When to plant zucchini on seedlings, in open ground: terms. How to plant zucchini for seedlings, in open ground: instructions, recommendations, care

When to plant zucchini on seedlings, in open ground: terms. How to plant zucchini for seedlings, in open ground: instructions, recommendations, care

In this article, we will talk about when it is best to plant zucchini, how to prepare them correctly and plant them in open ground.

The zucchini has long become familiar to all vegetables. However, he also has his own characteristics of landing and care. Experienced gardeners have long known what and how to do it, but beginners always have many questions. How to grow zucchini and take care of them in our article. I would like to note that the vegetable itself is not whimsical and does not require careful care. At the same time, it gives an excellent crop. It can be planted with both seeds and seedlings. The main thing is to do it right.

What zucchini plant: selection of a variety

Planting zucchini
Planting zucchini

If you decide that you need zucchini landing, then first decide which variety you want to plant. It is selected depending on what result you plan to get.

So, the following groups of zucchini are distinguished:

  • Early -ripening. Such varieties ripen very quickly and give a good harvest. It is recommended to plant them in open ground, since it makes no sense to wait long for the ripening of seedlings. This category includes varieties: tsukesh, baby, orange, a brown, chaklun, beluga, Aliya F1, salvador, ball, karam, Moor.
  • Productive. Most gardeners prefer these varieties. The fact is that they really give a large harvest, and therefore you can get more profits from them if you are selling. Representatives of the category are the following varieties: Belogor F1, Kuand, Jade, Mini-Tsukkini, Orekhovy.
  • Self -pollinated. These varieties are resistant to external influences. They are not afraid of pests, insects, bad weather and other factors. These include: Kavili F1, Parthenon F1, Sukha F1, Medusa F1, Sansgrum F1.
  • For landing in open ground. Most varieties of zucchini often scatter long lashes and therefore they need a lot of space for growth. At the same time, gardeners are limited in the territory and try to plant several crops at once near each other. That's just here they come to the revenue of the varieties for open ground. They are: Black handsome, spaghetti, lagenaria of Calebas, Odessa-52.
  • Yellow varieties. Such zucchini grow with a peel of a yellowish color. This especially attracts gardeners. In this case, in other parameters and properties, culture does not differ from the usual white and green zucchini. Such varieties include: pineapple, Zolotinka, Gold Rush F1, Goldline F1, Sunlight F1, yellow -fruited.
  • Bush. There are a huge number of bush zucchini and there is simply no point in listing all varieties. The high popularity of varieties is due to the fact that they have excellent taste and high productivity. The best of its kind are: Iskander F1, Aeronaut, Gribovsky, White, Waterfall.
  • With a soft skin. This is an early ripe variety of Dutch selection. After planting, the fruits ripen already 5-6 weeks after the appearance of the first seedlings. The gardeners are attracted by a good presentation. The fact is that the peel has a flat surface, and the fruits themselves are a correct cylindrical shape. Also, the variety is resistant to various diseases. It includes: White Bush, Genoveza.
  • Weaved. There are such varieties. They bring delicious and edible fruits. At the same time, the whips from them serve as a good decoration of the house territory. These include: an amazing giant, ascent.
  • With excellent lies. If you want to get a crop that can be stored for a long time without losing its quality, then choose varieties: Aral F1, festival F1, gold key, blacks.

When you can plant zucchini: Dates

Planting zucchini is possible in two ways. Depending on which of them you choose, the timing of sowing work will also depend:

  • Seat method. In this case, seedlings are first grown and only after its germination is transplanted into open ground. There is no need to worry about seed germination here. As a rule, seeds are sown from mid -April or in early May. When the seedlings reaches the age of 25-30 days, it can be moved to the beds. They are recommended for a while to cover with a film or other material until spring frosts end, until the beginning of June.
  • Direct landing in open ground. This method is less labor -cost, but only under the condition of the return of frosts there is a risk of crop loss. Seeds are sown in heated soil. Its temperature should not be lower than 12-13 degrees. At the same time, the depth of landing is 8-10 cm. Usually this period falls on the end of May-early June. In this situation, in order to reduce the risk of damage to seedlings by frosts, it is recommended to make crops several times, in 2-3 times with an interval of 3-4 days. The minimum temperature for germination is 12-15 degrees of heat.

It is important to take into account that if you choose a seedling method, then zucchini will not be stored for a long time, and therefore it is important to immediately use them in blanks or in food. So if you want to maintain the roy of ripe fruits, then it is better to immediately Seet in the ground.

How to prepare the seeds of zucchini for landing?

Preparation of seeds for landing
Preparation of seeds for landing

Before the zucchini is planted, it is important to prepare the seeds.

