Propolis - Instructions for use

Propolis - Instructions for use

Propolis has a very complex chemical composition. It includes 16 classes of organic substances! Perhaps this is due to such a variety of properties of this product of beekeeping. It consists of various resins, oils, alcohols, proteins, as well as wax, flower pollen, vitamins, sugar and other ingredients.

Instructions for use, indications for use

Bee glue

Propolis is used for treatment:

  • Of cardio-vascular system. This product is widely used for the treatment and prevention of hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, angina pectoris and varicose veins
  • Gastrointestinal tract. Propolis helps well for gastritis, stomach ulcer, cholestitis, colitis, hemorrhoids and gallstone disease
  • Skin diseases. This product can be treated with boils, wounds, acne, burns, ulcers, fungal skin lesions and eczema
  • Diseases of the mucous membranes. Propolis is indicated for the treatment of heilite, stomatitis, rhinitis
  • ENT-Organ and respiratory system. This is widely used to treat such diseases as tuberculosis, pharyngitis, tuberculosis, acute respiratory viral infections, otitis media
  • Genitourinary system. Propolis is indicated for erosion of the cervix, thrush, trichomoniasis, diseases of the prostate gland, kidney inflammation
  • Eye diseases. You can use “bee glue” to treat conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis and cornea ulcers. Propolis is used to treat arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and osteomyelitis.

In folk medicine, propolis is widely used to treat hepatitis, metabolic disorders, for anesthesia of wounds and bruises, cleaning the body of toxins and toxins, with alcohol intoxication and intoxication of chemicals.

Propolis to children

TinctureYou can use propolis for the treatment of children not earlier than their achievement of the age of three. You can use drugs on the basis of this product externally even earlier. But, at the same time, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to this product.

A few drops of propolis tincture in warm milk will help to cure bronchial asthma and other chronic diseases. The abrasions and wounds on the skin of the child can be treated with propolis ointment for disinfection and rapid healing.

Propolis dosage

The dosage of this product depends on the form of the drug and the type of disease. Most often, tincture of this product is used for treatment using propolis. The dosage of propolis tincture for adults is 20 drops per mug of water or milk. For children, the dosage must be reduced depending on the age of the child. 1 year of life of the child is equal to the twentieth part of the dosage of an adult.

  • The course of treatment with tincture of propolis should not exceed 30 days

Propolis form of release

  • For treatment, you can use propolis in a pure form or as part of various drugs. It is impossible to buy this product in a pharmacy in its purest form. It must be ordered on apiaries or in specialized beekeeping stores. If you decide to buy propolis in a pure form from beekeepers, then you need to do this in the spring. At this time, this product has a special "force"
  • In addition to this form, propolis can be purchased in the form of ointment, balm, cream, tablets, candles, water, alcohol and oil tinctures. Also today this product is very popular in the form of powder. It can be added to tea, coffee and other drinks
  • It is widely used for the treatment of skin diseases ointment based on this product. The composition of such a tool, in addition to the “bee wax”, includes Vaselin. Such an ointment can have a light yellow or yellow-brown color
  • For the treatment of oncology, chewing tablets and dragees for resorption based on propolis are used. Tablets and dietary supplements, which include this product, can be used to improve the operation of the immune system and prevent various diseases
  • In addition, today you can buy products such as honey, milk, fish oil and butter in which this bee wax is included

Propolis tablets

TianshiPropolis in a tablet form is produced by such manufacturers as: Melmur (Sochi), Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory, Tiens (Tiens) and others.

With the help of pills that include bee wax, you can treat the throat, clean the oral cavity of bacteria and strengthen the entire body as a whole.

PROPOLIS ampoules

The propolis -based solution in ampoules is sold as a cosmetic product for cleaning and improving the condition of oily and normal skin. And also in the form of a solution for nebulizers. In addition, today you can purchase ampoules with propolis and vitamin A for external use in the treatment of acne. This tool is produced by the company "Dr. Spiller ".

Also in pharmacies today you can purchase other vitamins in ampoules, which also contain propolis.

Propolis -based ointment

Ointment based on this bee product is a very popular remedy for the treatment of rhinitis, periodontal disease, cervical erosion, psoriasis, dermatitis, chronic and fungal eczema. Such an ointment can be made independently by mixing a petroleum jelly with a tenth of propolis or bought in a finished form. Very praised ointment with propolis from TM "Marislavna".

Candles with propolis

CandlesFor the treatment of hemorrhoids, prostatitis, inflammation of the female genital tract, erosion of the cervix and other similar problems, candles with propolis have proven themselves well. Such a therapeutic agent is available under brands: "Hemo-Pro", "Simpin", "Propolis D" etc.

