Fast cabbage pickled with hot brine with garlic, beets, vegetable oil, vinegar, without vinegar, sauer: the best recipes

Fast cabbage pickled with hot brine with garlic, beets, vegetable oil, vinegar, without vinegar, sauer: the best recipes

The best recipes for quickly cooking pickled and sauerkraut, using hot brine.

Each experimental housewife always has many different delicious recipes for salting cabbage. It seems that it is no longer possible to surprise her. Did you try to marry the cabbage hot? If not, then this article is for you. For beginners and experienced housewives, we offer some delicious recipes for pickling cabbage in a quick way.

Quick cabbage with garlic with hot brine: recipe in banks

Option 1

Bullet -browning option with large slices with the addition of garlic

We prepare products:

  1. Water - 3.0 l
  2. White cabbage-4-6 kg
  3. Fresh carrots-3-6 pcs.
  4. Garlic –9-12 cloves
  5. Salt - 4 tbsp. l.
  6. Sugar - 225 g
  7. Vinegar 70 % - 2 tbsp. l.
  8. Ground black pepper - 2 tsp.
  9. Fragrant pepper-2-3 peas

Technological process:

  • We start with the preparation of the brine:
  1. Pour cold water into a suitable pan.
  2. Pour salt, sugar, pepper powder
  3. Boil until bullying of bulk products
  4. Pour vinegar
  5. Turn off the stove
  • We clean the cabbage of cabbage from the upper leaves
  • We cut into large pieces (9-10 pcs.)
  • Washed and cleaned carrots rub on a medium grater
  • Combine in a large bowl with cabbage
  • Grind garlic cloves, add to vegetables
  • Pour the cabbage with a boiled hot solution
  • Mix quickly
  • We transfer to banks
  • After the cans are cooled, we send the workpieces to the refrigerator
  • After a day, cabbage is ready for use

Option 2

Finely chopped cabbage forks for quarrels hot, with garlic slices


  1. Cabbage - 1 kg
  2. Carrot-2-3 pcs.
  3. Garlic - 6 lobels
  4. Sugar - 120 g
  5. Salt - 1 tbsp.
  6. Water - 0.5 l
  7. Fragrant pepper and black - 5 peas
  8. Vegetable oil - 140 ml
  9. Vinegar essence 9% - 10 tbsp.

Stages of cooking:

  • Chop the head in a thin long straw
  • Three carrots are large
  • We let the cloves of garlic through a garlic codium
  • Mix vegetables in a deep bowl
  • In the usual way, cook the brine from the remaining components, immediately after boiling, pour it into the vegetable mixture
  • Cover the cabbage with a plate, press on top with a jar of water
  • After 3-4 hours, we transfer the finished cabbage to the banks
  • We packet with plastic lids
  • Store in a specially reserved cool place, for example, in the cellar

Fast capture of cabbage with beetroot hot: recipe in banks

Variations with the addition of beets

1 method

For preparation, you will need:

  1. Dense cabbage head of medium -sized
  2. Large beets - 1 pc.
  3. Garlic (small) - 1 head
  4. Leaves of the Lavra tree-4-5 pcs.
  5. Fragrant and crushed black pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  6. Cloves - 2 stars
  7. Salt is not iodized - 2 tbsp.
  8. Sugar and dining vinegar - a glass


  • Boil for no more than 30 minutes
  • While she is being prepared, we will take care of the cabbage:
  1. Cut the forks in half
  2. Then we divide it into several large parts
  3. Cut each piece into separate plastics
  • Cut the cooled ready -made beetle with squares
  • We lay in dense layers, mixed with cabbage, in a jar. Add bay leaf and clove of garlic in each row
  • For brine:
  1. Dissolve all the remaining products in water, except vinegar
  2. Boil for 2-3 minutes, pour in vinegar essence
  • Pour vegetables with a non -cooled brine
  • Cool the cans, send it to the cold
  • A day later, the product is ready to use

Another option for an unusual cabin


  1. While cabbage white cabbage - 2 kg
  2. Carrots - 2 pcs.
  3. Beets - 1 pc.
  4. Water missed through the filter –1 l
  5. Sugar –150 g
  6. Salt - 3 tbsp.
  7. Sunflower oil and table vinegar - 150 g
  8. Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  9. Fragrant pepper-3-4 peas
  10. Garlic - 4 cloves


  • Cut the cabbage into squares, size 5 by 5 cm
  • Carrots and beets (raw) three on medium grater
  • Mix vegetables in a small basin
  • We set to cook the marinade from the remaining products. Pre -clean the garlic, grind. Add vinegar before removing the pan from the stove
  • Boiling water from the cooked brine cover the vegetable cut
  • We can stand under the yoke for a day
  • After the set time, we pack it in banks
  • If there is a desire to get a spicy dish, add a burn of burning pepper

Video: Cabbage Peel - Fast pickled cabbage

Cabbage under a hot brine with vegetable oil

Several original additives will change radically the taste

The workpiece prepared according to this method can be eaten after a couple of hours.

