Which shower is better to take from a hangover? Is it possible to take a hot bath with a hangover?

Which shower is better to take from a hangover? Is it possible to take a hot bath with a hangover?

Alcoholic syndrome in the morning is replaced by a hangover. This is the process of eliminating harmful substances from the body. With weak symptoms, traditional medicine helps to cope with poor well -being. The main thing is to normalize the water balance. First of all, you need to drink a lot of clean water, and then take a shower or bath. Many people who have suffered from alcohol do not think about whether all water procedures are equally useful. Hot, warm or cold water needs to be turned on? What herbs to add? Will a contrast shower help?

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "How to make her husband quit drinking?". You will find effective remedies for alcohol, tips of a narcologist.

Before the festive feast, it is recommended to study information about the restoration of the body in advance, and then apply it in practice. After all, if you start the consequences of alcohol poisoning, you can get new chronic diseases. In this article we will tell you how to help either a bath with a hangover and how to take them. Read further.

How does a cold shower work with a hangover?

Cold shower
Cold shower

During intoxication, a person feels strong inhibition on the physical and mental terms. The body in automatic mode moves to the bathroom to climb under the shower.

Important: It is recommended to take a cold shower for no more than a minute. During the procedure, it is necessary to monitor breathing so that it is deep and even.

How does a cold shower work with a hangover?

  • Streams of cool water cause a stressful state in the body, in which the production of hormones associated with adrenaline begins.
  • In conditions of stress, the blood flow is increased, the normalization of the muscles begins and the concentration improves.
  • The drunk head clears up, bad thoughts disappear.

Even simple dousing with water will help to cope with some unpleasant moments:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Hands and legs
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Muscle spasms

It is necessary to take a shower in any case. If the holiday was in the country, then a street shower with natural or rain with cool water will wash down sweat well and will absorb the skin with useful substances.

After the shower, you should not try to do exercises. Physical activity (instead of the expected vivacity) will cause fatigue and will drive the restored working processes of internal organs.

How does a contrast shower work with a hangover?

During a hangover, abundant sweat accumulates on the skin, and with it - toxins and undesirable microorganisms. An intensive contrast shower is well washed out. It is recommended not only after a hangover, but also in ordinary conditions, as one of the ways of hardening. How does a contrast shower work?

  • Jets of hot and cold water, directed at the skin alternately, strengthen the vessels and favorably affect the blood system.
  • Blood and cells are renewed, and internal organs begin to receive more useful substances.
  • The immunity weakened by alcohol is restored, which means that the hangover is faster.

Rules for taking a contrast shower:

  • Do not take a shower immediately after waking up or before bedtime.
  • Before the procedure, measure body temperature. It should not be high.
  • It is forbidden to have breakfast immediately in front of the shower.
  • The head should remain dry.
  • Turn on a powerful pressure of water - so the whole body will be washed evenly.
  • Direct water jets to skin areas, massage.
  • Follow the meaning of contrast: the water temperature difference should be strong, but not painful.
  • Do not turn on too hot or too cold water so as not to damage the skin.
  • Alternate water flows up to three times.
  • After the procedure, wipe yourself intensively.

Such a shower is useful with a hangover or not - the opinion is controversial. Some doctors believe that you still need to start dousing with warm or cool water. The method is called "variables":

  • Massage the skin with warm water for three seconds.
  • Add hot water for two seconds.
  • After five seconds, make cold water and stand under it, too, a couple of seconds.

If there is doubt that the body cannot withstand a sharp temperature difference, then a variable method is best suited. The standard time increases to twenty seconds.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Contrast shower is prohibited for people with chronic hypertension, with impaired blood circulation of the brain, with thrombophlebitis and other diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

Does a hot shower help with a hangover?

When alcohol syndrome causes severe muscle pain in the neck or joints, hot shower - not higher than 49 ° C, Remove the voltage and normalizes sleep. Does a hot shower help with a hangover?

