Calamin incontinence in the elderly: causes, treatment, give disability?

Calamin incontinence in the elderly: causes, treatment, give disability?

From this article you will learn what the feces are in the elderly, as well as what should be care of the patients.

The incontinence of the chair most often occurs as a result of damage to the anal sphincters, that is, the entire obstructive mechanism of the end department of the colon. This is a situation in which a chair leaves the anus against the will of man, is also associated with gas incontinence. All this can have a neurological source that occurs in case of nerve damage or after back injuries.

When a fecal incontinence occurs in an elderly person, it is doubly more complicated, since he needs care and special treatment. Read below why the elderly has such a pathology and what to do.

Incontinence of urine and feces in the elderly - ICD, reasons: why is this happening?

Urine and feces in the elderly
Urine and feces in the elderly

Incontinence of urine and feces in the elderly often occurs due to nervous or muscle dysfunction, as these systems control the flow of urine and the release of stools. It can be caused by such reasons:

  • Side effect of drugs
  • Stress
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Diabetes
  • Infections, including infections of the spinal cord
  • Haemorrhoids

Therapy and treatment of these conditions can vary from dietary changes and physical exercises to electrical stimulation and surgical intervention, depending on the individual diagnosis.

  • ICD Calais incontinence - Medical Classifier "ICD R15"

The causes of urinary incontinence often lie in the appearance of urolithiasis in humans. Her reasons are the following:

  • Insufficient intake of water
  • Food rich in oxalates (spinach, rhubarb, oatmeal, cut of grain)
  • Excess sodium chloride
  • Consumption of a large amount of animal protein
  • Inflammatory diseases of the intestine (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis)
  • Overweight
  • Diabetes
  • Gout
  • Medicines (some antibiotics and sulfanilamides)

This also happens due to the anatomical characteristics of each person and his heredity. If one of your relatives-children, grandchildren suffer from incontinence, then read article on our websiteHow to recover and how to help themselves so as not to suffer.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to analyze what nature the stones in the kidneys have formed and then prescribe the appropriate therapy. Only a doctor will be able to determine why this happens in the human body and only he will prescribe adequate treatment.

Fecal incontinence with multiple sclerosis: Treatment

Urine and feces in the elderly
Urine and feces in the elderly

With multiple sclerosis, the myelin shell of the nerves is damaged and plaques are formed. Motor functions and sensitivity in innervated areas are lost. Damage to the shell of nerves that provide the sensitivity of the rectum can cause fecal incontinence.

It is worth knowing: To make an accurate diagnosis and provide the necessary assistance, the patient must keep his journal, where all significant data on the nutrition and intestinal reaction to different foods are entered.


  • Balanced diet. It is worth experimenting to identify products that violate the chair and make the sphincter less durable.
  • Often helps to establish the usual regime of visiting the toilet. After all, you can plan a time when the rectum opens, for example, 20-30 minutes after eating or hot drink.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. Useful exercises can show a physiotherapist. These exercises must be performed on your own at home.
  • In extreme cases, an electromyometer is used With anal traffic.

Calamin incontinence is difficult to bear patients, causes a feeling of loss of control over their functions and can lead to depression. It is necessary to provide all support and psychological assistance.

Calamin incontinence after a stroke in the elderly: how long it will last, care for patients

Urine and feces in the elderly
Urine and feces in the elderly

About a third of all patients who have experienced a stroke have problems with normal bowel movement. The cause of fecal incontinence after a stroke can be various deviations after a stroke, as well as damage to tissues in the brain. In order to improve the patient’s life after the disease, you need to follow the following recommendations for patient care:

  • Gradually return motor activity with physical exercises, special clothing with suspension.
  • Restoring household skills is very important.
  • Prepare a dwelling for the requirements of a sick person. He must get to the toilet without any difficulties. You can use bio-ground for this purpose.
  • Following medical prescriptions will help to quickly restore the functionality of the body.

How long will the fecal incontinence last after a stroke?

  • The duration of this phenomenon depends on how quickly the patient will restore the muscle and nerve tissues of the body.

To do this, you need to follow the recommendations of doctors, a diet, and also strengthen the body using physical exercises.

Anal incontinence of feces in the elderly, after 50 years: forecast, prevention, what to do?

Urine and feces in the elderly
Urine and feces in the elderly

Although fecal incontinence can overtake a person at any age, medical statistics inexorably testifies: more than half of the sick - over 50 years old. Events that can subsequently lead to incontinence occur long before the elderly. Often the cause of incontinence is damage to the anal canal that occur in the process of natural delivery. It is not always possible to detect and eliminate the torn connection between muscles and nerves in time. What is the forecast?

