Do I need to add water and sugar to sauerkraut? How to quarrel cabbage correctly: recipes are delicious and healthy sauerkraut, how much time to keep under the oppression, is it necessary to drain the brine?

Do I need to add water and sugar to sauerkraut? How to quarrel cabbage correctly: recipes are delicious and healthy sauerkraut, how much time to keep under the oppression, is it necessary to drain the brine?

Many housewives are wondering if it is necessary to put water and sugar in sauerkraut? Other important ingredients are also needed, more in the article.

Cooped cabbage is the queen of the table of Russian cuisine. It is she who is called a "female dish." And it’s not a secret to anyone that it is this dish that is considered one of the most useful in the diet, it helps to reduce blood cholesterol, which means that it reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This is just one useful quality, and there are much more of them.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "The Lunar Calendar of 2021-2022 for canning and homework for the winter with a table for months". You will find favorable and unfavorable lunar days for cooking jam, harvesting, canning, frosts of fruits and vegetables, mushrooms in 2021-2022.

Almost every housewife has cabbage in the blanks list. It is beautiful as an independent dish and as a component of the cabbage, pies or cutlets, as well as an amazing side dish. Below you will find many different recipes for making sauerkraut. Read further.

What cabbage is suitable for salting, pickling: varieties

White cabbage for salting
White cabbage for salting

On winter blanks, as well as for quarrels, usually take white cabbage of medium -late and late varieties, since it has a fairly dense structure and long -term long storage. Such cabbage is best for salting.

When selecting a vegetable for long -term storage, it is worth considering several important rules:

  • Variety - medium -late or late
  • Kochan should be completely ripened and quite dense
  • In the context - white or slightly creamy
  • The leaves taste slightly sweet - this means a high content of glucose levels

Varieties of white cabbage, which are ideal for salting, pickling and pickling:

  • "Glory-1305" - An ideal quarrel variety, ripens in September, but is not stored long, maximum until January.
  • "Belarusian-455" - Late variety, matures by the beginning of October, ideal in salting.
  • "Moscow Late-15" - Ideal for pickling, ripens in October.
  • Amger-611 - The most late -ripening varieties.
  • "Kharkov winter" - A universal variety for any kind of workpieces.
  • "Langedics late" - The German variety, ripens in mid -autumn, is stored for a very long time, the taste in the storage process only improves.
  • "Turkis" - The German variety is ideal for salting.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

What do you need to quarrel cabbage?

There are a great variety of options for cooking cabbage, both in one -component form and with the addition of various vegetables, berries and spices. What do you need to quarrel cabbage? Here are the options:

  • Lovers of a sweeter taste traditionally add carrots, sweet pepper, beets or apples.
  • For those who like acute taste seasoning cabbage fuck, garlic and sharp pepper.
  • But to lovers of sourness - come to the rescue cranberry and cowberry.
  • Gourmets who are in search of new tastes are experimenting with zucchini, prunes, quince, pear And even refuel vodka and raisins.
  • To achieve the piquancy and brightness of the taste, pour cumin, seed coriander and fenhel, juniper berries.

As you can see, there are many options. Choose yours and make a unique dish.

How to cut cabbage correctly?

Cut the cabbage for salting correctly
Cut the cabbage for salting correctly

Before cutting cabbage, you need to choose the right knife. A tool with a wide blade can easily cope with this. Also, many housewives use knives with two blades, a variety of graters, pillers (knives for cleaning vegetables), mechanical and electric shocks. But the simplest is a regular knife.

When choosing slicing, modern housewives are increasingly asking the question, but how to cut cabbage correctly or how best. And here is only a matter of taste, as you like. Most often this is done in a traditional way - a thin strips. Other options are also acceptable: cut into quarters, whole heads or halves.

  • Divide the forks in 4 parts, remove the stump, then divide the quarters into smaller pieces and you can proceed.
  • To get a neat and perfectly thin straw, you should practice, but there is no need to smell too much. The optimal size of the straw - at least 5 mm.