On forks weighing two kilograms you will need:

  1. 3 apples
  2. 2 carrots
  3. 150 g of cranberries
  4. 1 liter of water
  5. 1 tbsp. Olive oil
  6. 2 tbsp. Salt
  7. ¾ Art. vinegar 9%
  8. 250 g of sugar
  9. 1 head of little garlic

We start cooking:

  • We cut the head of volumetric layers
  • Three carrots on large teeth
  • We cut fruits into large slices
  • We boil the remaining components in water-4-5 minutes
  • Pre -clean the garlic from the skin. Cook it in the brine, without cutting it into slices
  • We transfer the chopped products into a stainless bowl alternately:
  1. Cabbage
  2. Apples
  3. Carrot
  4. Cranberry
  5. If necessary, we duplicate the layers
  6. Current layer - cabbage
  • Boiled marinade pour into vegetables
  • We cover with any oppression on top
  • After 2-3 hours, the dish is considered ready

Cabbage sauer hot brine

Frivolous additive from honey


  1. Cabbage - 1 kg
  2. Carrots - 1 pc.
  3. Water (better settled) –1 liters
  4. Salt (preferably sea) and honey - 25 g


  • Cut the vegetable fruits as thin as possible
  • Mix, fill with a dense layer into glass containers
  • We bring water to a boil
  • We lay salt and honey portion, hold on medium heat until honey dissolves
  • Fill the containers with hot liquid
  • We cover with a clean towel
  • Kvassim in a warm room for about 48 hours
  • Then we thoroughly close the lid
  • Store in a cool place

Such cabbage is not only very tasty, but also even more useful. Due to a small amount of honey, it increases the immunity well, and the resulting infusion helps to improve the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Fast cabbage hot brine without vinegar

Picking with red pepper

Main components:

  1. Cabbage head - 0.5 kg
  2. Carrots (without core) - 2 pcs.
  3. Red pepper (medium size) –1 pcs.
  4. Water-1-1.5 l
  5. Large salt - 45 g
  6. Sugar - 90 g

Process chronology:

  • For cabbage, we use not large shirt, carrots of three any size, at our discretion
  • We free sweet pepper from the core and seeds, cut it into a long straw
  • Combine the vegetable cut, diligently grind, mix
  • Packing in a prepared glass container
  • We impregnate with hot infusion cooked from the remaining ingredients
  • Kvasim no more than one day, observing the room temperature mode
  • We remove the finished product in a cool pantry

Cabbage hot brine is a quick way with vinegar

The most affordable option
  1. Fresh harvesting forks - 1 kg
  2. Small carrots - 1 pc.
  3. Water (filtered) - 1.5 l
  4. Dining room 9% acetic acid, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  5. Large salt - 100 g
  6. Sugar (small) - 225 g
  7. Lavra leaves - 7 pcs.
  8. Pologs of black pepper - 8 pcs.

Preparation technology:

  • Grind the vegetable fruit peeled from the upper sheets into noodles
  • We pass the carrots through the grater to cut vegetables according to Korean
  • In volumetric containers, mix the vegetable workpiece, put bay leaves and pepper peas
  • Cook the spicy liquid composition:
  1. in boiling water we throw measured salt and sugar portions
  2. after boiling, pour in the portions of vinegar essence and oil
  3. we only removed from the stove with pouring carefully water the prepared mass, until the capacity is completely filled
  • We cover a container with a cotton with a cotton towel
  • We withstand three days in a room with room temperature
  • Next, pour into storage containers or immediately taste

So, the cabbage is promoted without the usual long -term fermentation. Essence in conjunction with hot filling accelerates this process.

As a result, a wonderful workpiece can be tasted after a day, and in some cases after a few hours.

Video: Fast sauerkraut, pickled cabbage recipe

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