Calamin incontinence in adults and children - after surgery, during diseases, after childbirth, during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, treatment

Calamin incontinence in adults and children - after surgery, during diseases, after childbirth, during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, treatment

From this article you will learn what kind of pathology “fecal incontinence in men and women”. You will also learn how to treat the disease and what to do.

Calamin incontinence is an extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable state that affects the functioning of a person. The spontaneous output of gases and feces outside the anus can be caused by damage to the sphincter muscles after childbirth, after injury or surgery. This is an abnormal condition that requires special treatment. Read the article information about this pathology.

Signs, degree, fecal incontinence symptoms: what is the name of the disease?

Calamin incontinence
Calamin incontinence

There are diseases in which the patient cannot control the emptying of his own intestine. One of these states is called encostz. Although fecal incontinence does not belong to dangerous disorders, it seriously poisons life and affects the psyche depressively.

Falls of feces are understood as the lack of ability to suppress defecation until favorable conditions - entering the toilet booth. Against the patient's desire, a spontaneous allocation of feces of any consistency arises.

There are various signs of encoes:

  • A systematic incontinence in which the urge to emptying is completely absent.
  • An incontinence caused by the lack of the opportunity to stop the movement of feces, although the patient feels the urge from the intestines.
  • Involuntary leakage of feces provoked by load. It is observed with coughing, sneezing, tension of abdominal muscles.

In its development, Encostes passes several steps. Patient complaints are customary to classify according to the degrees of the severity of manifestations:

  • 1st-spontaneous gas release
  • 2nd-loss of ability to hold gases and liquid stools
  • 3rd-complete lack of intestinal control

Each stage of pathology is characterized by its own characteristics. To begin the treatment of this malaise, it is necessary to identify the primary source of the disease. Read further.

Calais incontinence in women: reasons

Calamin incontinence
Calamin incontinence

Fecal incontinence is set at the level 3-5 percent Among the adult population, but this is underestimated data. Patients think that this is a shameful problem, and they do not go to the doctor for an appointment so as not to talk about their ailment. In fact, more 20% People suffer from such a pathology. In particular, elderly people often suffer from such a pathology. How to deal with an old age problem, read the article on our website

Loss of control over the excretion of feces can have various causes, however, it is always associated with dysfunction of the muscles of the anal sphincter, which occurs as a result of direct muscle damage or under the influence of neurological disorders leading to changes in their innervation.

  • Disorders can affect the condition of the tissues of the anus, rectum or their mutual attitude, that is, to reflexes responsible for coordinating the reaction of the sphincter and rectum.
  • However, the insufficiency of the sphincter is not always associated with damage.
  • This may be a consequence of their denervation, that is, damage to the nerve during childbirth or injuries of the spine, as well as disorders in taking sensory stimuli from the anus, which can occur with chronic constipation.

Here are the most common causes of fecal incontinence:

  • Damage to the sphincter muscles during childbirth.
  • The condition after a proctological or other operation, or as a result of a direct injury.
  • Surgical intervention or irradiation due to cancer of the rectum or uterus in women.
  • Damage to the nerves responsible for the correct functioning of anal sphincters in people with diabetes, diseases of the spinal cord or neuropathy, affecting the nerves of the autonomic system.
  • Frequent constipation can ultimately lead to the development of such a problem.

Diseases that can contribute to stool incontinence:

  • Chronic intestinal inflammation
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Crohn's disease
  • An irritated intestine syndrome
  • Chronic constipation
  • Polyneuropathy, developing with prolonged diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Radiculitis

The incontinence of the chair and gases is often accompanied by urinary incontinence. Read about this below.

Treatment of fecal incontinence in women: tablets and drugs, is the fecal incontinence is treated, which doctor to contact?

Calamin incontinence
Calamin incontinence

In various periods of life, female physiology becomes an aggravating factor that increases the risk of encoes. Giving birth in combination with hormonal restructuring associated with menopause reduce the elasticity of internal tissues. A disturbed muscle tone is a trigger to the mechanism of development of such a pathology as fecal incontinence.

