Red -haired turtle at home: maintenance and care

Red -haired turtle at home: maintenance and care

Red -eyed turtle is considered the most common among people who hold pets at home. It is unfortunate, but this popularity has some unpleasant consequences, the fact is that these turtles are doomed to death, or to life in bad conditions.

Bad sellers most often do not know or they simply conceal important points from people in order to earn money. So that such situations do not happen to you, we will tell you how to properly maintain a red -eyed turtle, how to feed it, care for a pet, how to determine the floor of a red -eared turtle and much more.

Red -haired turtle: brief description

  • Pond slider It is considered a very hardy animal, even beginners can breed it. On the one hand, the turtle lives for a long time, it is the kind that is most often kept at home. On the other hand, people who buy such a pet often earn it.
  • They have no idea that the turtle needs water, also the necessary land, where it is warm, where the sun's rays fall. At the same time, a red -haired turtle often spends time in water. The water itself should be clean, warm, it must often be changed. Mostly many problems, diseases arise in a pet because of its owners. After all, people do not know that contaminated water is considered the cause of the development of infections. There is no calcium in it, without which the shell of the red -eared turtle It becomes crooked.
With bright ears
With bright ears
  • Red -haired turtle can attack other turtles. It is known for its own personality, has good charisma, and therefore differs from the rest of the turtles. Red -haired is very skilled if it comes to food. It can take food from your own counterparts. In the wild, being an invasive type, the turtle displaces, and also destroys endemic.

The red -eared turtle that lives in America can become a wonderful pet. If you want to give a turtle to a child, do not forget about the health of the animal, responsibility for him.

  • The child may not want to take care of the reptile, abandon the turtle. But after all, it must be fed, constantly changing water, care, washed - in general, provide the pet with normal conditions.

What do red -eared turtles eat at home?

In order to understand how to properly care for the reptile, specify the desired composition of the products. Pond slider - This is an omnivorous predator. When the animal is still young, it can eat food mainly animal origin. Over time, you must increase the amount of plant food.

The diet of the turtles should consist of these products:

  • River fish, it is desirable that it be low -fat.
  • Beef liver, heart.
  • Small frogs, mollusk, rodents.
  • Salad sheets, carrots.
  • Small insects.
  • Clover, foliage of dandelions, duckweed and mallow.

Until one -year -old, feed the turtle once a day. When the pet is a year, you can feed it up to 3 times a day.


The products that are important to the health of the turtle were listed above. But there are those products that you should not give reptiles. Remember, the red -eyed turtle cannot be fed:

  • Cheese.
  • Kurin, pork meat.
  • Any ready -made meat products.
  • Freedfish fish.
  • Fruits.
  • Bread products.

In zoological stores, dry food is often sold for turtles, but give such food in minimal quantities. You can add calcium to the water in the aquarium, also do not forget about bone flour - it is considered an important product for reptiles. Give a small turtle through a small pinch every day, an adult - every 7 days.

How to tame a red -eyed turtle?

  • The turtle is a cold -blooded animal. Her behavior is not like the habits of cats and dogs. But red -haired turtle You can tame too. Just do it carefully.
  • Don't think a red -haired turtle slow animal. If you put it on the floor, expect anything. The turtle, if frightened, can hide in any corner. Moreover, she will do it so quickly that you will not have the opportunity to keep track of how she will swallow something, dry or dry. Also, the turtle can suffer from other pets that can bite or scratch it. Therefore, make sure that the walking of the turtle is short -lived.
  • Know many turtles like them if there are stroke, scratch or just pick it up. Of course, you will have to tame your own pet to such procedures.
  • To get started, do not rush, start with a slight stroking. Maybe at first the turtle will respond badly to such actions. She wants to hide, hiss or even bite. A little time will pass, and the turtle will get used to it.
  • Over time, start taking a pet in your arms, put on your knees. Basically, reptiles quickly get used to such communication, so they seek to pay more attention to them.
  • Many turtles are moody. They do not want to eat on their own, demand that the owner feed them with their hands, choose a certain food, and refuse another. In such situations, do not indulge your own pet.

To what size red -eared turtles grow: sizes over the years

  • Red -haired turtle 1 year. Shell up to 6 cm long.
  • Turtle up to 2 years. The female shell is a maximum of 9 cm, the male is no more than 8 cm.
  • Turtle up to 3 years. The female has a shell 14 cm long, a male - 10 cm.
  • Turtle up to 4 years. The female has a shell of not more than 16 cm long, in a male - no more than 12 cm.
  • Turtle up to 5 years. The shell of the female is 18 cm in size, the male is a maximum of 14 cm.
  • Turtle up to 6 years. The shell in the female is not more than 20 cm, in the male up to 17 cm.
  • Further, growth is much less intensively.

How to determine the age of a red -witted turtle?