Now let's look at the question of the container in which the cabbage will quarrel. Read further.

What container to choose to quarrel cabbage for the winter?

Traditionally earlier, the sourdough was carried out in wooden barrels. They stood in cold senki, so the cabbage for a long time retained freshness and unique taste qualities. But living in modern stone "jungle", this is simply impossible. What container to choose to quarrel cabbage for the winter?

  • It is worth noting that nevertheless the container does not affect the taste of the finished product, so ordinary ones are suitable in this situation banks volume 3-5 liters, enameled pots and buckets, stainless steel dishes good quality.
  • Categorically under the ban, aluminum dishes - Cabbage will acquire an unpleasant taste and gray color.

So, when everything is ready, the cabbage is purchased, you can proceed to the sourdough process. Read further.

Is it necessary to add water and sugar to sauerkraut for the winter: a classic recipe in brine with water, salt and sugar at home

Sauerkraut for the winter
Sauerkraut for the winter

Each mistress owns her cabbage secret. At the same time, some use not only the dish itself, but also value brine, so they are initially cooked with a brine. Others prefer cabbage without excess liquid. Especially the resulting life -giving fluid will help those who overdo it on the eve with strong. There are not very many in ordinary brine recipes. And in this - it turns out enough. It is very useful to drink, and also add it when cooking hot dishes.

So, is it necessary to add water and sugar to sauerkraut for the winter? Here is a classic recipe in brine with water, salt and sugar in a bank at home:


  • Cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • Ready brine - 1.5 l
  • Large salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Fragrant pepper - 5 pcs.

Preparation technology:

  1. Boil the brine in advance: boil water, pour salt and sugar, spices (optional). The most important nuance is that the salt is suitable only for stone and large, small and iodized in this case does not fit. Everything needs to be mixed until completely dissolved and cool.
  2. While the brine cools, there is time to do cabbage. Remove the upper leaves, rinse under a stream of water and dry. Cut the forks in 4 parts And remove the stump.
  3. Chop the cabbage strip and a little shake.
  4. Put it tightly in a sterilized jar, do not compact. Pour the brine until the cabbage is completely hidden. It is strictly impossible to pour hot, since good and necessary bacteria die from high temperature and the quarrel process simply will not begin.
  5. Cover the jar of gauze in several layers and put in a deep container, since tentatively after a day the fermentation itself begins, carbon dioxide bubbles will push the juice out of the jar.
  6. Leave cabbage for 3 daysBut every morning and evening, it is necessary to pierce the contents with a skewer to release excess gas. The main thing is observing the temperature regime, because the cabbage is fermented only at room temperature
  7. By the end of the third day, the process is completed, close the bank with a kapron lid and take it for storage in a cool place.

It is worth knowing: It is important that after harvesting it has passed no more than 48 hoursSo the cabbage is better quit. Useful bacteria live on the surface of the leaves of fresh vegetable, which die during prolonged storage. The quality of quarrels and the benefits of the product depends on them.

How to ferment very tasty cabbage with apples for the winter correctly at home: recipes are tasty and healthy sauerkraut

Delicious cabbage with apples for the winter right at home
Delicious cabbage with apples for the winter right at home

Impeccable cabbage with apples will be remembered by many for a long time and will not leave anyone indifferent thanks to its individual and unique, refined taste. Cabbage is prepared with acidic or sweet and sour varieties of apples, with dense and solid pulp. For the workpiece, such varieties as "Semerenko", "Antonovka", "Grenny Smith" and others. How to ferment very tasty cabbage with apples for the winter right at home? Below you will find a recipe for tasty and healthy sauerkraut. Here is a very simple way to cook:


  • White cabbage - 3 kg
  • Carrots-2-3 pcs.
  • Apples sweet and sour-3 pcs.
  • Salt cook - 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation technology:

