Irritable intestine syndrome: what are the causes and factors, types, symptoms and diagnosis, non -drug and drug treatment, prognosis and prevention

Irritable intestine syndrome: what are the causes and factors, types, symptoms and diagnosis, non -drug and drug treatment, prognosis and prevention

Given the fact that our diet is not always useful and we eat irregularly, there are a lot of problems with the stomach and intestines. You will meet one of them from the article.

The modern world dictates to us our own rules, which, unfortunately, we still have to accept and implement in practice. Failure to comply with the mode of sleep and meal, fast food and, of course, nerves cannot but have a negative effect on our body. As a result, every 5 resident of our planet is faced with a problem such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Irritated intestines syndrome: what is it?

Before moving on to the causes and factors that provoke the appearance of this disease, let's figure out what kind of ailment this is in principle:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (SRK) - This is a disease of the intestine, which is manifested by gastralgia, that is, pain in the abdomen and pelvis, as well as flatulence, unpleasant sensations in the stomach, digestive disorder, etc.
  • It should be noted that this ailment is functional. This means that from the point of view of medicine, a person is absolutely healthy, his gastrointestinal tract is not affected by fungi, viruses, parasites, etc., and can function correctly.
  • This ailment is the most common of all functional disorders of the digestive organs.
The digestive organs are annoyed
The digestive organs are annoyed
  • According to statistics, approximately 20% of the total adult population of our planet SRK suffers, but most of the patients do not seek specialized medical care. Women are more susceptible to SRK, as they are more emotional, more often experience and get stress.

Irritable bowel syndrome: causes and factors contributing to the appearance of the disease

As for the reasons that lead to the appearance irritable bowel syndromeThey certainly are not installed. Medicine still does not know the organic cause of the disease.

There are many reasons
There are many reasons

However, there are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of SRK, among the basic distinguish:

  • The human digestive system works under the strict guidance of our brain. When the connection between the intestines and the brain is disturbed, various problems may occur in the digestive tract.
  • Stress, panic attacks and nervous conditions. Experts argue that stress is the most likely cause of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Inal meals, lack of diet, sleep. If a person does not pay sufficient attention to his nutrition, it is likely that he will have a IPC. This applies not only to those people who prefer fast food, soda, fatty, fried food, but also those who eat healthy food, but on the run, irregularly, in large portions.
  • "Riot" hormones. Very often, irritable intestine syndrome is aggravated during hormonal drugs, as well as in those life periods when it changes the hormonal background of a person, for example, during menstruation in women.
  • Heredity. The probability of getting such an ailment is much higher if it was or has any of the closest relatives.
  • The imbalance of the bacterial flora of the intestine. Due to the lack of beneficial bacteria and excess of poor microflora, our gastrointestinal tract can work incorrectly.

Irritable bowel syndrome: species

It should be noted that the syndrome of the irritable intestine can be of several types:

  • With diarrhea. With such a syndrome, a person suffers due to frequent urge to the toilet “in a big way”, it seems to him that the intestines are not completely empty. Liquid stool is several times a day, emptying is accompanied by abdominal pain, intestines.
  • With constipation. In this case, a person has another problem - the absence of a stool, the delay can be 1 week. Also, the chair can be more or less regular, but at the same time be of the nature of the “sheep feces”. Very often with this type of irritable intestine syndrome, feces can be with mucus, blood (due to damage to the colon mucosa).
  • With bloating. This type of disease is manifested by excessive gas formation, bloating, discomfort. A person may have shortness of breath, a rapid heartbeat. The chair may be normal and not cause any inconvenience in the patient.

Irritable bowel syndrome: symptoms and diagnosis

It is not very difficult to recognize the irritable intestine syndrome, however, it is still not worth doing self -diagnosis. The most pronounced signs of this ailment are:

  • Gastralgia, discomfort in the stomach and abdomen.
  • Frequent constipation and diarrhea.
  • After the campaign “in a large” sensation of not complete emptying.
  • False urge to the toilet.
  • Mucus, blood in feces.
  • Bloating, frequent gases.

From the symptoms that are not related to the work of the intestines, one can highlight:

  • Headache.
  • Tremor hands.
  • A feeling of lack of air.
  • Anxiety, excessive emotionality, panic attacks, exacerbation of phobias.

It is impossible to diagnose the IPC, but it is impossible to do this yourself without examinations and analyzes, only on the basis of the presence of some symptoms. The doctor should deal with the diagnosis of this ailment.

Most often, the specialist appoints such procedures:

  • Blood analysis. Using the results of this analysis, it is possible to diagnose in a person the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, anemia, an allergic reaction.
  • Analysis of the composition of feces. This analysis makes it possible to understand how much food is digested in the body, whether mucus, blood, etc.
  • Calais analysis for bacteria. The results of the analysis make it clear which bacteria, and what amount of them is in the human intestines.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy. This procedure makes it possible to assess the state of the stomach and duodenum, identify neoplasms, ailments of the stomach, esophagus, etc.
  • Colonoscopy. Using this diagnostic method, the doctor can examine the condition of the inner surface of the colon.
  • Irrigoscopy. This radiological study of the colon also enables a specialist to evaluate its condition and remove some ailments.

