Planting and transplanting strawberries in the summer, in the fall, dividing old bushes, by agrofiber: methods, step -by -step instructions, photos. When is it better to plant and transplant strawberries: spring, summer or autumn? Then it is better to plant strawberries?

Planting and transplanting strawberries in the summer, in the fall, dividing old bushes, by agrofiber: methods, step -by -step instructions, photos. When is it better to plant and transplant strawberries: spring, summer or autumn? Then it is better to plant strawberries?

In this article, we will consider topical issues regarding the landing, transplantation and care of strawberries.

When is it better to plant and transplant strawberries: in the spring, summer or autumn, at what time?

Experienced gardeners know all the secrets of growing strawberries, so every year they receive a rich harvest of aromatic berries from their beds. The material of this article will be useful for beginners or those who only plan to grow strawberries.

This berry, although quite common, requires attention and special care. As well as fertilizers of the soil, protection against pests and bacteria, and many other tricks. But if you do everything right, you can enjoy the taste of strawberries, grown with your own hands.

First of all, it is important to remember that it is necessary to transplant strawberries once every 3-4 years. This period is the most optimal for a good harvest.

After this period, strawberries begin, as the people say, “degenerate”. You yourself may notice that after 3-4 years, the strawberry bush becomes weak, the berries are getting smaller, and their number is also not pleased with the abundance.

Strawberries need to be transplanted every 3-4 years

You can transplant strawberries in early spring and autumn, as well as in summer. Warm weather should be on the street.

Important: plant strawberries on a warm cloudy day in the evening. Then the plants will take root better.

  • As for the terms, then autumn landing It is advisable to complete until the end of September. If the climate allows, then you can wait until October.
  • Spring landing It is advisable to finish before the start of flowering. This is approximately April. At this time, an active vegetation occurs, the bush will grow and take root.
  • Rule summer landing: strawberries are transplanted after its fruiting. Approximate deadlines for landing July-August.
The timing of strawberry planting in spring, summer and autumn

Soil preparation for planting, strawberry transplants

Before planting or transplanting strawberries, you should carefully prepare the soil:

  1. Dig the site.
  2. Fertilize no later than 7-10 days before the start of planting.
  3. Align the soil, break the mud lumps.

As a fertilizer is good:

  • Litter
  • Humus
  • Compost

Important: organic fertilizer is applied to the ground at 1 bucket per 1 m².

Also, for the yield of strawberries, they use superphosphate and potassium sulfate (60 and 30 g per 1 m², respectively).

You can fertilize the soil with a complex fertilizer that can be purchased in a specialized store. Ask the seller to tell you which is better for strawberries.

Soil preparation for strawberry transplantation

Important: when planting strawberries in the same place, it is recommended to “treat” the soil. This is done in order to prevent bacteria, pests.

This is done as follows:

  • Pour the plot with a solution of soda soda (200 grams of soda are taken for 10 liters of water).
  • After 2-3 days, the soil should be disinfected with a solution of manganese (add 2-3 g of manganese per 10 liter of a bucket of water).

This procedure must be done before planting strawberries.

Strawberry landing scheme
Strawberry landing scheme

Video: Preparing soil for planting strawberries

After what crops is it better to plant strawberries?

Important: when planting strawberries, the rules of crop rotation should be taken into account.

Crop rotation - This is the correct alternation of cultures in the garden that contributes to good yield.

If the predecessors of strawberries were potatoes, pepper, cucumbers, eggplant and cabbage, then do not wait for a good harvest.

It is useful to plant strawberries after parsley, legumes and grain crops.

Is it possible to plant strawberries after garlic and onion?

Important: onions and garlic are the best predecessors for strawberries.

Ripe strawberries

Planting and transplanting strawberries in the summer, in August mustache: methods, step -by -step instructions

The method of propagation of a mustache is one of the strawberries often used in planting. Why is this method good?

Sometimes a good strawberry variety is expensive, and it turns out to buy several good grades. Subsequently, from these several bushes, you can grow a whole plantation of strawberries with a mustache.

To grow a bed of good high -grade strawberries, it will take a long time to observe a mustache and select the best uterine mustache.

Propagation with a mustache

This is done like this:

  1. In the first year, plant the bushes and cut all the mustache, collect the first harvest of the berries, determine the best and strong bushes.
  2. After the harvest, that is, the end of the summer, early autumn, collect all the selected fallopian bushes, plant them on a separate site. In the spring, when the time comes, cut all the buds, but leave the antennae.
  3. Leave the largest mustache, small can be removed.
  4. Leave a mustache for free growth until June. Around this time, young sockets will appear on the mustache.
  5. These young sockets should be a little dug into the loose earth and poured.
  6. Now you need to wait until three weeks, while the young seedlings grow.
  7. Short the ends of the mustache during this period, they also need to be watered, loosened the soil, hill.
  8. 2 weeks before the shift transplant, cut off the mother bush. Now young bushes switched to their own root nutrition.
  9. Now young bushes can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Important: if you plant strawberries in the summer, then during the winter it will take root well, gain strength, and next year you will already collect your first crop.

The structure of the strawberry bush

What mustache must be planted from strawberries?

If your goal is to grow good strawberries, you need to choose the right mustache.

