Which pet to choose: the pros and cons of different animals popular for maintaining the house

Which pet to choose: the pros and cons of different animals popular for maintaining the house

If you do not know which pet to choose, then read this article. It has the pros and cons of many animals that people often start at home.

Almost every child, and sometimes an adult, dreams of a domestic animal. Since the whole zoo can only get an very rich lover of animals, an ordinary person will have a difficult choice.

Each animal has its pros and cons. Someone is playful and requires a lot of attention, but at the same time sharpen the claws about an expensive sofa, and someone eats quietly cabbage in a cage and occasionally twists the wheel. Having weighed all the pros and cons, it is necessary to make a responsible decision. Which pet to choose? Read below information about all the pros and cons of the most popular pets. Thanks to this information, it will be easier for you to make a choice.

Homemade pet - parrot: pros and cons of

Pet - parrot
Pet - parrot

A man's feathered friend knows how not only to run around the apartment, but also to fly. Read in another article, how to distinguish the floor of a parrot. Stopping a choice on a parrot, you need to be ready to find a pet in the most unexpected places:

  • In the kitchen
  • On the table
  • On the chandelier
  • In bathroom
  • On the baguette and so on

Naturally, it depends only on the owner, he will allow him to freely fly around the apartment with his bird or not. Nevertheless, it is also not worth locking the parrot for a long time. This will negatively affect his physical condition. Here are a few disadvantages of this state:

  • After a long imprisonment, the bird will be difficult to fly.
  • Do not forget about the psychological mood of the pet. It can become nervous and aggressive.
  • Having received the long -awaited freedom, the parrot can attack the owner, which is dangerous in itself.

The advantages of this pet:

  • A feathered friend belongs to a very sociable and friendly pets.
  • Parrots love when they are given attention.
  • Some even begin to talk and repeat some words behind the owner.
  • The parrots are very unpretentious in nutrition.
  • A bird with the same pleasure finishes food from the master table or will eat special food.

For busy people, this is a fairly convenient option. But it is better not to delay the cleaning of the cell. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor may occur.

Homemade pet - iguana: pros and cons of

Homemade pet - iguana
Homemade pet - iguana

The desire to distinguish and be special sometimes leads to the choice of very exotic pets, for example, Iguans. To completely get out of the ordinary and buy an elephant or crocodile does not allow too small a dwelling and the lack of suitable conditions. But a small amphibian or reptile is just right. The pros and cons of this pet:

  • Iguana does not require special care, but to become a truly pet, you will need to wait a while.
  • During the adaptation, the animal may not go into the hands of the owner.
  • But getting used to it a little, Iguan will show his curiosity and will allow himself to explore the widespread territory.
  • This reptile has an imperious character and everything is interested in everything new.
  • Iguana will be happy to check all the cabinets, tables and other available places in the house.

Reptilia is a long -liver. The life expectancy in captivity is about twenty years old. Food prefers vegetable. It is better not to let on your table in order to avoid salmonellosis.

Chameleon - beautiful home pet: pros and cons of

Chameleon - beautiful pet
Chameleon - beautiful pet

Many people prefer to have an exotic animal as a pet. If you read above about Iguan, but want something more unusual, think about the chameleon. But before you get such a beautiful pet, you need to carefully study all the information about it. In what conditions to maintain, nutrition, care, and responsibility - all this is of great importance.

A little about these animals:

  • Chameleons belong to the grade class. They climb the trees well, and hunting on a tree for hours without moving, tracking the prey.
  • Their eyes rotate asynchronously, so they have an excellent circular review.
  • The prey is caught instantly with the help of the language.
  • Chameleons have the properties of changing their color with certain factors: if the lizard is frightened, it is hungry, or hunts.

At home, it is preferable to contain only three types of chameleons:

  • Yemeni
  • Leopard
  • Ordinary chameleon

These three species adapt the most to the conditions of maintenance of the house. With proper care, they can live longer than in nature, and give offspring.

How to choose a chameleon to make the animal great? What should you pay attention to when buying it? Here are some tips:

  • You need to buy a lizard only in a pet store.
  • There you will be provided with relevant documents.
  • When purchasing a pet, pay attention to his age.
  • Cubs who have no other 4 months can have defects that are inconspicuous.

