Natural antibiotics: how do they work? Which of them are most effective?

Natural antibiotics: how do they work? Which of them are most effective?

Natural antibiotics have recently been very popular. Read more about the effectiveness and action of these drugs in the article.

Antibiotics that have been invented recently became priceless in the fight against many diseases.

  • Unfortunately, taking such and any other drugs too frequent leads to the fact that they cease to be effective, since bacteria become resistant to their effects.
  • Therefore, when we catch a cold, you should first turn to natural plant and grass antibiotics.
  • Similarly, they help in treatment, destroying bacteria, viruses and fungi and blocking their development.
  • Natural drugs not only do not cause resistance to antibiotics, they do not kill good bacteria, as in the case of pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Therefore, natural antibiotics are safer and can often cope with the disease faster.

What plants and herbs can be classified as natural antibiotics? What actions do they show, and which are most effective? Read useful information in this article.

Natural antibiotics: how they work, a list

Natural antibiotics
Natural antibiotics

Man is part of nature. He appears in it, “grows up” and exists in it. In nature, there is everything necessary for human life - food, water, oxygen and much more. Natural antibiotics also came up with natural antibiotics for humans and animals. But animals, unlike people, know about it, and treat themselves with different herbs, berries and different fruits.

A person cannot do without chemistry, and sometimes it is quite possible, and it will be even better to do just that. Of course, there are situations when it will not be possible to recover without antibacterial drugs, but it happens so when such drugs are contraindicated. In this case, natural medicines come to the rescue. Here is a list of natural antibiotics:

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Horseradish
  • Cranberry
  • Honey
  • Propolis
  • Ginger
  • Herbs

There are other plants with antibacterial properties, but these are the most popular and effective. Read below about the action of each of these plants and how they work.

Garlic: a strong natural natural antibiotic used in the treatment of colds, action

Garlic: strong natural natural antibiotic
Garlic: strong natural natural antibiotic

It is not surprising that garlic is the best natural antibiotic - Strong, effective and at the same time natural. Many people often use it in the treatment of colds.

  • Of course, not everyone likes its taste and smell, but it has no equal in the fight against bacteria.
  • It has been used for centuries to treat colds and influenza before antibiotics were invented, especially since it has a stronger effect than penicillin.
  • It is thanks to the compounds released during grinding garlic, including allicine, that such a natural antibiotic kills many pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

It also effectively supports the body's immunity. Garlic is recommended for tonsillitis, inflammation of the nasal sinuses and intestinal problems. It is best to eat raw 2-3 cloves per day.

Onions: antibiotic of natural origin, action

Onion: antibiotic of natural origin
Onion: antibiotic of natural origin

Onion It has an effect similar to garlic. This vegetable is released by allicin and other volatile compounds, such as phytoncides. Onions are best suited for the treatment of gastrointestinal and upper respiratory tract. It not only has a bactericidal effect, but also increases the production of mucus, due to which it does faster with the infection of the respiratory tract. The consumption of onions in general will be the best option.

But remember:Onions irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, and therefore can be contraindicated for use, especially in the stage of inflammation of the stomach, intestines and other organs. It is contraindicated in gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis and other similar pathologies. Therefore, before starting treatment, consult a doctor.

An excellent option for treatment would be onion syrup. You can cook it like this:

  • Cut the onion with slices.
  • Add 1 teaspoon honey and juice of half the lemon.

Mix the ingredients, let the mixtures brew for half an hour, and use 1 teaspoon 3 times a day after meals. Onions helps with a headache great, hypertension, for vision and from insomnia.

Fuck: natural antibiotic without side effects

Fuck: Natural Antibiotic
Fuck: Natural Antibiotic

Fuck root Very spicy in taste. It contains phytoncides, lysozyme and phenyl alcohol. These substances destroy bacteria, viruses and fungi. HVRs also has an expectorant and disinfecting effect on the upper respiratory tract. Thanks to this, it can be used in the treatment of cough, runny nose, namely different sinusitis and bronchitis.

From such a root you can prepare blanks for the winter - delicious and healthy. Fuck with tomatoes goes well.

Cranberry: natural antiviral antibiotic

Cranberry: natural antiviral antibiotic
Cranberry: natural antiviral antibiotic

Cranberry - Another invaluable replacement for synthetic antibiotics. Such a berry has a positive effect, first of all, on the urinary system, preventing infections and inflammation, and accelerating the cure of existing inflammations. In addition, such a berry is a natural antiviral antibiotic. Especially, during periods of flu flares up, this is an indispensable medicine, and without side effects.

