How to make and arrange a terrarium for a turtle, lizard, snails, snakes, iguans, chameleon, plants, flowers, spiders, geckone, ants, rodents, hamster, runner, cockroaches, agama, mantis: ideas of suspended and desktop terrariums, drawings, description, description, description a photo

How to make and arrange a terrarium for a turtle, lizard, snails, snakes, iguans, chameleon, plants, flowers, spiders, geckone, ants, rodents, hamster, runner, cockroaches, agama, mantis: ideas of suspended and desktop terrariums, drawings, description, description, description a photo

Find out how to organize a terrarium for animals, which plants to design, how to make a terrarium for plants.

How to make and arrange a terrarium for a red -witted, land tortoise: drawings, description, photo

Exotic animals are quite suitable for maintenance at home. However, for their full existence, it is necessary to create suitable conditions. To this end, terrariums are equipped.

Important: for the maintenance of pets in the terrarium, it is necessary to recreate the ecosystem, similar to the conditions of animal habitats in natural conditions.

We will tell you what requirements the terrarium should meet for the maintenance of various animals. Let's start with the turtle. At home, you can contain land, as well as freshwater (red -eyed) turtles.

The most important mistake is the content of these animals on the floor of the apartment, at home. You can organize a ground terrarium, it must have suitable characteristics. However, it is unacceptable to allow the turtle to walk around the apartment, it is harmful to the pet.

Ground turtles There are many types. For home content, in most cases, medium -sized turtles are chosen about 20 cm. You can independently make a terrarium for the turtle, which is needed:

  • Purchase and glue glasses;
  • Organize ventilation;
  • Conduct UV lamps;
  • Choose the soil.

For a small turtle of about 12 cm, a terrarium with minimal dimensions of 60 × 40 × 40 cm is required. But it is important to make sure that there is enough space if the turtle will grow. If there are several turtles, respectively, the dimensions should be twice as large.

The terrarium of land turtles cannot be cluttering up various kinds of obstacles that will interfere with movement. Such soil should be laid on the bottom:

  • A mixture of sand with clay;
  • Hay;
  • Wood chips;
  • Large pebbles.
Terrarium for a land turtle

For red -eared turtles, the size of which within 18-30 cm is required a terrarium by 150-200 liters. Water should occupy 3⁄4, and land - 1⁄4.

Important: for red -eared turtles, it is necessary to organize a sloping shore with the absence of scratching texture. Water should be at least 20 ° C.

Terrariums for turtles should be well ventilated. Two holes are made for this:

  • The first is large, located on top of the terrarium;
  • The second is small, on the front wall of the terrarium at the base of the soil.

Air temperature is a very important factor that should be organized correctly in the terrarium. The terrarium turtles is equipped with an incandescent lamp of 60 watts, which is installed on top. The lower heating is not recommended, as it is harmful to the kidneys of the animal. The lamp should heat one angle stronger, here the turtle will heat up and eat (temperature about 28 ° C). In a cooler corner (about 24 ° C) a house is installed.

Aquaterrarium for a red -witted turtle
Terrarium organization scheme for turtles

Video: DIY Aquaterrarium

How to make and arrange a terrarium from an organic glass for a lizard, hectic, agama, iguana, chameleon, snakes, a runner?

The subordinate lizards includes all scaly, except for snakes. This includes:

  • Iguans;
  • Chameleons;
  • Geckones;
  • Agams.

Snakes are descendants of lizards and stand out in a separate subordinate. Many make various lizards as pets. Also, many keep snakes at home. For the content of these pets, the presence of a terrarium suitable under the conditions is mandatory. There are a lot of varieties of lizards, there are a lot of snakes. Some of them live on trees, others live in the ground. Therefore, before starting a certain type of pet, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the conditions suitable for a specific pet.

Terrariums for scalys are such a configuration:

  1. Horizontal - for reptiles leading amphibian lifestyle (snakes, fits).
  2. Vertical - For wood lizards and reptiles living in the mountainous area (chameleon, iguana).
  3. Cubic - for those who live in the thickness of the earth, in burrows (heecon, typical lizards).

For the manufacture of terrariums with your own hands, ordinary or organic glass is used. Ordinary glass is inferior in its characteristics to organic, since it is more fragile. For large animals, it is recommended to make terrariums with a frame made of wood or metal. Sequeshel sheets glue with silicone glue.

The terrarium for reptiles should be equipped with UV lamps, ventilation, should be closed with a lid so that the animal does not run away. The thermal bricks are used as heating, they are placed under the ground.

For chameleons, iguan needs to organize a tropical terrarium. Little space is allotted for water. But the presence of branches for climbing is necessary. The presence of rough surfaces is welcome, this provides an additional possibility of climbing.

