How to use chlorhexidine in gynecology for women? Drying chlorhexidine in gynecology: how to do, what does it help from? How often can chlorhexidine be douched? Baths with chlorhexidine: how to do gynecologists

How to use chlorhexidine in gynecology for women? Drying chlorhexidine in gynecology: how to do, what does it help from? How often can chlorhexidine be douched? Baths with chlorhexidine: how to do gynecologists

Chlorhexidine in gynecology: for what and how to use?

Chlorhexidine is the best disinfectant budgetary that is used both in hospitals and in everyday life. In this article we will tell you how and for what chlorhexidine in gynecology is used for women.

Chlorhexidine - what is this and the principle of action?

Considering chlorhexidine in gynecology, women should figure out what kind of drug it is and how to work with it. So, chlorhexidine is the most popular antiseptic to date, which, when in contact with the skin and mucous membranes, envelops them and destroys the membranes of bacteria on them. At the same time, in a diluted state, it is not able to destroy bacteria, but is able to inhibit the reproduction of bacteria and microorganisms.

The action of chlorhexidine - up to 4 hours.

Chlorhexidine testimony in gynecology

Chlorhexidine in gynecology is shown to girls and women, both during surgical interventions and in home treatment.

Chlorhexidine is prescribed in gynecology:

  • During operations;
  • During childbirth;
  • Thrush (candidiasis);
  • All fungal diseases;
  • Vaginitis;
  • In the complex treatment of STD;
  • Prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • Before and after installing a spiral;
  • With complex treatment after abortion;
  • In preparation and after intervention with diatermocoagulation of the cervix;
  • As a prevention after surgery.
Found the symptoms of thrush - be examined and begin to alleviate the condition of chlorhexidine
Found the symptoms of thrush - be examined and begin to alleviate the condition of chlorhexidine

How to use chlorhexidine in gynecology for women?

In this section, we will consider variations of the use of chlorhexidine in gynecology by women independently:

  • Processing of the labia and the entrance to Vulva with a solution of chlorhexidine to destroy malignant microorganisms;
  • Douching for thorough and deep treatment with various variations of treatment (only as prescribed by a doctor);
  • Wearing a healing swab with chlorhexidine;
  • Introduction of candles of chlorhexidine;
  • Seam processing;
  • Breast treatment before procedures, with some types of inflammation and rash.

Drying chlorhexidine in gynecology: how to do, what does it help from?

In this section, we consider the most discussed topic of recent years - the need for douching, and in particular, douching with chlorhexidine in gynecology. So, to begin with, the woman’s vagina is a self -cleaning organ, and in moments when a woman is healthy - douching can harm rather than benefit, as she will wash out natural lubrication and useful microflora.

Another thing in the presence of such diseases:

  • Thrush (candidate);
  • Non -specific cervicitis;
  • Chlamydia;
  • Herpes;
  • Vaginitis;
  • Vulvovaginitis.

Also, douching can be prescribed by a doctor after operations, abortion, miscarriage, as well as in some other inflammatory processes.

Douching is done by a chlorhexidine solution of 0.05%. In pharmacies, both the finished solution is sold, so you can independently dilute with distilled or boiled water.

So, the process of douching with chlorhexidine:

  • Prepare a solution of chlorhexidine room or warm temperature (you can dilute warm water);
  • Wash the genitals with warm water without soap (chlorhexidine is included in the reaction with soap and its effect is canceled);
  • Wash off a solution of chlorhexidine (lips, near them, as well as the entrance to the vagina);
  • Lie down horizontally, and with the help of a special bowl with a nose, or a pear, or a syringe without a needle, introduce a solution of chlorhexidine into the vagina;
  • Remove the device and squeeze the muscles of the vagina pushing the solution inward;
  • Withstand for 15 minutes, and take a vertical position so that the excess of the solution will result;
  • Bet the body with a towel and put on clean, processed or iron underwear;
  • Do not write within 2 hours (therefore, it is recommended to do douching at night).
Gynecological sprint
Gynecological sprint

How often can chlorhexidine be douched?

Douching by chlorhexidine in gynecology is a sufficiently frequent prescription of the doctor, but the question arises how often and how long you can douch to help and not cause addiction:

  • Chlorhexidine does not cause addiction, but destroys not only harmful microorganisms, but also useful microflora, so you cannot get carried away;
  • In severe cases, you can douch to 3 times a day, but it is better to limit yourself to 1, unless otherwise shown by a doctor;
  • You need to get a certain amount of time prescribed by a doctor. This can be either 3 days under the first thrush, or 14 days, in the case of chronic problems.

How to use candles with chlorhexidine?

Not all women are comfortable to douch, and chlorhexidine in gynecology is treated often quite often. To date, douching is successfully replaced by candles with chlorhexidine. Candles are placed 1-2 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease, and the course of treatment is no more than 10 days (until complete recovery).

The advantages of candles are obvious:

  • Candles, unlike douching, can be put on the road, travel, at work, etc.;
  • Candles are completely ready for use, it is enough to open the packaging;
  • You do not need to lie with candles, just put it and you can continue the usual lifestyle by simply placing a daily laying.
Candles with chlorhexidine
Candles with chlorhexidine

How to use tampons with chlorhexidine?

Another option for using chlorhexidine in gynecology is tampons with medicine. The procedure is very simple:

  • We form a small roller from cotton wool;
  • We wrap in several layers of gauze and fixed with a thread;
  • We immerse the swab into a solution of chlorhexidine 0.05%
  • Slightly squeeze and insert into the vagina, before this was thoroughly washed with a solution of chlorhexidine;
  • We rest with a tampon for at least 20-30 minutes, after which you can remove and slightly wet the genitals to put on clean linen.

You can undergo a course of treatment 1-2 times a day, within 7 days.

Baths with chlorhexidine: how to do in gynecology?

And in conclusion, we will talk about another method of using chlorhexidine in gynecology - baths. This is a medical procedure that is carried out exclusively by the doctor.

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to empty the intestines and bladder, as well as wash without soap with chlorhexidine;
  • Further, the patient lies on the gynecological chair, and the doctor introduces a gynecological mirror;
  • The doctor removes all the mucus and only after that introduces a solution with which the patient rests for 10-15 minutes;
  • The doctor watches the patient's condition, and after 15 minutes taking out the mirror, helps to clean the vagina of excess fluid into a pre -prepared container.

Chlorhexidine in gynecology: tips and reviews

Natalia: The thrush often occurs, as the hormonal background is disturbed. Saves chlorhexidine. It is enough to wash it 2-3 times a day and put candles once a day. But I note that all this in combination with hormonal agents and tablets from candida. Do not self -medicate - be sure to treat under the supervision of a doctor.

Inna: Vaginal herpes is a real problem that is unrealistic to cure. As soon as a cold, the disease will immediately come out. Antiviral is saved, in combination with candles of chlorhexidine and washing. Relief in the very first hours, and exit to normal during the week.

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Video: Chlorhexidine with thrush of women and men

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