Why is the intestinal flatulence dangerous, what is hidden behind the intestinal flatulence?

Why is the intestinal flatulence dangerous, what is hidden behind the intestinal flatulence?

Increased intestinal gas formation is quite common, most often such symptoms are associated with the use of various products. Food has a direct effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but is not the cause of increased flatulence.

Strong flatulence is not classified as an independent disease. Excessive gases appear as a result of the course of various ailments in the body.

Signs of intestinal flatulence

  • Increased flatulence It accompanies diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, impaired intestinal microflora, intestinal infections and infection with helminths, intestinal obstruction, etc.
  • Treatment of intestinal flatulence It should take into account all the individual characteristics of the human body, therefore it requires a mandatory consultation of a gastroenterologist. The same medicine can reduce gas formation in one patient and enhance flatulence in another.
  • Before self -medication, let's try to figure out what diseases can be hidden behind flatulence.
About flatulence
About flatulence

Increased flatulence is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. If one of the following features is repeated in nature, you should undergo a medical examination:

  • Unpleasant odor when selecting gases For a long period. With a balanced nutrition and the normal functioning of the body, the gases do not smell. The exception may be isolated cases when using characteristic products.
  • Meteorism is accompanied painful sensations in the abdomen. Gases that cannot exit the intestines in a timely manner, wander around the body and create discomfort. The cause of such symptoms is a number of diseases.
  • Excessive bloating With a visual increase in abdomen. This phenomenon is considered the norm during the period of the menstrual cycle. In all other cases, most likely there is an irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Emergency with gases. If the yield of feces is systematically accompanied by gases and the structure of feces has voids, it is necessary to diagnose the functioning of the pancreas.
  • If the frequency of gas release It makes you constantly restrained during the day, then you can assume an irritable bowel syndrome or inflammation of the colon.
  • Untimely gases discharge It is directly related to the unpleasant odor from the mouth. If your breathing is accompanied by the aroma of sulfur, then it is necessary to take tests for the presence of parasites in the body.

You can find out more about the causes, symptoms and signs of intestinal flatulence here.

Pain in intestinal flatulence

Strong intestinal flatulence is very often accompanied by local pain. Depending on the place of concentration of pain and description of their character, you can make a preliminary diagnosis:

  • Flatulence combined with pain in the upper right corner It is a symptom of malaise of adrenal gland, gall bladder, spleen.
  • The concentration of pain in flatulence in the middle of the upper abdomen Indicate the ulcer, gastritis, inflammation of the abdominal walls.
  • Discomfort on the sides of the lower abdomen Indicates problems with the intestines and genitals.
  • Pain in the center of the abdomen It can be associated with menstruation, infection in the genital tract or disease of the pelvic organs.
  • Constantly changing the nature of the pain Indicates improper work of the intestine and irregular emptying.
It is important to identify the nature of the pain
It is important to identify the nature of the pain

Thanks to the aggregate work of the nervous system, abdominal pain can reflect the pathological process in the chest area. The main reason may be heart attack, pneumonia, thrombosis. If vomiting, low pressure, elevated temperature, and extraneous impurities in the feces are connected to the intestinal flatulence, and emergency medical consultation is needed.

  • The patient is conducted by an ultrasound examination with x -rays in different positions of the body.
  • Prior to the final diagnosis, auxiliary therapy is prescribed, including medicines, diet, folk remedies.

Meteorism of the intestine in women

Increased flatulence in adults has a number of features depending on the patient’s gender. Strong flatulence in women is manifested for the following reasons:

  • Impulsiveness, temper, overexcitation. The intensity of emotions violates the natural life of the body.
  • Exceeding the norm of female hormones It affects the tone of the gastrointestinal muscles and slows down the process of digestion of food.
  • In recent months of pregnancy the fetus exerts pressure on the abdominal cavity And provokes flatulence.
  • The abnormal development of the fetus during pregnancy is outside the fallopian tube, leads to severe bloating and flatulence.
  • Period of menstruationaccompanied by hormonal restructuring.
  • With menopause The lack of mucus in the digestive tract provokes constipation and bloating.
Among women
Among women

Intestinal flatulence in men

The following factors are influenced by the intestinal meteorism in men:

  • Penetration a large amount of air along with eating.
  • A negligent attitude to food consumed. Systematic consuming of fast food and gas.
  • Flatulence against the background depressive disorder.
  • Work associated with a daily rise to a height.
  • Abuse of bad habits - smoking and alcohol.
In men
In men

Pathological diseases accompanied by intestinal meteorism

Abdominal pains that are associated with increased gas formation can actually accompany a number of diseases:

  • Annoyed intestine syndrome.
  • Intolerance Lactoses, fructose.
  • Cancer of the rectum, large and small intestines.
  • Gastritis, appendicitis, stomach ulcer.
  • Peritonitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
  • Thrombosis arteries.
  • Uroline disease, endometriosis.
  • Gallstone disease.
  • Autoimmune disease.

