containing copper washed from the system. The accumulation of this element is dangerous, so it is important to know how the concentration of copper in the body is diagnosed and what the treatment of copper poisoning will be.

Read the article on our website about methyl alcohol, its effect on the human body, the first signs and symptoms of poisoning, first aid and consequences. You will learn how to check ethyl or methyl alcohol alcohol at home, and what are their differences, and also from which methyl alcohol is made.

Reasons: in what cases, under what conditions does copper poisoning arise?

Acute copper poisoning
Acute copper poisoning

Poisoning of copper is quite rare. One of the reasons is use with water that comes from running copper pipes. This can also happen, for example, when copper ions are led out from various copper household installations. In such situations, copper is especially dangerous for babies who are not breastfeeding, and running water is saturated with this element. In what other cases, under what conditions does copper poisoning arise?

  • Poisoning can also occur in children with water with a concentration of copper above 1 mg/l, especially if they have a diagnosis of “Wilson's disease” or “jaundice of newborns”.
  • Poisoning with copper can occur in people who use dietary supplements in large quantities. Before taking such drugs, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

On the site iherb can buy food additives with copperwhich is environmentally friendly and healthy. This is nutritious support for natural protection and overall well -being. However, before using such additives, you should still consult a doctor.

The increased risk factors for the receipt of poisoning include:

  • Work with chemicals containing copper
  • Using copper pots for cooking food
  • Use of a large number of drinks enriched with copper
  • Use of hormonal therapy and contraceptive tablets

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Copper poisoning: diagnosis

Strong poisoning of copper occurs in adults when consumed in the range 4-400 mg per kilogram of body weight. However, pro pointing everything 1 g of copper sulfate It can lead to the development of renal failure. Slit goes to emphasize that the amount of copper in the body will be diagnosed if there are suicide attempts or there are signs of causeless accidental poisoning. As you can see, the range of concentrations that cause mild and severe poisoning is wide.

Copulation of copper in children occurs at lower concentrations. It is also worth emphasizing that a healthy adult can consume 1-10 mg of copper per day with food, without much harm to health. According to the Ministry of Health, the upper limit of consumption for other categories of people is:

  • 5 mg/day for pregnant and nursing women
  • 2 mg/day for children 4-6 years old
  • 3 mg/day for children 7-10 years old
  • 4 mg/day for teenagers 11-17 years old

The doctor who suspects the patient with copper poisoning prescribes blood tests that will quickly determine this element in the blood.

  • The norm of the concentration of copper in the body of an adult is defined as 0.8-1.3 mg/l.

Another type of diagnosis - determination of ceruloplasmin in blood serum (protein that transfers copper to the tissues of the body).

  • In adults, the norm of ceruloplasmin in blood serum is 30-58 mg/DL
  • In children-24-145 mg/DL

In patients with suspected copper poisoning, the presence of an element in the urine can also be determined. It is worth remembering that the concentration of copper in the blood and urine increases:

  • In pregnant women
  • In people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis
  • With severe inflammation in the body
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Schizophrenia
  • Heart attack

When the diagnosis was carried out, and the patient was diagnosed with copper poisoning, he is sent for treatment. If the symptoms are acute, then it will take place in the hospital. Read further.

Copper poisoning: first aid, antidote, treatment, diet

Unitiol with copper poisoning: antidote
Unitiol with copper poisoning: antidote

Poisoning with copper is a serious disease that must be treated. As mentioned above, in severe cases, hospitalization is necessary, during which the stomach is washed with a special solution to precipitate the element particles. Also before and after washing the stomach and intestines are introduced unitiol (antidote). It has a detoxification effect, as it is a donor of sulfhydrilic (thiol) groups.

In addition, depending on the symptoms, first aid is used:

  • Reedation
  • Maintaining the respiratory process, blood circulation
  • Protect the body from the negative effects of the element in the form of sorbents and other drugs

With a well -balanced diet and healthy diet, there is no risk of excessive copper consumption. People with a too high level of copper in the blood are recommended to limit the products that are the source of this element:

  • Nuts
  • Fish liver
  • Mushrooms
  • Yeast
  • Chocolate
  • Whole grain products
  • Liver and fish liver
  • Drinks containing this element, for example, cocoa

It is also worth knowing that if you combine products rich in copper with milk, then the assimilation of this element will be lower due to the absorbing properties. Egg proteins and sulfur compounds that are in vegetables are also blocking factors. Seafood also possess this effect due to the blocking of the assimilation of the element due to the high zinc content.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What is possible and what can not be eaten after food poisoning?". You will learn how to correctly restore the work of the stomach and intestines.

Wilson's disease and copper poisoning

Wilson's disease is an autosomal recessive genetic disease. It manifests itself in excessive accumulation of copper, mainly in the liver, but also in other fabrics. As a result, they are damaged, including in patients with:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Hepatitis
  • Impaired renal function
  • Swelling of the legs
  • Ring of Kaiser-Fleisher (a ring around the rainbow shell of the eye formed as a result of a copper deposition in a cornea)

Patients with this disease also have numerous neurological disorders, including speech disorders, problems with the balance, increased muscle tension, etc. It is most often diagnosed in people aged 20 to 30 years, less often in children. However, it should be emphasized that the disease is congenital and causes copper deposition from birth.

Video: How to recognize copper poisoning in the eyes?

Video: metals in your body. Copper. Live healthy!

Video: How and what to treat copper?

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