You can determine the age of your pet with such methods.

By the number of rings on the shell

  • The shell of the turtle can be a "passport". The number of rings on it can be said about age. These rings initially occur on the shell when the reptiles are a year. It is from that moment that their number is actively increasing. Every 6 months can occur 2 or 3 rings. So up to the age of two.
  • But over time, this process is suspended. Further on the shell, only one ring is added every year. If you calculate these grooves, you can determine the age of the turtle.

The color intensity of the carapace, the structure of the body

  • U young red -haired turtle The shell is light, quite bright. When the reptiles are 4 years old, its shell darkens. At this age, they appear on the rings of the ring. They are the same shade with the previous one, but the old grooves are a little darker. Over time, they become almost black, so adult reptiles are almost always black.
  • In addition, in adult turtles, the shell becomes oval over time. Sherekhovality disappears on it, its surface becomes almost smooth, on the shell you can barely feel the grooves.

How many red -eared turtles live at home?

  • At home, the turtle can live maximum 40 years. In nurseries or zoos, this indicator is slightly lower than in the house. It is no more than 35 years.
  • The more the turtle, the longer it will live. But the average indicator, if the reptile lives in a special terrarium, is approximately 15 years. This is determined by various factors, as well as the conditions in which pond slider He lives.
  • People who underestimate the turtles compare them with aquarium fish, do not adhere to special care rules. But these reptiles require more attention from the owners.

Water temperature for red -eared turtles

  • To Pond slider She moved normally, ate, developed, she needs a certain water temperature. In cool water, the reptile will be inactive and sluggish. The maximum temperature should be +28 ° C. If the turtle will eat poorly, and the temperature will reach +35 ° C, it may die.
  • The turtle feels well on land. But at the same time, the air temperature should be at least +21 ° C. The average level should be at least +21 ° C and maximum +28 ° C. You can create such conditions at the expense heaterwhich has a temperature control.

How to call a red -eyed turtle a girl and a boy: ideas

  • Red -haired turtle is a very mobile animal. She moves well both in water and on land. She has a good hearing, so she can react even to names. At the same time, you must understand that the turtle cannot perceive some Sound combinations. Give up those nicknames for the turtle that are their hissing or growling consonants. Also carefully study the habits of the pet.
  • The red tortoise has a peculiar character, she is a born hunter. Given this, you can call the reptile Pirate, Barmaley.
  • Perhaps your turtle will have a bright feature. In this case, you can call it Pig, lazy, water.
  • You can choose a simple and bizarre nickname for a turtle at the same time. Do not suffer, choosing the name of the pet. Just analyze how the turtle behaves. You can give a name to her by looking at the animal, listening to your feelings.
  • Experts do not advise calling turtles long nicknames that are bad to pronounce. The turtle will not be able to get used to this name, and you may have difficulties.

Red -eared turtles: diseases

Diseases of turtles of this species are caused by different factors. As a rule, this is due to poor conditions, improper care.

The main diseases of the red -eared turtle are the following:

  • Softening of the shell. The disease develops due to a lack of useful components in the body and sunlight, calcium, impaired metabolism. The main features - The plates are exfoliated, deformed, become soft.
  • Fungal diseases. On the shell of reptiles, light spots, a blue plaque occur. In this case, antifungal agents, potassium permanganate are used in therapy. Also, the turtle can be given vitamins, mineral supplements.
  • Eye diseases. Most often, in the turtles, eyes are swollen, blushed, they have conjunctivitis. You can treat diseases with drops for the eyes, ointments.
  • Respiratory pathologies. Often red -eared turtles suffer from pneumonia. The ailment can occur due to hypothermia, low immunity, poor air in the aquarium. Signs of the disease: the eyelids blush, swell, the turtle often breathes with her mouth, her eyes are watery, the reptile becomes inactive, eats poorly.
  • Intestinal diseases. Pathologies associated with the gastrointestinal tract often occur due to improper feeding, unsanitary conditions, parasites, penetrating the body with food, water. Signs: diarrhea, lethargy, small activity, refusal of food, fast weight loss.

The Krasnoukh turtle exfoliates the shell: what to do?

  • If a the shell of the red -eared turtle He began to exfoliate because of mycoseThen buy it in a chamomile decoction. Also, malachite greens are suitable for such purposes, which is often used to disinfect water in the aquarium. You can buy a pet in a weak solution, preparing it from potassium permanganate.
  • The veterinarian can prescribe antimycotic agents to your turtle, for example, I didn’t or a medicine whose basis terbinafin.
  • If the disease develops due to the fungus, then remove the affected places, treat the sick areas with a means "Betaisodonar."
  • If the disease is not running, you can quickly cure it. But, when a fungal infection reaches internal organs, the turtle may die.

What to do if a red -witted turtle has a soft shell?