To do this, do the following:

  • Check the seeding of the emptiness. For this, table salt is used. Dissolve one teaspoon in a glass of water and place the seeds there. All empty after about 30 minutes will come up. They can be safely thrown away. At the same time, the germinants will drop to the bottom.
  • Next, treat the seeds with a growth stimulant. This is done using gauze. It is treated with solution and the seeds are placed in it until swelling. This usually takes two days. All this time, the seeds should be in a cool room. After that, the seeds for a week are placed in a warm and lit place.

As a result, the seeds will germinate and you can plant them.

How to put zucchini in soil on seedlings: instructions, recommendations

So, the landing of zucchini for seedlings is carried out in special soil. You can buy it already ready, or you can do it yourself. To do this, one part of the sawdust, two parts of the turf and six parts of the peat need to be mixed. Some mix sand and peat in equal quantities.

Next, pour the earth into the selected containers and place the seeds there. Sprinkle them on top with earth, pour and cover with glass or film. It is recommended to place pots on a sunny windowsill so that the seedlings are strong. Until the first shoots appear, try to provide a temperature of 18-25 degrees in the room. Somewhere in seven days the first shoots will appear.

How to transplant the seedlings of zucchini into open ground: Instructions

Planting zucchini in open ground after growing seedlings should also be carried out correctly. First of all, you should not remove the earth from the roots, as this plant does not like unnecessary anxiety. So, be sure to do this with an earthen lump. Or, initially, use peat pots for sowing. Then you can plant in the holes immediately with them.

  • Before planting seedlings, select a warm place in the garden and prepare the soil on it. It needs to be loosened to a depth of about 10 centimeters. Also, the land is immediately fertilized. For this, 1 sq.m. 15 g of ammonium nitrate are introduced.
  • Consider when choosing the soil that zucchini does not like acidic with a high level of groundwater. In addition, culture reacts poorly to chlorine -containing fertilizers.
  • In order for the plants to take root well, it is important to adhere to the landing scheme. So, between the seedlings, retain the distance of one meter.
  • Before planting in the garden, dig small holes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening. Then the sun will not burn young plants. In the garden, choose a warm place, but protected from direct sun and drafts.
  • Add humus, ash and mix them to each of the holes. After that, pour the hole with water and only then lower the seedling into the hole. Sprinkle the roots with the soil and tackle. Near the roots of the plant, place the mulch.

How to plant zucchini seeds in open ground: Instructions

Planting zucchini seeds in open ground
Planting zucchini seeds in open ground

The second way to plant zucchini is sowing seeds directly into the open ground.

  • In order for the first sprouts to appear and they are all healthy, it is important to observe three conditions regarding water, air and heat.
  • To start growing a sleeping seed can make moisture. Water gets through the peel inward and processes that create high pressure begins. Seeds on the bed should be planted already swollen and ready for germination. That is, you need to wait for the latter only in the case of seedlings. In this situation, just wait for swelling. The very first spine will have a spine. It is fixed in the soil and gives food to the plant.
  • For each seed, a small hole is dug and spilled well with warm water. 2-3 seeds are placed in it. If everything is in, then leave the strongest sprout, and pinch the rest.
  • Pour the seeds on top of the seed and mulch the beds with humus, straw or peat. This will not allow a dense crust on the kidney. To save the shoots, cover them with a film.
  • You can still plant a bottle. Then it turns out like a greenhouse. To do this, take a plastic bottle and cut its bottom. A separate design is installed on each hole. It is not recommended to take less than two liters, as they are too small.

At first, the lids from the bottles do not turn away. You can do this, and even necessary, when reaching a temperature of +20 degrees on the street. At the same time, watering zucchini is important around the containers. After the growth is growing, begin to gradually harden them. For this, the lids from the bottles are removed for this. And by June, bottles are removed completely. This method is usually used if the culture should be planted ahead of schedule on the bed.

Is it possible to plant zucchini and pumpkin nearby?

Planting zucchini always raises questions, especially if you want to do this next to other crops. Beginners believe that they can be planted with pumpkin, since zucchini are a type of culture.

Round thick -tied pumpkin varieties prefer to grow on light soil. If they are planted on wet clay soil, then you risk being left without a crop. It is important to consider that pumpkin, due to too long lashes, requires a lot of space. Moreover, there should be frequent watering and top dressing.

If you decide to place a pumpkin and zucchini on one bed, then be prepared to get an unusual crop. This occurs due to the reproduction of crops. The fact is that for the ovary of the fetus, pollen should be transferred to pestlers. This is either an independent process, or the wind and insects help with it. Accordingly, when the flowers of zucchini and pumpkin are located nearby, then their flowers are overlapped.