To eliminate the strong meteorism of the intestine, therapy for the underlying disease is necessary. During the initial examination, it is important to exclude acute surgical pathology.

Meteorism of the intestine: complications

  • Ignoring meteorism of the intestine For a long period leads to complications. Any ailments in the gastrointestinal tract are reflected in general well-being-weakness, intermittent sleep, headaches appear.
  • In the risk zone are pregnant women. Increased gas formation is reflected in the health of the fetal bearing. Meteorism reduces the appetite of a woman and, as a result, a lack of vitamins and beneficial trace elements in a child.
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking provokes increased gas formation And it has an irritating effect on the stomach.
  • Increased gas formation Due to mechanical obstacles in the body, it may indicate oncological diseases. With such a disease, concomitant symptoms are joined - constipation, blood in a chair, etc. To establish an accurate diagnosis, a consultation of a surgeon and proctologist is required.
Can cause concomitant diseases
Can cause concomitant diseases
  • Content phenomena in the circulatory system lead to the circular form of flatulence. Treatment in this case begins with the use of liquefied drugs.
  • Long -term medication It can negatively affect the intestinal microflora. Reception of antibiotics must be accompanied by a course of probiotics.
  • At detection of irritable intestinal syndrome Diet and drug therapy are needed. Otherwise, the process over time passes into a chronic form and such diseases as gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc. are diagnosed.
  • If increased gas formation It is not associated with any disease, it is necessary to change your lifestyle-to increase motor activity, to regulate the diet.

If you have problems with the intestines, then we also advise you to read the following articles:

Meteorism of the intestine: patient reviews

Patients reviews about intestinal flatulence:

  • Maxim, 38 years old. Strong flatulence has been tormented for almost three years. After each meal, strong seething in the stomach begins. Ultrasound of the pancreas is normal. A complete examination by a gastroenterologist was undergoing. According to the results, I am completely healthy. The diagnosis is made - irritable bowel syndrome. Drug drugs are prescribed. Short -term relief came after taking enterospazmil.
  • Alexander, 46 years old.He turned to a gastroenterologist with a complaint about increased gas formation. After long examinations, the reason was not established. They helped to identify the deviation in the private clinic. Option of the stomach was found. With the help of visceral massage, the spastics of muscle structures were removed, blood flow normalized. I felt the result at the end of the course. According to the recommendations of a doctor, with strong loads, I wear a bandage.
  • Tatyana, 37 years old.After nervous overstrain, severe flatulence began to bother. Passed the course of treatment with a psychotherapist. For two months, a new power system was built with a gastroenterologist. I had to break the habits in nutritions formed for years. The problem of strong flatulence left after three weeks later.

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Comments K. article

  1. I would not say that flatulence against a background of some kind of illness appeared. I only noticed that during stress more often the usual bloating is more often worried (already used to such a reaction of the body). Simeton with fennel helps to cope with gas formation, the product is not the most expensive, it acts quickly).

  2. I myself have flatulence, it feels like constantly ... what to do at all? Go to the doctor?

  3. I was at the doctor, prescribed a treatment regimen for my gastrointestinal tract (there are many symptoms, I will not describe everything, for example, one of them - constant bloating, periodic pains). And at the beginning of this scheme, Alpha Normix is \u200b\u200bstanding - a wide range of action antibiotic. I read the reviews, like good ones. I started taking yesterday, it’s already easier.

  4. I also did not pass me a bloating. Plus, spasms in the stomach could arise at the most uncomfortable time. The doctor appointed alpha normix courses to take, so it went, the diet is recommended, however, it is not very possible to observe, but Alpha Normix helps out great - no matter what, I feel better.

  5. thank you for such a thorough article, all in the case.

  6. I accept Alpha Normix, it becomes easier for me, and there is enough result for a long time. With each course, abdominal pains and bloating, which, before taking alpha normix, were borrowed, were disturbed almost daily.

  7. Oh so deep did not delve into. It seems that there are no other problems with the intestines. It’s just that sometimes at the end of the day the stomach begins to be poured. Maybe I’m moving little, I still work with a cashier. It is very good for me to remove the symptoms of the Simeton with Fenhel helps, I immediately begin to take it. Plus, I massage my stomach, be sure to go to the toilet.

  8. I turned to a gastroenterologist with a similar problem. He advised probiotics to take it, took Biotoff in the form of chocolate bars at the pharmacy. I bribed the composition (100 times more beneficial bacteria than in a liter of kefir) and what can be stored, including outside the refrigerator.

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