Is it possible to leave the cat alone for a day, 5 days, a week, two weeks? How much you can leave a cat, kitten: reviews, veterinarians' opinion

Is it possible to leave the cat alone for a day, 5 days, a week, two weeks? How much you can leave a cat, kitten: reviews, veterinarians' opinion

How and how much to leave the cat alone?

Cats are social animals that are distinguished by an unusual mind, affection for their owners. They painfully experience a long absence of their owners, can suffer from depression, lose their mood. In this article we will tell you how much you can leave the cat one at home. 

How many days can you leave a cat alone?

The answer of all veterinarians is unambiguous, they recommend leaving the animal for no more than 3 days. It is during such a time that the pet does not have time to get bored, feels awake, and ready to restore relations.

How many days can the cat leave one:

  • What to do if you need to leave the cat for a week? Basically, almost all owners of pets plan their vacation, and look for hotels that can provide numbers for living with animals.
  • However, there are also unforeseen situations when there is no time to find the appropriate hotel, so you need to consider who to leave the pet with. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to give the animal to the shelter, hotel, relatives, or close friends.
  • It happens that there are not enough close people who could take care of the pet. In this case, the only possible option is to leave the animal at home.

How to leave a cat alone at home for a week?

It is worth noting that the weekly absence negatively affects the state of health, not only in physical, but also mental. She may begin to get sick, and her attitude to the owner will significantly deteriorate.

How to leave a cat one at home for a week:

  • Often, an animal, which was left at home for a long time, is very aggressive to the owners. That is, the once affectionate pet becomes simply unbearable. He scratches, bites, and shows the negative in every possible way.
  • Thus, he takes revenge on his owner because he left alone for such a long period of time. Try to make a well -known person come to the house during your absence.
  • It can be a neighbor, or a friend who often happens in your house. The cat will be easier to communicate with a friend. The fact is that the temperament of cats is different, some are happy to contact unfamiliar people, they can jump on their arms, and tenderness in every possible way. The deficit of communication negatively affects the cat.
  • But there are pets, who, on the contrary, are quite wild, and at the sight of an unfamiliar person they clog into a corner, under the bed and do not go until a person leaves the house. That is why it is necessary to invite a person who is well acquainted with your pet, and from whom he will not run away and hide.

The point is not that a person will not be able to give an animal food, it is necessary that the cat at that time communicates with someone. After all, loneliness is not useful to anyone. What to do and how to leave a cat for three days? As indicated above, this is the optimal period for which the animal can be left alone. 


Can a cat be left for a day?

A day is a short period, so the pet will not have time to get bored. Pets sleep a lot, so they will not remember the absence.

Is it possible to leave a cat for a day:

  • During this period, there is no need to come to the cat
  • It is worth leaving enough food and water in sufficient quantities
  • Leave two trays with filler and toys

Is it possible to leave a cat for 2 weeks?

You can’t leave unattended. That is why we recommend that the pet has enough water and food. It is best to purchase an auto feeding and auto -boat. These are special devices in which water is stored, food, when the button is pressed, a new portion is spilled out.

Is it possible to leave a cat for 2 weeks:

  • Do not be afraid to leave food in open containers. Almost all cats never eat everything that you give them at a time right away. Usually they eat before the onset of satiety, and then come to a bowl during a feeling of hunger.
  • It makes sense to pour food into bowls, arrange them in different rooms of the house. Similarly, it is worth going with water. Please note that there should be much more liquids than the cat can drink.
  • After all, it is not knownmaybe, The pet will experience a feeling of thirst. Of course, there is no question of natural food, mainly dry food is used. After all, canned food, natural food, can deteriorate, thereby provoke poisoning in an animal. Although many veterinarians recommend leaving pieces of hard cheese and milk. Even after 3 days, the milk will slip away, but cats are happy to eat yogurt.
  • In the same way, it happens with hard cheese. In the air, it is weathered, but does not deteriorate, and remains quite edible.
At the doctor
At the doctor

Cat alone at home week: consequences

Use exclusively purified water for the drinker, and not from the crane. The fact is that the water that is located in a regular water supply leaves much to be desired, and can begin to rot in a few days. This does not happen with purified or distilled water.

The cat is one at home for a week, consequences:

  • The fact is that a pet, a few days after the absence of the owner, can begin to be angry, experience rage, so he wants to take revenge, and perhaps put on shoes. For this purpose, the boots are removed in the cabinet or on the shelf. 
  • In addition, be sure to take care of toys and entertainment for your pet. It can be large and small shoes, candy wrappers, and all your favorite animal toys.
  • It can be either special toys that you can scratch, play, or something improvised. It is worth making sure that your pet does notskodnnet. That is why it is necessary to hide all easily beating objects in the closet, and shoes on the shelf.

How to leave a cat during vacation?