Is fecal incontinence treated? Here's the answer:

  • As a rule, drug treatment for incontinence is ineffective.
  • It is used in cases where the secreted feces are liquid.
  • Use drugs that inhibit feces and reduce the content of fluid in it - Loperapid, imodium, lomotil and others.
  • In addition, soothing and anti -war products are prescribed.
  • If persistent conservative treatment, namely tablets and other drugs, did not alleviate the patient's condition, turn to radical - surgical.
  • There are various operational methods of restoring the functionality of the sphincter muscles that allow you to solve the problem forever.

Remember: The treatment of fecal incontinence in people should be prescribed only by a specialized doctor after making the correct diagnosis. Self -medication is dangerous for life and health!

Which doctor to contact?

  • The treatment of patients with an impaired function of the anal apparatus is engaged in a proctologist.
  • If there is no such specialist in your village or your closest to the house, then contact the therapist. He will send to a proctologist to another clinic or regional center.

It's important to know: To stop the degradation of the pelvic muscles and give the process the return progress, it is useful to perform training according to the Kegel system.

More about such gymnastics, read In the article on our website on this link. The exercises that should be performed are simple. It is only necessary to alternately strain and relax the muscles of the perineum, trying to mentally prevent defecation. Training should be carried out as often as possible. With stubborn classes, improvement occurs through 1-2 weeks.

Calamin incontinence in children: causes of pathology in a child, treatment

Fecal incontinence in children
Fecal incontinence in children

Calamin incontinence in children in the first years of life is a completely normal phenomenon. But when the ailment concerns children aged 8-10 years, this may indicate pathological processes in the body. In order to prescribe the right method of treatment, you need to understand the true cause of fecal incontinence.

The reasons for such a pathology in a child:

  • Emotional stresses and suppression can result in intestinal diseases and incontinence.
  • Pathologies of a neurological nature. Perhaps there are some psychological injuries that damaged the nervous system.
  • Injuries of the back, head and other parts of the body that are interconnected with the process of emptying.
  • Anomalous disorders in the structure of the body, which can be caused with severe births, children's injuries.
  • Frequent constipation in childhood.

Treatment of incontinence in children:

  • Special physical practices are used, gymnastics, exercises to support the muscles of the anus. Usually the pediatrician advises what gymnastics should be done.
  • Correct dietwhich turns on many products with a high content of fiber, cereals and dried fruits. The child must definitely eat raw fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals and liquid food - soups, compotes and so on.
  • Medical enemas with chamomile decoctions and other therapeutic decoctions. They are performed only after appointing the doctor. If you use the wrong decoction, you can harm.

In the treatment of children's incontinence, feces must be consulted with a specialist who will help to make out the true causes of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

Conspiracy when fed to the child: words, text

The result of a violation or disorder of the system is a symptomatic incontinence of the chair, that is, the acquired or congenital loss of control over the release of gas or feces. This is a very serious disease that affects the life of the child, his psyche, self -esteem, the ability to communicate normally with peers. In addition to the main treatment for fecal incontinence, which only the doctor should prescribe, you can read the child with a conspiracy. Here is the text with the words:

Calais incontinence in children: Conspiracy
Calais incontinence in children: Conspiracy

Another miraculous prayer from all diseases. Helps with fecal incontinence:

Calais in children: prayer
Calais in children: prayer

Such a conspiracy and prayer help not only young children, but also adults. The main thing is to believe.

Calamin incontinence during pregnancy and after childbirth: why a weak sphincter or break?

Fecal incontinence during pregnancy
Fecal incontinence during pregnancy

If the sphincter is damaged during childbirth, it usually requires surgical intervention. In extreme cases, it is necessary to surgically replace sphincters from their own muscles or implant an artificial sphincter. In the treatment of fecal incontinence after childbirth, controlled stimulation of the spinal nerves is also used by implantation of the pacemaker.

Why did the gap appear after childbirth?

  • There are times when during childbirth, a woman receives a cervical rupture.
  • If the midwife does not notice this and does not eliminate the defect, then the feces can go through this gap.
  • As a result, the woman will go to the toilet in a small way, and along with the urine a portion of feces will stand out.

Weak sphincter during pregnancy or after childbirth:

  • Calamin incontinence during these periods may appear due to hormonal restructuring or excessive pressure on the uterine sphincter with the fetus.
  • The excess weight that a woman gains during bearing a child also affects.
  • Therefore, during pregnancy, you need to eat properly, lead a healthy lifestyle and go to the toilet in a timely manner.

