How can it be and how many times a day to feed a kitten at 1-6 months without a cat: a list of feed, food and dishes, feeding mode

How can it be and how many times a day to feed a kitten at 1-6 months without a cat: a list of feed, food and dishes, feeding mode

We grow a kitten: how and how to feed a kitten from birth to 6 months. Tips and recommendations.

A small lump of happiness will become a real friend and create a house in which you will rush in the evenings. In this article we will talk about how to feed a kitten at the age of 1-6 months, as often, and an approximate menu for a week.

How to feed a newborn kitten if he was left without a cat?

It was previously believed that up to a month kittens without breast milk die. Their body is not developed enough to perceive cow or goat milk. Yes, and how if the kitten has a sucking reflex, and he learns only a month later from birth.

Currently, in veterinary clinics you can buy a special mixture and a bottle for feeding small newborn animals. How to feed a newborn kitten if there is no clinic in proximity? You can prepare the mixture yourself.

Mixture for newborn kittens: 10 ml of low -fat cream, 4 ml of glucose (sold in a pharmacy), 6 ml of purified water (can be boiled). Split.

Feeding a kitten
Feeding a kitten

It is necessary to feed the kitten up to a month every 2 hours, give 2 ml of the mixture. If there is no device for feeding, take a regular syringe without a needle. Drink a drop while the baby will suck. After feeding the kitten, it is necessary to send to the house from the blanket and massage the stomach like a cat so that the food is absorbed, and the baby received tactile contact to adapt with the outside world.

How often and how to feed the kitten in 1 month?

They are trying to give babies a month per month. At this age, they are the sweetest, also by this time they have already opened their eyes and begin to eat the first complementary foods. At this moment, the kitten no longer needs mother’s milk as in the first weeks of life.

But how to feed the kitten in 1 month? You can divide food into two main directions: ready -made feeding and home food, which is more preferable for animals.

Regarding ready -made canned foods for animals sold in stores, many disputes are underway. Manufacturers convince that such food is completely safe and recommended for animals as a balanced diet. Their opponents, on the contrary, are convinced that constant feeding with such products leads to a number of diseases.

Food of kittens in 1 month
Food of kittens in 1 month

If you plan to feed the cat with homemade food, which you will cook yourself - you must enter the first complementary foods, begun to a pasty state on a blender or through a sieve.

The first complementary foods are cow's milk. Pour in a saucer and let it try. After a few days, you can cook the first porridge.

  • Boil buckwheat, oat, wheat or other porridge (Do not cook rice, peas, barley, beans) until it becomes booming and viscous. Grind 10 g of porridge on mashed potatoes. Add 5 ml of milk and stir until smooth. Treat the baby at lunchtime. Alternate porridge so that the kitten gets used to different tastes.
  • 3 days after the successful introduction of porridge, treat the baby with vegetable puree. Do not let the kittens are nightshade (potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, sweet pepper). Start feeding the kitten with zucchini, cabbage (all types), beets. Cat carrots cannot be food. Boil the vegetables until fully cooked and grate. Give from 5 g, gradually increasing to 20 g at a time.
  • Когда вы будете давать 2 раза в день кашу с молоком и 1 раз в день овощи можно добавить творог с обезжиренной сметаной. Kittens love such complementary foods and eat with pleasure. Cottage cheese with sour cream can be given from the 6th week of life of a kitten 5-10 g per time, every other day.
  • Alternate cottage cheese should be with boiled eggs. First, treat the kitten with a half yolk, and only after a week you can add protein. A well -done egg can be greased with sour cream so that the kitten is used to the new taste faster.
  • Regarding the food schedule per month. At the age of 4 weeks, kittens are usually eaten every 2-2.5 hours, the night is divided into two halves, including 1 meal. The rest of the time it is necessary to accustom the kitten to rest. He is still small and is not able to walk in the dark as an adult animal.
  • Gradually transfer the kitten to food every 3 hours. By 8 weeks, the kitten should eat once every 3-3.5 hours, at night one meal, as before.

How often and how to feed two -month kittens?

And now the kitten is two months old, the most difficult behind. Now the baby is already completely eaten from a bowl and can be cleaned. So how to feed the kitten in two months? This period is transitional and fish and meat are added this month. Please note that earlier the kitten was enough protein from milk and dairy products. But he grew up and a predator needs meat with fish.

