Cleaning the body using sodium thiosulfate. Sodium thiosulfate - instructions for application. Sodium thiosulfate in psoriasis, allergies, in gynecology, and poisoning

Cleaning the body using sodium thiosulfate. Sodium thiosulfate - instructions for application. Sodium thiosulfate in psoriasis, allergies, in gynecology, and poisoning

Instructions on application thiosulfate sodium

Thiosulfate sodium represents yourself complex solution wide spectrum application. He possesses detoxification effect and wide used how sorbent and antidote. Frequent application given means found at symptoms poisoning different substances and at allergic reactions.

« Sodium thiosulfate» the form release

« Thiosulfate sodium» it has only one form release in form ampul with solution for injections. At this, the solution available only for intravenous application and not used for introduction intramuscularly.

Tablet, cream, gel or forms suspensories given means not it has.

« Thiosulfate sodium» indications to application

There are the following indications to use sodium thiosulfate:
Various allergic states and food poisoning
Poisoning organism mercury, arsenic, acid sinite, iodine salts, lead or bromine
So the same solution applied at disease scabies

« Thiosulfate sodium» way application

Solution used intravenously in volume from 5 before 50 ml in concentration substances 30 %. This volume depends from severity pathology.

At defeat skin pokov scabies 60% solution rub in skin covers, a after them drying on top solution apply 6% salt acid.

« Sodium thiosulfate» contraindications

Not recommended usage given solution at availability allergic reactions on the given means.
it the only thing condition, which not compatible with application solution thiosulfate.

« Thiosulfate sodium» application in period pregnancy and feeding

Use this is means in period pregnancy allowed only in case acute need and at availability sharp states u pregnant, so how research in given areas not it was carried out.

Exactly not installed possesses lee means teratogenic effect.

« Thiosulfate sodium» analogs

Component analogues given remedy not exists, but created funds, which possess similar therapeutic action.

Lamis pay

What such method purification organism at help thiosulfate sodium:

  • All method cleaning organism founded on the antitoxic properties drug and capabilities bind toxins
  • If a apply substance inside, then solution possesses weak slasping effect, cleaning in whichthen degree intestines. In addition this, thiosulfate sodium not allows penetrate toxic substances in blood channel through walls stomach or intestines
  • Except these effects reception thiosulfate improves general condition skin, nails and hair
  • So the same given remedy produce cleaning liver

Preparation thiosulfate sodium for purification organism

Preparation of sodium thiosulfate for cleansing the body
Preparation of sodium thiosulfate for cleansing the body

We consider scheme cleaning liver, which continues on the length one and a half weeks. For conducting this procedures necessary:

  • Prepare solution in ratio 100 ml clean water on the 2 dining rooms tablespoons (2 ampoules) thiosulfate sodium and accept before sleep (30%). In the morning maybe manifestation laxative effect given funds, a all toxins intestines derived with contents
  • Then means bred in proportions 200 ml water on the 1 dining room spoon funds and divide on the 2 reception. The first part they drink in the morning before reception food, a second before sleep
  • At given system cleaning necessary observe diet. At this need fully refuse from use meat and dairy productsRecommended use liquid in big quantities and natural juices. Should increase amount consumed vegetables, a breakfast replace cereals. At compliance diets and cleaning organism thiosulfate need exclude use alcohol and refuse from fat products
  • For purification skin pokov (exception they make up diseases) sodium thiosulfate so the same accepted inside.Means helps at psoriasis and allergic rashes

Sodium thiosulfate for purification organism at psoriasis

Sodium thiosulfate for cleansing the body during psoriasis
Sodium thiosulfate for cleansing the body during psoriasis
  • Application at psoriasis thiosulfate helps removal exacerbations and excretion diseases in stage remission
  • For therapy psoriasis applied 1 ampoule solution in day on the length 10 days. Ampoule thiosulfate bred in glasses water and drink in 2 reception. By above described scheme in the morning and in the evening
  • Effect from treatment this drug at psoriasis arrives about on expiration 10 days. At this aperient effect on the Gastrointestinal tract reached thanks to choleretic action funds
  • Well therapy thiosulfate at this disease recommended conduct courses. AT year should conduct 3 similar course therapy

