5 of the main exercises of Kegel for training intimate muscles, improving female health and the quality of sex. What are Kegel's exercises for? Exercises for training intimate muscles for beginners at home: Description

5 of the main exercises of Kegel for training intimate muscles, improving female health and the quality of sex. What are Kegel's exercises for? Exercises for training intimate muscles for beginners at home: Description

This article will describe Kegel's exercises to improve female and sexual health.

An enchanting look, a magic sparkling smile, delicate skin, a light gait, a slender figure, self -confidence - all this is inherent in modern beauties. What women just do not go to be beautiful, successful, attractive to the male. Pumping embossed shapes in the gym and "honing" buttocks And the muscle corset, many forget about the training of internal intimate muscles.

Intimate muscle training as a means of receiving additional pleasure

Training that have roots in the distant past, as the art of controlling vaginal or intimate muscles.


A little story

  • The technique of managing intimate muscles was owned by women of ancient China, India, Japan. Numerous manuscripts about sacred practices, sculptural statues, paintings on the walls of temples, dishes and tissues confirm how skillfully owned their body priestesses of love.
  • Techniques of the "muscles of love" were transmitted from generation to generation and were considered part of the cultural heritage of the eastern countries. In ancient China, the practice of owning intimate muscles was available only to the wives of the emperors.
  • School and vaginal canal muscles were jade and wooden eggs, water vessels and other devices. From an early age, girls were instilled in knowledge and the ability to control intimate muscles.
  • In 1940, a “revolutionary explosion” took place in the scientific ideas of treatment for some female discomforts. American doctor Arnold Kegel, studying the problem of urinary incontinence in the women who gave birth, found the reason for this ailment. Women after childbirth, as a rule, have relaxed muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor. Laughter, sneezing, cough often caused them involuntary urination.
  • Professor Kegel has developed a special gymnastics, known to the whole world called Kegel's Exercises. He also invented a special simulator for these purposes. Currently, there are many modifications of gymnastics of strengthening intimate muscles. Various simulators have been developed to facilitate the work with the muscles of the pelvis.

Temple paintings

Can training of intimate muscles improve female health?

Every year this direction is gaining momentum in women around the world. There are trainings and courses at medical centers for the training and control of the deep muscles of the pelvis.

Female health doctors strongly recommend that they strengthen their intimate muscles, starting from childhood. Strong and controlled female muscles make a woman attractive, self -confident and, most importantly, allow you to avoid many female diseases, easier to transfer pregnancy And give birth to a healthy child without complications.

Symptoms-subjects of weak intimate muscles

  • urinary incontinence with coughing, laughter, sneezing, physical activity and stress
  • hemorrhoids
  • pain in sexual contact
  • lack of orgasm
  • the inability to endure the urge to urinate
  • uterine displacement

With a ball

The weak muscles of the pelvis are most often found in giving birth to women with postpartum ruptures. Light weight, chronic cough, constipation often accompany women with weak intimate muscles.

The benefits of exercises for buttocks, vaginal muscles and pelvic organs

It is simply necessary to train intimate muscles for a modern woman. After all, we do not forget about some life rules accompanying us all our lives: wash our hands and body, brush our teeth, eat right, play sports. Gymnastics for intimate muscles is very important for the female body. Why? When training delicate muscles, it occurs:

Women's health and beauty

  • improving blood flow in the pelvic area
  • prevention of prolapse of organs and correction of their position
  • prevention of uterine loss
  • transfer of menopause to a later date, manifestation of menopause syndromes in mild and without complications
  • prevention of gynecological diseases
  • hormonal level stabilization
  • elimination of menstrual pain and smoothing premenstrual syndromes

the beauty

Pregnancy and childbirth

  • the possibility of conception
  • preparation of the body for normal gestation, physiological and conscious childbirth
  • prevention of the threat of miscarriage
  • quick postpartum restoration, physiological resumption of the muscles of the pelvis and their elasticity until a natural state

The benefits of training intimate muscles for sex quality

Training of vaginal muscles, as a means of obtaining additional pleasure, occurs in the life of women who make their intimate muscles "work". Strong muscles of the vagina are able to accelerate the female orgasm, and the owner herself get an “emotional explosion”.

  • harmony in sexual relations
  • obtaining a full orgasm
  • the ability to expand the scenarios of sexual intimacy
  • manifestation of an active position in sexual relations, obtaining vivid sensations and indescribable emotions
  • reducing vaginal volume

Intimate muscles

Empress and sphincter training: Kegel exercises

Training of the vaginal muscles has found wide development that help women solve many problems. There are many complexes for training deep female muscles. All of them are based on classic exercises, which was recommended by Dr. Kegel to his patients in the last century.

Classical exercises of Kegel

  1. Slowly compress the muscles of the vagina, in this position they hold for a while and relax. Repeat from 10 to 30 times.
  2. They compress the vaginal muscles and promote the compression in the direction up, as in an elevator. They are delayed in this position. Then the muscles slowly relax in the opposite direction: from top to bottom. Repeat 10-30 times.
  3. At a fast pace, the muscles of the perineum are strained and relaxed. Repeat 10-30 times.
  4. Pushing movements. Productive movements are produced, resembling attempts during childbirth. Repeat 10-30 times.

The set of exercises should be carried out up to 5 times a day.

An exercise

Kegel exercises: benefits and harms

  • Kegel exercises allow women to get rid of many female diseases and improve sexual relations with a man.
  • Kegel’s gymnastics is prescribed for women preparing for motherhood for a favorable bearing a child, facilitating childbirth and excluding negative postpartum consequences. After the birth of the baby, Kegel's exercises are prescribed to women as rehabilitation therapy.
  • In women performing Kegel gymnastics, the probability of miscarriage is unlikely, since the trained muscles well strengthen the cervix and hold the fetus.
  • Kegel exercises with improper and intensive training with pregnant women can adversely affect the physiology of childbirth, a woman may experience difficulties with independent delivery.