  1. Grind the cabbage and carrots in any convenient way and send it to the basin.
  2. Mix everything with your hands, add a little salt and carefully remember that the vegetables begin to secrete juice.
  3. Place the components in a sterile jar, tightening with your hands or a bit. Fill the bank by a third.
  4. Cut the apples into slices and cut the core. The peel of the fruits cannot be removed, since it contains many vitamins and nutrients.
  5. Place the fruits on top of the vegetables, then again the cabbage layer. Thus, fill the container completely.
  6. Report the jar in a basin, you can put oppression on top.
  7. A day later, the dish will begin to wander. Do not forget to pierce the layers with a skewer and make sure that the cabbage is completely covered with juice. This is important to exclude drying the upper layers.
  8. Through 2-3 days. You can try. If everything is done correctly, then the cabbage with apples will acquire an unforgettable sweet and sour taste.
  9. You can put in the refrigerator.

Sved cabbage with apples contains the whole complex of vitamins that are important for the full functioning of the body and is more juicy and piquant than in the traditional version.

Very tasty sauerkraut with apples, cranberries and mountain ash without water and sugar: recipe for the winter at home

Very tasty sauerkraut with apples, cranberry and mountain ash without water and sugar
Very tasty sauerkraut with apples, cranberry and mountain ash without water and sugar

Such a recipe for cabbage is suitable for fans of sourness, and those who are tired of the traditional taste and want something unusual. And in order for the cabbage to be crunchy, you need to use a secret product, and this is a decoction of an oak. So, we make very tasty sauerkraut with apples, cranberries and mountain ash without water and sugar. Here is a recipe for the winter at home:


  • White cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • Medium carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Apple ("Antonovka") - 2 pcs.
  • Cranberry - 100 g.
  • Redborn red - 100 g.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Black pepper-mountain-3-5 pcs.
  • Oak bark (in the form of a decoction) - 50 ml

Preparation technology:

  1. Treat the vegetables as in other recipes described above.
  2. Add salt and grind with your hands until the juice appears.
  3. Remove the core from apples and cut into thin slices or slices.
  4. To remove bitterness at the mountain ash, for this it is necessary to pour it with boiling water several times.
  5. In a prepared enameled pan or a bucket, lay cabbage leaflets and peas of pepper.
  6. Then tightly lay out the layers of cabbage, alternating with apples and berries. Mandatory tamp it.
  7. And so that the cabbage is more crispy and does not go limp, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of oak bark in advance. Very little need. Cook the washed bark in boiling water 10-12 minutes And let me cool. If the presence of the bark is a problem, then it is easier to buy a package of this raw material in a pharmacy. Pour the decoction into the cabbage.
  8. On top of the container, put a plate of smaller diameter and install a oppression on top, for example, a jar of water.
  9. In order for gases from cabbage regularly, you can stick wooden sticks at the edges of the pan.
  10. Through 3 days. Cabbage can be laid out in jars and sent to the cold for storage.

Cranberry perfectly complements the taste of an apple, and the mountain ash gives the tart.

The capture of cabbage in brine with vinegar is very tasty - crispy: a delicious recipe for pickling cabbage

Salting cabbage in brine with vinegar is very tasty
Salting cabbage in brine with vinegar is very tasty

The salting means adding salt during the workpiece. Salting is both dry and in brine. Vinegar is usually used not when pickling, but when pickled, it gives cabbage a pleasant sourness and allows it to be stored for a longer time. The marinade is prepared separately, it is hot and cold. There are three marinations: there are in total:

  • Quick - Cabbage can be consumed on the same day.
  • Cold - Pour with cold marinade and removed for storage in a cool place.
  • Hot - Pour with hot marinade and roll the banks for the winter.

The perfect vegetable for salting is the one that was affected by the first frosts. And to make the product more useful for health, it is better to replace simple vinegar with apple. So, we make cabbage in the brine with vinegar very tasty so that it turns out to be crispy. Here is a delicious recipe for pickling cabbage:


  • Cabbage-1.5-2 kg
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Apple vinegar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1st. l.
  • Goroch pepper-2-3 pcs.
  • Grains of caraway seeds or fennel-5-10 pcs. (optional)

Preparation technology:

  1. Gold the cabbage thinly, pass the carrots through the grater, mix everything.
  2. Break the marinade: bring water to a boiling state, add salt and granulated sugar, butter, spices, vinegar at the very end.
  3. Put the cabbage on the jars and compact, make holes with skewers, pour the resulting marinade.
  4. Put the cabbage at room temperature until it cools completely, then remove it in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

A chic crispy snack is ready for use. The maximum shelf life of this option is no more than 3-4 months.

