Raspberry loves acidic or alkaline soil? Why raspberries are acidic: reasons, what to do?

Raspberry loves acidic or alkaline soil? Why raspberries are acidic: reasons, what to do?

Raspberry loves acidic or alkaline soil during growth? Look for answers in the article.

Raspberries are planted for sweet, delicious berries, the aroma of which resembles childhood. In order for the bush to be fruitful, it is necessary to carefully select the site for landing. The health, the taste of the berries and the life expectancy of raspberries depend on the correct composition of the soil.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What can be planted with a garden in a garden, in a greenhouse?".

If the raspberry seedling is well rooted in the ground, then caring for an adult bush will be unpretentious. It is important that the berries in the raspberry are sweet. What does it depend on? And is it possible to make a sour raspberry sweet? Look for answers to these and other questions in the article below. Read further.

What soil is raspberry need?

Malina loves acidic soil
Malina loves acidic soil

The roots of the raspberry need well plowed earth, flavored with suitable fertilizers. In winter, the roots insulate abundant snowdrifts, so it is better to plant raspberries near a high fence so that the wind does not smell the snow. Heavy, clay soil for raspberries is not suitable.

Raspberry loves acidic or alkaline soil?

Before planting planting material, the gardener must determine the acidity of the soil of the site. Optimal indicators for raspberries usually do not exceed 6.5 pH. If measuring devices show below 5.7 pH, then the quality of the berries will differ from the worse declared by the manufacturer.

  • Raspberry loves acidic soil, not alkaline.

The soil is considered sour when the indicator less than 7 pH. Higher P Indicates that the Earth is acidic. These indicators are suitable for planting bushes.

How to determine the acidity of the soil?

For the test of the Earth’s quality and determining its acidity, there are several ways. One of them is use PH meters, an indispensable device for summer residents. The design of the device is simple:

  • This is a sensor with two or one metal stick.
  • The probe is stuck into the soil and adjust the switch.
  • According to standard instructions, during the measurement of acidity in the land of the Earth there should not be extraneous objects.
  • Usually, the sensor is enough for about a minute to determine pH level.

Additional functions of the device also allow you to check the soil moisture in order to understand whether the plant needs to be watered right now. If there is no way to purchase an electronic meter, then on your own, you can also determine the acidity of the soil. To do this, you need to find out which plants like to grow on different pH levels.

They prefer acidic soil:

  • Sedge
  • Horse sorrel
  • Veronica
  • Ivan da-Maria
  • Field horsetail
  • Moss
  • Plantain
  • Buttercup
  • Tricolor violet

In the place where these types of herbs grow abundantly, you can safely plant raspberries.

Preparation of land for raspberry: what place to choose?

Delicious and sweet raspberries growing in a correctly selected place
Delicious and sweet raspberries growing in a correctly selected place

For the future raspberry, the territory is chosen in several parameters. The preparation of land for raspberry landing begins with the choice of a suitable territory. The site is determined by several parameters:

  • Daylight intensity
  • Wind
  • Suitable soil parameters
  • Soil waters
  • Dirt and dust from the street
  • Other plants that are found on the site

The highest demands of the raspberry for lighting. What place to choose for landing?

  • In nature, raspberries likes to grow at the edge of the forest, because on the one hand you need partial shade, and on the other - sunlight.
  • In the middle lane, it is recommended to plant raspberries on the western side of the site.
  • The eastern part, which is facing the south-west, is perfect.
  • If you plan to plant raspberries along the fence, then it should be on the south side of the garden or garden.
  • This option is optimal for windy areas. The sun rays are not straight, but evenly illuminate the site.

Malina does not like strong gusts of wind, but there are varieties that perfectly tolerate such climatic conditions. Raspberry is planted along the fence so that the branches of the shrub do not break. If the weather allows, it is not necessary to plant bushes near the fence.

The raspberry should not grow near the roadway. Berries do not wash before use - they are soft and it is very easy to crush them. High beds are made if groundwater is located above one and a half meters.

What can be planted next to raspberries?

The processing of the earthen plot begins long before planting. First, they get rid of weeds forever and plant the plot with gidrats. That is, "live" mulch. What can be planted next to raspberries?

  • Oats
  • Fatselia
  • Clover
  • Millet
  • Barley
  • Rye
  • Lupine
  • Nettle

Greens saturate the soil with the necessary nutrients and at the same time regulates them.

Fertilizers for raspberries

After the site is covered with a green carpet made of mulch, the soil is plowed and add up to ten kilograms of humus, manure or compost. Organic fertilizers are diluted with minerals - potassium, nitrogen. If you need to introduce limestone, then the procedure is carried out two years before raspberry planting.