Propolis contraindications

Propolis cannot be used only in one case, with allergic reactions to beekeeping products. If you doubt the reaction of your body to bee wax, then with the external use of this tool, apply a fourth part of the recommended dose to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. If nothing has happened within 2-3 hours, then you can safely use propolis for treatment.

To check the body's reaction to the internal use of propolis, you need to use a fourth part of the recommended dose and increasing it to bring it 3-4 days to a complete dose. If no changes have occurred, then you can use propolis for therapeutic purposes.

Propolis in folk medicine

Bee glueWith vesiculitis. To combat inflammation of the seed bubbles, 3 g of bee wax are consumed during food.

With toxoplasmosis. To clean the body from toxoplasmes, you need to do tincture with propolis. To do this, 100 g of propolis is dissolved in 500 ml of medical alcohol. For a greater effect, it must be pre -chopped. Tincture can be consumed three days after its manufacture. For this, 40 drops of the resulting tincture are dissolved in boiled water (30 ml).

Take tincture with propolis for the treatment of toxoplasmosis three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 7 days. After it, you need to take a week break. And so 3-4 times.

With hearing loss. For the treatment of weak hearing, 30%of the propolis and olive oil will help. It is necessary to mix tincture (1 part) and oil (3 parts). In the resulting emulsion, you need to soak the tampons and insert into the ears. They should be in the ears for 36 hours. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. Tampons need to be inserted every other day.

With cervical dysplasia. It is necessary to mix 15 ml of 20%of propolis and 60 g of lanolin. The resulting product must be soaked and inserted overnight into the woman’s internal genital organ.

To increase immunity. It is necessary to prepare a tincture of 10 g of propolis and 100 ml of alcohol. The product should be infused during the day. Take 20 drops of tincture mixing with milk an hour before meals no more than 3 times a day.

With gastritis. 10 drops of 30%propolis tincture must be mixed with a glass of water and drink 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 30 days.

With pancreatitis. Propolis very well removes excess bile from the body and kills pathogenic microorganisms. For the treatment of pancreatitis, natural bee glue is used. Pieces of 3 grams should be chewed between the main meals. The course of treatment must be continued until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated.

With angina. Wash a small piece of pure propolis 2-3 times a day until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated.

With maxillary. Drops for the nose of alcohol tincture of propolis, peach and olive oil can help for the treatment of sinusitis. The ingredients need to be mixed in equal parts and instilled with the resulting tool 3 times a day.

With increased cholesterol. You can clean the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol using 40%propolis. Seven drops of this product should be diluted in 30 ml of boiled water and taken three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 4 months.

From corns. From natural propolis, you need to pinch off a piece the size of the corn and attach it to the sore spot. For reliable fixation, you can use the adhesive plaster. You need to change propolis above the corn every day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Propolis or Parch?


  • Pergen is a pollen of plants processed by bees. They canned her in their honeycombs in the form of granules. The composition of this natural product of bees is unique
  • Prague, like propolis, has immunomoted and anti -inflammatory functions. But, unlike it, it is more allergenic. It is believed that the plants processed with bees acts on male force hundreds of times better than the notorious Viagra
  • If we compare the perg and propolis, then in the "bee bread" the amino acid composition is much richer. In addition, perga can be used as a means to raise hemoglobin

Analogs of propolis

Rustalin"Proposol" - Biostimulator consisting of propolis, glycerol and ethyl alcohol. It is used externally. It has a wound healing, anti -inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

"Aproxide" - rectal suppositories based on propolis for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It stimulates regeneration processes and has antimicrobial, analgesic and anti -inflammatory effects.

"TRASING" - tablets for the treatment of the liver after taking strong antibiotics. In addition, they are used for alcoholic hepatopathy and biliary dyskinesia.

"Apropol", "Propolisa phenolic hydrophobic drug" and "Propolis dense extract" - Aerosol, tincture and emulsion for local use and inhalations. It has anti -inflammatory, antimicrobial, antipruritic and analgesic properties.

"Propomisol" - Aerosol for local use for the treatment of lesions of the mucous membranes and skin.

"Propeceum" - Ointment based on propolis for the treatment of dermatosis, neurodermatitis, chronic eczema, trophic ulcers and long -healing wounds.


Kristina. I remember my mother made a “thermonuclear” mixture of propolis, aloe, honey and badger fat in childhood. I don’t remember proportions, but the bitter taste has stayed with me for life. With this tool, mother treated a cold. Yes, and simply gave us for prevention. Honestly, my brother and I had less than our classmates.

Guzel. We were recommended by the infectious disease specialist. The child found lamblia. Propolis tincture was dripped into water and drank 2 times a day. A month later, they took tests. Everything seems to be fine.

Video: Propolis. Instructions for use and treatment

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