Dry feed standards per day by weight: table

Dry feed standards per day by weight: table

Today, the services of dog owners are a wide range of dry food. Firstly, this greatly facilitates life, because there is no need to rack your head daily over how to feed a four-legged friend, and secondly, they are balanced in them, necessary for the normal life of the animal.

In addition to the problem of choosing high -quality food, dog owners face other questions. For example, how much feed is given to his pupil daily. You will learn about this from the article.

Dry food for dogs: Dignity

As already noted above, many quadrued owners prefer dry dog \u200b\u200bfeed due to:

  • ease of use, After all, it just needs to be poured into a bowl, and the dishes and hands remain clean;
  • balance -subject to the purchase of expensive premium varieties, which really contains all the substances necessary for your pet;
  • opportunities to choose individual nutrition - for patients, small and adults, shaggy and bald, pregnant and nursing, allergy sufferers and hyperactive animals;
  • substantial economy - both time (you do not need to look for the necessary products and cook food), and the means (take a word, it comes out much cheaper).
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages and disadvantages

Dry food for dogs or mixed nutrition: what to choose?

There is an opinion that due to feeding exclusively dry feed, the dog can get sick. Therefore, some animal owners prefer the so -called mixed food circuit when the pet is given both dry food and other food - often “human”, what remains from the table.

As a result:

  • adding meat to dry food leads to excess of protein, What overloads the kidneys and provokes renal failure, dystrophic changes in the liver begin, allergic reactions may begin;
  • adding fish leads to excess of phosphorus, because of what urolithiasis can begin, not only the liver, but also the stomach, the level of leukocytes due to minor internal hemorrhages, is affected; The amount of calcium in bone tissues begins to decline, giving way to phosphates, which leads to osteoporosis in adults and rickets in puppies;
  • adding cereals leads to an excess of carbohydrates, after which the dog gains excess weight with all the ensuing consequences.
What to eat?
What to eat?

Summarizing the foregoing, we can conclude that the mixed power circuit is a real terror for the animal gastrointestinal system, which can provoke at least gastritis. And only goodies, in dosed quantities, can be added to dry feed feed. For example, a little cheese, boiled meat, dried fruits or crackers.

Dry food for dogs: the danger of monotics

  • A lot of “terrible stories” walks among dog lovers about how the gastrointestinal system of animals from using only suffers from only dry feed for dogs.
  • In fact, troubles can occur only when using cheap feed economy class, and drying drying of premium - This is a completely different story. After all, a whole series of research is taking place before its release to satisfy the needs of the dog as much as possible. Moreover, manufacturers suggest that the dog owners will limit themselves only to their products without any feeding.
  • If you doubt whether you should feed your four -legged friend with dry food, first consult a veterinarian. It happens that the animal suffers from any ailment in which some special diet is needed.

How much dry food is given to the dog?

  • There is no unequivocal answer to this question.
  • The fact is that to determine the optimal amount dry feed for dogs The whole range of indicators affects: the age and size of the animal, the variety and quality of feed, the activity and health of the dog.
  • By the way, the recommended daily amount of feed is indicated by the manufacturer directly on the package.

Varieties of dry feed for dogs and their nutrition

In general, all dry dog \u200b\u200bfeeds are divided into four classes, which should be marked on the package.

Class of feed
Class of feed

How often to feed the dog SU chemer food?

Whatever you feed your four -legged friend, in any case you need feed dogs with dry food More often (depending on age), adult dogs-much less often (usually 1-2 times a day).

The frequency of feeding
The frequency of feeding

Dry feed norm for adult dog

  • To find out optimal the amount of dry feed for dogs, Which should eat an animal within a day, you can consult a veterinarian, or calculate yourself using a signs taking into account the weight of your pet and his activity.
Weight and activity
Weight and activity

For dogs leading from brothers, lifestyle (participating in competitions, pregnant and lactating, official and hyperactive), a portion should be calculated a little differently.

Features of the animal Increase or decrease in portion
Service and participating in competitions + third of the portion
Pregnant and lactating bitches + A quarter of a portion
Elderly and inactive - Third portion

We calculate the amount of dry feed for dogs on your own

Knowing the energy value dry food for dogs, Which you plan to feed your pet (indicated on the package), calculate how much it will be necessary to give it to the dog daily, taking into account the required amount of kcal per kilogram of live weight per day.

Norms for puppies and adult dogs
Norms for puppies and adult dogs
  • Young, growing organisms, therefore, they need to feed them more often and more abundantly than adult dogs.
  • That is, babies from one and a half to three months should give Double dose of feed in comparison with an adult the same breed, from three months to six months - a portion of more than half; from six months to 11 months - increased by a third.

If you feed your four -legged friend exclusively with dry food for dogs, then he will need much more water. It is believed that in the middle dog needs approximately 50 ml of water for every kilogram of weight per day.

Ideally, the water in the animal should be as much as possible and freely available, because the level of thirst can fluctuate, for example, due to air temperatures, level of activity, health.

Do not forget about water after feeding the dog
Do not forget about water after feeding the dog

The food can be soaked with warm clean water (as an option - by natural yogurt or low -fat kefir), if there are no restrictions on this subject, in proportions 1 to 2 or 1 to 3. Most often, adults with diseases of the oral cavity or adults with diseases of the mouth elderly animal. Attention: You can not store dry dry food longer than a couple of hours to avoid souring.

Other articles about animals:

Video: How to choose dog food?

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