Which dogs do not melt and do not smell: 5 breeds that require less time to clean and from which there are no allergies

Which dogs do not melt and do not smell: 5 breeds that require less time to clean and from which there are no allergies

This article describes 5 breeds of dogs that do not melt and do not smell.

Many people like dogs, like pets. Their natural devotion becomes an additional plus in favor of acquiring a four -legged friend to the family. However, not all families unanimously agree to this.

In addition to fear of harm to children, there are other “stopping factors”. Often they are given as the arguments of a woman - wife and mother. It looks something like this: “Look how much wool is on it! She will have to be combed out every day. The dirt will also cling. She will melt and stink ". But not everything is so bad, since there are breeds that do not melt and do not smell. You will learn about them below. Read further.

Why does the dog smell like, sinking: reasons

The dog smells, mfigures
The dog smells, mfigures

In fact, the “aroma” is the protective reaction of the dog to stimuli. These are the main reasons why the dog smells:

  • All this depends on the gender of the animal. The male smells more than bitches. But until the time, until the latter has an estrus.
  • The smell power is proportional to the age of the animal. The older the dog, the more it can exude the smell.
  • Life also affects. Improper nutrition, stress, illness, old age, wet wool - all these are reasons that the dog smells terribly.

However, if the pet is healthy, the stench will disappear in a couple of hours. By the way, each dog has its own individual smell, which is sometimes very pronounced. Of course, the dog and personal belongings of its owner should not smell like a dog. What needs to be done to remove the smell in the house? Here are some tips:

  • Washing the dog at least once a week.
  • Regular combing.
  • General cleaning in the house once a week and wet - every day.
  • Changing the diet of a pet. He should not eat from the owner’s table, only healthy food, which is suitable for him - boiled or raw meat, porridge or dry food.

It is worth knowing:Even if after these manipulations the smell did not pass, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian.

Now it is worth considering the reasons why the dogs are fed. You need to know that there are no animals that do not change the wool at all. It’s just that some breeds are more, some less. This is the process of the body, as they say, "by default." In fact, not only dogs are shed, but all the animals that have wool. These are the reasons:

  • Change of time of the year - this happens 2 times per year
  • Age - in young dogs or other animals, molting occurs 1 time per month, at an older age - 1 time in 6 months.
  • Violation of biological rhythm due to stable temperature. For example, if the dog is in the apartment all the time, then because of this it can constantly melt.

As you can see, a lot depends on the owner. But, if you do everything right, and the dog sinks strongly or exudes too unpleasant smell, then it needs to be shown to the veterinarian.

The dog is melting and smelling: why can it be allergic to it?

The dog smells, mfigures
The dog smells, mfigures

Everyone knows the fact that favorite pets do not smell. However, in some cases, the smell and excessive molting can become an argument against the acquisition of a dog. But too neat hostesses can be reassured - healthy dogs practically do not exude stench. Accordingly, if the smell comes from a four -legged friend, then he is sick, or they are carefully careful for him.

It is worth knowing: There are times when a person begins to suffocate one species of an animal. This is a typical allergy. Of course, in this case, it is better to refuse the acquisition of the dog, since the “intolerance” of the body can over time can develop into more serious diseases - for example, into asthma.

By the way, rocks that do not cause allergic reactions do not exist. Often it all depends on the strength and intensity of the disease. What causes allergies?

  • Many people think that wool itself serves as a source, but this is not so.
  • Often, allergies that love dogs choose smooth -haired and bare rocks, thinking that in this way they will be able to “deceive” the body. They can't do it.
  • Even completely bald dogs can cause allergies.
  • The cause of allergies is not the animals themselves, but the proteins that are in their skin and saliva.
  • Moreover, the larger the four -legged friend, the more enzymes stands out.

Therefore, the probability of an allergic reaction increases significantly. Of course, keeping a dog is more dangerous in the apartment than, for example, in the courtyard of a private house, since the indicators for the accumulation of proteins in a closed space will be simply huge.

