Taking antibiotics before or after eating: when necessary - the rules for taking antibiotics

Taking antibiotics before or after eating: when necessary - the rules for taking antibiotics

How to take antibiotics is very important to know, because the effectiveness of treatment depends on this information. Therefore, consider the topic in more detail.

Antibiotics are special drugs, thanks to which microorganisms dangerous for humans die. That is, these components destroy those bacteria that can be located inside the human body. Such drugs seem to some people with a real poison, but their effectiveness is difficult to overestimate.

If you stop the release of such drugs, then humanity will be attacked by a variety of epidemics. But with the help of antibacterial drugs today it is possible to cure the most serious diseases. At the same time, most people argue that such funds can be taken even with a small cold or an infectious disease. However, they are deeply mistaken.

When should you take antibiotics?

The main rule is that antibiotics should be taken in cases where it is impossible to do without them.

The drugs are prescribed to be taken in the following situations:

  • When the body does not cope with infectious diseases on its own.
  • There are discharge in the form of pus.
  • The body temperature increases significantly and this condition lasts for a long time.
  • The composition of the blood has changed, the number of leukocytes has increased.
  • After treatment, improving the general condition of the patient, he again becomes bad.
Take at the right time
Take at the right time

It is worth noting that antibiotics are not recommended during viral diseases. Therefore, if the patient is worried about ordinary SARS to take antibiotics.

Rules for taking antibiotics

Antibiotics tend to quickly destroy bacteria. But their strength weakens if they are incorrectly accepted. There are main principles for taking antibiotics and they must be strictly observed.

  • When a doctor of antibiotics prescribes you, try to fix the entire course of therapy. Be sure to write down the name of the disease, drugs that you will take, the time of their use, possible negative actions, an allergic reaction (if it is) and so on. This is very important if the drugs are prescribed to the child. This information will help the doctor to understand which antibiotics are best prescribed. You will also have to tell the doctor what other medicines you take.
  • Do not ask the doctor to prescribe an antibiotic to you. Yes, such drugs are faster to see the patient's condition, but this is not in all cases correct. Do not take potent drugs. After all, they are not always considered more effective. If you are offered an analogue in the pharmacy, agree with your doctor. Also check with the pharmacist what is contained in the drug so that the dosage prescribed by the doctor is not violated.
According to the doctor
According to the doctor
  • If possible, do the tests for bakery before taking drugs. Thus, the doctor will be able to find out how your body reacts to antibiotics, choose the right drug. The minus of such tests - you will get the result in about a week.
  • Take the drugs at equal intervals of time, so that the desired level of medication is maintained in the bloodstream. If you need to take 3 times, then there should be 8 hours between the tricks.
  • As a rule, the course of therapy is no more than 1 week. In some cases, doctors prescribe treatment for 2 weeks. Very strong drugs take no more than 5 days and exclusively once a day.
  • Never interrupt the course of therapy, even if you feel better. In this case, continue treatment after 3 days. Also, follow the effect of the drug. If after 3 days the condition does not improve, then replace the medicine.
  • You can not independently adjust the dose of medicine. If you reduce the dosage, bacteria may become resistant to the drug, if you increase, there is a risk of a negative effect or overdose.
  • Take the drug as indicated in the instructions. For example, while eating or after 60 minutes. after meal. Drink the drug with ordinary water. Milk, tea and other similar drinks are prohibited.
Do not accept the instructions without reading
Do not accept the instructions without reading
  • During therapy, take funds that can restore the intestinal flora. Such drugs are commonly called probiotics.
  • When you take medicines, try to adhere to a diet. Refuse smoked foods, conservation, fatty or fried dishes. Alcoholic beverages are also prohibited. Due to antibiotics, the functionality of the liver worsens, therefore, the food should be easy, do not overload the gastrointestinal tract. Eat mainly vegetables, sweet fruits, you can even bread of white varieties.

Taking antibiotics before or after eating: when is it necessary?

There are 2 methods for taking medications:

  • Only before meals.
  • Regardless of eating.

If you take medicines immediately after eating, their effectiveness will significantly decrease. Also, the drugs will be more slowly absorbed. Therefore, be sure to pause, drink an antibiotic in an hour or even a couple of hours. But there are drugs that, on the contrary, are absorbed faster after eating. In addition, the current components will not act so much on the stomach, irritate the intestines. This technique is indicated in the instructions that must be read.

It is impossible to remember how to drink certain antibiotics correctly if you are not a pharmacist or doctor. In addition, many drug manufacturers always attach detailed instructions to the product. It says how to take this or that medicine.

Below we described a small review of which medicines can be taken with food, how to do it correctly.

Penicillin group

These antibiotics are considered the most common among other medicines. They also belong to the group of drugs that appeared the first. Preparations intended for internal use can be absorbed and interact with food in different ways.


For example, acid -resistant drugs are combined with food, while the increased level of hydrochloric acid does not affect drugs at all. Other species in a similar environment are quickly destroyed, therefore, they are recommended only before meals.

Group of Cephalosporins

This group is quite extensive. It included oral and parenteral drugs. Since they are considered not too toxic, even children or women are prescribed in a position. Such antibiotics can be taken after eating or on an empty stomach.

One of the drugs
One of the drugs

There are true drugs that need to be taken only during food. Due to this intake, the medicine is absorbed faster, its effectiveness increases.

Group of macrolides

The next category, which includes effective antibiotics. They can be used in a wide variety of areas of medicine. The group consists of natural or semi -synthetic drugs. Often are prescribed to all patients, regardless of age for infectious diseases. There are medicines that go well with food, for example, spiramycin. Such antibiotics are almost completely absorbed.


In this group there are also drugs that cannot be taken with food. For example, azithromycin. They must be taken an hour or 2 hours before meals or after it. Therefore, be careful, not all drugs of the same group are taken the same way.

A group of fluoroquinolons

This category of antibiotics includes highly effective drugs. However, all of them are highly toxic. It is necessary to take medications only as prescribed by a doctor. Each product has its own dosage form. There are tablets or drugs in the form of capsules.


If you take them with food, it can significantly slow down the absorption of drugs. However, at the same time, the bioavailability of the existing components will not change. In a word, it is desirable to take medicines of this category before meals, but it is possible after.

Other groups of antibiotics

All those species that were described above are used more often than other drugs. The remaining groups are considered backup. If the doctor decided to prescribe some medicine from this group, then it is necessary to find out in advance from the doctor whether it is compatible with food or not. It is also advisable to closely get acquainted with the instructions that are attached to the drug.

Video: myths and reality about antibiotics

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Comments K. article

  1. Usually after eating they drink so that the gastric mucosa is not so irritated. I still usually prescribe probiotics so that the intestines work normally and there were no disorders. The last time I bought it was assigned a tank set of forte, improves the digestive system.

  2. For the future, all those who will take antibiotics, I want to say as a doctor. It is important to combine their technique with something that will save the intestines. The same multiflora Evalarovskaya, for example. With such therapy without the support of the intestine, there will be anywhere, because the microflora will die ... And this yourself understand, the problems on all fronts in the body.

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