Terrarium for the chameleon

For typical lizards, there is also a mandatory presence of branches for climbing. If the lizard loves to dig into the soil, the thickness of the sand should be at least 10 cm.

For agama, a desert terrarium should be organized. As soil - calcium sand. The temperature should be maintained in the range of 30 ° C. The thermometer is installed for adjustment. In the desert terrarium, a small container of water is necessarily placed.

Desert terrarium for agama, lizards

Aquaterrarium for snakes, Polozov should be equipped with water and land. On land, the presence of a hiding house is mandatory. These animals are demanding on water, its temperature should constantly be in the range of 20 ° C.

The presence of plants in the terrarium is mandatory. This is not only a decor, but also a source of food and oxygen. Such plants are suitable for exotic animals:

  • Moss
  • Fern
  • Ficus is tiny
  • Ivy

In terrariums for snakes, lizards should be high humidity.

Video: Terrarium for lizards with your own hands

How to make and arrange a terrarium for Achatine snails?

Snails of Achatina - Large mollusks. It is easy to keep them, because these snails are undemanding to the conditions. Even with a temporary absence of the owner, they can feel good if they take care in advance.

The terrarium for Achatine snails can be made of ordinary or plexiglass, you can also use a plastic container. In the "house" for snails there should be small holes for ventilation. Be sure to do not escape such a size.

Important: Achatine snails need space for a comfortable existence. For one snail, a container of 3 l is suitable; For two snails - 5 liters.

Container equipment requirements:

  1. Bull the bottom with a floral substrate without fertilizers, snails love to bury in the soil. As a substrate, sand, a shell of walnut, coconut are suitable. A poor layer is clay and wood bark.
  2. The soil should always be wet, but not overlawed. The soil is sprayed from a spray gun daily.
  3. You do not need to install lighting lamps for snails. A soft multiple daylight is suitable for them. In the afternoon, snails are hidden in the substrate, and at night they are awake.
  4. The air temperature in the container should be about 24 ° C.

For shelter of Achatin snails, fragments of flower pots, coconut shell, stones are placed inside the container. Also, living plants are planted in the substrate: moss, ivy, fern, salad, cereal, etc.

Terrarium for Achatine snails: from above

How to make and arrange a terrarium for a spider-bird, ants, Madagascar cockroaches, mantis?

Terrariums for insects should also have a number of certain characteristics. If everything is done correctly, the life of insects will be comfortable and safe.

Consider how to equip terrariums for various insects.

Terrarium for a spider-bird:

  1. The content of a spider-ptyed at home requires a spacious terrarium. Inside there should be no objects with a high height so that the spider-ptitsed does not fall.
  2. Provide the presence of shelter. For this, fragments of bark, flower pots and other similar devices are suitable.
  3. In the terrarium, a spider-pateced is not recommended to place stones, as an insect can be injured.
  4. The size of the terrarium is calculated as follows: the length of the spider's legs is multiplied by two. For example, the length of the legs of an adult spider is 14 cm.
  5. In this case, the size of the "house" should be 30 × 30 × 20 cm. At the same time, 20 cm is a safe height for a spider-ptyed.
  6. On the sides and above, be sure to make ventilation holes.
  7. The bottom is covered with soil, branches are placed for wood spiders.
Terrarium for a spider-bird

Terrarium for the mantis:

  1. A vertical terrarium is suitable for the praying mantis.
  2. Pour the soil on the bottom, and put a layer of foliage on top. If the foliage is large, additional shelter is not required.
  3. Humidity should not be too high, spraying is recommended not frequent.
  4. The temperature in the terrarium is 25 ° C.
  5. You can not place a terrarium under direct sunlight.
  6. Ventilation is required.
The content of the Mother of God

Terrarium for ants:

  1. For the maintenance of unusual pets, a narrow flat container is required.
  2. Sometimes 2 banks are used to keep an ant farm to enter the other. Both banks are covered with lids. In the space between the banks there is an ant family.
  3. The terrarium for ants is called formicaria. Sand or a special gel containing additives for ants are poured inside.
  4. Some collect ants in the forest, and there they gain soil.

Terrarium for Madagascar cockroaches:

  1. If the terrarium for Madagascar cockroaches is not equipped with a lid, then lubricate its walls with petroleum jelly so that insects do not escape. It is better to cover the dwelling of the Madagascar cockroaches with a lid with holes.
  2. There must be a lot of shelters inside. To do this, use trays from eggs, cockroaches love them for the presence of cells, bushings from toilet paper, pottering fragments, wood.
  3. The flooring should be made of aromatic wood with sand. Wood is preferably coniferous species, periodically change it.
The content of the Madagascar cockroaches

How to make and arrange a terrarium for rodents, a hamster?

