How to properly sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry with filling for the oven and frying in a pan, so that they do not open and the filling does not flow: step -by -step instructions with photos, tips. How beautifully to sculpt pies of various shapes: photo

How to properly sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry with filling for the oven and frying in a pan, so that they do not open and the filling does not flow: step -by -step instructions with photos, tips. How beautifully to sculpt pies of various shapes: photo

We learn to sculpt the pies beautifully: open, closed, for frying in a pan and in the oven.

For a long time, yeast dough was considered a whole art and was treated with extremely carefully. Recipes were transmitted from grandmothers to granddaughters, but in fact there is nothing complicated in the preparation of a delicious yeast dough, and it is not worth being afraid of it. In this article we will talk about how to cook yeast dough for pies, as well as how to sculpt them.

Recipe for delicious and budget yeast dough

On the Internet there are many recipes of yeast dough in which there are many ingredients, which are not affordable today. We offer to get acquainted with the simplest preparation of the dough, which is actively used in schools and kindergartens.


  • Flour 1 kg;
  • A pack of pressed or dry yeast;
  • Water 0.4 l;
  • Lean oil 150 g;
  • Egg 1 pcs (it is possible without it, if desired);
  • Salt 1 tsp;
  • Sugar 2 tbsp.


  • We dissolve the yeast - knead with sugar and salt (dry with the addition of water). Let stand for 5 minutes;
  • Sift the flour (2/3 of the parts) and add warm water, knead;
  • Add yeast to the flour and mix thoroughly;
  • Put in a warm place for 20 minutes;
  • Mix again, add 50 g of oil and egg, mix again and send again to a warm place;
  • After 20 minutes, add the remaining flour and thoroughly knead in the bowl;
  • Add 80 g of oil and knead again;
  • We sculpt the pies, dipping our hands in the oil.

According to this recipe, the dough is airy and tender. The perfect dough for the preparation of unsweetened pies.

In the butt pies, we recommend adding water/milk in half and 2 tablespoons of sugar larger.

How to sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry with filling for the oven: step -by -step instructions with photos

There are just a lot of ways to fashion beautiful pies. It is worth noting that the pies from the puff dough can be sculpted by different shapes, but the yeast pies are more concise and simple, since this type of dough is characterized by rising, and the pattern may be distorted.

The most common way to model pies:

  • Cut off a piece the size of a palm;
  • We form a circle from the test;
  • We put the filling in the middle;
  • Fold two sides and sculpt as in the photo;
  • You can add up, both seams up and down, as you like;
  • Lubricate the pies with oil or egg yolk and set to bake.
How to properly sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry with a filling for the oven
How to properly sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry with a filling for the oven

This sculpting method is suitable for both puff and yeast dough:

  • Cut off a piece of dough the size of a palm;
  • We roll it into a circle;
  • We make four cuts as in the photo;
  • We apply the filling and begin to wrap the corners as in the photo;
  • On the last round - you need to fly around the edges so that the "rose" does not break up;
  • Lubricate with oil or yolk (if desired) and sprinkle with sesame seeds;
  • We set to bake.
Beautiful form for pies in the oven: step by step instructions for modeling
Beautiful form for pies in the oven: step by step instructions for modeling

And this method is as simple as ordinary pies, but it looks more unusual and fresh:

  • Roll out the circle again;
  • Put the filling into the middle;
  • On the one hand, fold the dough and connect to the middle;
  • On the second side, connect the dough so that a seam of 3 lines forming a triangle is formed;
  • Lubricate with oil or egg and put it baked.
How to blind pies Triangles: Instructions
How to blind pies Triangles: Instructions

How to sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry with filling for frying in a pan: step -by -step instructions with photos

How to sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry with filling for frying in a pan: step -by -step instructions
How to sculpt pies from yeast and puff pastry with filling for frying in a pan: step -by -step instructions

For preparation, you need dough and filling.