It is necessary to inspect the appearance of the chameleon:

  • Eyes should be well open, if hollow or closed, then the animal is dehydrated.
  • Pay attention to the color, if gray, gets sick.
  • The paws are even and the chameleon is moving, with a lack of calcium, it moves with difficulty.
  • Yellow-green spots in the mouth are a sign of an inflammatory process.

These exotic pets are cute and beautiful. They are attractive in that they can change color. But in terms of contents, they require costs. Therefore, before starting a chameleon, you need to carefully study the information about its content and weigh all the pros and cons. Advantages:

  • Very funny, not aggressive reptile.
  • Subject to all hygiene rules and animal care, there is no smell.
  • They are tamed and distinguish people.
  • It does not bite, you can pick it up.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • For a chameleon, it is needed big vertical terrarium, the animal grows quickly and in the small one it will not be comfortable. Such a terrarium is expensive.
  • There must be ventilation, ultraviolet lamps, and a heating lamp.
  • Chameleons eat only live food.
  • If the animal gets sick, then a herpetologist is needed.
  • Caring for it requires certain skills.

But despite all these nuances, many lovers of pets prefer this exotic animal. He attracts with his appearance, funny, not capricious and not a noisy pet.

Cat - popular pet: pros and cons of

Cat - popular pet
Cat - popular pet

Cats and cats live in many families. We can say that this is the most common pet. Read the article about can a cat can leave one at home For a long time. The future owners of a fluffy pet should consider all the pros and cons:

  1. Firstly, cats are very playful and affectionate. If there is a child in the house, then playing with a small kitten will be a great joy for him.
  2. Secondly, cats can eat both special food and food from the hosts table.
  3. Thirdly, representatives of the cat family amenable to train, and their owners will have the opportunity to teach the animal something.

But even pluses can turn into minuses. For example:

  1. Playiness often goes into a random run around the apartment in the middle of the night. Not all owners are ready to put up with this.
  2. Also, do not forget about the regular cleaning of the tray, and perhaps until the cat is accustomed to it, and the whole apartment.
  3. One of the minuses of this animal includes the need to cut the claws. Otherwise, the claws will be shown independently about furniture and wallpaper.

Consider all the disadvantages and pros, and only then start such a pet.

Dog is a faithful home pet and friend: pros and cons of

The dog is a faithful pet and friend
The dog is a faithful pet and friend

Another four -legged friend claims a place in the apartment. Moreover, a friend is not a figurative expression. Dogs are very true and loyal creatures. Here are their advantages:

  • It is worth making friends with them once and you can always rely on them.
  • This is a faithful pet in everything.
  • Such an animal will look forward to its master from work and joyfully wag the tail on a walk.
  • To get a dog is a great option for people who want to lose weight.
  • Daily walks, from which do not dull, will help in this endeavor.
  • Large breeds of dogs amenable to train, but if desired the owner and a small dog can be taught various tricks.

In addition to positive points, there are some negative - cons:

  • A dog is not a toy, it is a big responsibility.
  • Accepting a four -legged friend to the house, you need to understand what to walk, feed, combine and care for generally every day.

If you understand that the dog in the house is not in the strength, then read on.

Decorative rabbits: Advantages and disadvantages of pets content

Decorative rabbits
Decorative rabbits

In general, keeping such a pet is not difficult. Decorative rabbits are unpretentious, funny, resemble a revived plush toy.

The advantages of keeping these animals:

  • These pretty animals are very quickly and easily getting used to people, they are not afraid of cats and dogs.
  • To accustom the rabbit to the tray will not be difficult.
  • When walking around the apartment, there is no danger that the animal will gnaw furniture.
  • When the rabbit is in a cage or an aviary, it behaves quietly, not noisy.
  • Bathing is carried out infrequently, as necessary.
  • Street walks are optional, enough walks around the apartment under the supervision of the owners.
  • The costs of maintaining these animals are small.
  • Tender, soft wool serves as an excellent sedative.
  • The life cycle of such rabbits is quite long-5-7 years.

Unfortunately, there are drawbacks with decorative rabbits:

  • The need for daily care is to cut the nails, scratch the wool.
  • Periodic avoiding a aviary or cell to avoid an unpleasant odor.
  • A very difficult period is molting. We will have to pay additional attention to hair care.
  • They often have the stomach hurts and there is bloatingand even diarrhea.
  • The dimensions of the cell for keeping pets have decent dimensions.
  • These cute animals are not always soft. If he doesn’t like something, he will begin to kick.
  • Another drawback can be attributed to mandatory vaccination.