Sometimes such a pathology itself passes after childbirth. If not, then you need to contact the doctor. Treatment in these cases depends on the cause of fecal incontinence. Depending on the character, the treatment includes:

  • Using methods to improve the function of the sphincter muscles.
  • Electrical stimulation.
  • Strengthening exercises (biological feedback), for example, Kegel gymnastics (was described above).
  • Changing dietary and hygienic habits.
  • When gap, the surgical method of treatment is used.

Advice: No need to be shy about your problem. At the first signs of even such a delicate pathology, you should consult a doctor.

Calamin incontinence after surgery on the rectum, hemorrhoids: causes

Fecal incontinence after surgery in the rectum
Fecal incontinence after surgery in the rectum

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids, as well as other operations on the rectum, although it eliminates pain, but often disrupts the sphincter locking functions. This is manifested as a sudden loss of ability to control defecation. The patient does not have enough time to rush to the toilet, as bowel movements overtakes it immediately after one single -handed urge.

It is worth knowing: A similar complication occurs due to damage to the surface of the intestine. After the wounds left by the operation will heal, the incontinence ceases to bother the patient.

However, the restoration of the integrity of the tissue does not always return control of the process of freeing the intestinal cavity. If a lot of time has passed after the intervention, and defecation remains disturbed, medical care will be required. There are various grounds for the process of emptying are performed spontaneously, without any control from the patient. Here are a few such reasons for the incontinence of feces:

  • Outdoor sphincter loss. At the same time, the patient feels the urge to flow, but cannot delay moving feces due to the failure of the sphincter.
  • The functioning of the internal sphincter. Unexpected defecation occurs only in cases where the patient cannot consciously control the intestinal cleaning. This often happens in a dream or in moments of strong experiences.
  • Violation of the sensitivity of the distal area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine. With such damage, the patient does not feel the urge to bow. The signals that it is time to the toilet is sent to him as a prison skin when the feces are already ready to stand out.

In any case, you need to contact a doctor. He will establish the true cause and prescribe treatment.

Calamin incontinence in men: reasons, how to cure?

Fecal incontinence in men
Fecal incontinence in men

Many men who have reached an advanced age lose the ability to control the process of devastating the intestinal cavity. The feces stand out arbitrarily at any moment, without waiting for the man to reach the toilet. The culprit of this disorder is violations of neuromuscular regulation.

But not only age is the reason for the development of fecal incontinence in men. This trouble can cause such reasons:

  • Chronic constipation
  • Reception of laxatives
  • Intestinal operations
  • Trauming the rectal zone
  • Running a form of hemorrhoids
  • Constant diarrhea

If young men can cause fecal incontinence to emotions: fear, stress, mood swings, then the elderly almost always occurs due to destructive changes in the anal apparatus. The treatment strategy depends on the stage of the disease, the cause of its appearance, the health of the patient. In addition to conservative, the proctologist may recommend surgical treatment. As therapeutic methods, the following is practiced:

  • Training of anal muscles. Multiplying during the day you should compress and unclench the anus.
  • Arrange in the pelvis daily, filled with cool water, sitting baths for the anal region.
  • On the advice of the therapist Maintain health with general strengthening means.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe brain responsible for conditional reflexes ceases to maintain the desired intestinal tone, sufficient to hold the feces before the onset of a favorable moment. Therefore, in addition to the main treatment, the doctor usually prescribes drugs that affect the cerebral cortex.

Calamin incontinence: Psychosomatics

Calamin incontinence: Psychosomatics
Calamin incontinence: Psychosomatics

Calais incontinence manifests itself as physical symptoms, but there is no morphological signs of the disease, which denies the presence of somatic pathology. The psychosomatic incontinence of feces refers to the heading of mental illness of codes, as self-formed autonomic dysfunction, the lower department of the gastrointestinal tract.

Let us consider in more detail - the psychosomatics of fecal incontinence in adults:

With such a pathology, a person:

  • Denies mental problems, and the relationship of the psyche and fecal incontinence.
  • Continues to visit doctors somatic profile and insist on the examination.
  • Wants to find a tool to eliminate the problem biological ways.