Cranberry does not allow the intestinal stick to attach to the walls of the urinary tract, and it is successfully washed out of the body. Thanks to the same properties, such a berry prevents the stomach ulcer and prevents the destruction of the teeth. Read in another article on our website, is it possible to cranberry pregnant women.

Honey: an effective natural antibiotic, the best cure for different diseases

Honey: effective natural antibiotic
Honey: effective natural antibiotic

Honey is another natural antibioticwhich people use most often. It contains many antibacterial substances:

  • Ingin
  • Lizozim
  • Apidicin
  • Hydrogen peroxide

They are able to fight such pathogens:

  • Streptococci
  • Staphylococci
  • Tuberculosis
  • anthrax
  • Candida mushrooms

Honey also has a strengthening effect. The best and most effective is honey lime and buckwheat, due to the high content of inhibin.

Remember: Honey will not work as an addition to warm and even more hot tea, because at high temperatures its healing properties disappear. In addition, it is proved that when heated in honey, carcinogens harmful to health are formed.

Propolis - bee "putty": an effective natural antibiotic

Propolis - bee
Propolis - bee "putty": an effective natural antibiotic

People owe bees for another effective natural antibiotic - this propolis or bee "putty". With its help, these insects strengthen their nests. Propolis contains:

  • Wax
  • Pollen
  • Resin
  • Lotions
  • Essential oils

Thanks to this, propolis has bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal and immunity of properties. It will cope well with tonsillitis, various infections, as well as gingivitis and periodontitis. Propolis helps effectively cope with acne and boils.

Ginger is a natural antibiotic: how to take an aromatic root?

Ginger - natural antibiotic
Ginger - natural antibiotic

If you want to replace synthetic drugs with natural antibiotics, do not forget about ginger. This aromatic root destroys bacteria and viruses, and also dilutes blood, which positively affects the health of our body.

  • Ginger root It has a soothing and decongestant effect, will help in the treatment of infections of the throat, colds and migraines.
  • In addition, ginger destroys bacteria such as Salmonella, Listeria.
  • He will perfectly cope with different food poisoning, as well as inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
  • Ginger also facilitates menstrual pain.

You can take this root in different ways, adding to food, brewing tea and as a seasoning for different dishes.

Herbs: new natural antibiotics

Oregano - natural antibiotic
Oregano - natural antibiotic

Numerous herbs are also often taken as natural antibiotics that do not destroy the body. Here are new natural antibiotics that many people do not know about:

  • Thyme - Bactericidal activity is manifested well in this plant. Thanks to his essential oils and Timol. It is effective in the fight against respiratory infections and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Oregano It also contains thymol, has a similar effect as thyme. It will help when bloating, diarrhea and bronchitis.
  • Corvalol - It has compounds that fight with many bacteria and mushrooms.
  • Sage - Valuable grass that has disinfectants, astringent and anti -inflammatory properties. Sage infusions reduce sage in the throat, and inhalation solutions will help get rid of the discharge from the respiratory tract.

Oregano is often used as seasoning. But the housewives probably do not know that she is so useful. The same can be said about thyme.

Chinese natural antibiotic: an effective drug

Chinese natural antibiotic
Chinese natural antibiotic

Elixir Shuan Juan Lyan - This is a Chinese natural antibiotic, an effective drug that helps different viruses and bacteria. It has a sparing effect on the body, therefore it is popular in different countries of the world. Such properties of this drug allow you to use it not only to adults, but also to children, as well as pregnant women.

Important: Despite the easy effect for the body, before taking this drug, you should consult a specialist.

Among the contraindications to this elixir, only individual intolerance can be noted.

Thai antibiotic natural: action

Thai antibiotic is natural
Thai antibiotic is natural

Fah Talai Jone (Andrographis Paniculata) - This is a Thai natural antibiotic. Its effect consists in the destruction of bacteria and fungi. Such a drug with a natural composition, perfectly fights with inflammation, viruses and fungus. It dilutes sputum in the bronchi, lowers the temperature and removes dry throat. With prolonged use, it eliminates migraines. Removes the symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome.

Simonchini - Cancer is a fungus, soda is a natural antibiotic: video

Tulio Simonchini -A famous doctor from Italy, an oncologist. Its discovery is that cancer is a fungus, and you can cure it with soda - a natural antibiotic. He talks about everything in the video below.

Video: Simonchini Cancer is a fungus of soda natural antibiotic

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