This pet can bring a lot of joy to its owners, it playfully and loves communication. Positive emotions that these fluffs give, outweigh all the disadvantages.

Homemade pet - chinchilla: pros and cons of

Homemade pet - chinchilla
Homemade pet - chinchilla

Chinchilla is considered exclusively a pet. Recently, people have preferred this particular animal for maintaining a house. Its appearance, cute eyes and small size attracts, but not everyone knows what conditions such a friendly pet needs.

There are two types of chinchillas, and it is simple to distinguish them:

  • One breed is short -stand.
  • Another - long -stroke.

Excluding the tail, this animal can grow to 35 cm in length. Chinchilla is a rodentIt has a meek and soft character. There are no special aggression and activity behind such animals. Most of his time, chinchilla eats or sleeps.
Also, chinchillas are quite smart, like dogs. Here are the pluses of this pet:

  • It can easily be taught to return to your place in a cage after a walk around the apartment, as well as other necessary teams.
  • Its average life expectancy is from 20 to 25 years old.
  • This is another positive feature of this pet. The owner will not have to quickly part with his pet.

For a healthy and long life of chinchillas, it is necessary to create special conditions:

  • Spacious cageWhere the feed, drink and shelves for rest and movement will be placed.
  • The bottom of the cell It must be covered with sawdust, which periodically, as it is contaminated, must be changed.
  • Wash or bathe Chinchilla is prohibited. To do this, in nature, the chinchillas use sand, and at home the owner needs to purchase a special mixture.
  • Feed - This is another point that is important for its successful life. For this, legumes and cereal herbs, trees bark, occasionally, can occasionally prefer some insects.

Important: Do not feed the baby from the dining table, as this can lead to digestive problems.

The best solution to this problem will be special food, which is sold in pet stores. It includes cereals, dried fruits and greens, enriched with useful enzymes and vitamins. Thus, the chinchilla will be an excellent pet for families with children, as this cute animal does not require special care. In this case, the animal is able to give affection and love.

Homemade pet - Fretka: pros and cons of

Pitter - Fretka
Pitter - Fretka

The fretka is known among pets lovers as a “decorative ferret” and gained popularity among them for several objective reasons. Here are the pluses:

  • In fun with this animal, the owner always wants to take part, since the fretka is sweet, soft and fluffy.
  • Unpretentious in food.
  • Easy to train.
  • Walking a pet is not necessary.
  • Easily adapts in a new society.
  • Easily study, but noticeably lazy.
  • Fretka, accustomed to the toilet.
  • An animal hair does not contain allergens, and therefore even people with allergies can shelter them.

However, the content of the ferret in the house can play a cruel joke with the owner, despite all the obvious advantages. For example, the disadvantages of the frets include:

  • An unpleasant musky smell, significantly increasing during the fright of the animal.
  • Ferrets are always inclined to spoil the things of their owners.
  • Some household appliances can also spoil, which is dangerous for the animal itself.
  • In terms of pollution of the apartment, these pets are completely unpredictable, and require control.
  • Possessing the instinct to dig holes, the fretka will systematically break the soil in flower pots.
  • As a predator, will always hunt for other pets of its master.

Fretka equally has both its advantages and its disadvantages, and or not to start it - an individual choice of each person.

Is it worth it to start a guinea pig: the pros and cons of the pet

Guinea pig
Guinea pig

Guinea pig is a pet from the lead family. She seems so cute and pretty due to her appearance. The owners who decide to take this animal to their home do not always look at the disadvantages of this pet:

  • Everyday cleaning of the house, the cells of the pet.
  • Specific smell.
  • If you let guinea pigs out of the cage and leave them unattended, animals can spoil your things. You will receive rolled wallpaper, gnawed wires, and spoiled furniture.
  • Some pigs may have an aggressive character, or the pet may not be shy and not make contact with the person.
  • If your pig has a long wool, then it will need proper care.

In principle, these are the main disadvantages of these cute rodents. There are a lot of positive qualities of guinea pigs:

  • Cleanliness. Pigs devote a lot of time to caring for their wool, the licking method. The smell can only go from the cage, if you do not make proper care of it.
  • They live for a long time. The life expectancy of guinea pigs is about 10 years.
  • Lead a day lifestyle, Unlike hamsters or rats, which at night are active and prevent the owners from sleeping.
  • Do not require walking in the fresh air.
  • Easy to care. You will only need to clean the cage so that there is no unpleasant odor, and nutrition for a guinea pig can be bought at any pet store.
  • Wool of guinea pigs It does not cause allergic reactions.

