Timyan and thyme are the same plant: what is the difference between them?

Timyan and thyme are the same plant: what is the difference between them?

This article describes the healing herbs - thyme and thyme. Read about useful properties and contraindications.

We often encounter in the kitchen with such names of herbs as thyme and thyme. Many people think that this is the same, others are sure that these are different plants. How actually?

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Fight with extra pounds - nature will help herbs for weight loss". You will learn how to drink them, and you will also find recipes and reviews.

From the article below, you will learn what kind of plants of Timyan and thyme. What are the useful properties, what is the difference and what are the contraindications? You will find the answers below. Read further.

Timyan: What is it?


Thyme- The ancient Greek name of the semi -custody of plants. Relate to green cultures, perennial semi -couriers. This is a flowering two -bottomed clear family. Plants got their name in 1753. ThymeGreek "Thymiama" - means courage and vital energy, practiced in lubrication of the chest before battles and in churches for incense. There are several types of thyme, there are only ten of them:

  • Thyme
  • Bogorodskaya grass
  • Lemon soul
  • Chebarka
  • Fimiamnik
  • Flyfoot
  • Lader
  • Verd
  • Borovoy pepper
  • Swan

About 170 species of thyme are growing on the territory of the Russian Federation and the nearest states. Its places are different: from forest edges and rocky slopes, to sand steppes and the soil of the tundra.

Thyme grows in the form of low shrubs high up to 40 centimeters, Lying or ascending stems, has a rod root. The leaves are uneven in stiffness and shape. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, thyme has a fruit in the form of a box with four spherical nuts. It blooms in June, the fruits ripen in the first autumn month, fruits up to one centimeter long. The plant is widely used for medical purposes, culinary preparations, cosmetic procedures, landscape design. Bushes with beautiful and aromatic flowers in the best way decorate the site and are easy to care for. Their beneficial properties are often used in the prevention of diseases and an increase in the protective forces of the human body.

On the site iherb can buy different products with thyme - seasonings, tinctures, extracts, oils.

Tybraz: What is it?


The most common types of thyme are an ordinary and creeping thyme. The second is a bush plant, as well as shoots raised to the top.

  • It has several varieties.
  • This is a small, rather whimsical way, a shrub, having thin branches, tending the ground.
  • It happens from ancient Rome, since then it is considered a plant that has magical magical properties.
  • It was used to decorate the temples.
  • It is considered an excellent drug of wide destiny, which treats cough, nervous stress, and also heals wounds.

The thyme has several hundred different types. Basically, all types are similar to each other - these are half -brushes, with plentiful colors, a bright incredible aroma and stems that grow on the ground. The thyme grows up to half a meter long. Flowers differ in their gamut from light white to bright pink and purple buds, blooms from May to September. Thanks to chemical research, it was established that the thyme contains many vitamins of various groups and organic substances. Therefore, such grass is one of the most famous and popular varieties of Timyan.

On the site iherb can buy different products with thyme - seasonings, tinctures, extracts, purifying products, oils.

Is thyme and thyme the same plant?

Based on the foregoing, we can safely say that thyme and thyme are the same plant. However, there are some nuances that allow distinguishing these species. So, thyme has a huge number of varieties, one of them is creeping thyme - this is a thyme. Plant characteristics are almost the same, but external differences are available.

What is the difference between thyme and thyme?

Despite some differences in appearance and belonging to the same type of plant, concepts "thyme" and "thyme" They can quickly confuse the novice gardener. What is the difference between them? There are main differences, which are as follows:

  • The roots of thyme are wider and larger, the stems are bulky, thyme is much more tender, smaller and thinner.
  • Unlike thyme, thymeyan is quite non -impeded to the field of growth. The thyme grows on rocky and steppe soils, almost sometimes in forest glades.
  • The inflorescences of thymean are much more magnificent and bright than the flowers of thyme.