  • The doctor will prescribe treatment depending on the diagnosis. If the shell became soft due to a lack of calcium or vitamin D, then with the arrival of spring, take the turtle along with the aquarium outside. But you must protect the animal so that direct sunlight does not fall on her body.
Take out the street more often
Take out the street more often
  • In the winter and autumn time, put a terrarium with a turtle under a UV light. But before that, swing the pet’s eyes using a patch. This is necessary so that the lens and retina are not damaged.
  • The duration of stay under UV rays should be maximum 5 minutes. Carry out the procedure every 3 days.
  • To make up for a lack of calcium in the body red -haired turtle She will have to give vitamins and minerals. Dilute the reptile diet with shrimp. They contain a lot of calcium. In addition, experts advise giving a turtle fish, without taking seeds from it, or a crushed egg shell.

The red -haired turtles have swollen eyes: what to do?

  • It is important to determine what arose eye disease in a red -eyed turtle, normalize the condition of the pet, restore vision if it was broken.
  • As a rule, treatment involves complex therapy using medicines, local use (drops, ointments).
  • If reptiles swollen eyes, she cannot reveal them, eyelids inflamed due to conjunctivitis, then first you need to find out the reason for the development of the disease. Place the animal in another aquarium, for it you will need to create perfect conditions. Change water in the same place.

For treatment, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial droplets, as well as anti -inflammatory and general strengthening medicine. Eyes must be instilled up to 3 times a day for one week.

  • If the turtle does not open the eyes itself, carefully open the lower eyelid of the animal, then drip drops. But first, wipe your eyes from pollution, dry crusts, using a sterile cotton swab moistened in a saline.
  • Droppie with both the left and right eyes, even if the patient is only one eye. For the right eye, use one cotton swab, for the left - the other. So that the turtle does not hide the head, fix it - just hold for the base of the neck. You can ask someone to help you.
  • If the reptile has swollen eyes, the course of treatment will be at least 5 days and a maximum of 14 days. The treatment of the disease lasts until the condition in the pet is normalized.

Vitamins for red -eared turtles

  • If the power of the turtle is diverse, then you can not give it vitamins. If, in addition to plant products, reptiles receive food of animal origin, then her body will receive a sufficient amount of calcium, vitamin A. You can be reinsured, place chalk in the terrarium.
  • Then the animal will always be provided with necessary calcium. Also in the diet of a red -witted turtle there should be an egg shell, but it must be boiled in advance.
  • To replenish the body of a young reptile with vitamins, let her powder vitamins. Do not add them to the water, let's go with food.

How to cut the claws of a red -witted turtle?

  • Cut the claws of claws when it is really necessary if the turtle has become poorly moving on land.
  • Do this extremely carefully, as the claws are important for reptile. Thanks to them, the turtle can swim.

In order to trim the claws, you will need tools:

  • Pedicure or manicure forceps.
  • File.

During the procedure, be extremely careful not to cut most. But do not leave very long claws, since because of them a red-eared turtle will be more difficult to move.

  • Switch the claws with small parts. When you finish, use a file. With the help of her, eliminate irregularities, make the claws of normal shape.
  • If you yourself cannot cut the claws of the turtle, then contact a professional. Experts also advise regularly clean plastron, turtle shell, remove peeling.

How do red -eared turtles sleep?

  • Such a turtle can sleep both on land and in the water. The reptile can also fall asleep during a walk. Therefore, follow your own pet when he sleeps so that he does not get lost anywhere, does not get stuck in hard -to -reach places.
  • Often pond slider Likes to sleep on land. She climbs onto the sand, closes her eyes, calms down, falls asleep.
  • It is amazing that one reptile can drag his head and legs into the shell, the other does not. She leaves her head in an elongated state, simply closes her eyes. This happens when the turtle gets used to the home environment, feels that it is not threatened by predators, competitors.
Closes his eyes
Closes his eyes
  • Also pond slider Sleeps perfectly in the pond. In light reptiles, air accumulates, which is enough to sleep in water. The turtle sleeps, plunged into the water with his whole body or rests with its hind legs on the bottom of the terrarium, and the front on the island. In such a position, the pet spends several hours.

How much can a red -eared turtle can withstand without water?

  • By one's own nature Pond slider Refers to freshwater animals. She loves to spend more time in water, but she does not do without land.
  • In water, the turtle swims, eats, fulfills natural needs, sleeps. If the turtle is young, it will not be able to without water at all. Without her, the pet will die. Adult reptiles can live without water for no more than 3 days.

Why is the red -eared turtle squealing?

