How to salt tomatoes in a barrel in a cold way: the best recipes. Sved tomatoes are red and green in a barrel for the winter and small -salted: Russian recipes and recipe with mustard. How to pick up tomatoes in banks, like from a barrel: recipe

How to salt tomatoes in a barrel in a cold way: the best recipes. Sved tomatoes are red and green in a barrel for the winter and small -salted: Russian recipes and recipe with mustard. How to pick up tomatoes in banks, like from a barrel: recipe

Ways to pickle tomatoes in a cold way.

With the onset of summer, everyone rejoices in the appearance on the table of a large number of fruits and vegetables. This is very pleasing, since it becomes possible to replenish the deficiency of vitamins, which usually appears at the end of winter. The hostesses strive to make blanks to please their households with delicious pickles and salads.

How to ferment salty tomatoes red in a barrel for the winter: Russian recipe for a cold salting

There are a lot of subtleties of preparing pickles. There are general recommendations that you should adhere to when choosing tomatoes for salting.

Subtleties of salting tomatoes:

  • Before laying tomatoes in a barrel, it must be disinfected. To do this, it is washed with baking soda and poured with boiling water.
  • Tomatoes should choose elastic and dense. Overpass fruits are not suitable for salting. The fact is that in the process of laying them in banks, the lower rows can burst under the weight of the upper ones.
  • Ready pickles are best stored in the cellar directly in barrels or banks.
How to ferment salty tomatoes red in a barrel for the winter: Russian recipe for a cold salting
How to ferment salty tomatoes red in a barrel for the winter: Russian recipe for a cold salting


  • 10 kg of tomatoes
  • 2 l of boiled water
  • 750 g of salt
  • Umbrellas of dill
  • Grape leaves
  • Cherry leaves


  • Select elastic tomatoes and wash them. Put the leaves and a number of tomatoes on the bottom of the barrel
  • Sprinkle with salt, lay out a number of leaves and put the tomatoes again
  • This is how it must be done until the barrel is filled to the top
  • Pour water on top and lay out dill umbrellas with grape leaves
  • Cover the tomatoes with a oppression and leave at room temperature
  • As soon as they were thrown, transfer the tubs to the cellar
How to ferment salty tomatoes red in a barrel for the winter: Russian recipe for a cold salting
How to ferment salty tomatoes red in a barrel for the winter: Russian recipe for a cold salting

How to salt red tomatoes in a barrel: a pretense recipe

Mustard is used to prevent mold on the surface of the pickles


  • 10 kg of tomatoes
  • 2 l of tomato juice
  • 750 g of salt
  • 15 g of dry mustard powder
  • Cherry leaves


  • Wash ripe and elastic fruits and put them in a bowl
  • Throw cherry leaves to the bottom of the tub
  • Put the tomatoes in one row and sprinkle with salt
  • Put the leaves of cherries on top and again a layer of tomatoes
  • So put to the very top, and close the last row with cherry leaves
  • Pour freshly prepared tomato juice and put under oppression before fermentation
  • As soon as your seat is thrown, send to the cellar
How to salt red tomatoes in a barrel: a pretense recipe
How to salt red tomatoes in a barrel: a pretense recipe

How to salt red tomatoes in a barrel of little salted: recipe

A very good recipe with spices.


  • 10 kg of tomatoes
  • Umbrellas of dill
  • Garlic head
  • 10 Bulgarian peppers
  • 900 g of salt
  • Currant leaves


  • Sort and wash elastic tomatoes. Put the cherry leaves and umbrellas leaves on the bottom of the barrels
  • Fill the barrel on 1/3 of the entire container with fruits and again lay a layer of spices and garlic
  • Put tomatoes again on 1/3, and then spices
  • When the barrel is filled to the top, prepare the brine
  • For 10 liters of water you need 900 g of salt. It is dissolved in boiling water
  • After the complete dissolution of salt and cooling the solution, it is filtered through gauze and tomatoes are poured
  • Covered with oppressions and left for 1-2 weeks
  • After that, pickles are transferred to the cellar and make sure that mold does not form
  • You can pour a layer of oil upstairs, it will save from mold
How to salt red tomatoes in a barrel of little salted: recipe
How to salt red tomatoes in a barrel of little salted: recipe

How to salt the green tomatoes in a barrel for the winter: recipe

Once such tomatoes were very cheap and fed to various dishes. By the fall, a large number of tomatoes do not have time to ripen, so you can salute green.


  • 10 kg of tomatoes
  • 100 g of dill
  • 100 g of parsley
  • 700 g of salt
  • 6.5 liters of water
  • Coriander
  • Cherry leaves
  • Garlic
  • 1 red pepper


  • Wash the fruits and put in a bowl
  • Put half the spices to the bottom of the prepared barrel
  • Tamp the tomatoes tightly to the top and smooth the second part of the spices
  • Prepare the solution by dissolving salt in boiling water
  • Cool the brine and pour tomatoes to them. Put the oppression
  • Such tomatoes roam 45 days. After that, a layer of vegetable oil is poured on top
How to salt the green tomatoes in a barrel for the winter: recipe
How to salt the green tomatoes in a barrel for the winter: recipe

Recipe for pickling tomato in a plastic barrel for the winter

Now many housewives are starting tomato salting in plastic buckets or barrels. They are made of food plastic and suitable for salting.


  • 10 kg of tomatoes
  • 6 kg of salt
  • 100 liters of water
  • A handful of black pepper with peas
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 100 g of dill
  • 100 g of currant leaves


  • For pickles, choose dense and not ripened tomatoes
  • Wash them and pierce them at the base of the stalk with a toothpick
  • This will allow tomatoes faster and more uniformly for salt
  • Prepare the brine from pepper, salt and water and let it cool
  • Put half the spices on the bottom of the tub
  • Fill the barrel with tomatoes, and lay the rest of the spices on top
  • Pour a brine and let stand for 7 days in a warm place under the oppression
Recipe for pickling tomato in a plastic barrel for the winter
Recipe for pickling tomato in a plastic barrel for the winter

How to pick up tomatoes in banks, like from a barrel: recipe

Good and fast recipe.


  • 2 kg of unauthorized tomatoes
  • 50 g of salt
  • 10 g of parsley
  • Fuck root
  • Garlic
  • 3 lavrushki
  • 5 peas of a black pepper
  • Currant leaves and cherries


  • Wash the tomatoes and put half the spices to the bottom
  • Put the tomatoes tightly on top and pour a brine
  • To prepare it for a liter of water, you need 50 g of salt
  • Cold boiled water and salt are taken
  • Pour tomatoes with a prepared solution and laid out the residues of spices
  • Close with kapron lids and left for 3 days in a warm place
  • After that, banks are transferred to the cellar and tomatoes are ready after 45-60 days
How to pick up tomatoes in banks, like from a barrel: recipe
How to pick up tomatoes in banks, like from a barrel: recipe

You can cook tomatoes from a barrel at home. Moreover, this can be done in ordinary glass jars.

Video: salting tomatoes

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Comments K. article

  1. "In a plastic barrel" - 6 kg of salt?
    And water?

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