  • Nice warm water reduces headache.
  • But, if a sick heart has a drinking heart, then taking a hot shower from a hangover is strictly not recommended!
  • The heat emanating from the water vapor expands the vessels even stronger. Blood pressure will increase, which can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Therefore, shower can only be taken after a person sober up.

Hot shower is taken exclusively to eliminate unpleasant causes of the syndrome. It is not worth using soap or gel - the skin will become dry and the water balance in the body will be disturbed even more than before the procedure. In fact, there is more harm from a hot shower than good.

Important: People who suffer from chronic diseases should reduce water temperature up to 35 ° C.

Is it possible to take a hot bath with a hangover?

Hot bath with a hangover
Hot bath with a hangover

The benefits of the bath from the hangover are associated with the temperature of the water. It is not recommended to take a hot bath (like a shower), so as not to harm yourself even more. The enhancement of the beneficial effect is given by essential oils, but you will have to make sure that the thermometer lowered into the water shows not more than 37 ° C. For example, lavender essential oil has a pleasant aroma and contributes to relaxation.

You can take a bath only in an adequate state so as not to fall asleep. Sit and get up carefully: a hangover violates the coordination of movements. Before taking a bath, you need to lay anti -slip mats. Sufficiently warm water helps the body cope with the consequences of alcohol poisoning. Complete immersion saturates the skin with the necessary moisture and saves from dehydration.

It is worth knowing: It is forbidden to swim if the body temperature is higher than the norm! The risk of blood clots increases.

Does a bath with a hangover help?

Men do not use female products for the bath, but in this case, it would be nice to borrow sea salt from a spouse or beloved girl. 300 grams are enough for the procedure. Often in sea salt there are additions in the form of essential oils, and on the package it is written that it: either gives vigor or helps to normalize sleep.

How to take a bath with sea salt from a hangover?

  • Measure the right amount of salt with a measured cup, spoon or cap.
  • Add to warm water.
  • Stir your hands until the salt crystals completely dissolve.
  • Lie in a bath and relax.
  • Cut the time: from twenty to forty minutes.

A bath with sea salt will provide a good mood for the whole day. An irritated skin will be cleansed of toxins and toxins, and the body will receive the necessary restoration of the substance - sodium and chlorine.

It is worth knowing: Salt can be replaced with soda (500 grams), but in no case take the soda solution inside!

The alternative to salt and soda is a turpentine for baths. This is a natural remedy that consists of resin of coniferous trees. The turpentine has an anti -inflammatory effect and strengthens the genitourinary system. The gum concentrate is indicated for many diseases, but taking a bath with turpentine in a state of intoxication is also not recommended. Only after sobering. There are “white” and “yellow” turpentiers that have a concentrated composition. The bathtub is about twenty minutes or even less.

How to cope with the consequences of a hangover: tips

Recipes of traditional medicine recommend using juices, fruit drinks or herbal teas with a high content of vitamin C for a hangover. Ordinary mineral water is also suitable. Drinking should be plentiful. Here are the tips that will help to cope with the consequences of a hangover:

  • If there is not enough forces to take a shower or bath, then you can use the proven way-attach something cold to the head. It can be a heating pad with ice, frozen vegetables, snowy snow, etc. The vessels are narrowed and the pain will subside.
  • The day after recovery from a hangover, it is recommended to visit a sauna or bath. The grandfather's method helps to remove toxins from the body. You need to steam carefully and not for long. If possible, then the Finnish bath is preferable.
  • Before going to the sauna, you need to rest well. Doctors recommend taking the sauna in a horizontal position, and with their legs raised, so as not to provoke a thermal blow.

Despite the fact that water therapy is indicated during alcohol intoxication, in no case do it in the nearest pond. In nature, even low -alcohol beer becomes dangerous, which is drunk instead of kvass or soda. Ethanol oversaturation turns into a lack of self -preservation instinct. Even if the drunk man swims well, any oversight can become fatal. On a hot day, it is better to completely abandon alcoholic beverages.

Video: 6 cheap products from a hangover in any pharmacy. [All about a hangover. Part 4]

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