The doctor, based on complaints from a patient collected anamnesis, the results of the examinations will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and, accordingly, prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

Irritable bowel syndrome: non -drug treatment

With mild symptoms of this disease, drug treatment is not mandatory. In this case, you can do with dietotherapy and psychotherapy.

Diet therapy is as follows:

  • The most important thing in case of irritable bowel syndrome is to put your diet in order and establish a meal mode. You need to start with the simplest: refuse oily, fried, acidic, too salty, spicy food, of course, fast food and sweets.
  • Eat balanced, this means that daily you should eat proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • If you have an irritated intestine syndrome, which is manifested by diarrhea, exclude from your menu all products that have a laxative effect. In this case you can’t eat beets, pumpkin, tomatoes, pears, plums, bananas, prunes and dried apricots. Also refrain from dairy products such as kefir, Ayran, Tan, Ryazhenka. From fruits you can eat in modest quantities hurmma, black currant, blueberries. Such fruits and berries will help to quickly eliminate the disorder.
  • Do not forget that with diarrhea the body quickly loses water and, as a result, is dehydrated. In order not to add even more health problems for yourself, be sure to follow the drinking mode. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Please note that we are talking about clean drinking water, and not about juices, broths, etc. Currant compote and blueberries, as well as natural coffee and strong black tea.
Control over food
Control over food
  • If you have irritable bowel syndrome, which manifests itself constipation, you need to act differently. Firstly, exclude those products that will fasten even more. Such products include macarone products, rice porridge and rice, oatmeal, bread, especially white, baked apples, currants and blueberries. Enter food in the diet that will help normalize a chair. It is suitable for this bread with bran, bran in its pure form, tomatoes, zucchini, beets, etc.
  • Otherwise, it is important to simply adhere to proper and balanced diet. It is very important not to overeat, not to eat at night, immediately before bedtime. Eat in small portions, but often. You should have at least 3 full food meals per day, even better if there are snacks between them (2-3). As a snack, use fruits and vegetables, nuts and dried fruits that are allowed in your case, sandwiches with bran, etc. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Eat for food boiled, stewed, baked and steamed for a couple. Use less spices, salt. Try to use olive oil for food, exclude nichest, fat, etc.
  • Add sport to your life. If you do not want or can not be engaged in the gym, run, etc., start with daily charging and walking for 1-2 hours.

It is also sometimes appropriate to use psychotherapy and hypnosis. This must be done if there is an obvious connection between the emergence of an irritated bowel syndrome in a person and his psychological state.

Connection with the brain and central nervous system
Connection with the brain and central nervous system
  • As mentioned earlier, one of the possible reasons for the SRK is stress, panic attacks, That is, an unstable psycho -emotional state of a person. In this case, experts recommend visiting a psychologist or psychotherapist. During the sessions, the psychologist finds out the reasons that could serve as a “trigger” and start the process of the appearance of the disease. Further, the specialist works with the problem, eliminates it using various techniques and techniques. I must say that the methods of getting rid of a psychological problem will be selected individually, since they depend on the cause of its occurrence and characteristics of a person.
  • Another way to help a person get rid of the irritable intestine syndrome - hypnotherapy. Immediately note that only a certified specialist can engage in this type of treatment. In this case, the doctor influences the subconscious of a person, just as the psychologist finds out the true causes of the problem and, through the suggestion, teaches a person to live without pain.

It is important to understand what to make a decision about the need for drug treatment Only a doctor can only on the basis of all tests, examinations. Psychotherapy and hypnotherapy are appropriate only if, from the point of view of official medicine, a person is absolutely healthy and all possible diseases are excluded.

Irritable bowel syndrome: drug treatment

In more severe cases, it is necessary to resort not only to diet therapy, but also to drug treatment, which only the attending physician should prescribe. Most often, treatment of irritable intestines is carried out by the following medicines:

  • Antispasmodics. With the help of drugs of this group, you can remove pain, as they eliminate intestinal cramps. Such medicines include "No-shpu", "Drotaverin", "niaspam", "hyoscitamin" etc. Most of these drugs are prohibited from taking a child, so do not start taking it without consulting a doctor.
  • Preparations that improve the digestive tract. If you have an irritated intestine with constipation, you need products that have a laxative effect. In this case, it will suit "Dufalak", "Relaxan". Due to their properties, such drugs make feces softer, and this, in turn, facilitates the process of eliminating them from the body.
  • If the irritable intestine syndrome is manifested by diarrhea, then we need Fixing agents. Will help get rid of the disorder "Loperamid" and "Imodium"as well as their analogues. These drugs, on the contrary, fasten the feces and increase their passage time through the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Phythelia. Herbal fees can help cope with bloating and discomfort. You can use a decoction of blueberries and currant berries, infusion of fennel seeds, oregano root, etc. But it is important to understand that only decoctions will not be possible to completely eliminate the ailment, so herbal medicine can only act as an auxiliary treatment.
  • Antidepressants. Such drugs help a person to normalize his psycho -emotional state. However, such drugs must be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor and in the amount that he prescribed. The self -medication of this group of medicines is fraught with serious consequences.

