Why is it impossible to plant Christmas trees on the site: signs, expert opinions, rules

Why is it impossible to plant Christmas trees on the site: signs, expert opinions, rules

Why it is impossible to plant Christmas trees on the site: signs, opinions, tips.

Trees planted near the house or on the fruit area are not only part of the landscape design, but a piece of nature, especially if your house is in the city. The evergreen beauty does not change color throughout the year, and therefore will delight the whole family all year round, and its aroma will be scattered around the entire perimeter. Nevertheless, not all trees can be planted in a summer cottage.

Most people are afraid to plant evergreen trees, claiming that green beauties can bring misfortunes not only to the house, but also to its owners.

Why you can’t plant a spruce on the garden: ancient beliefs

In the old days, when people knew not so much about our world, they drew all the information, observing nature, and already according to observations they made conclusions and noticed facts. Several of them reached us, and some lost their strength.

The terrible glory of the Christmas tree was received in ancient Russia. The ancient peoples considered her a cult tree and completely worshiped her. From time immemorial, spruce was personified by the afterlife, and has always been considered a tree that brings death. Until now, there is a custom to cover the path along which the funeral ceremony is in spruce branches. They were also placed in the room where the dead man was located. In Russia, the Christmas tree meant "goblin". Also, in a word, they called a stupid and unreasonable person.

There were also rules when people who committed suicide were buried between two fir trees, turning them face down.

It has long been prohibited
It has long been prohibited

Let's look at in more detail what are the options for the meaning of this belief:

  • If you plant a Christmas tree near the house, and it will grow above the roof-this will bring the death of one of the households. This sign is more popular in small villages and farms.
  • A man who has planted a spruce will die when she grows above him. Christmas trees have a massive trunk and thick branches. We know what the peasants' huts were before: small and low, with a stove and chimney. And if the tree falls on this building and closes the pipe, people who were in the house, suffocate from smoke and burn alive.
  • The Christmas tree is a loner tree. Lonely persons will not find a soul mate, and a divorce can happen in married couples. Ecologists know that a lonely standing tree during a thunderstorm lures lightning to itself. And if the discharge of lightning strokes into it, it will instantly light up and can destroy a person under it.
  • Spruce - drives away men.
  • A spruce planted on the site is a bad feature, since since ancient times, the spruce branches covered the road to the place of eternal repose so that the soul of the deceased could not find the way home and never disturbed loved ones. From the point of view of experts, this belief is associated with living conditions in Russia. All houses were built of wood, and the Christmas tree has high properties, quickly ignite, even from a small spark. That's why the houses were not built near the Christmas trees, since the fire could quickly spread to housing.
  • Spruce is a tree-throat. It sucks positive energy and takes the vitality of the residents of the house. Being next to him, a person will be constantly oppressed and confused.
  • A tree can lead to infertility, it does not like boys, and therefore only girls are born. The spruce belongs to the family of not fruit trees, and therefore does not give offspring.

That is why the people of Russia were so afraid to plant coniferous trees near houses. And over time, all these beliefs grew in beliefs and fears.

Also, superstition about Christmas trees affected not only the Old Russian state, but also of European countries. So, for example, in Finland they worshiped this tree, they were afraid of his ferocity. In Europe, the Christmas tree was worshiped as a symbol of crop and good luck.

Is it possible to plant a Christmas tree in a summer cottage: expert opinions

There are various opinions of experts in the interpretation of the signs related to the Christmas tree.

Culturologists suggest that the roots come from the peoples of the Finno-Ugric language group, which considered the spruce a connecting element between 2 worlds-the world of living and the world of dead.

Here are one of them:

  1. Among Karels, the Christmas ceremony was popular.
  2. Komi presented the spruce branches of the sorcerers, which were at death - he repented before this tree and left the world of the living with a calm soul.

Exists and version of parapsychologists associated with faith that the tree is a tree that sucks juices from people. They believe that she takes positive energy from people, converts it and gives the negative energy that people absorb. But such a phenomenon exists only in the summer, and in winter it behaves the other way around. Therefore, they recommend more walking in the winter in coniferous forests and be supplied with positive energy.

Folk signs, of course, they represent the treasures of wisdom and huge ingenuity of our forefathers. Most of them are now irrelevant. The same can be said about planting a Christmas tree on the site. Most of the houses are now built from durable materials and with several floors.

Opinions will be argued experienced gardeners.

Why is it better not to plant a Christmas tree in the country or near the house:

  1. The height of the Christmas tree. A tree can reach a size of 30 m in height. The first couple of years it grows slowly, but starting from 4 years - rapid growth begins. If you have a large territory, then there is no inconvenience in this, but on the small ones, it will create a shadow.
  2. Damage to communications. A tree of high height can hurt wires.
  3. Slow down the growth of other trees and plants. The Christmas tree has a massive root system. It actively absorbs water and nutrients located in the ground, and also oxidizes the earth with needles. That's why many seedlings do not survive in the garden. Also, a large tree casts a shadow to other plants and slows down their growth. From a lack of light, mold and damp may appear in the house.
  4. Fire hazard. The tree is easily ignited, and the fire can spread to other plants and the house.

In conclusion, we can say that all warnings of our ancestors have a logical justification.

Is it worth planting a Christmas tree on the site: important rules

There are also the reasons why it is worth planting a small Christmas tree:

  • Coniferous trees have an amazing aroma. It intensifies after the rain.
  • An evergreen beauty will delight the eye in winter and summer.
  • The Christmas tree can be decorated with the New Year and not cut it.
It is important to plant correctly
It is important to plant correctly

If you still decide to plant a Christmas tree near the house, then adhere to several rules:

  • The tree should be planted at a distance of 5 m from the nearest structures.
  • It is better to choose varieties of dwarf trees, so you will definitely know that they will not grow high.
  • If you cannot decide on the choice of the type of coniferous tree, then preference should still be given to thue or fir. This plant can be cut, giving the desired shape.
  • The juniper also has no restrictions in the landing in the garden.
  • Stock up with water, which should always be at hand, as the tree easily ignites.

And most importantly, before planting such trees, imagine what your site will be in the future in many years. Is it worth thinking about all negative beliefs or not to decide.

Now we can no doubt say that in our time few people believe in the belief about the Christmas tree. However, several beliefs of our ancestors about this tree still carry a certain rational grain. For residents of cities and villages, coniferous trees are associated with the holiday and atmosphere of comfort, because the whole family gathers in the house.

Video: Folk signs about spruce

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Comments K. article

  1. Fir, Christmas tree, thuja in the picture. A strange article, the one about the Christmas tree. And they grow differently, and the height and the root are different, and the energy is not the same.

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