Guinea pigs can respond to their names. Nature awarded these animals with developed thinking. Is it worth it to start a guinea pig, decide according to your personal preference and weighing all the pros and cons.

Hamster - a pet, a favorite of children: the pros and cons of the animal

Hamster - a pet, a favorite of children
Hamster - a pet, a favorite of children

Choosing a pet, many people prefer hamsters. They are sweet, funny and unpretentious in content. Hams are small rodents With short limbs, small ears and short tails. Body length varies 5 to 34 cm. Their diet mainly consists of plant foods.

There are various types of hamsters. The most common:

  • Dzungar
  • Syrian
  • Chinese
  • Hamster Campbell

pros pet, favorite of children:

  • Suitable for children. It is easy to remove behind him, not aggressive.
  • Unpretentious to care.
  • Containing hamsters inexpensive.
  • They do not need to devote a lot of time, they easily tolerate loneliness.


  • A hamster is a night animal, so it leads a predominantly night lifestyle.
  • Intelligence is lower than that of cats, dogs and some other pets.
  • Hamster - rodent. It can bite things, with a bad attitude, to bite.
  • A short life. Hams have been living on average about 2 years, some species live up to 5 years.
  • Unpleasant odor. If you observe cleanliness and wash the cage regularly, the smell will not be noticeable.

There are both disadvantages and pluses in their content, but it is definitely possible to say with confidence that a hamster is a great choice as a pet.

How to get a python: pros and cons of a pet


Each person in certain intervals of his life dreams of starting a pet. Most often, such dreams appear in cats, dogs, hamsters, fish. But there are such people whose dreams are a real python.

Despite all the extraordinary idea, Python is one of the most common exotic pets. He belongs to the success of the successful, reaches in length to 6 meters and lives on average from 20 to 30 years old.

As for any domestic animal, python requires certain conditions of detention:

  • The place of permanent residence should be spacious - usually it is a terrarium size 1.2 by 2.4 meters.
  • The house of Python should contain roots, branches and living curly plants.
  • The terrarium is made of wood, glass or plastic.
  • The temperature and humidity in the dwelling should also obey certain laws - during the day from 25 to 30 degrees heat Celsius, and at night - 23 degrees heat. Air humidity is no less 90%.
  • At one meal, the python should eat at least 10% From your weight.

It is impossible to speak unequivocally about the pluses and minuses of the content of such a pet:

  • Snakes are cold -blooded animals, so Python will not care who is his master.
  • The lack of emotional return for different people is a positive or negative quality.
  • In addition, the boaver does not take much time.
  • Changing water in the terrarium is the only constant duty of the owner.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the maintenance of a snake at home as a pet is not always safe. It is necessary to observe a number of certain measures to care for such animals. The python will be a great friend for a calm and, like boas, a cold -blooded person.

Choosing a pet from a family of turtles: pros and cons of


The world has more 300 types of turtlesunited in 14 families. All of them are divided into sea and ground animals. Ground turtles are divided into freshwater and land reptiles. Consider one of the types most common, suitable for maintenance at home.

  • Red -haired freshwater turtle (TracheMys scripta)Starting from North America.
  • Especially often found in the northern part USA - Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma.
  • She acquired her name because of red long spots on her head next to her eyes.
  • They live in small lakes, reservoirs with low, swampy shores.

At home, conditions are created for them that are close to the natural habitat:

  • For red -eared turtles, a terrarium is purchased with a volume of at least 200 liters, wide in area and low in height.
  • Large stones are laid on the bottom.
  • It is filled with water, due to the calculation that if the turtle falls on its back, it could freely roll over in the water.
  • It should have a convenient exit to the islands of sushi, occupying about 1/4 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe aquarium.
  • It is also equipped with a powerful filter to maintain water purity.
  • I need an ultraviolet lamp UVB 5-10%, better than a directed action. Without it, the turtles are not synthesized by vitamin AT 3, with a lack of his turtles, are subject to disease.
  • You will need a simple lighting lamp.
  • We also need a water heater. The constant water temperature should be maintained at the level 26-28 degrees. Change of water twice a week.