Sometimes a specialist can prescribe other drugs, since the course of the disease is individual for everyone.


Irritable bowel syndrome: forecast and prevention

In general, the forecast is favorable, however, only if the treatment is started on time, and it will be effective. Otherwise, the IBS can go into a chronic form and contribute to the development of such ailments as:

  • Gastroduodenit
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Cholecystitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Ulcer

It is on the basis of such adverse consequences that experts recommend that at the first symptoms seek specialized help, because the sooner the effective and correctly selected treatment begins, the less a chance of any complications.

Prevention of irritable bowel syndrome is as follows:

  • Proper and balanced diet. It is very important that your body constantly receives the nutrients necessary for its normal functioning. It is desirable that meals are at the same time. At the same time, do not eat a lot of food in one time, this will provoke heaviness and bloating.
  • Observe drinking mode. Many people do not notice that per day they do not drink even 0.5 l of pure water, while insufficient water consumption slows down all processes in the body.
  • Healthy lifestyle. Smoking and alcohol have not yet made anyone healthier, so these bad habits should be left in the past. If you can’t say goodbye to alcohol, try to at least reduce its reception.
Healthy lifestyle
  • Be sure to lead an active lifestyle. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with hard workouts 7 times a week, but at least charging and walking should be regularly.
  • Stop nervous. If you are an emotional person, your work is connected with stress, etc., learn to control yourself and your emotions.

An irritable bowel syndrome is not the most dangerous disease, but without proper treatment can bring many problems. Therefore, do not self -medicate, seek help from specialists and, of course, be healthy.

Video: About irritable bowel syndrome

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  1. A familiar topic ... The problem was precisely the constipation. The intestines did not want to work at all. Fortunately, at least I managed to get rid of them ... I took Fibrallax on the advice of a doctor (I chose it, because he does not just slam, and the intestines teaches to work again), and it was additionally more massages to improve peristalsis. Now there are no problems with the toilet at all, which cannot but rejoice))

  2. lLC ... a familiar problem .... what kind of doctor explained and many depends on the state of the microflora. If everything is in order with her and the sores do not jump out, especially in the intestines. Therefore, he took probiotics then (Buck-set Forte). In addition, he still began to follow the diet, on a special diet sat (table number 4). Gradually, all unpleasant symptoms have passed, now neither constipation nor diarrhea is bothering, there is no sense of discomfort either, which is very happy)

  3. Alpha Normix took due to the syndrome of irritable intestines. It hurts, then twists, then stir up, then diarrhea, sorry ... And this tool minimizes unpleasant symptoms - because it fights with a negative microflora and stimulates the growth of useful, everything is as it should.

  4. Antispasmodics. With the help of drugs of this group, you can remove pain, as they eliminate intestinal cramps. Such medicines include “No-ShPU”, “Drotaverin”, “Niaspam”, “hyoscitamin”, etc. Most of these drugs are prohibited from taking a child, so do not start taking it without consulting a doctor.

  5. Unfortunately I had to face this, unfortunately ... It helped that I began to accept the Evalarovskaya multiflora (it is good that it has bifido and lactobacilli+prebiotic in it), and I watched and watched more qualitatively to eat better. The intestines went in order ... although it took a certain time, but still))

  6. At one time, I did not have pleasant sensations in the intestine. All expected that it would stop, but discomfort arose. I decided to check and went to the doctor. He said that here it is necessary to examine and take tests, I even had to go through a colonoscopy. As a result, it turned out that this is an irritated bowel syndrome. Now I observe a diet that I even like it, the Figure is getting better. Well, one diet, of course, is not enough, I still drink the antibiotic alpha Normix courses. It practically does not absorb blood and is not harmful to microflora, you do not need to drink prebiotics with it. Now it has become better for me, there is practically no discomfort, I hope that it will be like that further.

  7. I also accept alpha normix, everything is getting better. My diagnosis is an irritated intestine syndrome. The doctor prescribed just Alfa Normix - an antibiotic of a wide spectrum of action, but acting, mainly in the intestines, the so -called Intestinal antibiotic. It became better for me, so almost all the symptoms of the disease (pain, spam, bloating) are now rare, they do not cause as many unpleasant sensations as before.

  8. Thank you, a very relevant topic for me.

  9. I also have SRK. It’s not enough pleasant, but what to do ... It’s good at least I was appointed Alfa Normix, it became much better for me than before. It was even possible to normalize the broken chair, and the stomach hurts less and less, well -being pleases.

  10. Look for the reason from the inside, the doctor said so to me. I prescribed different drugs, and I myself also connected the probiotic nutrilite. It is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora, and the beneficial bacteria in this probiotic are able to cope with this task with this task)

  11. Any treatment should be complex. Plus diet. I have helped to fix good results taking the symbiotic of multiflora. There are 7 types of lacto, bifidobacteria and prebiotic. Take only one capsule per day. I bought at the pharmacy. The price is quite affordable. One package is enough for a monthly reception course.

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