This mental disorder is manifested in people of a special personality warehouse of characterized:

  • Alexitimia - This is the inability to understand and perceive emotions and feelings.
  • During a stressful situation, A person concentrates as much as possible on a somatic sensation, and focuses his consciousness on it.
  • The predominance of negative emotions over positive, the desire to see negative aspects in everything.
  • Stressful situations do not live on an emotional level, and they are replaced and transferred to body level.
  • The weakness of the ego (The structure of the personality highlighted by Z. Freud).
  • Hypochondrical control all changes in the body.

Encostis in children:

  • It occurs in children in response to stress factors.
  • It manifests itself in children over three years old.
  • The child ceases to control the defecation process, and understands what happened, only after, how he feels heat or smell.
  • As a result of severe stress, the psyche includes protection for maximum possible balancing, after which the child returns to the previous stage of development.

This all happens because the fragile children's psyche is not able to withstand psycho -traumatic situations such as:

  • Farms in the family
  • Physical and mental violence against a child
  • Cold parents
  • Ignoring the needs of the child
  • Divorce of parents

In the presence of individual characteristics of a person and the occurrence of some external strong stimulus in the form of prolonged stress, loss, tragedy, a person is not able to cope with the situation. It, by virtue of individual characteristics, does not allow himself to survive the situation at the emotional level, blocks it and lowers it to the physical level. Thus, there is a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract in the form of stool incontinence. It manifests itself as a person’s desire to get rid of anger, fear and other heavy, negative emotions caused by external factors.

Fecal incontinence in alcoholics: Reasons

Fecal incontinence in alcoholics
Fecal incontinence in alcoholics

When alcohol enters the stomach, part of the alcohol is absorbed through its walls and enters the intestines. There he moves through the small intestine, falls into the thick and, together with the feces, goes outside. Therefore, fecal incontinence in alcoholics is closely related to the use of alcohol in large quantities. Other reasons for such a problem for lovers to drink:

  • A large amount of fluid drunk with alcohol.
  • Intolerance or allergies to impurities contained in vodka and other alcoholic beverages.
  • The high sugar content, for example, in wine, can also lead to the development of such a pathology.
  • Snacks with a high content of fat, salt and carbohydrates.
  • Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach.

Ethanol is detrimental to the whole body, but the intestines are the head. If there are problems with him, then you should think about getting rid of a pernicious habit.

Folk treatment of fecal incontinence: folk remedies

Folk treatment of fecal incontinence
Folk treatment of fecal incontinence

Calamin incontinence is a very insidious ailment that finds a person at the most inopportune moment. In the treatment of diseases, both methods of traditional medicine and folk remedies can be used. The second method is more in demand, since most people are afraid to consult doctors. Folk treatment of fecal incontinence is as follows:

  • It is necessary to adhere to a diet, do not overeat.
  • Cereal products that contain a large amount of fiber should prevail in food.
  • In treatment, you need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Refusal of milk. Include yogurt, kefir, baked milk in the diet.

They have established themselves well in the treatment of feces enema for cleansing with chamomile decoction:

  • In the pharmacy you can buy a ready -made composition for an enema or dry a daisy yourself.
  • Brew 1 table. a spoonful of grass per 1 cup boiling water. Insist on the waters. Bath 15 minutes., strain.
  • Start with microclem in 10-20 ml. Enlarge every day again 10-20 ml. Enter the solution warm.
  • Such a procedure should be carried out 2 times a day For the treatment period.
  • Training enemas help well in establishing an anus muscles reflex. After the introduction of a liquid, a person tries to delay the liquid as much time.

It consolidates and restores the muscles of the sphincter a decoction from the old grenade crust. Only the dried crust must be used. To do this, boil a small piece of dry peel (2x2 cm) half a glass of water for 10 minutes. Let cool the solution and take the throat during the day.

Calais incontinence during sleep: Reasons, what to do?

Fecal incontinence during sleep
Fecal incontinence during sleep

The arbitrary removal of feces from the body is an infrequent phenomenon that occurs for various reasons. When the anal muscles are damaged or there are problems with the intestines, this leads to emptying. An incontinence in a dream may be especially unexpected. What to do in this case?

It is important to immediately consult a doctor, otherwise this will lead to even more serious complications.

Here are a few reasons why feces arise during sleep:

  • Damage to the anal muscles does not allow to control the feces in the rectum. Often such a problem happens in women after complex birth.
  • Also, the cause of incontinence in a dream may be damage to the nerves, which are near the rectum.
  • The cause may be diseases that block the functioning of the nervous system - stroke, hernia.
  • During constipation, diarrhea or with the loss of elasticity of the rectum.