Recipe for quick sauerkraut with carrots

Almost all recipes for preparing this snack are similar in terms of cooking, in order of action, but still each of them is unique, because each has a small secret ingredient. Here is a recipe for quick sauerkraut with carrots:


  • White cabbage - 3 kg
  • Carrots - 300 g.
  • Rye flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Vodka - 50 g.

Preparation technology:

  1. In a large container with a sewage chopped by a cabbage, add salt and granulated sugar, grind.
  2. Connect with crushed carrots and mix well.
  3. Sprinkle the bottom of the cans with flour and compact the vegetables to half the volume. Then sprinkle with flour again and close the cabbage with a layer of cabbage. Flour in combination with sugar enhances the fermentation process.
  4. To obtain a tart taste and more crunch, pour a glass of vodka into the banks.
  5. Cover the neck with clean gauze and put the jar in the basin, leave it with room t ° for several days.
  6. So that the cabbage does not turn out bitter, it is necessary to pierce it 2 p. in a dayTo come out carbon dioxide.
  7. A foam that needs to be removed will appear on the surface of the cabbage. If the foam has stopped forming, this means that the dish is ready. It can be covered with a lid and put in the refrigerator yet on 1-2 days.

The leaked juice should not be destroyed, it must be returned back to the jar so that the cabbage does not turn out to be dry.
And if you want to try the dish as soon as possible, then the cooking can be reduced from three days to one. It is just worth adding the easiest brine and voila to the jar.

How to ferment cabbage with beets: recipe

Sauerkraut with beets
Sauerkraut with beets

This option of pickling cabbage with beets is universal. The dish is suitable for both festive feasts, and for everyday dinners and dinners. The taste and appearance of such cabbage is simply incomparable. Here is the prescription:


  • Cabbage - 2 kg
  • The beets are large - 1 pc.
  • The carrot is large - 1 pc.
  • Garlic-8-10 cloves
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 150 g.
  • Salt - 30 g.
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% - 100 ml

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Clean the cabbage and cut on 8 partsCut carrots and beets with rings. Crush the garlic a bit so that the tannins and volatiles are activated and cut into several parts.
  2. Mix vegetables and can be placed in a jar.
  3. Prepare the brine: Add salt, sugar, spices to cold water and cook until boiling. As soon as the water boils, pour in vinegar and oil.
  4. Pour the marinade into the jar, close the lid and leave until completely cooled. After send a snack for 5 days In the refrigerator for insisting.

For lovers of acute taste, you can add a pepper pepper or clove. It is worth noting that cabbage in this performance is perfectly combined with meat dishes.

How much time to ferment the cabbage under the oppression?

At the final stage of the preparation of cabbage, before laying it out in banks, a chopped vegetable is put under oppression. So they hold until carbon dioxide stops out of cabbage, that is, until the fermentation process itself ends, on average 3 days. If you remove it earlier, then the upper layer of cabbage will begin to lose elasticity and begin to sour quickly, which will lead to damage to the entire snack.

Oppression is a very necessary part in the workpiece. It becomes a kind of partition for an excess of oxygen in a container with cabbage. Thanks to oxygen, the active process of fermentation begins.

Do I need to drain the brine of sauerkraut?

In order for sauerkraut to be juicy, crispy and does not lose its appetizing color, the brine cannot be drained in any case. The cut vegetable should be completely covered with brine. Draining is allowed in only one case - if the brine is too salty. In this case, it is necessary to drain a third of the volume and add the same amount of the defended, cool boiled water and shake the jar well.

Video: my secret how to pick up cabbage at home

Video: how to pick out cabbage in a bank? The easiest recipe

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