Aquarium for the home: advantages and disadvantages, tips, description of aquariums, photos

Aquarium for the home: advantages and disadvantages, tips, description of aquariums, photos

Aquarium fish are the most unpretentious pets, it is easy to take care of them, you just need to change water in the aquarium every week, feed the fish in time. In addition, an interesting aquarium in which the landscape design is thought out is considered one of the most expressive elements of the home interior.

You can look at the aquarium from either side, with each it has its own advantages. So, for example, you do not need to clean the wool in the rooms, it is beautiful in the house. But is it really really?

Types of aquariums for home

By purpose, all aquariums for the home are divided into the following types:

  • Environmental. The main purpose of such aquariums is to enjoy the improvement, to create the best conditions for the inhabitants of the aquarium.
  • Interior. The main task of aquariums is to make up an organic composition with the design of the room. Such aquariums also perform other functions. For example, an aquarium can use as a partition between rooms, To supplement the main lighting of the room with the twilight of the aquarium, emphasize the original idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of the room and so on. As a rule, such aquariums have an unusual shape. They are multifaceted, curved, can also have unusual surface angles. Most often, the inhabitants in such an aquarium are not very comfortable.

Aquarium in the interior of the house: what form to choose?

There are 4 main categories of aquariums for the home:

  • Rectangular.
  • Corner.
  • Panoramic.
  • Wall.


  • This version of the aquarium is suitable for any fish. In such a "house" the width is almost identical to the height. If these proportions are observed, oxygen is perfectly distributed through water, and fish can move freely inside.
  • Rectangular aquarium for the house It is comfortable in the sense that in it you can create absolutely any option of the landscape - fantasy or natural. But a rectangular aquarium has some disadvantages, for example, it has large sizes. Therefore, it will be difficult for you to enter the aquarium into the room.


  • This type of aquarium is chosen by people to spectacularly decorate the space in the corner of the room. Large dimensions of the aquarium make it possible for each designer to come up with a large number of unusual ideas.
  • Often such an aquarium becomes the subject of lighting, or an element of the bar. The design features make it possible to make a variety of landscape ideas inside the aquarium.
In the corner
In the corner


  • Such an aquarium can be several types: corner, rectangular, round. The main part of the glass element is the aquarium is equipped with a curved overview glass. Thanks to him, the interior of the reservoir increases significantly.
  • Thanks to panoramic aquarium The owner receives incredible impressions, because the interior of the reservoir can be considered from any side.


  • This aquarium is never wide. This significantly reduces the circle of its inhabitants, the ideas of design. However, the use of new technologies enable designers to create an almost universal type of aquarium. He can become excellent a combination of aesthetics and functionality.
  • The main feature of such a tank is that it can harmoniously fit into any interior of the room. You can choose a frame that will be combined with the design of the house, apartments.
  • A wall aquarium can be placed between the rooms. This will make it possible to monitor the inhabitants of the reservoir from two rooms at the same time. A wall aquarium happens built -in or suspended.
Shares the rooms
Shares the rooms
In the bedroom
In the bedroom

Big Aquariums for Home: Advantages, Reviews

If you decide to buy aquarium for the home, we recommend that you begin to decide what size it will be. Here, try to really evaluate your own capabilities. Large aquariums have both shortcomings and positive aspects.

As the reviews of many owners of large aquariums show, they have the following advantages:

  • The interior of the room With the aquarium that occupies part of the room, it looks simply gorgeous. A transparent wall that shares 2 rooms looks very effective.
  • The lighting of the water tank It can become an original lamp. The aquarium will create an interesting atmosphere due to water glare, the shadows of the inhabitants of the water.
  • There is more in a large aquarium opportunities to create a whole natural complexWhere you can place plants, stones, and even exotic fish. You can install various technical devices for fish, and these devices will not be so striking.
  • The wall, which will be decorated with a large aquarium, does not need additional decoration. And, if you place the tank in the wall, you can significantly save the total space of the room.
It has several advantages
It has several advantages

Disadvantages of a large aquarium: user reviews

Aquarium for a home with large dimensions also has its own disadvantages. We highlight the most basic among them:

  • A large aquarium has large dimensions. The placement of such an artificial reservoir in the room makes special requirements for the strength of the surface, to its horizontal position. If you deviate from the horizontal, violate the uniformity of the distribution of water pressure on the glass. As a result, the risk of accident will increase, inhabitants, neighbors living below you will suffer.
  • Aquarium, which is placed inside the wall, ordinary method it is impossible to clean. Therefore, in order to regularly clean water, you will need to use special devices.
  • Price A large aquarium is very high. In addition, you must take into account the fact that to install the tank you will have to use the help of specialists. And their services are also sometimes expensive.
It has disadvantages
It has disadvantages

Round Aquarium for the Home: Dignity

  • Of particular popularity among people is round Aquarium for Home. People began to install it since the 50s of the last century. The aquarium was chosen because it had an unusual shape, a relatively low cost. However, people had no large choice, but a round aquarium could be seen on the shelves of any zoological store.
  • Back in the middle of the 9th century, many people considered a round aquarium with a glass ball in which goldfish should swim. This was confirmed by the canvases of some artists of those times. In their paintings, they depicted aquariums that had a rounded shape.
  • The tank of this type was brought to European countries from China. In that country, since ancient times, people kept fish in rounded vases. Initially, the dishes were opaque porcelain, over time they began to make glass aquariums.
  • Aquariums of a rectangular shape appeared a little later, approximately at the end of the 9th century. Thanks to their own advantages, they became classic. But people still believe that it is fish should live in a round aquarium.