Sodium thiosulfate for purification organism at allergies

  • More often total at allergies thiosulfate use inside, drinking solution. However if allergy very vast, then maybe application funds intravenously. Given therapy held exclusively on appointment treating doctor
  • Additionally can handle itching skin covers a swab, drowned in solution thiosulfate. So the same this is will help reduce swelling
  • But means not used in quality mono therapy, a applied in composition combined treatment together with anti -allergic medications

Sodium thiosulfate for purification organism at poisoning

Sodium thiosulfate for cleansing the body during poisoning
Sodium thiosulfate for cleansing the body during poisoning

So how thiosulfate is adsorbent, his the main one usage connected exactly with symptoms poisoning.

At poisoning organism means used how orally, so and intravenously. All depends from severity poisoning and substances, which poisoning organism. Should consult with doctor, before, how on one's own use given means.

Thiosulfate sodium in gynecology

  • AT gynecology sodium thiosulfate so the same found wide application in therapy endometriosis and cysts ovary. So the same the solution possesses stimulating action at absence ovulation
  • At stimulation ovulation solution used in complex with medications, which possess bright allergic action, for reduction this effect
  • At endometriosis thiosulfate sodium use on reason absence u him hormonal effect. At this solution provides effect resorption and anti -inflammatory action. Sam treatment this remedy conduct on the length 20 days

Side actions and contraindications thiosulfate sodium

Before beginning purification organism in mandatory order necessary pass the examination and consult with doctor. So how means possesses choleretic effect, at availability u patient kolkulenoye cholecystitis (stones in biliary bubble), his application not maybe.

Not costs start off cleaning organism at help thiosulfate sodium if:
You have intolerance given funds
In time feeding breasts and at pregnancy
At availability pathology kidneys

Reviews doctors about purification organism at help thiosulfate sodium

Reviews of doctors about cleansing the body using sodium thiosulfate
Reviews of doctors about cleansing the body using sodium thiosulfate

AT most studied articles the main one part reviews about drug is positive.
On the good account thiosulfate sodium exactly u gynecologists, so how he good reduces side action drugs, which not desirable at them application.

Given means wide applied and used at therapy poisoning, so how is powerful antidote and good binding and evacuated poisoning products.

Video: sodium thiosulfate | Instructions for use

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Comments K. article

  1. I cleanse the body of toxins and toxins always in front of the diet. Usually, after March 8, I had it just when the holiday was celebrated and you can lose weight with a calm soul.

  2. Alina correctly, after the holiday and you need to start. In April, it is already to shoot outerwear, so this month is just for weight loss. The intestines, by the way, have a mandatory procedure before the diet. Alina, what drug do you use? I am Lavaco. I am very attractive at the price and use it very easily and just them. I spend the cleansing procedure on the weekend from Monday to a diet!

  3. I myself would not even clean at home, and to take any drugs, I am somehow completely scary. Although of course the body cleansing must be carried out. Not so long ago, honey has returned from Istra, where she went through a program of cleansing the body. She lived in the sanatorium for 6 days and there, under the control of doctors, was cleaned and lost weight. I ate dietary food, I took different procedures. Result- 4 kg.

  4. Oh, and I am afraid of such methods ... As for me, it is better to clean it softer. I’m drinking Evalar Bio tea for cleansing the body (I order an Evalar on a shop, it’s more convenient)+I still do the tubes sometimes .. This is enough to clean))

  5. To be honest, I would be afraid to cleanse the body in this way .... when I had a constipation, I tried a lot of things. But the safest and most effective remedy turned out to be a phytomucil norm. It is based on the shell of the plantain seeds, it works softly and restores the intestinal microflora. So the pluses are obvious to me. Now I always keep him in mind.

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