Monkey: varieties, names, living, food interesting facts, the origin of a person from a monkey is a brief description of the animal for children

Monkey: varieties, names, living, food interesting facts, the origin of a person from a monkey is a brief description of the animal for children

On the planet Earth lives several hundred species of monkeys. Depending on the way of life and habitat, mammals have different sizes and the structure of the body, briefly, but very interesting you will learn about monkeys.

Each type of monkeys has external differences and features. The variety of smart primates is surprising and amazing.

Monkey: Brief description

  • The body length of different species is from 15 cm to 2 m, the total mass ranges from 150 g to 275 kg.
  • Most monkeys It lives on the trees. Wood climbing contributes to the development of a long back. A narrow chest and underdeveloped hip bones facilitate movement. It performs a special function a long tail. Thanks to him, the monkeys skillfully save balance in the air.
  • In monkeys living on the earth's surface, the tail is little developed or completely absent. Large species, such as orangutan or gibbon, have a massive chest and wide hip bones. Most of the skin of the monkeys is covered with wool. It is found both a light color and dark. With age, the monkeys get gray and bald.
  • Physique and mental abilities of monkeys have many similar to a person. In humanoid species, the full -fledged parts of the brain are responsible for the thought process. Therefore, some scientists believe that through evolution a person came from monkeys.
  • Communication with your own kind happens with the help of gestures and characteristic sounds. The life expectancy of monkeys is from 30 to 50 years.

Varieties of monkeys: Names, photo

Consider the most common groups of mammals.

Varieties of small monkeys   these include the family of lanchies, gesters and wide -skinned monkeys.

  • Sirichta - Little primates inhabit the islands in the Philippines. The weight of an adult is in the range of 80-160 g, body length is from 90 to 160 mm. The head of the rolleries can rotate 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees. The main external sign is large convex eyes. Sirichta is considered an endangered look.
Big eyes
Big eyes
  • Dimensions of the ghost - Tiny monkeys with long limbs. The body is covered with a gray fur coat. A long tail resembles a rat, on the tip of a fluffy brush. If the maximum body length reaches 11 cm, then the tail grows up to 26 cm. Distress easily bounces 0.5 meters in height and 1.5 meters in length. His subspecies are considered dwarf rolpers - a primat with a red fur coat.
Gray fur coat
Gray fur coat
  • Crybaby - Small primates of coffee color. The average weight of the primacy is about 3 kg, the body length is from 30 to 45 cm. The primate tail performs a grasping function, allowing you to fix the monkey without the participation of the limbs. The crybaby got its name because of its lingering, whiping voice.
  • Favi - Small monkeys with a long grasping tail. A distinctive external feature is a crest starting from the middle of the forehead and turning into two rows of hair sticking out on the sides. Primat vital activity takes place in groups of 10-30 individuals.
  • White -breasted capucin - Primat with an unusual color. The chest and shoulders are covered with white wool, turning into the edging around the face. The light pale face is covered with wrinkles. On the head, vegetation with a dark -colored crest, similar to a hat. The body length reaches 60 cm, the average weight is about 2.5 kg.
  • Saki-monk - A medium -sized prima with a long shaggy wool and a very fluffy tail. A bald face and a large amount of hair gives this appearance a gloomy appearance. They live in groups of 3-5 individuals in South America, Columbia, Brazil.
  • Writi -Monkey, covered with black and white soft wool with reddish interspersed. It lives mainly in Brazil. It has excellent grasping abilities thanks to long nails on the lower extremities.
Interesting appearance
Interesting appearance
  • Dwarf a bundle -The smallest monkey, whose weight reaches 100-150 g, is placed on the hand of an adult. A long thick wool has a reddish tint and pronounced stripes on the tail. Bunkers help each other maintain a neat appearance.
  • CHOCHENT TAMARIN - Monkey with a white fluffy iron on the head. A thick crest comes from the shoulders. The back is covered with a red mantle, thick wool on the legs resembles boots. Primat weight reaches 500 g, body length is about 20 cm.
  • Peggy Tamarin - Monkey with a bald head and large wavy ears. The length of the primacy body reaches from 20 to 30 cm, the weight of not more than 400 g. A rare animal is listed in the Red Book.
Interesting appearance
Interesting appearance

Varieties of medium -sized monkeys - they include the Kallimiko family, narrow -legged and gibbon primates.

