The order and rules of first aid to adults with poisoning, burns, fractures, fainting and stopping breathing, heart

The order and rules of first aid to adults with poisoning, burns, fractures, fainting and stopping breathing, heart

First aid rules.

There are many cases in life, requiring certain actions, knowledge and rules. One of these is the provision of first aid in different situations. In this article, we will tell you how to behave and what to do with poisoning, burns, sunlight, as well as fractures and loss of consciousness.

The procedure for first aid to adults with food poisoning, alcohol, and medicines

Poisoning is the most common phenomenon, especially among those who have young children. Most often, people are poisoned by alcohol, with poor -quality food products or as a result of taking a large number of tablets for the purpose of suicide. In this case, it is necessary to determine what caused the poisoning.


  • If it is alcohol and poor -quality food, or a poisonous tablet, it is necessary to give the patient a large amount of fluid. It should be ordinary mineral water without gas or just a tap water, weak tea or compote is suitable. Next, it is necessary to cause vomiting by pressing the root of the tongue.
  • So it is allowed to do only people over 6 years old. In children, vomiting is not caused by pressing the root, in order to avoid choking with vomiting.
  • When a person pulled out, it must again be filled with liquid and try to cause vomiting. This must be done until all storage of the stomach is transparent and resemble ordinary water.
  • After that, the victim is given a sorbent. It can be enterosgel, smecta or ordinary activated charcoal. After that, the person is laid to the side so that he does not chop off vomiting.
  • In no case should it be laid on the back or on the stomach. This will prevent normal breathing, can cause vomiting chopping. As a result of vomiting, cold sweat very often occurs. Therefore, in order for a person to warm, a hot heating pad is invested in the feet or wrapped his legs with a towel. After that, an ambulance team is called.
Vomiting for poisoning
Vomiting for poisoning

First aid for chemical poisoning


  • One of the most dangerous situations in poisoning is the swallowing of alkali, acid. As a result of vomiting, irritation of the walls of the stomach can occur with with poisonous substances. In this case, it is necessary to give abundant drink, and in small portions.
  • It is advisable to do this with a teaspoon. Reidron or ordinary mixture of sugar and salt with boiled water is ideal. Such a solution will help restore salts balance, and prevents the violation in the work of the kidneys, as well as an increase in acetone in the urine.
  • Next, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Most often, with food poisoning, the ambulance makes a dropper with saline, glucose, to replenish the loss of energy and nutrients. In addition, an antibiotic can be injured in order to kill bacteria that provoked poisoning. Separately, it is worth talking about poisoning with acids and alkalis.
  • In no case should you cause vomiting, because the aggressive substance will again flow along the walls of the esophagus and throat, which can provoke a burn, serious wounds, erosion, which will provoke severe bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to give a neutralizing substance. If the child accidentally got drunk vinegar, it is necessary to let him drink a weak solution of soda.
  • To do this, a teaspoon of substance is dissolved in a glass of warm water and given to the child. This will help to react acid with alkali, with the formation of harmless salt and water that will cease to corrode the stomach. At what poisoning it is impossible to give laxative, because the acid and alkali will enter the intestines except the esophagus.
Chemical poisoning
Chemical poisoning

First aid rules for burns

Preparation is always associated with exposure to high temperature, so cases of burns are frequent. You need to know how to behave with burns. First of all, it is worth evaluating the degree of defeat.

Degree of burns:

  • 1 degree. A light redness appeared
  • 2 degree. The blisters appeared
  • 3 degree. If the blisters burst and fluid flows
  • 4 degree. If sensitivity is lost
Burn 3 degrees
Burn 3 degrees

Rules of behavior:

  • Depending on the degree of burns, it is necessary to conduct first aid. If this is a slight redness, you must immediately remove the hand from a hot object. It is necessary to hold a burn for 10 minutes under the pressure of cold water.
  • In no case should you pour cold water, if it is a burn of 3 degrees, with bursting bubbles. In this case, the pressure of water will cause pain. It is necessary to moisten clean fabric in cold water and just apply a bandage on the skin. It is best if it is a sterile bandage or cotton wool.
  • With severe burns, leave the victim alone, give a convenient location on the bed. In no case should you tear off clothes if she stuck to the place of burn. It is necessary to carefully cut to those places that allow you to do this.
  • It is not allowed to use any ointments, creams, solutions. In no case should you apply to a burn, which is open, with a bursting bubble panthenol, pour urine on a wound, cover with some ointment or oil.
Household burns
Household burns

First aid for fractures

In order to provide first aid, it is necessary to find out whether the fracture is open or closed, as well as take into account the zone in which the injury is located.

