How to distinguish a wavy parrot of a boy from a girl: external difference, signs of the behavior of a male, female, wax, photo

How to distinguish a wavy parrot of a boy from a girl: external difference, signs of the behavior of a male, female, wax, photo

Want to buy a wavy parrot, but do not know how to distinguish a boy from a girl? Read the article. There are advice here to do it right.

The most popular birds for breeding a house are wavy parrots. This species gained popularity not only thanks to an affordable price, but also a cheerful and kind disposition.

  • In addition, such a bright and positive bird is able to talk.
  • Naturally, every future owner wants to buy either a boy or a girl.
  • Many decide to purchase a couple at once to breed these birds and sell.
  • Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish the male from the female.
  • In this article you will find information about the distinctive features of this bird in behavior and in external signs.

How to distinguish a wavy parrot of a boy from a girl: external differences, photo

Males and females of wavy parrot
Males and females of wavy parrot

There is an opinion that in wavy parrots, males are painted green, and females are white or blue. But it’s wrong to think so, and it’s impossible to distinguish a girl from a boy in this way. Although you can pay attention to the feathers, but only if the parrot is less than 7 months. A boy of this age will have a bright color: green, blue, blue or yellow. In the girl, the color of the feathers will be more muted and not so bright. Here are another external differences:

  • If chicks are sold with parents, then you will see the difference between adults and young people: parents are less bright in color, and chicks, especially the boys, are more spectacular and has a well -pronounced color.
  • The shape of the male is more elongated. The forehead is a little lower, when compared with the forehead of the female. The girl's shape is more round.
  • Take a look at the birds sitting on a pole: females are extended widely, in males - they are located close to each other. But such a sign will appear only after a year.
  • Pelvic bones. Take the parrot in your hands and feel the tummy. You will feel the presence of two bones with rounded ends. It feels like these bones resemble matches. In females, the distance between these two bones is from 1 mm and more, in boys - no more than 0.5 mm.

It is known that there are non-neoplasts. From the moment of birth, they never part. Even on the pole, they always sit together. If such birds are separated, then they begin to hurt and quickly die. However, in this case it is difficult to recognize the floor, but still it is possible-by the above external signs or by behavior. Read further.

Signs of behavior of a male and female

Boy and girl of a wavy parrot
Boy and girl of a wavy parrot

It is believed that a female wavy parrot is more calm. Therefore, many people want to get a girl to a bird. Here are the tips that will help you choose a female in a store, where you have a large selection:


  • Does not sing.
  • He does not communicate and does not play with other parrots.
  • It does not pay attention to people who pass by the cage.
  • If someone tries to touch her with his hand, then he may peck or pinch.

It seems that this parrot is indifferent to everything. But, if someone sits next to her on the pole, the female can become aggressive. If this is how you noticed such a behavior for a parrot, then you have a girl.

The female will not play by herself, but he will not let her friend to the mirror and other toys. She will drive him in the cage, but at the same time will remain indifferent to the process of the game.


  • Crime tweaks.
  • They look at people who approach the cage.
  • They communicate with other parrots.
  • Males fly throughout the cage or other accessible space.
  • The boy does not bite and does not pinch, if something does not like, just steps aside.

The male will try to put a paw on the female or even climb on top of it, despite the fact that she is aggressively tuned to him. Another of the most important features of the males of such parrots is the extension of the partner. The boy will feed the girl, bring seeds and other food. If you noticed this, it means that you have true male and a female.

All in all: All parrots behave the same way: males are active and interested in the outside world, females are calm and quiet.

How to distinguish a wavy parrot of a boy from a girl: Voskovitsa

Description of the appearance of the wax in the boy and girl
Description of the appearance of the wax in the boy and girl

But what if the parrot sits alone in a cage and it is impossible to determine who is a boy or a girl in front of you - who is in front of you? In this case, look at the wax. This is a section of thickened skin, between the beak and the head, without feathers, can tell a lot about the parrot:

  • If I have only a few months from the moment of birth, then the male wax will have pink, blue or purple. At the same time, the skin is shiny and as if it shimmer. Moreover, the brighter the wax, the more she shines. When the bird turns a year, the voskovitsa will become the color of the indigo, but in the places of the nasal depressions, it will be whitish.
  • At a female up to a year The wax will be gently pink, but around the nasal depressions, you can see the white stripes. When the bird grows up, her wax will become brown, and the nasal passages will be gray.

When the birds grow up, the color of the wax remains unchanged throughout life. The only thing is that the wax is still considered an indicator of health. If she darkened or began to peel off, then the bird is sick and it must be shown to the veterinarian.

Advice: If you still doubt who is a boy or girl in front of you, then it is better to conduct a DNA test. But this is done in extreme cases, since it is expensive. However, the result in this case will be 100%.

Video: How to determine the age and floor of wavy parrots?

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