Folk recipes with onions for cleaning blood vessels, with kidney stones, from headaches with hypertension, for vision and good sleep

Folk recipes with onions for cleaning blood vessels, with kidney stones, from headaches with hypertension, for vision and good sleep

Onherosclerosis onions for cleaning blood vessels

In onions contained in onions, there are properties to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and clean blood vessels from blood clots and cholesterol plaques.

Onion-sajar elixir from atherosclerosis


Need: onions - 1 pc., Sugar - 100 g.

A grated onion is covered with sugar and put in the darkness to infuse. After 4 days, they begin to take 1 tbsp. spoon. You need to do this three times a day on an empty stomach.

Onions with kidney stones

With urolithiasis, if there are only sand or small pebbles in the kidneys, you can remove them with a decoction of onions.

Important: taking such a tool is a danger if the stones are large. You can take it only by receiving the approval of a doctor.

RECIPE: Onion decoction for kidney stones

Need: onions - 1 kg, sugar - 400 g.

  • Onions are passed through a meat grinder, the resulting gruel is mixed with sugar. They put on fire to boil for 2 hours. Filter from solid residues. The decoction is divided into four portions.
  • The first is taken at 8.00 in the morning.
  • After half an hour you can have breakfast.
    The following tricks of the decoction will be through four -hour spaces, at 12.00, 16.00 and 20.00, respectively.
  • During this day and several subsequent sands and pebbles will leave the body.

Onions from headaches with hypertension

The people are believed to help from headache if you simply attach a half onion on your forehead. But now they know well that a headache is only a symptom of a disease. And you need to treat not the pain itself, but its cause. For example, hypertension.

Onions from hypertension.


It is necessary: \u200b\u200bonions - 1 kg, honey - 100 g, membranes of walnuts - 10 pcs, vodka or alcohol - 150 ml.

The components are mixed and insisted on the water for 10 days. They treat hypertension with techniques of 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning and evening.

Onions from insomnia

The dream will be strong and healthy if you eat 1 onion for dinner.

Onions for vision

Earlier, the people believed that onion juice, dripped into the eyes, clarifies vision.

But to conduct such experiments on yourself - stupidity, you can get the strongest burn of the cornea!
To see better, it is only necessary for the bow to attend the menu. Substances in it have a general beneficial effect on health. This is useful for the whole organism and for vision too.

Read more about folk recipes with onions in articles:

Video: how to cure atherosclerosis with folk remedies

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  1. At one time I had a lot of headache, I didn’t want to eat pills at all, because you are treating one and the other cripple, so I began to look for more gentle methods and found it, I drank a decoction of onion husk and ginkoma, thanks to these means I got rid of pain and pah of pah of pah for a long time time does not bother)

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