  • Over the years, the anal muscles weaken.
  • And if a young man noticed only minor difficulties in holding a chair, then over time they threaten to develop into a serious problem of an intimate nature.
  • After 50 years There are problems with anal incontinence of feces in the elderly.

What to do?

  • If during the defecation the failure is outlined, it is better not to waste time on alternative treatment.
  • It is important to timely identify the cause of the pathology. Only then is there a chance to cope with her with gymnastics and diet.
  • An incontinence is well lend itself to treatment, if it is an independent disease.
  • But if an uncontrolled chair is a consequence of a stroke, oncology or back injury, then the forecast is unsatisfactory.

So that in the elderly, you do not have to suffer from unpleasant symptoms, you should take care of maintaining the tone of the anal muscles:

  • Timely treat diseases Gastrointestinal tract.
  • Do not deal with the calls for defecation, but immediately go to the toilet.
  • Do not allow yourself anal sex.
  • Practice gymnastics Kegel For an intimate zone.

These tips will help you even at 45 years old To avoid later, in old age, unpleasant problems associated with stool incontinence.

Diarrhea and bloating: reasons for the incontinence of liquid feces in adults, elderly people

Urine and feces in the elderly
Urine and feces in the elderly

There are many reasons for the indigestion of food in adults that differ in groups. People tend to timely emptying of the intestines. In the absence of space and free time, bowel movements are impossible. Causes of incontinence of liquid stool:

  • There is abstinence, the muscles of the pelvis begin to weaken, which leads to the process of diarrhea, bloating, constipation, which vividly indicates a violation of the intestine.
  • In the case of a liquid chair, a person is not able to endure, which leads to immediate emptying.
  • Sometimes this process is caused by vomiting or vomiting reflex.
  • During constipation, severe stretching of the muscles of the pelvis occurs.
  • An incontinence in adults, elderly people can be caused by hemorrhoids. The trip to the toilet is difficult and causes unpleasant sensations.

Such a problem more occurs in people of the weaker sex. The muscle tissue during childbirth is not elastic, which leads to ruptures. All this leads to immediate processes caused by going to the restroom. Over time, the female body is restored, but symptoms often do not go away.

Anal discharge in adults can be caused by neurological causes. The sensitivity of the rectum receptors decreases, which leads to the lack of urge to empty and an incontinence of liquid feces occurs.

Diet during fecal incontinence in adults, elderly people: menu

Diet during fecal incontinence in adults
Diet during fecal incontinence in adults

If the locking function of the anal sphincter is impaired, it's time to take a closer look at the nutrition. The main therapeutic event with encreparation is diet therapy. Following simple food principles will minimize the number of annoying symptoms.

The diet prescribed during the incontinence of the feces is designed to solve the problems:

  • Normalize a chair: prevent diarrhea or constipation.
  • Reduce the number of feces.
  • Stabilize intestinal peristalsis.

First of all, you should get rid of products softening stools. These are milk, cheeses, sweeteners, coffee, alcohol -containing drinks. It is worth significantly reducing the use of acute seasonings, fat and fatty meat, citrus fruits inside.

Important: Doctors advise patients to record observations of the intestinal reaction in the diary. Having information about the products consumed and the size of portions, it is easier to understand which dish contributes to a deterioration in the condition. The diary will help detect food that irritates the intestines.

The diet of patients with encues is made up of cereals, boiled vegetables, raw fruits, and bread from unpeeled flour. The fiber contained in these products turns feces into a thick mass. The use of fermented milk products is shown. They can be included in the day menu without restrictions.

An approximate one -day menu compiled for patients with incontinence:

  • 8 hours. Rice porridge cooked on water with the addition of oil, cocoa on water, bread.
  • 12 hours. Cottage cheese, sour cream, a warm decoction of rosehips.
  • 16 hours. Soup cereal in weak broth, cutlets, blueberry jelly.
  • 19 hours. Boiled pike perch, currant jelly.
  • Before going to bed - kefir.

With a lack of fiber, the diet with bran or wheat flakes should be diversified. It is better to take food often, but in small portions, so as not to overload the digestive system.

Fecal incontinence in diabetes in the elderly: causes, treatment at home

Mountain ash during feces in diabetes in the elderly
Mountain ash during feces in diabetes in the elderly

Fecal incontinence may be a complication of diabetes. Patients with high blood sugar do not have an adequate response of the nervous system to the muscles of the pelvis in the anus. Therefore, involuntary bowel focus occurs. Another reason: rectal muscle stretching. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor in the form of modern drugs or electrical stimulation, if the patient has no contraindications.