Many people consider the creation of such conditions for turtles minuses - a lot of fuss. Other people don't think so. The diet is diverse:

  • Young people are fed with a frozen bloodworm.
  • The older they become, the more they prefer plant foods rich in fiber.
  • In the future, you can give pieces of meat, fish, seafood, also bloodworms, worms, insects, fry.
  • From plant food - algae, salad, nettle, zucchini.

Turtles grow up to 30 cm in length, depending on the gender (female larger). Live, as a rule, in natural conditions no more than 20 years, captive up to 40 years, with proper care. The most significant minus of turtles:

  • They are carriers of salmonellosis. So after contact with them, you definitely need to wash your hands with soap.

Turtles do not need to walk like dogs, there are no wool on the sofas, like from cats, are always in one place. Exotics pleases the eye. Such pets do not require increased attention. Here are the advantages in favor of which people who have taken such pets to their house prefer.

Spider - a pet: pros and cons of

Spider - a pet
Spider - a pet

To get an insect or, for example, a spider as a pet, can almost always be a good solution. After all, such creatures are not only pleasant to monitor and observe. Spider in the role of a pet has a lot of advantages:

  • It is convenient to keep such a living creature in a small apartment, since an adult is often enough spider 30*30 cm.
  • This type of spiders is not poisonous.
  • In the process of its life, such a spider -shaped is cleaned, leads a very quiet and inconspicuous lifestyle.
  • Suitable for people who are often forced to be absent at home for a long time. In the food is unpretentious, and, being left alone in the spider for several days, will easily transfer the prolonged absence of the owner.
  • The spider will not require too high financial costs, since it does not eat every day, but once a week or even less.
  • It will not require the costs of his personal time from the owner, since the lifestyle of this creature is very simple and inert.

But, before making a choice in favor of a spider as a pet, the decision must be weighed:

  • It will be necessary to collect as much information as possible about the form of a representative that you want to purchase.
  • It is imperative to take into account the degree of poisonousness of the spider.

You should also know information about its individual characteristics that can cause irreparable harm to the owner’s health.

It is worth knowing: More often at home, they start paukov-Ptitsedov. They are non -amended and very cute in appearance.

Other species can be dangerous and therefore, if you decide to maintain them at home, you need to do this in closed terrariums.

Monkey - a nimble pet: advantages and disadvantages

Monkey - a nimble pet
Monkey - a nimble pet

A monkey is an animalwhich is most similar to a person and looks like him. Therefore, many people feel sympathy for this species and start such a pet. In warm countries, this is the most common animal. Advantages of monkey as a pet:

  • Playfulness of character.
  • The unpretentiousness of food is vegetarian food, fruits.
  • Life expectancy for several decades - the life span depends on the breed.
  • There are breeds of monkey-tooths of small sizes-a few centimeters in length and weighing up to 1 kg.

But such an animal can not only bring people a sense of emotion, but also many problems. Flaws:

  • Before you start a monkey at home, you need to think about it, and if the conditions are in an apartment or house for it.
  • By nature, this is a wild animal, and despite its size, it loves scope and great activity.
  • Also, it must be understood that this animal is accustomed to exist among relatives, since it needs to compete, occupy its territory and establish itself.

If, nevertheless, the family decided to start such a pet, then the most suitable species will be:

  • Javanskaia Makaku - This is a small individual that weighs no more than 4 kilograms.
  • Indian macaque - A little more Javanese.
  • Macaca Rezus or Japanese Monkeywhich is covered with thick cover of wool.

These types are most meek and modest in nature, so the probability that it will harm or offend children in the house decrease, but does not disappear to the end.

Advice: Buy an animal from trusted merchants who can provide a veterinary passport of the future pet and give a guarantee that this is a non -aggressive animal.

The monkey lives on average 40 years. All this time, the owner will need to feed it and care for properly. In this regard, if a person is ready to bear such responsibility and has the possibility and the opportunity, then the home monkey will become a great friend for debts for both adults and children.

Home aquarium instead of a pet: pros and cons of fish

Home aquarium instead of a pet
Home aquarium instead of a pet

Many people love animals. But often a small living space or lack of time does not allow you to start a cat or dog. In such cases, the current solution is to buy an aquarium.

