Is it possible to plant a retob on the site, in the yard: signs and superstitions, if it itself grew up in front of the house

Is it possible to plant a retob on the site, in the yard: signs and superstitions, if it itself grew up in front of the house

In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to plant a willow on the site, and also consider signs if it has grown in the yard or behind it.

In Russia, Verba has long been considered healing and magical, therefore it was used in different rites. For example, to protect against the evil eye and damage. In addition, the recruiting twig became a symbol of spring, and with the adoption of Christianity it replaced the palm branches and became an attribute of Easter. On this day, in almost every house, cute "cats" become decorating. Is it possible to plant a willow on your site and what it symbolizes, we will tell below.

Is it possible to plant a retob on the site: signs and superstitions

It is known that not every tree can be planted in your yard or in a summer cottage. Verba, as a sacred tree of Christians, should not have doubts about this. But folk signs interpret a paradox:

  • Land the retob on the site or even next to the yard It is categorically not recommended! So the owner of the dwelling (or the one who planted) shortens the eyelids to the moment when the stalk is suitable for a shovel, and bad weather will sprinkle on other residents.
  • If you plant a tree in honor of the birth of a child, then his whole life will pass in sorrow and troubles. For girls, this portends an ambulance.
  • You can not plant a tree with lowered branches, otherwise all life will pass in tears and sadness.
  • Since the plant is healing and magically strong, it will “eat” with the energy of the owners of the house, which will pull health problems.

Important: but it is believed that the young tree acts as a “donor”, \u200b\u200bbut the old, duplicate verba is “vampire”. True, the question is more likely to be from which tree it is better to tear the twigs for Palm Sunday or use for healing.


What does it mean if Verba grew up on the site in front of the house, behind the yard or sprouted?

If the verba has started the roots, sprouted or grew up on a site without human assistance, then signs have a positive interpretation:

  • the owner of the house will live to a very old age;
  • and the residents are waiting for the white strip in the near future.

But if you connect logic, then you have well -moistened soil on your area, because Verba grows near reservoirs and in lowlands. And even if you plant the sprouted twig of the vertebral in the yard, then without abundant watering it will quickly dry out. After all, the verb is categorically does not tolerate the drought!

Important: if you are a superstitious person, it is better to transplant a young seedling somewhere to the banks of the river or lake. Whatever beautiful tree, but living in fear, fearing that superstition will come true, definitely not worth it.

What does the church say about the landing of the vertebral on the site?

The response of the priest
The response of the priest

The church, in principle, rejects all the folk signs that a Christian lead from God. In addition, the verba is considered a sacred tree, which protects from the bad. Therefore, clergy not only do not prohibit, but also It is recommended to plant a willow on their site.

And if you do not believe in superstition, then you can safely plant those trees, Which you like! In addition, Verba grows slowly, and while its trunk will be suitable for the holder under the shovel, the person who planted the person will live to a very old age.

And we also recommend reading the following articles for familiarization on the topic:

Video: Verba on the site and other forbidden trees for your garden

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