  • Marmosett -a small monkey with a long edge around the face in the form of a mane. The Marmosett has only two front teeth in the form of incisors. Very tenacious nails grow on miniature legs. Life expectancy reaches 18 years.
  • Hussar -monkeys with an oblong body and elongated limbs. On the cheeks there are magnificent bucks, under the nose expressive white mustache. They have sharp vision and hearing, have well -developed hunting skills.
  • Green monkey -primates wool has a swamp color. Caching bags for food supplies are pronounced on the face. In size, a little larger than a domestic cat is divorced as pets. Primates are combined into groups of up to 80 individuals and often harm agriculture, for which they are considered pests.
Swamp wool
Swamp wool
  • Javanese macaque -brown-eyed primates with an elongated face and gray-green color. There is a small dark crest on the head. They love to enjoy river and marine products. They get along well with pets and humans. Close bags are actively used, at home, brilliant objects are hidden in them.
  • Japanese macaque -monkeys with a thick long fur coat. Bald feet, palms, face and ears look contrasting against the background of vegetation. The weight reaches 9-11 kg, while the length of the tail is only 10 cm. The eyes are characterized by the superfluous arches.
  • Silver Gibbon -the body of the monkeys is covered with a bluish-gray soft wool. They have elongated upper limbs with oblong fingers. It feeds mainly with plant foods. Body weight reaches 8 kg, body length up to half a meter.
With oblong limbs
With oblong limbs
  • Eastern huts -animals of this species have a dark wool and contrasting white eyebrows. The weight of the monkeys reaches 6-7 kg. Life expectancy is about 40 years. Prolonged sounds of primates resemble singing.
  • Siamang is more fuel -a large monkey with a pronounced neck bag. During the publication of various sounds, the space of the bag is blown away and filled with air again. The coat has a dark gray color.
  • Dwarf gibbon -primates with very long front limbs that prevent movement. Monkeys often fold their hands above their heads. This type has no tail.
Without a tail
Without a tail

Varieties of large monkeys - these include chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutan.

  • Sumatransky Orangutan -a large anthropoid monkey. The body weight reaches 80-100 kg, height up to 1.5 m. A mustache and beard grow on the face. Long wool has several colors-from brown to fiery red.
  • Bornei Orangutan -lives in Malaysia and Indonesia . The body weight of large primates reaches 180 kg. The face of primates is framed by flat wide areas resembling a mask. Life expectancy reaches 60 years.
  • Kalimantan Orangutan -a distinctive feature is brown-red wool and the front of the skull inward. Monkeys have a massive jaw and large teeth.
  • Coastal gorilla -a peaceful representative of anthropoid monkeys. The weight of large individuals reaches 100-180 kg. On the forehead of the primates, a red edge stands out well. The ears are very small, nostrils with large holes and a wide border. Ground animals live for about 35 years.
  • Plain gorilla -it lives in mangoing thickets. Black wool covers the whole body. The males have a brightly exposed gray strip on their backs. Body weight reaches from 90 to 200 kg.
  • Mountain gorilla -animals with thick and long wool, the growth of which reaches 160 cm. A rare species is listed in the Red Book.
  • Bonobo -a rare breed of African monkeys. They have highly developed mental abilities. The body is covered with dark uniform hair. The dominant position among Bonobo belongs to females.
  • Common chimpanzemonkeys with black color and white edging around the mouth. Primates move on two legs, like a person. Body weight reaches 50-80 kg, height up to 160 cm.

Where do the monkeys live?

  • Monkeys choose a territory with a warm climate for the place of residence. They can be found in Africa, in the southern and eastern part of Asia, in the center and south of America, in Australia.
Live in a warm climate
Live in a warm climate
  • For example, makaki Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Afghanistan, Japan and other territories of Southeast Asia and the north of Africa are populated. Orangutan You can only meet in wet forests of South Asia.
  • Monkey They settled the territories in the southeast of Asia, chosen the Arabian peninsula and the continent of Africa. Gibbon Located in the forests and tropical thickets of the Asian region. A humanoid monkey You can meet in China, in Thailand.
  • Kapucins They live in vast tropical forests from the south of Brazil to Honduras. Tamarins Inhabit warm regions in America.

What do monkeys eat?

  • The everyday diet of monkeys forms their natural whereabouts and structural features of the body. Small individuals prefer protein foods. Fast metabolism requires a lot of nutrient food.
  • Large monkeys prefer plant foods, since their body easily copes with the digestion of greens.
  • Types that live on trees eat plant and fruit fruits of trees. It is also used trees bark, leaves and young branches. The snack is caught small insects.
  • Monkeys living on Earth as plant foods prefer trees and young shoots.
  • In pursuit of a variety of foods of the monkey they are happy to catch fish and rodents, reptiles and insects. Some types of ground monkeys go hunting in groups and are able to drive large prey.
  • Single representatives of monkeys eat only selective products. For example, exclusively by plants and marine products.
  • Chimpanzees hunt small animals and their own kind. At the same time, improvised means are used for hunting.