The fish at home have many advantages:

  • Aquarium It does not require large material costs. Many types of fish are inexpensive.
  • The largest purchase When arranging a home aquarium, the reservoir and equipment itself will become. But the choice here is huge - you can choose a set of necessary for any pocket.
  • Expanding horizons in children, instills a sense of responsibility. The aquarium in the house gives the child to learn about the life of underwater inhabitants, as well as learn to care for living beings.
  • Has a relaxing effect on the body. Fish swimming in the aquarium fascinates and hypnotizes. Watching a few minutes a day for measuredly floating flocks of fish, a person falls into a state close to meditation. As a result, the level of tension and anxiety decreases.
  • A calming effect does not only work on adults - Watching the inhabitants of the aquarium, hyperactive children become calmer and sleep better at night.
  • Positively affects the state of health. Surprisingly, watching the pacifying movements of fish in water, blood pressure and heart rate decrease.
  • It is also noted that people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, the aquarium has a positive effect - they feel happier, show less aggression, their appetite increases.

The indoor aquarium also has significant disadvantages:

  • Requires responsibility. Like any pets, fish require care - every day they need to be fed, regularly cleaned the aquarium and monitor the state of water. For some, these manipulations may be a burden.
  • Formations and long trips run the risk of becoming a real problem. If you often leave home, you have additional care, because you need to find a person who will take care of fish during your absence.
  • Difficulties in moving. Transportation of the aquarium is not an easy task, if you are not sitting still and constantly changing housing, you need to think carefully whether it is worth starting fish now.
  • Allergic reactions are possible. Quite often, people have an allergy to fish feed, chemicals for cleaning the aquarium. It is worth attentive to this problem and check the reaction of your body before buying an aquarium.

Only after analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages of the aquarium in the house, it is possible to make a balanced decision on the purchase. The main thing to remember is that fish, although they do not require upbringing, like cats and dogs, but still need proper care.


  • The difficulty of choosing a pet is determined by many factors.
  • You need to focus on your own preferences, the presence or absence of the necessary conditions, the wishes of households and financial resources.
  • It is important to remember that any animal requires care and responsible attitude.

Having examined the proposed options and presenting each animal as its own pet, you need to make a choice that you do not have to regret.

Video: Which pet is better to start?

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Comments K. article

  1. Pets nutrition is such an important topic. My dog \u200b\u200bis so picky, but loves the offer "Bobik"

  2. Are you unpretentious to food? What kind of game? About the proposal to feed the parrot with scraps from the table generally silent. Anna correctly said, nutrition d/f is an important topic. This is not to say that the animal is unpretentious to food. Yes, it will eat fat and salty, but this does not mean that they can eat it. If you do not want problems with the gastrointestinal tract of your pet (and other health problems, which, like a malfunction of the digestive tract, can lead to death), then you need to carefully study this topic, even better - ask trusted breeders.

  3. Dear reader, hair dryer! The topic has been studied thoroughly! In addition, I had a guinea pig for 5 years in my childhood, then I had to give it up, as they moved and she would not have survived the flight. The wavy parrot lived for 9 years, and now we have a friend-a decorative rabbit (brown color, the breed mixed "Angora" and "Lion Head") for the 7th year-is still a very peppy merry-melted. Do you think that I do not know anything about animal nutrition?

  4. The difference between normal wild animals and crypts dedicated to the member of the weak GMs: "Our slaves." There are almost no other ones left. There are some Jews around. Wolves of war - give signals. It's enough. Dogs yap in Hebrew: "It doesn’t matter what to say is important how." Bad examples are contagious. There is nothing to compare with. Processed from childhood. They write: "The wolf is a beast." "Jews GM human beings, the rest are not people, but animals."
    Cowls on farms in feed are added by ground cow's bones. But they do not tell them about it. Prison zoos. This fact is silent.

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  10. Which pets are needed to be in the apartment

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  14. Where to find out about which pet is better to get in the apartment

  15. I need which pet is better to get in the apartment

  16. Interested in which pet is better to get in the apartment

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  20. Interested in which pet is better to get in the apartment

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  24. Interested in which pet is better to get in the apartment

  25. I want to buy a pet in an apartment

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  28. Interested in which pet is better to get in the apartment

  29. Interested in which pet is better to get in the apartment

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  31. Interested in which pet is better to get in the apartment

  32. I want to buy which pet better to get in the apartment

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