Closed fracture:

  • If the fracture is closed, immobilization is used, that is, tires. It can be a board, a wooden shelf, a piece of cardboard, or even a magazine, tightly rolled into the tube. It is necessary to ensure complete immobility of the limb and prevent the displacement of broken bones relative to each other.
  • As for the fracture of the arm or leg, in the absence of a material for applying a tire, you can simply wrap the sore limb to a healthy one. In no case should you set a fracture and shift it.
  • This is done only in hospital conditions. The tire is superimposed and fixed along the entire length of the limb. If this is a fracture of the thigh or neck of the thigh, then the tire is superimposed above the thigh and ends below the ankle joint. That is, it begins almost on the belt, and ends below the heel level. This is done in order to fully ensure the immobility of the area.
Closed fracture
Closed fracture

Open fracture:

  • As for the open fracture, it is somewhat more complicated. The fact is that with an open fracture, infections may fall into the wound. Therefore, it is initially necessary to stop bleeding, treat the wound, only then engage in a fracture.
  • Therefore, in such situations, the wound is carried out with an antiseptic and bleeding stops. If this is ordinary capillary bleeding, just a hard dressing is enough above the damage site. If it is arterial or venous bleeding, with a large amount of blood loss, in this case it is necessary to use a tourniquet, a lace, a tie.
  • Please note that there should be some kind of fabric between the limb and the tourniquet in order not to injure the skin. Only after you stopped the blood, it is necessary to apply the tire so that the limb does not move, and the bones do not play relative to each other. After that, the patient is given the strongest painkillers that is available. This must be done in order to avoid the appearance of pain and panic in the victim.
Gypsum with a fracture
Gypsum with a fracture

After that, an ambulance crew is called, which will continue to restore the patient. Separately, it is worth talking about the thigh fracture. In this case, the bandage is not superimposed. It is necessary to lay the patient on the back, on a hard surface. Under the lower back and knees, put a fabric roller. It can be a towel or bedspread. Drive your legs to the side, like a frog. This position contributes to the better spitting of the bones of the hips.

First aid for fainting and loss of consciousness


  • In this case, it is necessary to act in a special way. The fact is that often loss of consciousness, fainting provokes a sharp decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, a person may begin to tear. If the victim has lost consciousness, it is necessary to lay it on his back, bend his legs in his knees and put a towel under them. It is best in the forehead, the temples to drive an ice of ice.
  • If it is not, moisten the towel in cold water, attach to your forehead, on the wrist and caviar. Usually after a few minutes the condition improves, a person comes to his senses. If after a few minutes the victim did not wake up, in this case we are talking about a loss of consciousness. In this case, it is necessary to moisten the cotton wool with ammonia, vinegar, let smell. Do not rush to raise a person up, pull him, sit it. It is best to give a little to lie down, to recover.
  • After that, you can drink hot tea or let some sweet water drink. Such measures increase blood pressure, improve the patient's condition. If after ammonia the victim does not recover, check the pulse.
  • To do this, attach two fingers in the carnered artery and feel if there is a heartbeat. If there is, let the person lie down a little, cool your forehead, caviar. If you have not felt the pulse and there is no breathing, proceed to resuscitation measures.
Loss of consciousness
Loss of consciousness

The rules for providing first aid in the absence of breathing and pulse


  • Very often with poisoning, injuries, as well as falling from a height, a person stops breathing. In this case, you need to control whether there is breathing or not. This can be done by putting a hand in the epigastric region on the left side, as well as on the stomach and see if the chest rises or not. You can attach a mirror to the nose and mouth, whether there is fogging. If not, you can start artificial breathing.
  • For this, it is necessary to extract the contents of the mouth with the help of fabric so that it does not have any food, as well as mucus, or poisonous substances. If the teeth are tightly closed, you can proceed to breathing your mouth in the nose. This is done quite simply. It is necessary to lay the victim on the back and in the shoulders area, put a roller 20 cm high. Pay attention that it is necessary to lay it not in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blades or neck, namely in the shoulders, so that the head leans back.
  • After that, it is necessary to close the nose, push the jaw down so that the mouth opens. Cover the mouth of the victim with a handkerchief in order to avoid hygienic troubles. After that, one quick exhalation is made, it should be 2 seconds. After that, five pressures are done. Please note that during exhalation, it is necessary that the nose is closed.
  • To do this, close the wings of the victim’s nose with two fingers. So it is necessary to repeat several times. There should be 10-12 such cycles per minute. That is 1 sharp exhalation, lasting 1-2 seconds and 5 pressure. They should be fast enough, as the heart beats, about one pressing in one second.
  • If in a few minutes you manage to restore your breath, continue resuscitation for another 1 minute. After that, check the heartbeat every 1-2 minutes, the breath of the victim until the urgent arrives.
Lack of pulse
Lack of pulse

All these resuscitation procedures, as well as the rules, will help maintain the life and health of your loved ones or strangers that you had to face.

Video: First Medical Aid

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