In addition, you can use treatment at home - these are medicinal decoctions and infusions based on herbal preparations to improve the digestive system and calm the nervous system:

Enemas from chamomile

  • You need to dry and grind the chamomile.
  • Then in 10 g Add this raw material 250 ml water, and put on fire ( 40 minutes).
  • Cool, strain.
  • These enemas do 2 times about one month per day.


  • Use juice or infusion of mountain ash.
  • Need 20 g Pour dried mountain ash 250 ml boiling water and insist 3 hours.
  • Use the finished solution half a glass, twice a day before meals.

Bath with lavender

  • Dial 2 liters boiling water and brew several spoons of chopped lavender, mint leaves and sage.
  • After that, this solution should be added to the bath one hour before bedtime.
  • Take a bath in 20-25 minutes, no more.

Drug decoction

  • 3 teaspoons Mix mint (chopped) with 1 tablespoon of hop cones.
  • Add 2 cups of water. Put this mixture on a slow fire and languish for about half an hour.
  • Use this solution 100 ml per day, 3 times a day.

You can also combine the above to increase the effect, but do not abuse this treatment. Drink a decoction, or make a bath during 10 days, then a break and you can repeat again.

Kegel exercises during feces in the elderly: effective therapeutic gymnastics

Kegel exercises are called effective therapeutic gymnastics for many diseases. With fecal incontinence, this is often one of the most commonly used methods for recovery. The main thing is to perform exercises correctly. How to do it, read in the article on our website on this link.

Calamin incontinence in the elderly: do they give disability?

Fecal incontinence in the elderly
Fecal incontinence in the elderly

Calamings or insufficiency of anal sphincter is the basis for disability of the third degree, but provided that this disease is persistent. This means that it is not to be treated for at least four months before ITU.

So, do they give disability and how to get it?

  • If you have been given this diagnosis officially, for example, for example only yesterday, then at the moment there is no reason to establish disability, due to the non -completeness of the medical rehabilitation period.
  • Simply put, the patient needs to undergo treatment, and only after the entire course of treatment for all results, to solve the issue of disability.

In this case, it will be possible to judge the presence of disability in the patient in terms of about four months.

Calamin incontinence in the elderly: what diapers, diapers are better to use?

Calais incontinence is almost always accompanied by urinary incontinence. For this they are ideal Seni V gaskets With an absorbent effect. They are used together with other diapers, since classic diapers simply cannot cope with feces and urine at the same time.

Which is better to use diapers and diapers?

  • It is possible to use gaskets along with the ureter catheter, they are placed and fixed in shorts, and in such conditions the diaper can no longer be used.
  • The features of these gaskets are that they perfectly absorb all unpleasant odors, thanks to the super absorbent layer.
  • The antibacterial layer prevents the propagation of bacteria.

Such products are adjusted to the shape of the body, this provides comfort and does not pass moisture, but most importantly these gaskets are made from the “breathing” component and easily pass air.

Calais incontinence in the elderly: reviews

Fecal incontinence in the elderly
Fecal incontinence in the elderly

Excretion is one of the main physiological functions. This mechanism is controlled by the neuromuscular system, the effect of which is the barrier mechanism-the muscle complex of anal sphincter. This system allows a person to be “released” at the right time and in the right place. Also allows you to hold feces even when there is a need for defecation. Read the reviews of other people how they coped with the incontinence of feces or how they live with this problem:

Olga, 55 years old

I am ashamed to admit, but I have a problem with this kind - liquid feces flows without control. Doctors attributed to diarrhea and a “typical” incontinence, but it turned out that the problem was completely different. This is a constipation. Recent studies have shown that solid masses do not allow the sphincter to close, because the liquids constantly go outside and it is simply impossible to restrain them. Here it is, and I already attributed to age, although it seems to be too early.

Vitaly, 65 years old

I was always very active - a year ago, at my brother’s birthday, I had fun “like young”. But then, after he sharply nervous, constipation began. I tried a lot of funds - the emptying went so that I could not stop. I constantly wake up wet, in liquid feces. I call doctors at home, they prescribe various “effective” drugs, but all to no avail. Sleep people.

Victoria, 53 years old

There were frequent problems with defecation due to irregular nutrition. Once, as a result of straining, I experienced a very unpleasant sensation. The rectum loss occurred. Now I don't know what to do. I constantly go under myself. Of course, at a full leisure with relatives and communicating with friends, I had to put an end, I am sitting at home.

If you have problems with fecal incontinence, then urgently go to the doctor. Feel free and do not close at home. This is curable in many cases, even in old age.

Video: Calais

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