The glass tank with water, fish and various plants goes well with any interior of the house. Especially often it is installed in a children's room, where a round aquarium can replace a night lamp, an interior decoration.

  • Thanks to the rounded form, there are no seams, frame on the aquarium. The reservoir produces a feeling of weightlessness.
  • It is a pity, but the positive aspects of the round aquarium ended on this.

Round Aquarium for the Home: Disadvantages

  • Small volume. The largest volume of this Aquarium for the home is 50 liters. If it is more, it will become fragile. As a rule, round aquariums with a minimum of 5 liters and a maximum of 20 liters are found on sale. You probably understand that a lot of fish cannot be placed in such an aquarium.
  • Convex. Not any person likes it when the glass of the aquarium gives distortion. If you look at this tank for a long time, your eyes will get tired. In addition, not every fish can calmly exist in such conditions.
  • Small bottom. Fish that live at the bottom of a round aquarium little space for normal existence. Therefore, you must select plants and decorating elements correctly.
It has disadvantages
It has disadvantages
  • Decor. There are few area in the round aquarium, the reservoir has a review from either side, so you cannot glue some background inside. You can install any large element in the central part of the aquarium.
  • Equipment. On the rounded walls it is impossible to attach some device. Therefore, it must be attached to the driftwood or purchased the equipment that is mounted in the tank cover. In addition, finding a filter or a small aerator will be difficult for you to find.
  • Service. You will not be able to clean the rounded walls with an ordinary scraper. To do this, you will have to use a sponge or a special brush. You will also have to change water much more often, but this drawback is considered not so significant.

Aquarium for the home: where to start?

Do you want to have fish at home? Then you will have to read reviews of other users. They advise you to purchase a variety of devices for the aquarium.

For home
For home
  • Buy a larger aquarium. In it, the fish will feel free. Clean the tank at least once every 7 days.
  • Buy filteras well as a device for supplying air. Thanks to the filter, the water will be cleaned, but it must be washed every 7 days. The air is also important for fish, like water.
  • Heater. Depending on the type of inhabitants Aquarium for the home You can set the desired temperature. Many fish like warm water, and some are considered cold -blooded. The average temperature for all fish is +25 ° C.
  • Lighting. The lamp will not only illuminate the aquarium, but also decorate the tank, give it a fabulous look.
  • Decorating elements, soil. Here you can develop your own imagination. Come up with an unusual town for your fish, kissing a "fairy -tale country."
  • Feed. Choose it, given the type of fish. Feed them 2 times - in the morning and evening.
  • The next most important element of any aquarium is water. You can pour purified, filtered, defended water into the tank. The running one is also suitable. But for this you will have to buy vitamins, thanks to which all harmful microbes, bacteria will die in the water. Do not change water often, it is enough to change a third of all the water of the aquarium once a week.

Advantages of the aquarium for the home

Fish in the aquarium, like pets are a great option. The home water tank with fish has its own positive aspects:

  • Fish are considered unpretentious pets. True, this does not apply to all types of fish. Therefore, if you first start water inhabitants, choose unpretentious species. You will have to only clean the aquarium in time, feed the pets. The filter will be cleaned with water, special equipment will cope with the rest.
  • If you have children, you can accustom them to caring for pets, responsibility.
  • Fish perfectly soothe the nervous system. Scientists were able to prove that aquarium fish relieve stress, soothing. Water inhabitants will help active children. Plant the child in front of the aquarium - he will rest, calm down, tune in to positive emotions.
  • If you do not want to start fish, as you often go on business trips, do not worry. Without food, fish can survive for one month. Just buy more plants, and go safely on a trip.
  • Aquarium for the home - This is a beautiful decoration of any home. He can also become a wonderful highlight of the interior. The most important thing is to correctly place the aquarium, select the necessary accessories.

Disadvantages of the Aquarium for the Home

  • Financial issue. If you want to start aquarium fish, you will have to spend a large amount on the purchase of various devices, small additional elements, the inhabitants themselves and the aquarium.
  • Boring pets. You can’t play with fish, you can’t stroke them. They will not play the ball with you, will not go with you for a walk, and so on.
  • If you have a small child, he can throw some thing into the aquarium, rinse his palms in water. In addition, the child can accidentally break the tank with water.
  • Constant propagation. Some types of fish often give offspring. This is especially true for vibrant individuals, for example, guppies.
  • Some subtleties. There are certain points in the content of fish, which must be taken into account. For example, there are fish that will not live in cool water. There are individuals who are percussion, and there are also aggressive ones. Consider this too when buying an aquarium.
There are also disadvantages
There are also disadvantages

Professionals are familiar with all the intricacies of fish breeding, with minuses and pluses. You also carefully study them if you are specifically set to install an aquarium for the home, breed various fish and other water inhabitants in it.

Video: Creating an aquarium at home

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