In most cases, rodents, including hamsters, are contained in cells. Also, rodents can be kept in terrariums, providing air access.

Terrariums for hamsters can be made of plastic. They have a number of advantages over the cell:

  • Firstly, sawdust does not fall out of terrariums;
  • Secondly, at night you can’t hear the hamster gnawing cage rods.

The hamster can be kept in different terrarium area, the size of the pet should be taken into account. In the presence of the equipped "home" the pet will feel quite comfortable.

How to arrange a terrarium for a hamster:

  1. Cover the bottom with sawdust or hay;
  2. Put a drum or wheel, feeder, drinker;
  3. It is also necessary to have dry twigs and sticks, the hamster will sharpen his teeth.
Comfortable house for hamster

What helps to maintain humidity in the terrarium?

The content of many exotic pets requires a certain level of humidity in the terrarium. For some animals, high humidity is shown, for others - humidity is contraindicated. For example, hamsters will feel great in dry sawdust, Achatine snails are vital for a humid extract, praying people will not be able to survive if there are condensation drops in the terrarium.

Important: the easiest way to maintain humidity in the terrarium is to spray the soil with water from a spray gun.

The necessary soil moisture for the pets is different:

  1. The humidity for the snails of Akhatin is checked in this way - squeeze a handful of soil in the hand, if the water is dripped, then the soil is waterlogged. Achatine snails respond to high humidity negatively: they hibernate, become sluggish, lose their appetite.
  2. Moisture is also important for ants. It is possible to determine the level of sufficient moisture in formcaries as follows: if evaporates appeared on the walls, spraying is stopped.
  3. The soil in the terrarium of the mantis should be sprayed rarely. It should be slightly wet. How often it is necessary to do this - it is difficult to say unequivocally, it depends on the circulation of air in the terrarium.
  4. The optimal moisture level for a poultry spider is 35-60%.

You can determine the exact humidity of the air using hygrometer.

Hygromometer determines the level of humidity in the terrarium

How to make a temperature of 33 degrees in the terrarium?

Important: temperature is one of the most important requirements for maintaining microclimate in the terrarium.

Terrarium animals are very sensitive to temperature changes. All animals have their own biological needs of thermoregulation.

Different devices are used to maintain temperature:

  • Heating lamps;
  • Heated mats;
  • Ceramic heaters;
  • Infrared lamps.
  • Heating thermo -mushrooms.

For scaly, they make warm areas. In these "sunny areas", pets are periodically warming up. Then they crawl to places with a lower temperature. Heating lamps are suitable for this. They should be put in such a way that the pet does not receive a burn from touch.

For snakes, use heating rugs for the ground, turtles are heated on top. For heating the snails, use an electric gap, rugs.

The budget method of heating is the placement of the terrarium near heating batteries, heaters. But this method has a number of disadvantages that can affect the normal life cycle of animals. Nevertheless, it is better to use special devices to heat terrariums.

Important: you can and should follow the temperature in the terrarium with a thermometer.

How to make and arrange a large terrarium from the aquarium for plants and flowers?

The terrarium is not only a "house" for your favorite pets. In the terrarium, plants can be grown. Terrariums with plants have many advantages:

  1. They are unpretentious in leaving.
  2. This is a luxurious element of the interior.
  3. Suitable for people with a minimum of free time and the desire to have indoor plants at home.
  4. A good alternative to flower pots.

Aquariums are a suitable basis for terrariums. But before filling it with soil and plants, you need to understand which plants are suitable for terrariums:

  • Plants that prefer or easily tolerate shadow.
  • Dwarf plants. It is important that the plant does not overgrown the wall of the terrarium, otherwise the appearance will suffer after time.
  • Plants that love humidity.

Plants that are most often grown in terrarium - moss, cacti, succulents.

If you decide to make a terrarium with plants from the aquarium, take into account the fact that the aquarium with the soil will become very heavy. Therefore, do not place it on fragile tables. Also, such terrariums cannot be placed under air conditioning or in close proximity to heating appliances.

Think in advance how the lighting will be observed. Direct sunlight is contraindicated in the terrarium, but darkness is also unacceptable. Optimal lighting is indirect multiple light. You can use special garden lamps.

Big Terrarium for Plants

Important: if you decide to use an old aquarium, thoroughly wash it with antibacterial agents or soap. The remnants of dirt and bacteria can subsequently harm plants.

For the arrangement of the terrarium, in addition to plants, buy a soil mixture of drainage. It is desirable that the additives of swamp moss or sphagnum are present in the soil. You will also need pebbles (gravel), moss, all kinds of jewelry, as well as gloves.

