Is it possible to warm or steam your legs in mustard at temperature, cough?

Is it possible to warm or steam your legs in mustard at temperature, cough?

In this article, we will learn answers to questions whether it is possible to warm, soar the legs in mustard and whether it is worth steaming at temperatures or coughing. And if this is a useful procedure, then how to conduct it correctly. Further more.

To steam your legs with mustard or not with ARVI or influenza is a question that excites many. Since the last century, it was believed that this is an effective method of combating a cold. They also treat a runny nose, cough. People say that this is an effective method. But the procedure itself is not particularly pleasant, especially children do not like it. Doctors say that it is better not to use such treatment, especially at elevated temperatures. Although warming the legs in hot water is allowed, in this way, swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs is removed faster.

Is it possible to warm or steam your legs in mustard at a temperature above 37ºС?

Any mommy is upset when her child is very sick. Rhinitis is the most common nuisance in children and adults. But a runny nose can be accompanied not only by a cough, but also by fever. I wonder if it is possible to warm or soar the legs in mustard at temperatures? There is no unequivocal answer to this question. After all, the temperature of 37 degrees is considered not only a sign of viral or bacterial infections, but also by other dangerous diseases.

The temperature of 37 degrees may be the reason for the cancellation of the procedure. After all, it can portend diseases such as cancer, tuberculosis, diseases of the nervous system, the occurrence of tract pathologies. And such diseases are not treated with firing legs and warming. Therefore, it is not recommended to steam at temperature. This process can also harm health.

The girl treats a cough

Contraindication to the soaring procedure in the baths with mustard is:

  • Increased temperature in the patient, it is believed that you can not soar the legs at a temperature of 37 degrees.
  • If the patient is pregnant, then it is better to steam your legs in warm water, it is undesirable to overheat the limbs so as not to harm the fetus.
  • If the patient has hypertensive crises, then it is not recommended to steam.
  • Also, you can not steam your legs in the presence of cardiovascular diseases.
  • You can not steam if the patient has tumors of various etiologies.

IMPORTANT: If heat is used, then this process can attract blood flow to the legs, which activates the functioning of blood cells that actively help to fight diseases, can relax muscle masses, remove pain in other parts of the body. In particular, the throat ceases to hurt.

Should you soar your legs with coughing?

If a person has a cough, then to facilitate the condition you can steam your legs. With almost all colds, hot legs are recommended. And all colds are accompanied by such a symptom as a cough. The effectiveness of the baths is noticeable at the first signs of the disease. If, for example, freeze on the street, soak your legs, and then in the morning a cough, and a runny nose and temperature already appear. So, in order not to wait for these symptoms, it is better to fall limbs in hot water in the evening, then you may be able to avoid the disease.

Only you need to be treated comprehensively. It’s good if you still drink hot therapeutic tea, and even with vitamin C. Only in no case do not drink hot drinking if your throat hurts a lot. In this way, you will only aggravate your condition.

Should you soar your legs with a cold?

What is the effect of a bath for the lower extremities on such a manifestation of a cold in a person like a cough?

  1. If you add mustard to the bath, then thanks to hot water, your legs will heat up.
  2. Accordingly, this contributes to the expansion of the vessels, because the surge of blood flow to the limbs intensifies.
  3. In turn, blood leaves other organs, in particular from the lungs, larynx, bronchi, trachea.
  4. Breathing will be much easier.
  5. And of course, the cough ceases to torment the patient.

With bronchitis, baths with mustard and hot water, or salt and water, help dilute sputum, cleanse the bronchi. Thanks to them, you can alleviate the condition of a person.

How to soar your child's legs with coughing?

To steam your legs to an adult and the child will not work according to the same scheme. Children can emotionally respond to such a procedure. Therefore, sometimes you have to cancel the whole process. And it’s a pity, at the beginning of the disease, you can easily do without medications. Use different products that will save you from the disease.

You need to find an approach to the child, soar the legs is better, looking at your favorite cartoon or reading your favorite book. Parents for the procedure should be prepared in advance, not all children can sit in one position for 10-16 minutes. It is also good if you prepare your favorite tea with fruits (citrus fruits). The fruits in which there is vitamin C. Honey is also recommended, such grass as linden, berries, like mountain ash, rosehip, etc. After the paring, it is advisable to lay the baby in the crib.

How to soar your child?For the preparation of the foot bath, you should:

  1. Fill the basin with water (temperature 38-40 degrees).
  2. Add dry store mustard to the bowl, then stir the solution.
  3. Let the baby lower the legs into a bowl gradually.

The same bath is treated and cough.It is necessary to steam the limbs for about 10-16 minutes. It is advisable to ensure that the water in the pelvis does not cool, if it cools, then add water carefully so as not to burn the baby. First, let the child remove the legs from the bowl, then only add hot water.

When the procedure is over, then pull the limbs, then insulate them, putting on socks, let the child sleep in bed.

IMPORTANT: If the baby has a dry cough, then you need to soar your legs daily, immediately before bedtime. For baths, you can use not only mustard, but also decoctions of medicinal herbs (sage, eucalyptus, hop cones).

How to steam legs - safety measures

Those who at the first signs decided to be treated by soaring legs will not hurt to know the safety measures. First of all, you need to measure the temperature of the baby. You can not do the procedure if the child has a temperature. Do not double your children's legs in such a situation, otherwise it will lead to a large load on the heart muscle. You should not soar for the kids up to the age of five.

Treatment of colds
Treatment of colds

When you carry out preparatory actions to the soaring process, observe caution:

  1. Pay attention to the baby, follow his movements so that he does not receive burns.
  2. You can’t leave the kettle near the child, make sure that he does not touch the hot container.
  3. Measure the water in a bowl by the thermometer, 40 degrees are enough.
  4. If you make decoctions of soaring herbs, then make sure that the baby does not have allergenic reactions.

Adults should also avoid some situations

  • Do not soar your legs if you are pregnant. This can harm your body systems and your child.
  • People with increased pressure run the risk of getting a hypertensive crisis.
  • Although hot procedures for limbs help to avoid stroke. But such procedures cannot be done by yourself, only with the permission of doctors of specialists.

Is it possible to steam your legs at temperature?

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Comments K. article

  1. With a cough, I always practice this, but only of course if there is no temperature, since it can be dangerous .... By the way, when I get sick, I drink the Evalarov Buzin in hissing pills. From it, a delicious carbonated drink is obtained that increase immunity, which is extremely important when you are sick. And by the way without artificial flavors.

  2. At a temperature, I never do the heat, it will definitely not end good. The most important thing is to relax more, to drink more water and, of course, take multivitamin complexes to accelerate recovery. For example, a lady's formula is more than polyvitamins- quality at a height. I myself drink it for prevention, I practically do not get sick. In addition, there are three pickers of immunity as out-vitamins D, C, zinc.

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