It should be noted that the properties of this species of plants on the human body are almost the same, the differences lie only in appearance. Below even more useful information. Read further.

The use of thyme and thyme


Leaves, twigs and stem of thyme and his subspecies - thyme, are widely used in several directions.

  • In cooking, this plant is used as a spice for fish and meat dishes, giving a unique aroma that helps to raise appetite.
  • Often used in the preparation of cheese and salt cottage cheese.
  • This grass with the first dishes and salads is miraculously combined, used in conservation.
  • Often used in brewing and cooking tea.
  • Timyan's smoke has antibacterial effects.
  • In medicine, thyme is used for the preparation of ointments and creams, as well as in the manufacture of some drugs, such as Bronchikum, Stoptussin, Bronchiol" and others.
  • In pharmacies, thyme or thyme can be purchased in the form of essential oil or dry tea extract.
  • Widespread use of thyme in cosmetology.

Due to the large number of essential essential oils, it helps to restore the skin, improve the condition of the hair and nails. With their original and elegant look, thyme bushes can decorate the design of any garden site.

The beneficial properties of thyme and thyme

Timyan, like thyme, contains many vitamins of various groups, beta-curotine and folic acid. It has a huge amount of useful substances.

  • It has antibacterial and wound healing properties.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system in the treatment of cough, bronchitis, asthma and whooping cough.
  • Helps to significantly strengthen immunity.
  • It has a therapeutic property in the treatment of female diseases and genitourinary pathologies in men.
  • It has an excellent calming property that has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and, in general, has a good effect on the body.
  • Baths with the addition of thyme infusion for the treatment of joints and muscle pain help well.

Regular use of this grass increases blood pressure, helps to reduce stress, increase tone, improve mood, promotes healthy sleep. It is widely used to stabilize the body with bad habits or in case of abandoning them.

Thyme and thyme during pregnancy

Tea from thyme during pregnancy should not be carried away
Tea from thyme during pregnancy should not be carried away

Thyme, and his type of “creeping thyme” during pregnancy reduces toxicosis, eliminates drowsiness in the first trimester, strengthens immunity and helps to strengthen the female body. However, it is necessary to know and take into account the contraindications of this plant, because sometimes this grass with individual characteristics of the body can harm.

Important: Before use, pregnant women need to consult a therapist, neurologist and gynecologist.

If there are no contraindications, then the expectant mothers are recommended by tea with thyme, which contributes to the prevention from colds, stabilizing the work of the lungs and the respiratory system, strengthening the body of the future mother and her child.

With the development of the child, the woman’s body weakens, becomes vulnerable and fragile, especially before the start of the cold period of time and seasonal diseases. It is worth knowing:

  • Tea with thyme is a safe means of preventing colds and its treatment.
  • This grass during pregnancy helps to reduce swelling, increase performance and increase pressure.
  • It is perfect for hypotonic.
  • Helps to fight nausea and heartburn, copes with a cough and sore throat with colds and infectious diseases, significantly increases the body's resistance.

It is worth knowing: During pregnancy, an allergic reaction to thyme or thyme is possible. Therefore, these herbs need to be taken with great caution.

On the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, when the fetus is formed, it should also be borne in mind that thyme can cause a sharp jump in pressure, which has a huge effect on the kidneys. Constant passion for drinking tea with thyme can cause the above and other problems. Therefore, it is important to coordinate the use of grass with an observing gynecologist. One -time use of tea with thyme will not do harm.

Church and Timyan: Contraindications

Thyme and thyme are plants that are considered very allergenic. Excessive use of such grass can lead to an allergic reaction and prolonged treatment. The careful use of thyme should be during pregnancy. Its use in any form with an ulcer of the stomach or intestines, atherosclerosis is excluded. Carefully used for diseases of the kidneys, liver and cordial disorders. Frequent constipation and thyroid dysfunction is also a contraindication for the use of these herbs. Thyme is contraindicated to young children.

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