But an allergic reaction can be reduced. How to do this? Here are some tips:

  • Perform wet cleaning, and the more often the better. You can do this, for example, every morning.
  • Do not be lazy and wash the dog as often as possible.
  • Limit animal access to household rooms that are allergic.
  • Wash your hands after contact with a pet.

Such actions will not be completely rid of allergic reactions, but they will help reduce their attacks.

How to choose a healthy dog \u200b\u200bthat does not smell and does not melt: tips

A healthy dog \u200b\u200bthat does not smell and does not melt
A healthy dog \u200b\u200bthat does not smell and does not melt

From the foregoing, it is clear that a healthy dog \u200b\u200bwill smell less, and will hardly melt. Here are the tips on how to choose a healthy pet:

  • Contact the breeders.
  • Always ask documents, be interested in the pedigree.
  • Do not spare money when purchasing a pet, because in some cases the savings come out “sideways”, and you can buy a dog without a pedigree that will greatly melt or exude the smell.
  • Check the veterinary passport of the animal. This will help to get maximum information about the health of the puppy.
  • Provide the dog decent care, proper nutrition and hygiene.

Below you will learn about five breeds of dogs that do not melt and do not smell. Read further.

Which dogs do not melt, do not smell and require less time for cleaning: 5 breeds

Nevertheless, there are several breeds of dogs that practically do not melt or smell. Their maintenance at home will not only reduce the likelihood of allergies, but also reduce the temporary cost of cleaning the premises. Many allergies and busy people who do not have time for everyday cleaning choose them. Read more about these 5 breeds.

Boston Terrier: a dog that does not melt and does not smell

Boston Terrier: a dog that does not melt and does not smell
Boston Terrier: a dog that does not melt and does not smell

Molting Boston Terrier Everything is observed 1 time in a few years. Moreover, if you carefully care for a pet, then you can not even notice the fact of falling and changing the wool.

This animal has practically no smell, with the exception of only those cases when a bitch “walks”. Maps are virtually no smell, so future owners choose just such terriers.

Bassenji breed dog: does not melt and does not smell

Bassenji breed dog: does not melt and does not smell
Bassenji breed dog: does not melt and does not smell

Dog of the breed Bessenji It has a very short wool. It also does not smell. The molting process is not noticeable. It is perfect for those who suffer from allergies, but really want to start a loyal four -legged friend.

Beautiful and stately dog \u200b\u200bwith short wool. It is popular throughout Europe. In Russia, such a dog is bred even in small apartments.

Maltheses: a breed of dogs that does not smell and does not pour

Maltheses: a breed of dogs that does not smell and does not pour
Maltheses: a breed of dogs that does not smell and does not pour

It is necessary to care for such a dog of the breed of Maltor carefully. It is advisable to have not one, but several different brushes. Bat out once a week. Despite the fact that the wool of this breed of dogs is long, it is very few. Therefore, the pet does not sink and does not cause allergies.

The owners of such a bonus make their pet a decorative haircut. Thanks to this, wool is easier to lay and comb.

Chinese creste: does not melt and does not smell

Chinese creste: does not melt and does not smell
Chinese creste: does not melt and does not smell

In this case, wool only on the head and paws. Therefore, the breed of Chinese crested is extremely rare. But there is a minus. In countries with harsh climate and severe frosts, representatives of such a breed is better not to start. They are too "frozen." Of course, you can buy special clothes for dogs, but even the temperature in -5 degrees They are already a test for them.

If you are interested in how much dogs of this breed live, read article on our website on this link. This article also describes other dog breeds.

Mexican breed dog naked: does not melt and does not smell

Mexican breed dog naked: does not melt and does not smell
Mexican breed dog naked: does not melt and does not smell

There is completely no wool on the body of the animal. Accordingly, there will be no problems with molting and smell. Allergies choose such a breed. The dog is very clean and does not require complicated care.

Read more about this breed of dogs in article on this link. Besides Mexican naked Or Ksolittzcuyntley is very affectionate and attentive to its owner. It looks very stylish and therefore is popular among breeders.

If you really want to have a pet, but you are allergic, pay attention to these 5 breeds. Perhaps among them you will find a real friend - without smell and molting. Good luck!

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