There are several reasons for this behavior:

  • Patrioticip. This reason is considered the most common. By publishing a squeak, the turtle attracts a representative of the opposite sex. If you have one individual, then other factors can become the reasons for the squeak.
  • When the turtle begins to squeak, it shows its own discontent. Perhaps it is not satisfied with the conditions of detention. Learn carefully the behavior of reptiles. It may irritate a certain item in the aquarium.
Patrioticiper or discontent
Patrioticiper or discontent
  • If the turtle has been squeaking for a long time, then inspect its appearance, whether there are injuries on the body, if the shell was damaged. There is another important reason - The turtle fell ill. In such a situation, reptiles can signal the disease of the respiratory system. But do not treat the pet yourself, contact a specialist.
  • If yours red -haired turtle Pisiks for a week, go to the doctor. Only he will determine the exact cause of such behavior.

Why doesn't the red -eyed turtle eat in winter?

Many turtles, when cold come, are prepared for hibernation. In this process, there are some important nuances:

  • During wintering pond slider It should fall asleep in the place where it is cool, humid. If food remains in the stomach of the reptile, the animal may die after waking up. She can also wake up a patient, which will lead to prolonged treatment.
  • The turtle, as in the natural environment, switches to minimal energy costs, and therefore refuses to eat. With this method, it slowly is prepared for anabiosis.

Why does a red -eyed turtle not open his eyes and does not eat?

If your turtle began to cough, she does not want to eat, does not dive, does not open her eyes, then she has cold. The ailment is not uncommon, quite unpleasant, but at the first stage it can be cured. In such situation red -haired turtle A warm bath will be useful, inhalation prepared on the basis of chamomile.

  • In a deep bowl, prepare a chamomile broth. Make such an inhalation as for yourself. The procedure should last at least 10 minutes.
  • When finish the procedure, add water to the chamomile decoction so that the temperature of the composition is no more than +45 ° C. This will be a bath for a turtle. Lower the reptile into the water, hold there up to 30 minutes.
  • Then warm the pet for 4 hours in a dry container so that the temperature there is at least +35 ° C.
  • Repeat these procedures every day until the moment when the turtle becomes healthy.

Krasnoukhai tortoise: What is dangerous for a child?

  • And you knew that the content of the red -eared turtle of the house Maybe the cause of the development of a dangerous disease? Many people consider such a reptile a funny toy, so they admire animals for hours, even sometimes give children.
  • However, as it turned out, the communication of people with domestic reptiles can have negative consequences, and negatively affect human health.
  • Scientists who studied the sources of salmonellosis have concluded that the home turtle is considered the main cause of diseases in children. Scientists were able to find out the following - red -haired turtle is considered a distributor of intestinal infectionswho penetrate the digestive when a person is in contact with the turtles. Salmonellosis most often causes prolonged treatment, sometimes death.
Infection carriers
Infection carriers
  • Particularly danger is threatened by turtles for children. After all, not every child washes his hands when he plays with a pet. Children also love turtles kiss, even lick.
  • Scientists advise not to give the children a red -eyed turtle in their hands or allow them to play, but if they put on gloves before the game, plus it is necessary to carefully monitor their communication. In addition, it is necessary to contain reptile in normal conditions, provide it with a special aquarium for living.

How to understand that the red -eyed turtle is dead?

If you notice that the red -eared turtle does not want to show signs of life, then you should use our hints that will help you understand the reptile or dead:

  • Check the reflexes of the turtles. In order to check them, take a needle, prick the animal's foot. If the reflexes are present, the turtle pulls with his paw, will move. To check the cornea, call the stimuli. The eyelids of reptiles should open, close. Gently touch the cornea using a dumb metal object. If the eye does not show any signs, then the animal died.
  • Inspect the oral cavity. Open the reptile mouth, see what color the mucous membrane has. In a living turtle, it is pink, it can be a little pale or bright. Here everything will depend on the state of the turtle itself. The dead animal has a blue mucous membrane, with a gray tint. Also during the examination, see if the turtle breathes. You can find out this by studying the larynx. It should be opened and closed. In the case when the larynx is covered, does not move or it is open and does not close, then the pet died.
  • Determine the reptile or not by heart beating. True at home, this can not always be done. Call the veterinarian, he will examine the animal.
  • Sometimes saw eyes They may also testify to the death of turtles. But this method is not always accurate.
  • And the last way - the emergence of a specific smellwhich comes from the turtle. It occurs if the flesh of the reptile is already decomposed.

Video: Contents of a red -eared turtle



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Comments K. article

  1. Hello. You write that it is necessary to completely exclude the hit of direct sunlight. And how then do they live in ordinary conditions?

  2. It's great that such amazing creatures can be kept right at home. He never kept the turtles at home, but for that my cousin had a red -eared. As a child, he really loved to admire her. That aquarium for the waterfowl seemed to me a volunter for dinosaurs. I often nostalgic for those times. Now, by the way, I’m thinking about starting a swamp turtle, they are very pretty. I read articles on this topic. It is important to maintain them correctly, and for this you need to have money and knowledge.

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