Methyl alcohol: effect on the human body, the first signs and symptoms of poisoning, first aid and consequences. How to check ethyl or methyl alcohol at home, what are their differences? What are methyl alcohol made of?

Methyl alcohol: effect on the human body, the first signs and symptoms of poisoning, first aid and consequences. How to check ethyl or methyl alcohol at home, what are their differences? What are methyl alcohol made of?

The effect of methyl alcohol on the body. Ways to distinguish methyl and ethyl alcohol.

Many people have an ambiguous attitude to alcohol. Someone regularly drinks alcohol, but someone does not tolerate them. There are many alternative alcohol options. Now on the shelves of stores there are a lot of various tinctures based on hawthorn, mountain ash and healing herbs.

What alcohol can not be drunk ethyl or methyl?

Unknown people may think that any alcohol can be consumed. But in fact it is wrong. After all, not all types of alcohol are alcohol, there are a lot of poisons among alcohols. Do not take methyl alcohol, as this is poison.

What alcohol can not be drunk ethyl or methyl?
What alcohol can not be drunk ethyl or methyl?

What are methyl alcohol made of, what it tastes, what does it smell like?

It is difficult to distinguish ethyl and methyl alcohol to taste and smell. They are practically indistinguishable and you will not even guess that you are drinking a fake. The taste and smell are like ethyl alcohol. Alcohol was made using hydrogen synthesis, but now this method is considered artisanal and is not used. The cheapest can be considered production from oil products.

What are methyl alcohol made of, what it tastes, what does it smell like?
What are methyl alcohol made of, what it tastes, what does it smell like?

Why do you need methyl alcohol, where is it used?

Methanol is mainly used in the chemical industry. This is an auxiliary substance for obtaining many solvents.

The scope of methyl alcohol:

  • For the manufacture of solvents
  • In the paint and varnish industry
  • In the production of bio -pesel from oils
  • To combat hydrates in the gas industry
Why do you need methyl alcohol, where is it used?
Why do you need methyl alcohol, where is it used?

How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl?

The fact is that 30-100 ml of methyl alcohol can lead to seizures and even death. Accordingly, it is impossible to make a mistake, since this is fraught with deplorable consequences. The taste and smell of alcohols are the same. Not a specialist taste does not distinguish these fluids.

Ways to check alcohol:

  • Stuffing. Pour a little liquid into the spoon and set it on fire. Ethyl alcohol will burn with a blue flame, and methyl green.
  • Potatoes test. Peel the potatoes and cut into pieces. Dear one slice in ethanol, and the second in methanol. If the slice has become pink, you are poison, that is, methyl alcohol. In alcohol, potatoes practically do not change color.
  • Copper wire. Sweet a piece of copper wire to black, and dip in the liquid. If you smell vinegar, then the alcohol is ethyl and you can drink it. If the smell is unpleasant, then the alcohol is methyl.
How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl?
How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl?

Ethyl and methyl alcohol formula

Below are alcohol formulas:

SN3ON - methyl alcohol

C2N5ON - ethyl alcohol

Ethyl and methyl alcohol formula
Ethyl and methyl alcohol formula

How to check ethyl or methyl alcohol in alcohol - vodka or moonshine, at home?

There are several ways to determine a fake:

  • Baking soda. Pour a little baking soda into the liquid and observe the reaction. If there are impurities of methyl alcohol, soda will be completely dissolved. If the product is of good quality, then a yellow precipitate is formed and alcohol can be drunk.
  • Potassium permanganate. Pour a potassium permanganate into a container with a liquid. If bubbles appear on the surface, then the alcohol is methyl. If not, then ethyl.
  • Boiling. This can be found using the thermometer, the boiling point of ethanol is 78 ° C, and methanol 64 ° C.

What color does methyl and ethyl alcohol burn?

This method is also used to identify alcohol. Ethanol burns in a blue flame, and harmful methanol green.

What color does methyl and ethyl alcohol burn?
What color does methyl and ethyl alcohol burn?

What color does the methyl orange indicator get?

This indicator reacts to a change in acidity. The most interesting thing is that the methyl orange is made on the basis of methyl alcohol. Therefore, when the indicator is introduced into methanol, nothing will change. The solution will be orange. Ethanol has an approximately neutral environment, so the coloring will not change significantly. The solution will be orange. Thus, using the indicator, these alcohols cannot be distinguished.

What color does the methyl orange indicator get?
What color does the methyl orange indicator get?

Methyl alcohol, methanol - effect on the human body: the first signs and symptoms of poisoning, a deadly dose for humans

Methyl alcohol is a very strong poison, it differs in a nervous paralytic effect. Approximately 30-100 ml of methanol causes severe poisoning and convulsions.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Salivation
  • Violation of coordination of movements

To lose vision, enough to drink 10 ml, and to die 30-100 ml.

Methyl alcohol, methanol - effect on the human body: the first signs and symptoms of poisoning, a deadly dose for humans
Methyl alcohol, methanol - effect on the human body: the first signs and symptoms of poisoning, a deadly dose for humans

What to do if you drank methyl alcohol, how much poisoning is manifested?

If you doubt the quality of alcohol, then do not drink it. But if you still could not resist, watch your condition.

Manifestation of poisoning:

  • Flies before my eyes
  • Pressure surges
  • Vomit
  • Nausea
  • Abundant saliva

In general, methanol accumulates in the body, so the symptoms of poisoning may not appear immediately. On average, the action of methanol manifests itself from 30 minutes to 3 days. And the saddest thing is that on the third day it becomes no better, but worse. You can see a loss of vision and rare urination. This says the kidneys work well.

What to do if you drank methyl alcohol, how much poisoning is manifested?
What to do if you drank methyl alcohol, how much poisoning is manifested?

The first emergency care for poisoning with methyl alcohol, methanol

Urgent care:

  • Put the patient on the stomach if he is unconscious. This will help to avoid suffocation
  • Give a large amount of baking soda solution
  • Call the patient vomiting
  • Give the patient a laxative
  • Call an ambulance

Methyl alcohol: antidote

The most interesting thing is that the antidote is pure alcohol or good vodka. It is necessary every 3 hours for 50 g of vodka.

Methyl alcohol: antidote
Methyl alcohol: antidote

Poisoned by methyl alcohol, methanol, consequences - death, blindness

In fact, the consequences of poisoning are very sad. This can lead to death or blindness.


  • Loss of vision
  • Real reference
  • Dyspnea
  • Convulsions
  • Epilepsy
  • Cirrhosis
Poisoned by methyl alcohol, methanol, consequences - death, blindness
Poisoned by methyl alcohol, methanol, consequences - death, blindness

Methyl alcohol, methanol: Can you poison in pairs?

Poisoning options when inhaling vapors:

  • Poisoning can occur due to the ingress of a substance on the skin when wiping the windshield. To prevent this from happening, you need to pour it into a car in a well -ventilated room using gloves.
  • You can poison with methanol in chemical production. Methanol is also part of some colors, varnishes and solvents. Poisoning may occur if security rules are not observed.
  • And when painting or caring for a car (using chemicals), you must certainly follow the safety rules.
Methyl alcohol, methanol: Can you poison in pairs?
Methyl alcohol, methanol: Can you poison in pairs?

Methyl alcohol in taste and smell is not much different from ethyl, so be careful and do not drink dubious alcoholic drinks.

Video: methyl alcohol

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