It should be remembered: Violation of hygiene rules when using simulators can lead to the infectious process of the vagina and uterus. Everything that enters the vagina: balls, eggs or other parts of the simulator should be washed with soap and treated with antiseptic drugs.

Video: 5 exercises for a small pelvis

Intimate muscle training with yoga

Yoga practice helps to work the muscles of the pelvis according to natural laws. It is no secret that women engaged in yoga for a long time have a beautiful and toned figure, plastic and flexible. They have well developed female intimate muscles and the pelvic organs harmoniously work. As a rule, long -term yoga practice removes all female diseases, increases female strength and self -esteem.

The presented video shows the complex "Women's power" with exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis:

Video: Women's power in 30 minutes - yoga for beginners

Strengthening intimate muscles using the vaginal balls of geisha

  • Strengthening the delicate muscles using vaginal balls or jade eggs is increasingly used by modern women. These simulators are also called the geisha balls.
  • Balls or eggs made of natural stone have a size of approximately 3-4 cm. Vaginal balls are sold in the form of hearts, stars. They are round and oval with different texture. The balls are made of different material: latex, natural stone, plastic and interconnected by threads.
  • At the beginning of the practice, large -sized balls with rough texture should be used. Such balls are easier to keep in the vagina. Gradually, you can switch to smaller balls. Well -trained vaginal muscles are able to hold small, heavy and smooth balls.


How to introduce vaginal balls?

  • In order not to infect the infection, the balls are pre -washed with soap or strong saline, and before the procedure, also antiseptic solution (chlorhexidine).
  • For better sliding, the balls should be treated with a lubricant.
  • Introduce balls into the vagina is more conveniently lying or in a reclining position.

Important! It should be remembered that the balls are purely intimate simulator, it cannot be rented even by the closest girlfriend!

Jade balls

Vaginal balls

  1. Exercises with vaginal balls are performed standing or in the future - when walking.
  2. Initially, the balls from the vagina should not be “not released”, holding them with a muscle, which stops the urination process. At first, balls are held for 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing time.
  3. Alternately compress and relax the muscles of the vagina, without releasing the balls.
  4. Move the balls up and down the vagina. It doesn't work right away. Over time, the result will not be long in coming.
  5. Pushing balls from the vagina one at a time.
  6. Holding on to the thread, try to pull the balls out of the vagina, providing internal resistance with vaginal muscles, preventing the balls from leaving the vagina.

The success of training of intimate muscles using vaginal balls is achieved only with regular daily classes.

How to train vaginal muscles with vacuum simulators?

This type of vaginal muscle simulators has its admirers. Vacuum stimulants of intimate muscles have many functions and are not easy to use. Each simulator has a detailed instruction that allows the maximum use of this device. There is an opinion that vacuum simulators are most effective in the line of simulators-wools.

Video: Kegel exercises with a simulator

The nuances of training of intimate muscles - Gaysh School: Video

Geishas are the ancient property of Japan. Since the 17th century, a mention has appeared about women who make men happy in spiritual and sexual terms. These were educated, well -read, well -groomed and seductive beauties who knew how to guess the most secret male desires. They could conduct secular conversations, conduct tea ceremonies and give unforgettable nights of love.

There were geisha schools where girls from an early age were taught the art of being a woman. The geisha knew how to sing, dance, take care of their face and body and skillfully own the "muscles of love."

Classes to strengthen intimate muscles at home: tips and reviews

Many centers offer paid trainings and training  with instructors. The alternative can be independent classes of strengthening the intimate zone using the classic exercises of Dr. Kegel, using the price of simulators affordable, and also well strengthen the vaginal muscles of the dancing of the abdomen, yoga, bicycle sport, and exercises.

Thighs, intimate muscles and sphincter training - A fashionable and affordable direction for modern women. Many representatives of the fair sex got rid of many problems in sexual life and improved female health. We present some real reviews about such classes.

Belly dance

Julia. Reviews about Vuma-gymnastics are the most positive. Practice is good for health, easier to give birth and new sexual sensations have appeared.

Irina. After the birth of a child, sexual relations with her husband became dull and rare. A girlfriend recommended to resemble courses to strengthen intimate muscles. After 2 months of class, the result of new, extraordinary severity of sexual relations with her husband appeared. Vera revived in their female capabilities.

Mila. Enthusiastic reviews about the training of intimate muscles. She began to control her sensations during sex, the periods began to pass calmer, without pain and PMS.


And finally, some tips:

  • Exercises for training the vaginal muscles should be performed with a gradual increase in load.
  • Classes on strengthening intimate muscles are recommended to combine with healthy nutrition and lifestyle.
  • Pregnant women should engage in gymnastics to strengthen the vaginal muscles only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Inflammatory processes and some gynecological diseases serve as a contraindication for training using a simulator, in this case a doctor’s consultation is required.


Video: Kegel exercise complex with female urogenital problems

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Comments K. article

  1. I spent a lot of Vemeni in search of the perfect option for training, I took the vaginal balls at least on the Christmas tree.

  2. Lisa, thank you so much for the tip! The simulator really likes!

  3. Great article. And in practice I went through a course on the wumbling.

  4. Kegel's exercises are really very useful for women's health. The gynecologist advised me during menopause, and miracles, of course, but the symptoms began to show themselves much less often. Of course, I also took different tinctures on sage, thyme+lady formula menopause I drink courses. Thanks to such a compound approach, neither you tides or insomnia are fine)

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