Calais incontinence during sleep can be a serious physiological and psychological test for a person. That is why it is important to urgently seek medical help in order to avoid complications.

Fecal incontinence after anal sex: Causes

Fecal incontinence after anal sex
Fecal incontinence after anal sex

Scientists say that little is known about how anal sexual intercourse can affect the function of the intestine. Although studies show that this practice is common both among heterosexual and homosexual couples.

In really tie feces and anal sex can be. However, it is almost impossible to prove one hundred percent, especially in women. Causes of fecal incontinence after anal sex:

  • Violation of the strength of rectal muscles
  • Mechanical damage
  • The presence of inflammatory processes
  • Various diseases transmitted
  • HIV

It is worth noting that regarding men, studies have shown that men have contact with other men may have a violation of the strength of rectal muscles. But these disorders can occur not only due to anal sex. In women, fecal incontinence occurs much more often for reasons that are beyond the control of anal sex and sex in principle.

Calais and urine incontinence in the dog: causes, treatment

Calais and urine incontinence in a dog
Calais and urine incontinence in a dog

Treatment of fecal and urine incontinence in the dog will depend on the reason why this happens. Nevertheless, there are procedures that the veterinarian will perform immediately to help the dog, such as an enema with warm water, liquid therapy and medicine.

Consider the causes of fecal incontinence in dogs:

  • Neuromuscular disorder
  • The tumor of the spine
  • The presence of various parasites
  • The presence of diseases
  • Long -term diarrhea
  • Mechanical damage
  • Inflammation
  • Amyotrophy

Treatment of intestinal incontinence in dogs, as mentioned above, depends on the parallel pathology. For example:

  • Infections. In infections of any kind, a veterinarian, in most cases, makes a dog an injection with antibiotics.
  • Muscles problems. Treatment usually involves an operation to restore the intestine and subsequent drug therapy.
  • Parasites.The dog is prescribed antimicrobial drugs.
  • Spinal cord ailments. In this case, physiotherapy is used for treatment.
  • Tumors. In the presence of a tumor, an operation to remove the neoplasm and further physiotherapy are performed.

Causes of urinary incontinence in dogs:

  • Lack of hormones
  • The presence of harmful bacteria
  • Tumors
  • Problems with the kidneys
  • The obstruction of the bladder

Treatment of urinary incontinence in dogs, like fecal incontinence, depends on the cause of this condition.

Calais incontinence in a kitten, cat, cat: causes of a weak intestine, treatment

Calais incontinence by a kitten, cat, cat
Calais incontinence by a kitten, cat, cat

There are a number of causes of feline weak intestines:

  • Age states, such as aging or chronic disease that affect mobility.
  • Intestinal disease or other deterioration of the condition of internal organs.
  • Spinal injury.
  • Manks syndrome, spinal deformation leading to the absence or damage of nerves and deformation of the hind limbs, which can or cannot affect the ability of a cat to walk or jump.
  • Other innate defects, such as defects in the development of the uterus or birth injuries.

Treatment of fecal incontinence in a kitten, cat or cat:

Each case is individual:

  • Some cats do not require any drugs or additives and (in a calm environment) can live happily on a good diet.
  • Others need medicines, additives and special diets that can strengthen, soften the chair or help the body in eliminating feces.
  • Your veterinarian can determine the correct diet and prescribe medicines.

The problem goes on its own:

  • Sometimes cats suffering from incontinence due to injury restore control over the functions of their body.
  • In this case, daily palpation and monitoring will be required, and the evacuation of a sick cat is done only if necessary.

Elimination of related problems:

  • Often in cats, concomitant diseases develop - ulcer, gastritis, arthritis or discomfort in the spine.
  • With a correctly made diagnosis, the implementation of all the appointments of the veterinarian, the cat is cured of pathology and, accordingly, gets rid of a problem such as fecal incontinence.

As they grow older, cats are more susceptible to various infections. Aging can also lead to a change in the consistency of the stool over time. It may be required to adjust the diet. If nothing helps and clinical signs deteriorate or change, you should urgently contact your veterinarian.

Video: Eliminating the weakness of the sphincters of our body - urinary and feces incontinence

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