Work process:

  • We cut the dough into the same pieces (the size depends on the desired size of the pies;
  • We form a circle and put the filling inside (half the area of \u200b\u200bthe pies is engaged in filling)
  • Pull the edges and sculpt the pie as in the photo;
  • We turn the pie with a seam down;
  • Let us lie down to renew the rest of the pies, and lay them out in the pan.

Frying pies are prepared, both with ugly and with sweet filling.

How to sculpt pies with solid filling - potatoes, cabbage, meat, apples: tips

In order for the pies to be tasty, it is important to cook not only the dough, but also a delicious filling. We have prepared a list of main fillings for pies.

Filling with potatoes:

  • Cook peeled potatoes;
  • CROSE with the addition of milk and oil;
  • Add freshly cut greens and mix.

If desired, you can also add fried minced meat.

Filling with brisket and potatoes:

  • Boil potatoes and make magnificent mashed potatoes;
  • Cut the chicken into cubes and fry in sunflower oil until complete;
  • Chop the greens;
  • Mix all the ingredients.

Filling with cabbage:

  • Chop the cabbage;
  • Chop the onion;
  • Rub the carrots;
  • We send everything to the pan and fry for 5 minutes;
  • Add tomato paste with water, sugar, salt, bay leaf, pepper;
  • Stew until cooked so that the cabbage is dry and soft.

Flood filling:

  • Boil the egg and rub on a grater;
  • Boil the potato and rub on a grater;
  • We cut the meat as finely as possible and fry on low heat until cooked;
  • Mix all the ingredients.

Filling with apples:

  • Grate the apple;
  • Put on a pie;
  • Sprinkle with sugar and immediately, until the apple has let the apple, fly.
Beautiful forms of pies
Beautiful forms of pies

How to sculpt pies with liquid filling - jam, jam: tips

Sometimes there is only liquid from the filling. How to cook it so that it does not leak and does not spoil the whole dish. We have prepared some tips:

  • For 2 glasses of jam, a pack of gelatin powder: mix, let stand for 15 minutes and mix again. The filling is ready;
  • Add 1 tbsp to a glass of liquid filling. a spoonful of flour, mix. You can also add starch or semolina;
  • From a white buns to make breadcrumbs and fill up 2 tablespoons on a glass of liquid filling, mix.
Beautiful forms of pies
Beautiful forms of pies

How to sculpt triangular cakes beautifully?

We wrote about how to blind a triangular pie earlier. Now let's tell you how to sculpt a beautiful smooth pie for beginners:

  • Roll out the dough and squeeze the circle with a bowl;
  • We subtly plan three lines - a triangle with a knife;
  • Put the filling and make a fold along the lines - connect.

How to sculpt the pies beautifully?

Round pies are very beautiful and a delicious filling is visible through the hole at the top, which can be either meat or sweet.

  • We form circles and fill the 70% surface with filling;
  • We bend the edges one by one and pinch like in the photo;
  • When you walk completely around the perimeter, correct where it turned out inaccurately and immediately send to bake or fry.
How to sculpt the pies beautifully?
How to sculpt the pies beautifully?

How to sculpt pies with a pigtail beautifully?

Another way to sculpt pies chic - a pigtail. For this, the circle is formed (rolled) and incisions are made on both sides. Next, it remains only to put the filling or even a sausage and intertwine as in a photo with a pigtail.

How to sculpt pies with a pigtail beautifully?
How to sculpt pies with a pigtail beautifully?

How beautiful to sculpt small pies?

In order to sculpt small pies beautifully, there are some tips:

  • For the filling - a teaspoon:
  • Roll up twice as thin as usual;
  • Squeeze even circles with a glass.

In all other respects, the modeling process is identical and diverse.

Beautiful forms of pies
Beautiful forms of pies
Beautiful forms of pies
Beautiful forms of pies

Video: How to sculpt open cakes beautifully?


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Comments K. article

  1. Very beautiful and simple (it seems to me). Thank you! I made a bookmark.

  2. "Loam" filling, are you serious🤦 rather? Or maybe it’s better to “lay” .......?

  3. From the "Russian" language I want to close the article.

  4. Terrible scurry is used.

  5. The whole business on the Internet holds on Hatytes

  6. Who told you such a heresy?

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