  • So, you should have three bowls. A bowl of water, it is constantly, and the kitten can drink water at any time. Wash a bowl and change water once a day.
  • The second bowl - with milk. Pour milk only heated, or room temperature. The stomach of the kitten is not able to fully digest cold milk, it will have pain and cramps.
  • The third bowl is food. It is necessary to put it only on meals. As soon as the kitten eats everything - remove and wash. Thus, you will not let him poison with stale food and teach him to eat in time.
Power of the kitten at 2 months
Power of the kitten at 2 months
  • In the period from 8 to 12 weeks of life a kitten, you need to transfer it to food every 4 hours, And at night, instead of a full meal, a portion of milk. It can be left in the evening, the kitten is already able to find milk in the dark, and you can already afford a regular night dream.
  • Now regarding the feeding of fish. Boil the fish and clean the bones. Get out on mashed potatoes and add to vegetables that you can start placing pieces. We add 7-10 g of fish to 30 g of vegetables. Enter in a dinner or morning time every other day.
  • After a week, fish feeding can begin to alternate with meat. Start with a rabbit, chicken or ducks. Do not forget to increase a portion to 30 g of meat or fish per day, until three months.
  • Liver - budget store of protein and many useful vitamins and trace elements. Add it to food at least once a week.

How often and how to feed three -month kittens?

For three months, the kitten has already grown significantly and is ready to switch to fewer meals. This month we feed the kitten 4 times a day, and between these techniques we can treat with milk.

How to feed three -month kittens? Every day in the diet of a kitten should be present: porridge or vegetables, fish or meat, milk, eggs or sour -milk products. In this case, the proportionality should be this:

  • 50% of meat or fish;
  • 30% of milk and dairy products;
  • 20% porridge or vegetables.

Remember that a kitten is a small predator. Its food basis is mother's milk, and then birds and mice. Starting from the 3rd month, you can treat the kittens with pieces of raw meat. In the future, reach a mixed diet from finished food and raw.

Kittens at the bowl
Kittens at the bowl

Portions of food by weight for a three -month kitten directly depend on the breed and size. On average, this is 50-100 g at a time.

How often and how to feed kittens at the age of 4-6 months?

From four months to six months, kittens are transferred to three meals a day, and snacks with milk. How to feed the kitten? In principle, up to this age of the kitten menu is fully expanded and it remains to add only a small part of the power. From the 4th month, the diet of the kitten should be supplemented by giblets, skins, tendons.

Careful owners often neglect such “waste” from birds and animals, but it is in them that the amino acids are contained in a large number of amino acids:

  • Arginine;
  • Triptofan;
  • Isolecin;
  • Lysine;
  • Phenylalanine;
  • Histidine;
  • Valin;
  • Methionine;
  • Treononin.

Without them, early blindness begins in animals, the pile dulls, the animal becomes more lethargic and painful.

Meat - compulsory ingredient for kittens menu
Meat - compulsory ingredient for kittens menu

How to feed kittens at the age of 4-6 months? By the 6th month of the age, the kitten in the diet should contain:

  • 70% of meat or fish, including liver, skins, joints and tendons, giblets;
  • 30% vegetables and cereals.

Milk and dairy products can be continued to be given as a snack, but not the main meal.

How to calculate the amount of food on a kitten?

Asking the question of how to feed the kitten, the question of the amount of portion also arises. Veterinarians have a formula for calculating a portion of food, relative to the weight of the kitten.

The age of the kitten The amount of food in ml per 100 g of weight of the kitten
0-2 weeks 25-30
2-4 weeks 40-45
From 1 month and older 55-60

How to feed the kitten: reviews

Reviews aboutfeeding kittens:

Anna: They found a baby on the street, there was no month yet. They were packed with a mixture of cream and glucose, after a week they added milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. A little later, vegetables, cereals and meat with fish. Now the fluffy of Vaska is already six months old, as we have found him. A chic cat, and such an affectionate! The veterinarian checked, said - completely healthy.

Maryana: They bought a kitten for children and did not even expect that it was such a responsibility! The seller wrote to us instructions than to feed and how, but we were only at home. We woke up at night in turn with my husband, and during the day every 3 hours they warmed food with tiny portions. At first they were weighed, they were afraid that they had a little eat. But then we are used to it, pour a little more. While young and active - a thin walks, but the doctor said, if he begins to recover, give portions according to the weight formula.

In conclusion, we propose to look into our other articles about kittens and adult cats:

Video: How to feed kittens? Food of kittens. How to feed correctly?


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