Such layers are laid in the aquarium:

  1. Pebbles or gravel. You can add a handful of activated coal, this will serve as additional drainage.
  2. Moss. A layer of moss will prevent subsidence of the soil and will retain moisture.
  3. Priming. The soil layer should be thick enough to fit the roots of plants. Also, the thickness of the soil depends on the height of the aquarium.
  4. Plants. Plant the plants in the holes. Pour the plants.

In the end, you can add decor elements that will not suffer from excess moisture. It can be any objects: shells, figures, coins. On this, the organization of the terrarium for plants is ready.

Video: The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a large terrarium

How to make and arrange a terrarium with your own hands from a can, bottles, plastic

The plant terrarium was called Florarium. You can grow plants in a bottle or bank. Such a floral composition takes up very little space, but it looks spectacular.

Growing plants in a bank or bottle similarly to grow plants in greenhouses. The presence of the walls of the container allows you to maintain the necessary microclimate of the florarium. Banks with plants are covered with lids or a small hole is left.

The disadvantage of growing plants in a bank is the complexity of care. To clean the florarium, getting rid of dead plants can be quite troublesome. But, nevertheless, this does not stop the connoisseurs of florariums.

For florariums, you can use both glass bottles and plastic. Plastic containers are inferior to glass in their characteristics and appearance. The container does not have to be in the form of a can. It can be vases, cutting caps, large glasses, etc.

Important: you cannot grow plants incompatible with each other. For example, succulents and ferns. These plants are opposite to watering requirements, so there is a risk that the florarium will deteriorate.

In addition to evergreen exotic plants, you can grow a single flowering plant in the bank. Recently, it is fashionable to give such floral arrangements. The advantage of such a gift is its durability. You can, of course, give a flower in a pot, but the florarium looks more spectacular and stylish.

Florariums are used to decorate home and office interior. A series or series of florariums looks original.
The process of planting plants in a jar or bottle is essentially no different from planting plants into the aquarium. However, planting plants in a container with a narrow neck is painstaking work.

How to put plants in a bottle or jar:

  • First, the layers are poured in the same priority as in the aquarium: pebbles, moss, soil.
  • With a narrow long stick, make the recesses.
  • Gently remove the plants along with the roots from the pots in which they were sold.
  • Two long sticks place the plants in the holes.

It is not difficult to care for the terrarium: it is enough to water the plants as the soil dries, as well as wipe dust from the jar inside and outside. If there are no problems with dust wiping out problems outside, then many can be puzzled - how to wipe the dust inside the terrarium? This is not difficult: a piece of a soft sponge can be wrapped on a flexible wire, which simply cope with pollution. A toothbrush with soft bristles is also suitable if it fits the size of your terrarium.


How to make and arrange an eternal mini-terrarium from a light bulb?

Terrariums from bulbs look original and stylish. For the manufacture of such a terrarium, the most ordinary light bulbs of different sizes are suitable. First, we recommend trying to work with the largest light bulb.

You will need:

  • Big light bulb;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Roundbones;
  • Scissors;
  • Long tweezers.

Be sure to protect your eyes with glasses, as in the process of work they can fly off pieces of glass.

Step -by -step manufacture:

  1. Remove the metal seal on the base of the light bulb.
  2. Then the screwdriver very carefully break the internal details of the bulbs.
  3. Using a long tweezer, remove the “insides”.
  4. Process the hole well with a screwdriver so that there are no sharp edges.
  5. For stability, make the legs, dripping 2-4 drops of silicone glue.
  6. Now pour sand, dry moss through the funnel, place the plants with a long tweezer.
  7. You can use small pebbles and plastic figures as decor.
  8. A mini-terrarium from a light bulb can be put on a stand. It will make it even more spectacular.
Mini-terrarium in a light bulb

Ideas of suspended and desktop terrariums: photo

Below you will find the ideas of plant terrariums of various configurations and with different plants. Inspired by ideas to create beautiful and unusual jewelry for the home with your own hands.

A small terrarium in a glass glass is perfect for decorating the desktop.

Table terrarium

The suspended terrariums of different sizes are convenient.

Suspended terrariums

Even teapots can be used, the main thing is to attach fantasy.

Original florarium

Some flowering plants will feel great in beautiful terrariums.

Blooming florarium

Decorative terrarium in a round container.

Bright florarium

A desktop terrarium will decorate any interior.

A small desktop terrarium
The idea of \u200b\u200ba terrarium

It is not difficult to make a terrarium for plants or animals if you approach this issue with inspiration and the desire to create a useful and beautiful thing.

Video: How to make a terrarium for plants?

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you very much for the article, it turns out so many difficulties when caring for a geckon (I have a spotty Edward). I was afraid to miss something, so I decided that the best option would be the starting set .. I bought it with a mustache in the pet store-everything is cool in the set, only later I will buy a couple more plants (to plant).

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