The mustache needs the strongest, growing from good quality bushes. The rest of the mustache that appear gradually on the bush must be cut off so that they do not take the strength from the mother bush.

Video: How to assemble landing material - mustache?

Planting and transplanting strawberries in the fall with a mustache and division of the bush: methods, step -by -step instructions

Important: to plant young bushes during autumn landing should be until September 15. Planting later threatens to froze the bushes.

How to transplant strawberries with a mustache has already been described above. Let's try to deal with the way as dividing the bush.

Some people consider the division of the bush an emergency way of breeding strawberries. It is advisable to use in such cases:

  1. When there are not enough seedlings to propagate strawberries in the garden.
  2. When strawberries do not have or have few mustache (for example, repair strawberries).
  3. When strawberries already gives small fruits and it requires a transplant.

At the end of the season, many growth points appear from one point of growth in a young plant. This large bush can be divided into many small ones. Take away the roots the strongest and strongest. The leaves should not be affected.

  • Clean the roots of old strawberries from brown dead parts. Leave only that part of the plant where living roots.
  • In order for the new bush to strengthen, it should be spent. Only a growth point (heart) cannot be filled up, otherwise the bush will die.
  • If the weather is hot, then hide the planted bushes with straw, grass, make a canopy and water daily until the bushes take root.

Important: when the strawberries are propagated by dividing the bush, if you propagate shortly after harvesting, you will receive a decent crop from a transplanted bush the next summer. When propagating a mustache of such a result, it is impossible to achieve for the next year.

Division of strawberry bush

Landing strawberries in August, in the fall on agrofibre: methods, step -by -step instructions

Important: agrofibre - a breathable material that is covered with a bed, and then plants are planted. Thanks to agricultural light, labor costs are reduced, and yield increases.

Advantages Landing strawberries on agriculture:

  • Protects strawberries from weeds;
  • Mud on berries falls less during the rain;
  • Protection of berries from pests;
  • After watering, the moisture remains under the agrofloor;
  • Under the agricultural agricultural strawberry, frosts will survive painlessly.

For planting strawberries, black agricultural fiber is most often used with a density of 60 g/m². Before buying agricultural fiber, calculate the size of the bed.

It looks like agroll

How to plant strawberries on agrofiber:

  1. Prepare the soil as described above.
  2. Lay on the bed of agriculture.
  3. Fasten the agricultural fiber along the edges of the bricks, then on each side with wire hairpins.
  4. Then with a knife you need to outline the location of the bushes.
  5. The cuts need to be made crosswise.
  6. Wrap the edges of the sections inside, plant a shallow strawberry bush.
  7. After planting all the bushes, the bed should be watered from the hose irrigation.

Important: in order to have access to the beds, put the board on the agricultural clinic, thus making the track. Thanks to this path, agrofibre will not deteriorate.

Video: Strawberry landing on agrofiber

How to water strawberries after planting?

After transplanting, strawberries need watering. However, you should not overdate this matter. From an excess of moisture, the roots will begin to rot. Also, water should not fall on the outlet, otherwise the bush will die.

For manual watering, it is better to take warm defended water. In warm weather, it is enough to water strawberries once a week in the morning early. When the rainy period begins, it is not necessary to water.

In the period of flowering strawberries, it especially needs watering. The irrigation rate is approximately 10 l/m². When strawberries bloom, you need to use drip watering of the soil.

Important: you can not water strawberries by little and often. Such actions can lead to fungal diseases.

Drip watering strawberries

What can be planted next to strawberries?

Good neighbors for strawberries are such cultures:

  • Parsley
  • Dill
  • Salad
  • Radish
  • Beet
  • Beans

Important: it is recommended to plant parsley between the rows of strawberries to protect against slugs.

How to feed strawberries in August, in the fall after the transplant?

For fertility, strawberries should be fed. It is necessary to introduce both organic and mineral fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers:

  1. Humus
  2. Compost
  3. Chicken droppings

From mineral fertilizers For the growth and crop of berries strawberries are needed:

  • Nitrogen
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium

Nitrogen fertilizers are responsible for the red color of the berry. Potassium - affect taste. If the ends of the leaves are brown, this indicates a lack of potassium.

Important: strawberries should be fed in several stages. The first time before planting during soil processing. The second time - after harvesting. The last time you should make top dressing in the fall.

Some believe that properly prepared soil before planting (transplantation) does not require feeding for about 3 years.

Nevertheless, most experts advise fertilizing strawberries, the crop and taste of berries depend on this.

After harvesting, plants need top dressing to restore strength in the form of complex mineral fertilizers.

Feeding strawberries

Autumn top dressing should be completed until mid -September. You can feed a mullein, chicken droppings. Fertilizers are used not in its pure form, but diluted in water. If you feed the strawberries with droppings in its pure form, the plants will simply be “burned”.

Important: you need to make fertilizers on the aisles of strawberry bushes or under the bush, but without getting on the leaves. The cow humus is covered by a row, thus forming mulch for feeding for several years.

Dilute the litter or humus with water in the following proportion: 1 part of the humus per 10 liters of water. Be sure to let this mixture brew at least a day. Then you can add a glass of wood ash to the solution and 20 g of potassium fertilizers.

Strawberries - the berry is tender. With proper transplantation, care and feeding, you can harvest a good harvest from your beds for many years.

Video: How to feed strawberries?

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