The main task of the owner is to prepare housing in such a way that nothing happens to the cat. That is, it is necessary to remove all easily beating objects, and potentially dangerous things. It is best to hide them away, in a closet, or a place where the cat will not get.

How to leave a cat during vacation:

  • This is due to the fact that some animals like to look for adventures, especially if there are few classes, no one to spend time with. The number of toilets is taken at the rate of one tray per day. Some animals do not re -go to one tray.
  • Therefore, if your cat is just that, calculate the approximate number of trips to the toilet, and leave the same number of trays. After all, if the cat does not find a pure filler, she can go past him, or to the carpet.
  • Apply expensive, high -quality filler, which perfectly absorbs smells. In any case, if you have indoor plants on the shelves, put them as high as possible. After all, the favorite occupation of cats is eating indoor plants, and turning pots with flowers. Therefore, if you do not want to see the mountains of the Earth on the floor upon arrival, be sure to take care of it. 

How much can you leave a cat alone?

There are features in the behavior of cats and cats. Breeders believe that cats are more affectionate and peaceful. They need more affection, support, so they try to establish contact with an unfamiliar person at the first meeting. If a stranger comes during your absence, and the cat will appeal to him, then she will definitely make friends with him.

How much you can leave a cat alone:

  • Cats are usuallydo not mind Sit in the arms of strangers to stroke and feed them. Cats, on the contrary, are selfish, and consider themselves the owners of housing. Accordingly, strangers in the house will be perceived as strangers. Therefore, the cat will hiss, growl or hide. 
  • Cats are very loyal and reliable, but fortogo, In order to get affection from them, it is necessary to prove your good attitude, earn trust. If you leave the cat, note that the main problem after returning can be the smell. Cats can really mark their own territory and thus take revenge on their owner for loneliness.
  • Please note that it is better not to leave the pet in proud loneliness during sexual hunting. It is during this period that they become aggressive, can spoil the furniture, mark everything around. Cats, in turn, are on the contrary, are more dependent on people. 

How to leave a kitten for 2 days?

Many breeders note that after a long absence of owners, cats can change their behavior. Be prepared for the fact that after your arrival, the pet will clog far into the corner, under the bed and a long period of time will not want to communicate with you. Thus, the cat shows its resentment that is angry with you.

In addition, some cats, on the contrary, can respond very violently after the arrival of the owners to the return of the owners. They can scream, meow and scratch the owners for a long time, expressing their discontent.

How to leave a kitten for 2 days:

  • Please note that some cats, especially who are accustomed to natural nutrition, are very bad about dry food. Therefore, if you plan to leave for several days, accustom the cat to the stern about one week before the trip.
  • You need to accustom the same way as the dog, adding a small amount of water to the food and mixing with natural food. It is necessary to gradually increase the amount of food in food until it completely fills the entire bowl.
  • Thus, before leaving, you will transfer the animal to dry food. The fact is that if you do it sharply, that is, before leaving, leaving the animal a large amount of dry food, it can refuse food for several days, which will adversely affect his health.

How much to leave the cat: reviews

That is why it is best to accustom the cat gradually. Many owners try to save money, so they acquire the cheapest food for the duration of their trip. This is not worth doing, since the cat without owners is in a state of stress, he has no one to communicate with, he can experience strong emotional experiences.

If, along with stress, there is low -quality food, this may affect the physical condition of the cat.That is, after the arrival of the owners, the animal may begin to hurt. Below in the reviews you can find out how cats experience long and short separation.

How much to leave a cat, reviews:

Victoria. I have a cat for 3 years, I regularly go on business trips for about 3-4 days. Unfortunately, I live alone, so there is no one to look after my cat. For three days separation, the cat experiences quite painfully. Often after my arrival it is aggressive. After a week, behavior is restored. 

Olga. We have a cat, which is 7 years old. They left only once for 6 days. Every day a neighbor came and poured food, also cleaned in trays. Everything is in order with the cat, after arrival home, she tried to catch up, and spent a lot of time in her arms, caressed. 

Alexander. I have a cat who is 8 years old. It is quite aggressive, so I do not leave it often, about 4-5 days. I have a job related to the movements of business trips, so I have to leave the cat alone. I do not trust anyone, so I do not invite anyone to the house at the time of the absence. I leave a large amount of dry food, water, as well as filler. A huge drawback- this is The very heavy smell that appears in the apartment after my absence. The cat can really shit in the corners, even if there is a lot of filler, it is clean and dry. Then you have to carry out general cleaning by substances that kill the smell of cat urine. It transfers separation painfully, does not climb out of the sofa during the day, hides, does not want to communicate. 


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There are cases that, with a long absence of owners, it came to the point that after the owners returned, the cats were cast for several days, or vice versa, they marked the territory, and they took the need for the affairs of the owners. 

Video: how much to leave the cat

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