How a person came from monkeys: the principles of Darwin's theory for children

The most popular point of view about the origin of man is the theory that a person descended from a monkey. The theory is based on the principles of the scientific figure Charles Darwin. Travel, excavations and research led the scientist to the theory of natural selection. The scientist’s assumptions were confirmed by real facts and experiments.

The main principles of Darwin's theory:

  • All living creatures on Earth appeared as a result of evolution.
  • Organic forms are modified under the influence of the environment.
  • Each organism has heredity and is able to change.
  • As a result of the interaction of living organisms, natural selection occurs, where the strongest survives.
  • As a result of evolution, new types of living creatures adapted to new living conditions appear.
  • Under normal conditions, any living organism can significantly increase offspring.
  • The same varieties of living creatures under different living conditions give offspring with a different set of signs.

Based on the foregoing, it is assumed that a person came from a monkey as a result of evolution. Modular monkeys were modified under the influence of climatic conditions and during the development of new territories. Most of the signs indicate the maximum similarity between a person and two types of primates - chimpanzees and gorillas.

The most dangerous and aggressive monkeys in the world

  • What are the most dangerous and aggressive monkeys in the world? Aggressive variety of monkeys is considered pavianov. Large monkeys are divided into 5 species - bear and Guinean Pavian, Gamadril, Babuin and Anubis. Live in Angola, Arabia, Somalia, Ethiopia, etc.
  • The weight of primates reaches from 20 to 30 kg. With a slight weight, the baboons have very strong hands. The monkeys have elongated faces, around which a thick mane grows. Their appearance is somewhat reminiscent of dogs.
  • Primates have a quick -tempered and vicious character. At the slightest danger, they are rapidly pounced on the enemy and torn into pieces with sharp fangs. Protecting offspring is another reason for the manifestation of the rage of monkeys. For protection, use any improvised means.
  • The most dangerous monkeys are humanoids. Their vital activity occurs mainly on Earth, which increases the probability of meeting a person. Their impressive dimensions are a clear advantage in comparison with a person.
  • The danger to a person can come from anthropoid monkeys chimpanzees. They are always ready to defend the safety of their herd, especially if there are females with cubs among them. Sharp fangs are able to inflict deep ragged wounds. Attacking the victim, chimpanzees dig with claws in the neck and back of their enemy.
Can be dangerous
Can be dangerous
  • In adverse circumstances, a person should be afraid orangutan. Primates have a very massive body and well -developed limbs. The crown of the head is noticeably stretched up the convex lips is strongly bulging forward. With the slightest danger to the primate family, their head will be attacked to the enemy without hesitation and tear it to small pieces.

Interesting facts about monkeys, monkeys, primates for children

  • Monkeys do not get sick colds.
  • The life expectancy of primates is from 10 to 60 years.
  • Monkeys devote a lot of time to their appearance.
  • One male can have a few wives.
  • Monkeys live only in warm edges.
  • Primatov it is impossible to teach to talk.
  • Monkeys never throw newborn babies.
  • The largest monkey is a gorilla, the smallest is a dwarf leg.
  • Small monkeys take the first steps in 3-6 months.
  • Modular monkeys have no tail.
  • Yawn Monkeys are a sign of aggression.
  • Modern primates have the same number of teeth with a person.
  • The tail of some species can easily withstand the weight of the monkey.
  • Monkeys are easily tamed by a person and can do homework.
  • Several dozen monkeys visited space.

Monkeys content at home: pros and cons of

  • Before you get a homemade monkey, a person should definitely create comfortable conditions for the life of the future pet. The content of monkeys at home can be a danger, so you need to think over everything to the smallest detail. The unfavorable situation in the house can turn the relationship with the primacy into torture. Unpredictable animals are ready to defend their desires and go against the requirements of their owners.
  • Before bringing the animal to the house, it must be shown to the veterinarian. An external examination and several tests will help to protect households from various infections.
  • For the safe maintenance of monkeys at home, you need choose small primates. For mental communication with a person, Java Macau or Rhesus are best suited. The size of the primates can be compared with a small dog.
  • For content kaputzinov, Makak and Monkey It is necessary to purchase a cell. The minimum dimensions are 2*1.5*1.5 m. Everything you need should be inside the aviary-feeders, natural logs or stumps, UV lamps.
  • There should be a monkey comfortable next to a person. It is very important to find time to communicate with a pet. Monkeys love close contact. Talk to the primacy, stroke it, give him the opportunity to play with your hair.
  • There should be a monkey in the diet enough fruits and vegetables. The primacy should not experience thirst or hunger. During the year, you can support the body of a pet with a course of vitamins.

The monkey must be brought up, as well as children. The primacy should feel your superiority. Otherwise, he will not be afraid to harm you. Any scratch or monkey bite can lead to an inflammatory disease.

Video: The most unusual species of monkeys

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