What can arise constipation and diarrhea from: causes. Vitamin D, as a new method of intestinal treatment

What can arise constipation and diarrhea from: causes. Vitamin D, as a new method of intestinal treatment

The reasons why constipation occurs or diarrhea may be different. But both of these problems are quite serious. And, if you do not take the necessary measures in time, you can seriously worsen your condition. Moreover, you can not only get sharp pains in the lower abdomen, but also the general intoxication or dehydration of the whole organism.

What can arise constipation and diarrhea from: reasons

  • Not only malnutrition, but also other health problems can cause any of these states:
    • stomach ulcer;
    • the obstruction of the intestine itself or inflammatory processes in it;
    • oncological diseases;
    • polyps that have grown;
    • sutice of a person;
    • the use of products with fixing or laxative properties in large quantities.
  • The general condition of the whole organism depends on how defecation takes place. Moreover, both processes are poorly reflected in our health: when the chair is slow or infrequent, and also when it occurs abundantly or with a high frequency.
  • In the first situation, when a person has constipation, the accumulation of harmful substances and poisoning of the body is possible from the inside. But in the case of diarrhea, on the contrary, all useful substances from the body are washed out, weakening it and leading to dehydration. But both processes negatively affect our immune system, shaking its foundation.

Important: Remember that foods with a large number of rough fibers, as well as fiber, make the intestinal muscles work, irritating its mucous membrane, thereby increasing peristalsis. And products that are not rich in fiber are easily absorbed and the intestines can afford to spread.

Take a note list of products that are always in the house, and are able to eliminate constipation or diarrhea with a natural method.

Slasping products

Products that fasten

Vitamin D, as a new method of intestinal treatment

  • The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a pharmaceutical study on its pages, which proved the benefits of vitamin D in intestinal disorders and constipation.
  • The study also confirmed that people who suffer from such diseases have a low level of vitamin D in the blood or its pronounced deficiency.
  • Cholecalciferol, so they also call vitamin D3 - The most important vitamin for the human body, and its deficiency provokes malfunctions not only in the intestines, but also in the work of the immune and nervous systems.
  • It was also found that patients who were normal in the amount of vitamin, any intestinal diseases were easier than people with its deficiency. But clinical effectiveness has yet to be proved.
  • Although one version has been established that calciferol favorably affects the work of the intestine and helps to cope with constipation. More precisely, with its deficiency, such a delicate problem arises.
  • And it is synthesized by our body under the influence of ordinary sunlight. Therefore, it is not necessary to buy piece vitamin in a pharmacy, just walk in the sun more often.

Important: With improper use or as a result of an individual reaction of the body, especially in children under 1 year, vitamin D can cause constipation. Be sure to consult your doctor on this topic.

We get vitamin D from the sun
We get vitamin D from the sun

Video: causes of constipation

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  1. I was sitting on a protein diet, and of course the constipation were not long in coming. A couple of times a week I took phyatomucil norms, everything happened softly and delicately. Previously, castor oil drank ... But this is tin, of course. The pains are terrible and you can’t get out of the toilet at all.

  2. I had a constipation due to long-term food of fast food. Therefore, since then I have been following meals (I eat fractionally), and I usually take the bars of the phytolax for snacks. As a result, the chair is normal, and I feel good)

  3. Fastuffid did not eat for a hundred years ... And I do not want to. I have no constipation, but the diarrhea was here the other day. Folk remedies saved, black saw peas, helps well. But not only him, even Enterosgel accepted to remove toxins from the body, and it somehow became better.

  4. Perhaps the problem with the constipation is familiar to every second one. I was related to the change of work, stress, I got used to the team for a long time and the type of work is another sedentary. I ran into constipation. I advised me to try a laxative, but I didn’t want to drink pills. . We come up with a great thing, you eat one during the day, the next morning you calmly go to the toilet. I also tried to drink as much water as possible and introduced more vegetables and fruits into the diet.

  5. My husband and I recently ordered at home, my husband felt great after that, but my diarrhea began. She called her sister, she was a doctor, said Enterosgel. This enterosorbent removes the nastiness of the body and is not harmful to the intestinal microflora, because it does not remove useful and necessary substances.

  6. With diarrhea, the doctor prescribed Enterofuril. He quickly restored my chair. And everything was without complications. So in such situations only Enterofuril and take now

  7. Yes, there are many reasons. My stomach sometimes reacts to new food like that. After the restaurant, she spent half the night in the toilet, and her husband has everything ok. I drank Enterosgel in order to remove harmful substances from the body, with diarrhea, this is important. This enterosorbent absorbs all the muck and naturally removes and at the same time useful and necessary substances does not touch, does not cause dysbiosis therefore.

  8. As a rule, the execution of microflora. Our child recently suffered from replacing each other with constipation and diarrhea .... It was “ill” “fell ill” against the background of the intake of ordinary food, since the daughter had intolerance to gluten (and now he is almost everywhere). Thanks to the special diet and probiotics (the Baby Set Baby was given on the advice of the doctor) -E everything came back to normal. Now it goes to the toilet by the clock, there are no problems))

  9. In general, I am prone to constipation ... There is not enough pleasant, of course. In such cases, beet juice helped before, but it acted so ... 1 time. I recently realized that it is better to do the state of the intestines so that he himself would work as it should. I began to take fibralx and yoga special for peristalsis. Ugh ugh, constipation no longer attack))

  10. We went with colleagues in a cafe and in the evening I visited me diarrhea, I immediately began to take enterosorbent - Enterosgel, it removes the whole muck all the body. It does not touch well-none and useful substances, therefore there is no harm to microflora. I felt better after taking Enterosorbent.

  11. Vitamin D deficiency is not at all buzzing, many processes in the body also affects losing weight. Plus a depressive mood for all this. Therefore, I periodically pass the analysis, once every six months, and maybe less often, but I follow it in general. I take the course of Minisan Vitamin D, if it is required and I feel great!

  12. I had a stomach for a long time, went on an ultrasound, they said that the area that bothers me requires inspection from the other side and sent to a colonoscopy. And from there I went with a diagnosis of diverticulosis - you can live, but in order to feel normally, you need to feel therapy on an ongoing basis. I accept Alpha Normix with weekly courses once a month, bloating and pain left))

  13. There is always a problem in the microflora ... if it is restored and the problem will come to nothing. Evalarovskaya multiflore helped me well in this regard and the fact that every day after eating drank kefir, the glass is literally. So gradually problems with the chair have passed, now everything works like a clock))

  14. My problems began with a chair, took tests, said intestinal inflammation. It is good that Alpha Normix was diagnosed in time and immediately prescribed, drank it with the course - this is a smart antibiotic that contributes to the growth of useful microflora, while the pathogens suppresses. As a result, she quickly returned to normal.

  15. The constipation arose after childbirth, and then after a few months again. The first time was a nightmare, on the second I immediately went to the doctor and he prescribed Fibrallax. For several days and forgot about the problem at all!

  16. I was tormented by the constipation for a couple of months, now I found a good tool of natural - chewing tablets of phytolax, help me great

  17. I was lucky to collide here, it’s good that I was not at work. I understand that the food was not too fresh, hence the poor health and friendship with the white friend. I drank Enterosgel, he also absorbs toxins into himself and naturally leads them out. I felt better after enterosorbent.

  18. No, I know how vitamin D, but Fitimucil norms always save me. The composition of the plantain seeds in the composition, well stimulates the intestines, relieves inflammation and removes dysbiosis. Plus, I am eager to drink more water and eat liquid food, soups, borscht.

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