In different periods of raspberries, certain fertilizers are required. It is time to understand that it is time to bring useful trace elements to the soil by the state of the bush. In a lack of substances, the growth of shoots slows down. New leaves (compared to old) look small. The saturated green color of the crown fades and acquires an unpleasant yellow or brown tint. Sometimes spots may appear. Read more:

  • The pallor of the leaves Indicates a lack of nitrogen, and overgrown shoots are the result of raspberry oversaturation with nitrogen fertilizers. To prepare nitrogen fertilizer, gardeners use urea or ammonium nitrate.
  • Potassium provides raspberries with the normal growth of her leaves. The plant needs top dressing if it is noticeable that the old leaves are twisted, wrinkled and received burns. Fertilizers with potassium are scattered around the bases of raspberry bushes. Proportions: 5 grams per sq.m.
  • If there is not enough magnesium, then starting from the central part, the leaves turn yellow. The brightness of the taste of berries disappears in both cases.
  • Phosphorus needs raspberries for the correct growth of ovaries. It provides fruits with a high sugar content. Without a sufficient amount of phosphorus, the berries lose their delightful taste, and the yield is sharply declining. The required proportions of the nutrient mass: 10 grams per 1 liter of water.

Sometimes you can pamper raspberries with mixed types of fertilizers, which include all of the above trace elements. This procedure supports the health of shrubs. The full range of elements contains manure - bird, cowor horse. You can use humus or tincture of weeds - nettle or porey.

Soil moisture for raspberries

Raspberry prefers moist, but not swampy soil. It is better to know the condition of the soil in advance using a measuring device. For this purpose, use tenziometer. The parameter scale varies from very dry to excessively wet.

Errors in preparing the soil before raspberry planting

Do not make errors in raspberry cultivation.

Inexperienced gardeners prefer to engage in raspberries, because they believe that it is easy to care for her. In fact, this is a complex process and it begins with thorough preparation of the soil. Here are the most common mistakes before landing:

  • No need to get rid of all insects

Why can't you destroy the rainworms on the site? They themselves loosen the soil for raspberries, providing its roots with a sufficient amount of air. Wastes that leave worms in the soil are of additional benefit. They saturate the earth with minerals and useful bacteria. For the soil of raspberries, ants, millipedes, flies and dolls of butterflies are useful.

  • It is better to use seeds

To reduce landing time, they often take not seeds, but a seedling. In one place, the raspberry grows up to ten years, so when transplanting, the roots quickly weaken and get sick.

  • Fertilizer manure in reasonable quantities

Told manure is necessary, but in reasonable quantities. You can not plant raspberries directly in organic fertilizers. For top dressing, a liquid mass is used, one bucket for each shrub. Raspberry feeding is not often needed often, only after flowering.

  • Sit several dozen bushes at once

Beginning gardeners often forget that raspberries are a perennial plant and make a gross mistake by planting only one bush. In a standard raspberry, from ten to fifty bushes can grow. If one perishes, then the other bushes will continue to delight the owner with delicious berries.

  • Do not save place

Even if a small garden, you should not plant raspberries close to each other. During the crop, it will be inconvenient to look for berries, since the raspberry will grow with continuous thickets. One shrub is required 1.5 sq.m. Many people like to use the “chess method” of landing so that there is good light for each bush. Do not forget about the restrictions on the area of \u200b\u200bthe raspberry.

  • The soil should be suitable for raspberries

There was no suitable land for the raspberry in the whole garden? Do not give up the idea! The soil can always be adjusted. For example, if measuring devices showed too high acidity, then limestone or wood ash is added to the ground. Light soil is mixed with clay. The heavy composition is softened by peat and sand. Everything needs a measure.

Why raspberries are acidic: reasons, what to do?

In varieties of raspberries there is a different degree of aroma of aroma. There are special types of berries with a sweet-sour taste. But, if the sweet variety had acidic fruits, then the reason lies in improper care of shrubs. What to do?

  • Return the taste of berries will help tincture from ash foliage of grassy plants.
  • The prepared ash is stirred in hot water - 1/3 of the fertilizer on a bucket, and insist for two days. Filter before use.
  • The resulting solution must be sprayed with rhizomes and leaves.

It is important to observe the middle ground in feeding with nitrogen. The oversaturation of raspberries with nitrogen fertilizer changes the aroma of berries for the worse. To make mineral substances evenly, raspberries are cut off evenly in autumn.

The fertility of raspberries decreases when there is not enough acidity in the soil. Reduced P It can be fixed not only before landing, but also after it. At the end of spring (May-June), add to the soil about 150 grams of wood ash.

Malina has special wishes for the ground in which she will grow. But then to take care of shrubs will be easy and pleasant. Raspberries need regular watering and simple fertilizers that do not require additional costs. For the efforts, Raspberry will award with delicious and healthy berries. Good luck!

Video: The easiest way to find out your sour soil or not!

Video: How to make a sweet berry?

Video: Raspberry dries - what to do?

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Comments K. article

  1. In the section “Errors in the preparation of the soil before planting raspberries” the soil should be suitable for raspberries “for example, if measuring devices showed too low acidity, then limestone or wood ash is added to the ground. »Such a statement is stupid, limestone and ash reduce acidity and lead to an alkaline reaction.

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