How to fix the over -over -covered sauerkraut?

How to fix the over -over -covered sauerkraut?

One of the favorite dishes of Slavic cuisine, an unsurpassed snack, a storehouse of vitamins - all this is about the popular and very useful crumbling sauerkraut. Usually, salt is used in a fairly large amount for its preparation, while using its iodized variety, like salt salt, experienced housewives do not recommend.

But even in this case, when, it would seem, there should be many salts, you can count with its number, and then the question arises: what to do?

How to fix the over -over -covered sauerkraut?

  • If you find that you were overlapping sauerkraut at the very beginning of the process sourceHaving tried it brine, which contains the main mass of salt, the additional amount of water will help to fix the situation.
  • Simply pour the third part and replace it with water, which let it first to stand. Do not try to replace the whole brine with new water - you hopelessly ruin the cabbage!
  • Shake a jar or a bucket in which pick up cabbage (it is clear that for more voluminous and heavy containers this method is unsuitable) and periodically repeat shaking. When the old brine and water are completely mixed with each other, you will make sure that the excess salt has gone.
  • The second method is suitable at the final stages legislative cabbage. Here, water and a change in the concentration of the solution will no longer help, so an egg will come to the rescue. Gently, so that the yolk does not spread, break the raw egg over gauze.
  • Then gauze with an egg Inside, lower your cabbage into the brine and hold for about 15 minutes. It should not be kept longer so that the microflora of the raw egg does not spoil the environment necessary for leaven. Then, just as carefully pull your bag with an egg.
  • At all stages, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that the egg does not flow out of gauze - then the cabbage will be completely spoiled. If you do everything right, the egg will draw excess salt into itself and your brine will acquire the necessary taste.
Stewed cabbage can be overheated, but it is possible to fix everything
Stewed cabbage can be overheated, but it is possible to fix everything

As you can see, it is possible to reanimate too generously with advanced cabbage both at the beginning and at the end of the sourdough. There is nothing complicated in this, the main thing is to carefully follow the indicated proportions and carefully follow the recommendations that experts give. Water and egg - this is what will save your future snack.

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