After pollen from pumpkin goes to zucchini, the white variety can become yellow, and its taste will change. Fruits can be calmly eaten, but varietal signs will not appear. Nevertheless, gardeners believe that these cultures are not worthwhile nearby.

Is it possible to plant zucchini and patissons nearby?

Patissons are one of the varieties of pumpkin that have a plate appearance. They are not so often used in food. Most often, the vegetable is grown for conservation. Patisson prefers loamy fertile soils. And he is also demanding on heat and humidity. It is important to understand that, unlike zucchini, the squirrels of the growing season pass longer. It is 50 days. It is important to prevent their outcome. Otherwise, the crust will become solid.

At the same time, they feel great in one bed of culture. However, due to pollination nearby, they should not be placed. As a result, when pollen is mixed, hybrid plants will turn out and their unique properties will change next year, when you will plant new seeds from these crops.

Some gardeners plant zucchini, pumpkin and squash on one bed. They follow each other. This allows you to organize a common drip irrigation system for them.

Is it possible to plant zucchini with cucumbers on one bed?


Planting zucchini with cucumbers on one bed is not the best undertaking, despite the fact that they are similar to each other. Their incompatibility is due to the fact that, again, cross -pollination will be carried out. In addition, zucchini underground scatter roots, which does not allow cucumbers to receive normal nutrition. And another factor - too much pollen appears on female flowers and the tie of the fruits is wrong. As a result of the culture, they bear fruit less and lose their form.

If the site is too limited in your place, then divide the cucumbers and zucchini beans. Legumes will not allow pollen to mix.

But in one greenhouse, zucchini and cucumbers will get along. Both cultures like moisture and heat. However, it is recommended to choose self -pollinated varieties for joint accommodation in order to exclude overpower. Divide the cultures into zones and provide separate watering.

Is it possible to plant zucchini next to cabbage?

Planting zucchini along with cabbage is a good solution. Cultures feel good with each other. However, in this case, it is recommended to plant flowers around plantings. It can be calendula and marigolds. Flowers are needed to repel pests from cabbage.

Is it possible to plant zucchini next to tomatoes?

Regarding whether landing is possible next to tomatoes, opinions are usually divided. These two cultures are representatives of different families. Moreover, they have different pests. Tomatoes require frequent watering and a lot of sunlight, and the soil should be loose. Tomatoes are able to stretch up, it all depends on the selected variety.

Nevertheless, they will be close enough for them. Vegetables are demanding on the scope and light. Best of all, they will feel on neighboring beds. The aroma from the stems of the tomato will scare off pests. It will turn out, as it were, a profitable neighborhood.

Is it possible to plant zucchini and onions on one bed?

Onions are found in every garden. Culture is extremely good for health. At the same time, growing it is very easy due to undemanding. And besides, landing zucchini with him on one bed is quite advisable.

The onion will protect them from pests and diseases. It contains a lot of phytoncides that pests are afraid of.

When the bushes of zucchini become large, they will expose the feathers of the onion. But he manages to gain enough nutrients until they grow. The only disadvantage of such a neighborhood is a tendency to defeat powdery mildew. To avoid this, treat the crops with fungicides, add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and place the plants in accordance with the norms.

How to care for zucchini on the beds: recommendations

Planting zucchini in the ground is not all. They require proper care so that the crop is large and tasty.

So, care for culture is as follows:

  • When you reach five centimeters in height, it is useful to mulch the soil around plants. To do this, you can use rotted sawdust and non -acidic peat.
  • Watering always needs watering. To moisture, culture is very demanding. Water as the top layer of the earth in the bed dries. It is difficult to say which in this case there will be frequency, because in many ways it depends on the weather. On average, 7-10 days come out. Do not overdo it, because this can lead to rotting of the tip of the fetus. It is also important to consider that the water should be warm, about 22 degrees so that the ovaries do not rot. At the same time, a week before collecting fruits of watering, it ceases completely.
  • If you placed several seeds in one hole, then do not forget about the thinning. Your task is to leave one strongest plant.
  • If you grow zucchini in a greenhouse or greenhouse, then regularly ventilate it to eliminate excessive humidity.
  • When the zucchini acquires 4-5 real sheets, it is time to envelop the bushes. This will allow the side roots to grow better.
  • Periodically around plantings, loosen the soil so that the earthen crust does not form.
  • To get the maximum crop, attract pollinators to a site. To do this, process cultures with a solution of a mixture of 100 g of sugar, 2 g of boric acid and 10 liters of water. As for an option, plant marigolds near the zucchini.

Video: Planting zucchini seeds in open ground


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