How to plant roses in open ground: step -by -step instructions, recommendations of experienced gardeners

How to plant roses in open ground: step -by -step instructions, recommendations of experienced gardeners

Rose planting rules in open ground.

Roses are plants that are sung by many writers and poets. Thanks to the unearthly beauty and brightness of flowers, this is one of the most common elections among gardeners and people with their own summer cottage. In this article, we will tell you when and how to properly transfer the rose seedlings to open ground. 

When can I plant roses in open ground?

There are many opinions regarding the choice of time for transferring plants to the ground. Rose- this is A plant that is unpretentious and very universal. Accordingly, sprouts can be transferred to almost any time, with the exception of winter.

When you can plant roses in open ground:

  • Many gardeners believe that spring is an ideal time to plant all plants in open ground, including a rose. This is true, it is important to choose the right moment.
  • If these are the southern regions, then the transfer to the ground at the end of April will be an ideal option. If these are average latitudes, such as the Moscow Region, then it is best to postpone the transplant at the beginning of May or its middle. It is necessary that during the week the air temperature is +10-12 degrees.
  • This is due to the fact that the roots need to be adapted, and the outer part of the plant should be used to a rather cool environment. You can also focus on the lunar calendar. Here You can learn more about the dates of plant planting according to the lunar calendar. 
Preparation of bushes
Preparation of bushes

When to plant roses in open ground in the fall?

Many gardeners believe that an ideal option is to transfer to open soil around the end of October.

When to plant roses in open ground in the fall:

  • It is in the fall that the weather remains quite warm, but there is no strong heat.
  • In the southern regions, autumn is quite warm and long, therefore it is successful to carry out transfer to the soil in the autumn.
  • Before winter, plants manage to adapt and get used to it. Such cultures must be treated with special trepidation, and when the cold weather, they can be covered with special covering material.
Rose planting
Rose planting

How to plant roses in open ground in the spring?

As soon as you decide to engage in plant planting, you must choose the right seedling. In general, in stores, two types of plants with an open root system and closed are sold. It is necessary to carefully consider the roots and evaluate their quality, as well as health.

How to plant roses in open ground in the spring:

  • If you have found some rotten areas, it is best to refrain from acquiring sprouts. Next, you need to look at the quality of shoots. It is necessary that their number is at least two lignified shoots. In this case, the roots should be quite branched and strong, with the absence of dry areas.
  • If the length of the roots is more than 35 cm, they must be cut. In the same way, you should not purchase plants with large runs and leaves. The color of the leaves should be saturated, green, and the roots during the cut should have a whitish-yellow tint.
  • If you have chosen the necessary seedling, before planting in the ground you need to process it. This will increase the chances of survival of the sprout, and accelerate the process, protect the plant from damage, as well as illness. Immediately after acquisition, it is necessary to remove the remains of the Earth from the roots and soak the plant in ordinary water or growth stimulant for about 2-3 hours. Please note that then it is necessary to cut all dry and thin roots, as well as rotten areas.
  • It is best to trim 2 cm higher from the affected area. The upper shoots are also recommended to be cut for a length of not more than 30 cm. Please note that in some stores the stems are processed, as well as the tops with wax.
  • It must be carefully removed with a toothpick. Usually this wax is applied in order to prevent moisture loss. Next, it is necessary to cut the ends that were covered with paraffin by about 2 cm. This will allow the best to breathe the plant. In no case do not leave the remaining paraffin on the rose, because it will prevent her breathing.
Rose landing
Rose landing

How to plant a rose in the ground: Preparation of the site

Next, it is necessary to decide on the soil. Roses just adoreweak-winged Soil withp 5.5 6.5 units. Therefore, if the soil is very acidic, it is necessary to additionally treat it with lime, or dolomite flour.

How to plant a rose in the ground:

  • It is also recommended to make organic fertilizers, but in no case should you use fresh manure or bird droppings. A prerequisite - organic fertilizer should be rotted, otherwise burns cannot be avoided.
  • The root system of the rose is very sensitive, so it reacts acutely to organic fertilizers with the appearance of burns and power disorders. Such plants take root well and can die. To plant plants in the ground, you need to choose a clear day, without rain. A lot of attention should be paid to the recess, as well as the features of the landing. 
  • The width of the pit should be approximately 50 cm, and the depth can vary, depending on the quality of the soil. Usually, if it is loamy, soft soil, it is recommended to add another 15 cm to the roots length. However, if the soil is very heavy, clay and damp, then it is necessary that the depth of the pit is approximately 60-70 cm.

Roses: how to plant and care?

In order for the roots to grow into such soil, you need a large amount of effort and fertilizer. Huge attention should be paid to the deepening of the root neck. It is necessary that it be completely immersed in the soil.

Roses: how to plant and care for:

  • It is recommended to deepen the place of vaccination for 6-7 cm so that it is not visible. In the case of abundant watering, if suddenly the root neck is exposed, it is mandatory to sprinkle with soil. This will prevent wilting the plant and its death.
  • After that, it is necessary to water the plants abundantly, and introduce fertilizers. It is best if it is humus or compost. Please note that experienced gardeners recommend covering the roots before planting with clay solution.
  • Stimulants of roots growth are usually added to it. After landing, you need to look at the shoots and leave those that are strong enough and obsessed. On each of the shoots, it is recommended to make at least two kidneys. 
After landing
After landing

In what soil to plant roses?

A prerequisite during rose planting is the mulching of the soil. Besides, Rozes often love loosening and rather fluffy soil.

In what soil to plant roses:

  • Please note that not the best option is the planting of a rose in shady places. However, it is worth limiting its location in a draft or along the path of the top. It is very bad if the rose is located in the shade, try to place the bushes directly in the sun.
  • Immediately after landing, for about two weeks, try to gleam the rose from the sun with the help of a cover. It is easy enough to do with garden canopies. 
  • Please note that the rose is necessary at the initial stage, immediately after landing, water daily. It is best to do this early in the morning or late in the evening, with warm water, which settled. Please note that after frequent watering, the neck of the roots can be exposed, which will contribute to the evaporation of moisture.
  • To prevent this from happening, be sure to use mulch. To this end, you can use sawdust. You need to carry out regular top dressing, as well as the formation of the bush. It is best to make fertilizer only 2 years after the rose is planted. This is due to the fact that the plant is very sensitive to fertilizers and it is quite difficult to calculate their optimal amount.

How to plant roses in open ground?

Weak bushes may not adequately respond to fertilizers, which will not stimulate their growth, but rather contribute to wilting. In addition to all these manipulations, it is necessary to regularly observe the condition of bushes, buds, as well as leaves.

How to plant roses in open ground:

  • If there are some signs of infection, fungicides are necessarily treated. It is also necessary to regularly loosen the soil. After all these manipulations, you can proceed to the formation of the bush.
  • For this, pinching up to 4-5 kidneys is carried out. This must be done until the bush acquires the necessary shape for you. Do not regret cut the buds from the young bush.
  • Immediately after landing, after a while, you will see that new ovaries are formed on the bush. However, if this happens, it is necessary to tear the buds. This is usually a pity at the initial stage, as you want to see the color. However, remember that such a manipulation can worsen the power of the bush. Remember that the rose gives part of the nutrients to buds. Therefore, over time, bushes can become very weak.

Do not regret cut off all the buds until the bush acquires the required size, as well as strength. Over time, culture will delight you with huge, large buds with bright colors. 

Video: Plant roses in open ground

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